HIDDEN Administrator Account Windows 10 - UNCOVER It In 3 Easy Ways

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did you know there's a hidden built-in administrator account in Windows 10 which is no longer available by default since Windows Vista and did you know it's a lot more powerful than your local account with administrative rights and in today's video I'm gonna show you three easy ways to enable it I'm also going to tell you why you should think about doing this and just to confuse you or to empower you I'm also gonna tell you why I should probably not bother about it let's take it out hey name tags and welcome this is ash from in my tech and on this channel I want to help you develop a better relationship with tech so if you need here consists of scribing click the bell icon to go from newbie to techie and also please consider using my Amazon affiliate links in the description below to help out the channel ok in front of us we've got a VirtualBox this is Windows 10 Professional 64-bit version this is not activated right let me just log in now most people when the install windows they will have one main account they may add users in the future but this main account is going to be a local account and an administrator account now this is not the same as the Microsoft account that you use to log in I tend not to do this because of data and privacy concern I don't watch you guys to do this neither local account is fine now let's check on here if you go and click the stop menu button you will get this little user icon and as you can see right now there is no other user except for a built-in guest one but next to the icon we've got virtual this is the name of the account that I've chosen for this Windows account ok so the easiest first way to enable the built-in administrator account is to right click on the start button menu and go to computer management and they're on you will find I mean just enlarge this you will find local users and groups double click on that and then double click on users and here the top one it says built-in account for administering the computer / domain and if you right click on it go to properties by default under the general tab you will see it says password never expires is ticked and account is disabled is ticked now to enable it all you need to do is uncheck this you can leave everything else by default you can give it another name I prefer to leave it blank which means it's going to be administrator and then click on apply obviously if you want to check other stuff like what is a member of administrators and the profile but you don't need to mess with this okay so once you've click on apply click on OK and we can go and check that minimize this now if you go and click on the start button menu you will see that it is now showing us next to the user account there you go the administrator account now from here you can click on this to go log on to the administrator account but it's going to do some initial setup I don't want to do this just yet now let me show you what you can do if you want to disable that again you can go back to the computer management and then here back again right click on it go to properties and you can click on account is disabled click on apply and it will remove the administrator account ok but I'm not gonna do this just yet now while you're here you should also consider right-clicking and other you click on set password or you click on all tasks and set password it's the same thing you can also here delete it if you wanted to I do not advise to do this you could also rename it I don't want to do this generally but let's go and set a password and here's gonna tell you some warnings which is fine just click on proceed and new password type in a new password now I cannot advise you whether to use the same password for your local account and the admin account I have started using a different one for the building administrator account for my reasons for my setup same one but I find that it's a bit difficult to manage different computers so I use two different passwords as up to you now this is set and this is the easiest way if you want to check that we can go is log out of here and as you log out you can see that it has a an administrator to account already there but you can sign out and from then on it's gonna give us an option now the next time you want to log back in there you go you've got administrator account I never see you input your password and you're good to go okay so that was strategy number one let's move to method number two I'm gonna log back in the normal local account and I'm gonna go and actually disable this now I mean again right click on menu and go to computer management and go to local users and groups users and I'm gonna right click here and I'm going to disable this and click apply ok and that hopefully it should have been gone and if you can if you want to check this and there you go it's gone there's no more administrator account alright and the second way is to do this through a group policy editor so for this press your Windows key + R which will bring the run command and here you can type in GP edit dot MSC ok these things are quite you know not dangerous I was about critical so be careful this is on each tile if you're not confident don't do this now on your left and the local policy on the local computer policy you have computer configuration double click on Windows settings and then double click on security settings and then double click on local policies and then double click on security options and to the right the first one on top you have accounts administrator account status disabled you can double click it or right-click and properties and then you will have here by default is disabled once you click on any a bold and click on apply it should bring it back up but this will not have a an administrator password at this stage you can also go to the experience app to see what the administrator account does ok reply should be okay and you can go and close this and now if you want to go and check that yep is come back up again all right so we're going to remove this and then we will show you the last method we click on apply okay and let's close that now check it again and it should have gone now they go it's gone okay and the third way to do this is through the command prompt you can either windows key + R type in CMD and it will pop up the command from window or you can also right-click and select windows powershell admin which is powerful one can use either one it doesn't matter now under C column backslash windows backlash system32 typing the following command which will be in the description below as well net space user space administrator space forward slash active Colin yes press enter this command completed successfully now it should have enabled the administrator account if we're gonna go check click on your Start menu button and check and there you have it it's come back here okay to disable this you can type in the same command except at the end you say no so to bring the last comment back up