"Hey, DT. Does Emacs Violate Unix Philosophy?" (And Other Questions)

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all right guys it's time for another edition of haiti hey dt is a series of videos i do where i respond to viewer questions and comments that i get on my youtube videos library videos through comments on mastodon reddit email and the first question that i want to answer is one i got a lot the other day because i showed my mobile phone on camera and i said that i run the brave web browser on my android device and everybody wanted to know hey what phone do you have what model phone is that what operating system is running on that even though i told you guys it was an android phone i guess some people assume i'm running one of the free android alternatives and then other people were asking me don't i worry about security on my phone all right well let's tackle that first of all this is a samsung galaxy s10 so it's a nice phone i always buy the samsung phones because they're just good devices they typically hold up well i have bought cheaper phones in the past and i have not had good luck with any of the cheap brand phones because you go buy a 2 300 phone something like that and i promise you within a couple of months you drop it a couple of times and it just quits working the camera equips working the microphone quits working just everything about those cheap phones is bad and these samsungs are built like a tank i had i think the old galaxy s5 i remember buying that phone and i think i had that phone for four or five years before i finally replaced it and it was still working when i replaced it so even though these are expensive phones nearly a thousand dollars you know the samsung devices are worth the money i do run just stock android on it i'm not a phone guy i'm not a mobile operating system guy at all i don't like phones as far as it's not a computer i use a phone to make phone calls so because it's such a expensive device too i'm not gonna you know try to root the device and try to install another operating system on it because again i don't even like phones it would be pointless for me to do that i install one of these free operating systems on it i'm still not gonna play on my phone right it's not really a computer my desktop that you guys see me sitting at in all my videos you know this workstation in front of me that's my computer if i didn't need a mobile phone due to work and right now i'm actually not working i wouldn't have a phone i've told you guys this uh in previous videos that i was one of the last adopters of carrying a cell phone i went a decade after everybody else had a cell phone i still didn't have one i refused to get one finally because of some of the jobs i had i had to be on call 24 7 and i had to have a phone that's the only reason i ever bought a cell phone to begin with but i could go through this device in the garbage right now and i would be fine i wouldn't miss this phone at all again it's just something to make phone calls and i could be happy with a landline here at the house as far as am i worried about security on the phone not that much because again i don't really treat this as a computer i'm not doing anything as far as sensitive information on the phone other than obviously making phone calls and occasionally sending texts but you're always going to have to worry about that anyway because even regardless of the operating system on your phone you do have to worry about the carrier of the that phone you know your phone service provider uh spying on you there's really no way i get you have to trust somebody unfortunately when you have a phone the next question comes from one of my patrons he writes hey dt how do you feel about the accusation that emacs violates the unix philosophy of do one thing and do it well well i don't think emacs violates the unix philosophy at all i think people do not really comprehend exactly what emax is emacs is one thing and it does that one thing well emacs is a e-lisp interpreter and that that's all it is the fact that you can write stuff in e-lisp and e-max runs it for you basically that's all emacs is it's an e-lisp interpreter it's an e-list development environment right you write some script in e-lisp and emacs runs it for you that's all it does the fact that so many thousands of people have written e-lisp programs that emacs can run doesn't make emacs bloated you don't have to run all those programs inside emacs but you can if you want to that that's your choice but that's not the program being bloated that if you ask me emacs is one of the most unixy programs out there because it really does do one thing and do one thing well too many people have a misconception that emacs is a text editor that's not really what emacs is the next question is hey dt did i really see you type clear c-l-e-a-r in the terminal you know that control plus l has cleared all terminals since before terminals used screen right okay i don't know why people get angry when i type the word clear in the terminal to clear the terminal people always i've gotten this question or this comment thousands of times hey just hit ctrl l in the terminal and it will clear the terminal yes it will clear the terminal for you control l does not clear the terminal for me because i don't use the default emax key bindings in my shell i use the vi mode key bindings in my shell and control l does not work if you use vi mode and your bash shell or zsh shell or probably any of the shells i'm not sure but in bash for sure control l does nothing if you use vi mode that's why i've just gotten used to just typing the word clear over the years it is five characters long so instead of hitting ctrl l two characters i have to type five characters the word clear what's the difference now if it really bothered me which it doesn't so i'm not going to bother doing it but if it really bothers you typing the word clear and you still wanted to use the vi mode in your bash shell you could set up a read line key binding