Hey, Sorry I'm Late..

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all day sorry i'm late hi did i miss anything no okay hanging out okay nice sandwich oh yeah yeah yeah don't mind me proceed yeah you're good just talking about our legs yeah yeah what's been going on not a whole lot just got here where'd you go where waited for a table oh cool where'd you come from i live in san diego that's awesome never been to san diego or never meant to nashville have been to san diego yeah are you from here i live in tempe half for like the last five years yeah you like it i actually love it yeah yeah what are your names meredith meredith cody cody my name is swan nice to meet you it's nice to meet you yeah how's that say you wanna try it it's pretty good i love meeting new people yeah well you're in there that was a smooth little move there you liked that yeah it was pretty good i do that every once in a while you know when i'm trying to get to know a new girl or something yeah mm-hmm yeah it's pretty good right on time right here so you guys want to hang out um we would but we are meeting oh my sister's getting ready yeah we're meeting a bunch of people oh okay so yeah um yeah i will never your free then i'll just take both of your numbers yeah uh yeah no [Laughter] yeah we'll have some more girls flying in that would be single oh okay perfect yeah well then i'll get both of your numbers for then for me to hook me up with one of your friends that's an idea okay wait how old are you i'm 27. oh my dear lord what about you guys older than 27. i like older women i mean i knew you were older than me but but uh i have three kids oh wow and i've been married for ten years because that gives you anything and you have a great con and you have a good relationship yeah it's happily married i don't like to interfere so yeah i like to be respectful that's good next weekend oh you really you are well congrats to both of you what's up guys welcome back to that was epic today i'm in scottsdale arizona and we're going to see what people think of your [Music] comments [Music] hi sorry i'm late didn't mean to take forever huh oh from blind date no are you sure you're not i was supposed to meet somebody right here okay no no it's not me oh it's not damn it you're so cute though could i just blow the other girl off and just get to know you would you be okay with that uh no i have a boyfriend oh you i do oh thank you [Music] do you guys know where the apple store is i haven't seen it in the mall all knowing less oh no english [Music] did you make an appointment did you call in before coming uh oh uh you're gonna have to call to get up there to make an appointment [Music] can i see your badge oh yeah those sorry but this is just my job those are no longer valid oh yeah yeah um if you're trying to use the elevators you're gonna have to call in to make an appointment first excuse me this is weird weeks uh when's the last time this is a new regulation kind of kind of strange but i'm just doing my job oh yeah i don't know i just woke up yeah it was these were actually ted's orders so i don't i don't ask questions i don't want to get fired hi yeah are you okay yeah fine do you need help finding your mom or dad no you're not lost or anything okay all right i'm just here to help just let me know if you need any help finding them i have a phone do you know their their phone number okay i can let you borrow my phone if you need to get in contact with them okay [Music] all right guys so the film takes 15 minutes to develop and the people keep leaving and going back to their apartments before it develops and i'm able to go back and show them the picture so i'm just going to take a picture on my phone and just show on my phone [Music] where did you find him i mean where did i find him i think that's my dog no i lost him two weeks ago this is the only picture i have of him that's him right you're totally [ __ ] with me no i'm pretty sure that's my dog i i have held on to this picture for the last like two to three weeks hoping i would find somebody that found him or something okay i'm pretty sure he just took a picture of my dog and they came over here saying no i don't even see how that could be possible okay where have i seen you before i'm not sure it's what's your only fans again your only fans yeah yeah what is it again i've seen you there on only fans you haven't heard of that oh you don't know what that is oh okay good for you hey i've where have i seen you where have i seen you before what's your oh that's right what's your only fans again wrong person number [Music] number number oh number [Music] number [Music] number what [Music] hi you guys seem new here do you need help with anything oh okay do you want to see a magic trick i could uh want to see me disappear no way dude i'm sorry you probably get this all the time i i never expected to see you in person my brother's never gonna believe this can i get a selfie with you please yes i do i love your work man [Music] oh my god dude nobody's gonna believe this back home yes dude thank you so much man huh you have the best dad ever he is so cool i follow all his stuff he let me take a selfie with them thank you [Music] hey guys sorry i'm late so did you guys already crunch the numbers or do i get that starting myself what's your youtube channel huh what's your youtube channel sorry i'm late man traffic was crazy getting in i'm sorry wait this from grinder right no so sorry oh my gosh sorry i was supposed to meet somebody here for a blind date no you're not you're not john i'm not john sorry man i'm sorry hey buddy are you guys lost no do you need any help can loan you my phone if you need to call your mommy or daddy no i think we're okay are you sure yeah we're okay thank you did you guys usually come here by yourselves no you got the ladies down there oh okay chaperone is what your chaperone yeah yeah all right well i just just think i just didn't know if you were lost or not just wanted to offer your help hey sorry i'm late sorry i'm late did i did it i'm sorry did i keep you waiting too long i was supposed to meet somebody here for a blind date oh i'm sorry [Laughter] i'm never gonna find a lover all right guys well thank you so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it if you did please leave a like on it also guys go down below and leave a comment for next time also in case you guys didn't know we're raffling off five thousand dollars to two of you all you have to do is go to that was epic.shop and make one purchase before april 15th until then see you guys next time [Music] it's funny because this actually didn't develop as good as possible it's really hard to develop pictures in the sun but i actually do youtube videos and my subscribers left me a comment they told me to sneak a picture of someone's dog and then thank them for finding my dog that would be like a funny video i do find i look on craigslist at like community pet posts and there's a lot of people that steal dogs really yeah damn that sucks yeah and then they have a post like my dog was last seen this time and someone stole them from a cafe it's like holy [ __ ] what's wrong with people that's yeah that's terrible hey i'm just kidding i'm i'm totally messing around i'm sorry i was i was just i wasn't gonna actually make you call anybody um we i actually make videos and sorry sorry for even taking up your guys's time my camera we were just we were just waiting for somebody to come and use the elevator one of my subscribers left me a comment that said to just be standing by the elevator you know yeah okay so i'm glad you think it's funny hey i'm just kidding guys i'm uh i'm treating adults like kids like like i make videos and my subscribers like left me some comments they said to go up to some adults and act like they're lost kids you know so sorry it's a little weird and confusing we have a very weird job my subscribers leave me dares and they told me to like go up to some some girl sitting alone and say hey sorry i'm late and just so we just experiment with things he's just like right there yeah he's behind hiding behind the tree so that's so funny that freaks me out so yeah we just make youtube videos and stuff you're a really nice person though oh thank you that's right yeah before i got to let you know i actually make youtube videos and my he's over there my subscribers left me a comment and they said to just to go sit down with some strangers some girls and just say hey sorry i'm late oh so that worked right so yeah he's just right there behind the tree like the the channel is called that was epic though okay if you guys like that type of stuff i mean yeah awesome well thank you so much it was really nice to meet you ladies thank you so much
Channel: ThatWasEpic
Views: 3,379,583
Rating: 4.9685736 out of 5
Keywords: epic, prank, hilarious, pickup, girls, cholo, thatwasepic, comment trolling
Id: 0I1XET5y2ZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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