HHO Wet Cell vs Dry Cell - Why the Dry Cell is Better

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hi I'm Mike singing with hho connection this is the second video in a short series that I'm putting together for people who are just getting into hho today I want to cover the difference between a wet cell and a dry cell it's a term you're going to hear quite a bit I'll show you the difference between the two types of cells and why I think the dry cell is the way to go first let's take a look at what we call the wet cell now most designs you're probably familiar with if you've been following hho for a while or what we consider a wet cell the water for gas the mason jars that has a couple of stainless steel wires wrapped around the inside of that that's a wet cell the the water filter housings we're where you take the you know use you stack your stainless steel plates up and dip them inside of a bath a bath of water inside of a water filter housing that's a wet cell Stanley Meyer is designed that would be considered a wet cell basically a wet cell is anything where you've got any type of a cell where you've got the plates the wires the tubes whatever it is submerged in some sort of a container that has your electrolyte in it and then you run your wires or your your metal straps or bands or whatever down into the bath of water to connect your plates your tubes here's an old cell that I made one of the first ones that I had that I played around with it's basically just seven plates and that was submerged into this container and then sealed off with your electrical connections on the top your positive and your negative the problem with that design is the current wants to go from the positive over to the negative plate and take the least path of resistance so it's instead of forcing its way through those plates which it will a lot of that current is going to get wasted point it's going to jump it's going to bleed off the edges of these plates both the bottoms and the sides now this one I cover it up with a piece of inner tube which would which help some of the leakage with the sides but it was still just bleeding out the tops and the bottoms a very inefficient design another problem with the wet cells is for safety for safety considerations if they're not built properly there could be a safety hazard the problem is when you see in order to get the positive and the negative contacts down into that bath you've somehow got to get a wire or strap or something down through there let's say you run a wire from the positive up here down through here and connect it to the plates inside the bath you have one little spark down in there it's going to create a short and all the gas that's accumulating here is going to explode and if you have a mason jar or depending on whatever your container is it could explode and send shards of glass or whatever your containers made of flying so another reason why the wet cell design has the possibilities of being a less safe design but it's definitely less efficient regardless okay so now that I've explained what a wet cell is let me show you a dry cell what I have here is a 6-inch ebn dry cell it has 19 plates in it I think I misspoke in a previous video and said it was 21 plates but what a dry cell consists of is two of these big plastic end plates and if you look in the middle there's a bunch of stainless steel plates sandwiched in the middle with gaskets in between them and then the electrical connectors on the top and what's happening here is water from the from the reservoir above is coming through this tube here it's going down into the stack of plates there's holes in the plates which I'll show you in just one second the water circulates through all of here when of 12 volts is applied up here the electrolysis takes place in the hho gas and the and they actually in the electrolyte is kicked out of this top fitting right here and circulated back into the reservoir the water just keeps recirculating in the hho gas floats up and out now what's nice about the dry cell as opposed to the wet cell is these connectors on the top if you notice none of the electrical connections touch water at any point when you see the inside of how its put together you'll see there's no way at any point for anything electrical to come into contact with the water that could possibly short out that's one of the things that makes it so much safer than a wet cell I'll show you the inside now I got some plates and gaskets I'll show you it will help you wrap your head around exactly what's going on inside the cell okay the inside of a dry cell is actually very simple you've got three components that make it up you've got your end plates you've got your gaskets then you have your stainless steel plates these gaskets generally are made out of neoprene in this case that's what these are neoprene gaskets they're sixteenth of an inch thick some people like to use an eighth of an inch spacing to each his own I guess anyway back to the dry sell you've got your end plate that normally has bolts going through these outside holes I've left them out just so it's easier stack okay so all you do is you take one of your gaskets you lay it down on there it's going to create a little cavity in the middle 1/16 1/16 of an inch deep that allow the water to flow in that in that little cavity okay then you take one of your stainless steel plates and you just lay that on top of there and grab another gasket lay that on top and you get the idea you're going to continue this just until you get a big giant stack of all these plates and gaskets now if you look at the way the gasket seals on here it covers all the holes around the outside where the bolts will be going through so none of that is going to be exposed to any kind of water just this inside area where again you've got a 1/16 inch cavity that's going to allow water to flow between these plates through these holes right here you have one hole in the bottom and three holes on the top now this is the only place on this plate where current can leak that's one of the problems that we have with wet sills even in a case like the one that I showed earlier where the plates were covered up with them where with the inner tube the bottoms of the plates were still exposed and current can jump out of the bottoms of the plates it's a very inefficient design in this case the only place that the current can jump is through these four holes in the plates the ultimate dry-cell is one that has no holes in it if you can figure out a way for the water to flow through the plates other than going through the holes in the plates there are a few designs out there that people have have have come up with that are zero current leak or less current leakage if you look at the tabs over here on the outside you'll see again it's it's being sandwiched off by this gasket allowing the connector to me connected to the plate without ever coming into contact with the water a much much safer design okay so hopefully I was able to clear up at least some of the questions you might have had about the difference between a wet cell and a dry cell just keep in mind that a wet cell is always going to be less efficient a dry-cell just because of the fact there's so much more potential for current leakage now I know there's going to be some Stan Myers purists out there who swear by his design with the tubes in a bath of water and that's fine it could be that you know you there is a way to get more efficiency out of that design after just I think it has to be it's a lot more involved as to do with high voltage and a lot more electronics trying to deal with things like residency I won't go into that but again in my opinion in the opinion of just about everybody else who's into HHO the best design that's out there today is a dry cell so again welcome to the world of hho go out there and buy or build yourself a dry cell have fun stay safe I'll talk to you later
Channel: hhoconnection
Views: 760,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hho, generator, hydrogen, h2o, hybrid, brown's, gas, EBN, dry, cell, battery, box, hydroxy, stainless, steel, bottle, bubbler, portable, torch, energy, builders, network, beginner, bench, test, safety, wet, efficient, water
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2011
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