inside bash and set that to control l or any other key binding you want to use to clear the screen actually i could create a key binding in my bash rc that would clear the screen for me if i really wanted a key binding to do that but typing a five-letter word has worked for me since i first switched to linux 12 13 years ago i'm just going to keep typing the word clear the next comment is i don't know why so many people are interested in this but it makes me laugh because i've gotten these comments since starting my youtube channel almost from day one i've never really taken the time to answer it properly but it goes along the lines of this hey dt what products do you use for shaving your head do you just use standard razors do you use electric razors etc etc alright so you know i do use razors i don't use an electric razor because an electric razor is only going to get you so close right to really shave your head you know all the way down you need to do it with a razor like a standard razor blade but do not ever try this with like a single blade bic razor you know those really cheap razors that some people will shave their face with and some women will shave their legs with don't try to use that on your head because your head you know has a lot of hair it's really coarse especially once you cut it kind of close and a single blade razor is going to just chew your head up make sure you buy a razor with four or five blades what i have used for many years now have been the chic quadro blades i've used those i've also used the gillette fusion blades about both of those are four blade razors and both of them work fantastically there are specialty blades out there just for shaving your head i remember a company a few years ago called head blade that made razors you know with a handle or whatever that you know was built specifically for people shaving their head with that particular razor but for me i just use standard quattros or gillette fusions and a similar question i need to answer is hey dt i recently started using linux when does my hair fall out and when will i start vlogging outside my house you're going to have to ask other linux content creators this you know those that are actually bald and vlog outside their house all the time because i'm not one of those guys for one thing i have here i shave my head i am not bald repeat after me all of you guys dt is not bald and the next comment i want to read comes from a video i made a couple of days ago i guess he really liked the lighting that i had going on in the video he writes hey dt the combined lighting of your monitors blue and the lighting tungsten make it look like some scenes from the joker movie and he has a point here his comment is spot on so typically because i'm in this very small room and most of the lighting that i have to work with is actually these three gigantic monitors that are sitting right in front of me all the time so really that's how i light most of my videos i have to be careful because if i have something really light like light-colored wallpapers or a white web page you know if you go to a website and it has a white background or i have a whole bunch of bright white going on on these monitors it just completely washes me out you you know you won't even be able to really see me so i've gotten to the point now where before i start recording i actually make sure i set a dark wallpaper a really dark wallpaper if i have one handy but sometimes i will play with the colors sometimes it's a dark purple sometimes it's a dark green sometimes it's a dark red because i do get some different color effects going on with the lighting so yeah this guy was spot on he did notice that yeah sometimes i have some weird stuff going on with the lighting from my monitors but for right now that's kind of what i have to deal with most people that do youtube content and video content are not sitting in front of three rather large monitors that are just blasting them with light you know most people are you know have lighting stands off to the sides of them or above them you know they have their hair light so they can get some reflection on their their hair if they happen to have hair i do have hair because remember dt is not bald and the next comment i want to read is hey dt those headphones are interesting they match perfectly with your bald hairless head i'm not bald but he's right those headphones [Music] some of you guys notice i've recently got some new headphones and these things are amazing these are the audio technica they are the adh1000x anyway they're expensive headphones they're about 250 300 and they do have an open back so i can monitor what i'm saying right now through the microphone i actually hear this because i am plugged in to the the mixer behind me and monitoring what's going on through the microphone but because they have an open back i can hear what's going on in the house right now in the rest of the room if somebody knocked on the door i could hear that too so really nice and the reason i bought these is because reading some online recommendations for comfortable headphones i really needed a set of headphones that i could wear upwards of an hour or two and be comfortable in because especially doing the unfettered freedom podcast where i like to wear headphones so i can monitor what's going on through the mic my previous headphones that i had i had a cheap pair of audio technica i forget what brand it is it's like a 50 pair of headphones you know not a bad pair they actually sounded good but they weren't that comfortable they weren't open back either they my ears would get hot in them because you know the uh the padding around them and everything these have almost like a felt kind of padding around them and they are extremely comfortable and as far as the sound quality you know if you are at audiophile and you like listening to music with headphones these headphones are actually quite amazing the next question is hey dt can i use mu4e which is emacs's built-in uh email client