if you haven't exited this window is to press the up arrow key on your keyboard and it will bring the whole command up and you can just backspace and change that to no press Enter and now the command completed successfully again you can go check and it would have disabled the administrator account alright so that's the third way but while you here let me show you how you can also set the password so I'm going to active activate it again from yes net space use a space administrator and then just now you can just put any password you wish I'm gonna just put password for argument's sake and pressing enter the password for this administrator account now is now password okay and let's go and check on that we're gonna exit this and we're also gonna exit this one and I start out and signing out and now clicking on administrator and you have to put in your password which is my keys password and since this is the first setup it's gonna go through its you know windows setting up stuff so while this is doing that let me rejoice you with the story of why you should or shouldn't do this oh I did forget that actually did this before so it's not doing the whole setup again I'm just enabling it okay now why should you or should you not bother about it first why don't bother because for most people if you're a single user you've got one computer you're not administering a whole different number of computers on your network then you do not need to do this there's not much you can't do with a local user account with administrator rights okay however if you like me in recent days I've had the privilege and pleasure to be in the company of an IT professional and he was teaching how to connect two different computers on the same network using remote desktop connection or remote desktop settings and let me just show you quickly the RDP protocol you notice the protocol you can go in here or DP remote desktop first of all if you want to do this you need to enable it in the settings by default this will be disabled as such so you have to go into remote desktop settings and enable it okay now what that does allow you to do is to do one of two things one is to do something like a TeamViewer stuff which means gaining access into the desktop of another computer so for example if I wanted to go remote a sub connection if I wanted to go into a computer that you know the IP address of which is here and I can just type in the IP address here and show options you can do that and input there using and then click on connect you should ask your password there you go I will input the password and it's gonna give you some certificate warning that's fine just say yes and now I have gained access into a different computer and taken over control of the whole desktop okay and you can do this with a standard local user with administrator account rights however there is something else and let me just log off of this one [Music] connection is it done yeah I think it's done there's a different way of connecting to a computer without taking over the desktop but actually accessing the computers files and folders inside and this time it's called if you bring it the run command and you type in the same IP address except you do double backslash and then the IP address and then backslash c then a dollar sign and pressing enter it should ask you for credentials for the user account what tends happen in this case if you don't access the actual building administrator account it will not allow you access into the computer that's what I found the hard way I also found out the hard way when I was trying to share folders between computers on the same network now it will allow me to share both a drive and the folders within that drive however it will not allow me to access the drive that I shared on the network but it will only allow me to access folders within that drive I found out the hard way now it's asking me to connect let me give you an example if I connected here with the local account okay which is haematic 3 and then if I input the password of that other computer obviously and I click on ok it will not let me access this however now if I click on more choices although this account here matic 3 is an administrator account it is not the building administrator account now click on a different one and I'm going to choose administrator and I'm gonna type in the password for the administrator this time and now clicking on there you go I am now accessing without taking over the desktop environment I'm accessing inside the computer itself from the built-in administrator account on there and from there I can do anything I want really so it is that powerful and I found out the hard way hope you guys understand why you should probably consider using this and knowing about it there is a word of caution though because this can be very dangerous if anyone has access to your password with the built-in administrator account they can do a lot of damage including causing security problems and your computer will be unsafe on the other hand I would really advise you if you're thinking about making your computer secure if you're using windows before you even think about you know stupid free antivirus systems you should really consider what's called good administration and this is one of them having the ability to set yourself apart from creating a you know local user account with administrator password and separating the built-in administrator password making them different it will give a lot more security especially if you have to manage more than one computers like in my case so I hope you guys benefited from this if you want a tutorial on how to do Remote Desktop connections between two computers on the same network and if you want to learn how to share folders and drives on the same network between Windows computers and actually I'm also going to do this between Linux and windows computers in fact we can also do this with a Mac OS computer on the same network now let me know these tutorials can come only if you let me know in the comment section below once again thank you so much for watching go ahead and check out these videos wherever they are appear or up here on how to build a computer from scratch and also how to troubleshoot any problem on a computer and I will see you in the next one's was a sh from my tech happy new go from newbie to techy like comment subscribe and use my Amazon affiliate links peace out [Music]
Channel: HealMyTech
Views: 142,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hidden administrator account windows 10, how to delete hidden administrator account windows 10, activate hidden admin account windows 10, enable hidden administrator account in windows 10 without login, enable hidden adminstrator account windows 10, hidden admin account windows 10, how to activate hidden administrator account in windows 10, how to remove hidden administrator account, windows 10, hidden administrator windows 10, hidden admin windows 10
Id: kaMqOC6-d3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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