can i use mu4e as a standalone terminal application without needing to run emacs that's an interesting question and a good question but no you can't for one thing mu4e was designed to be emacs built-in email client that's what it is it's an extension of emacs the other thing is mu4e is written in e-list we already mentioned emacs is the e-lisp interpreter if you write a script or a program in e-lisp emacs is what you need to have installed on the system to interpret that even if you don't actually run emacs emacs needs to be installed as your e-lisp interpreter but in mu-4e's case it is part of e-max so yes you have to run mu4e inside of emacs unfortunately now if you just want a standalone terminal based email client you could try neomud i've used neomutt for years and it's okay it's fine it's it's not bad mu4e i think is a little cleaner a little easier to set up it's already in emacs but if you don't use emacs just try out neomud another good one to try out is the pine email clients terminal based email client and it is pretty simple to set up probably a little simpler than neo mud actually and the final answer that i want to read and answer here on camera is hey dt did you suffer from professional burnout have you ever suffered from professional burnout and how do you overcome it that is a great question because i do have some thoughts on this because i have felt burnt out at various points in my life and the reason i can relate to this burnout question and tell you a little bit about it is and maybe you guys suffer from this are you one of these people that has to work all the time i am i hate wasting time it physically makes me angry if i feel like i'm not doing anything productive at the moment so i have to be doing something that is either making me smarter or more knowledgeable in something you know that's not wasted time that's productive time or i need to be working at a job either trying to make myself more successful in a professional sitting or just make more money you know i have to have some tangible goal that i'm trying to achieve so i can't just be sitting around doing nothing i can't just watch tv you know mindless tv programs i can't just be playing video games i can't do any of that stuff if i doing that stuff i feel bad i feel guilty i feel like i'm not really doing what i should be doing that's why i make so much video content as far as youtube and library is because if i'm not doing something you know it's always easy to turn on the camera and make a video well it's not easy but at least i'm doing something so in my life obviously the video content that i create takes up a big portion because there's so much time invested in making these videos a typical video of mine is going to take me four to six hours of a block of time to make because of the recording and the editing the editing process can take a few hours you have to upload it you have to create a thumbnail you got to do a lot of work you know there's a lot of work involved in this and that's okay i don't mind working hard i like working hard but working hard all the time can burn you out other than that too when i'm not doing the video so i make this video today i spend four maybe six hours making this video today and then i'm done well what am i gonna do after that well most people would be like well i did my work for today i can just relax not me i'm gonna have to do something again that's productive i'm gonna have to go to the gym you know my workout schedule especially here in the last few years i'm really taking uh physical fitness seriously trying to be in better shape so i'll go to the gym almost every day and i'll spend an hour and a half at the gym typically when i go to the gym you know at least an hour sometimes upwards of two hours i'd say hour and a half on average that i spend at the gym and i go typically four or five days a week so that is a serious time commitment and there are days i don't want to go to the gym there are days i don't want to go lift weights i have no energy i'm still sore from what i did at the gym the day before or what i did in the yard or whatever you know especially you know i'm in my 40s there are days that i just feel like i don't have anything i have no energy i've got nothing to give i still make my ass go to the gym and put in that time even if i'm sick and i this is really crazy if i had the flu or a cold or something and i really know i can't lift weights and i certainly can't do any cardio if you're having trouble breathing or something because you're sick you know i'll still go to the gym i'll drive to the gym i may not even go in or if i go in i'm not going to go to the machines if they have a couch or some area you know i may just sit down for 10 15 minutes or whatever play on the phone or whatever but and then get back in the car and go home but just to stick with the routine just to make myself go and come back just so it doesn't feel like i took a day off another problem with me is not just that i feel like i need to be doing something productive all the time i also have this other problem where i've become singularly focused on one task if i have a task i'm going to complete it i become obsessed with getting that test done don't come at me with another problem because i can't even hear about it you can tell me about it i don't want to know about it because i still have to get this other thing done and it's one of those things especially in the workforce you know you once you get out and get a job you know many places talk about wanting people to be multitaskers i've never been a multitasker you know a boss can give me five different things to do i'm gonna start one of them and i'm gonna complete that one task before i even think about the others where you know some people want you to be multitaskers where you just kind of half-ass the five jobs that they gave you you don't really complete any of them but you kind of worked on all them i can't be like that my mind doesn't work like that and i know sometimes it gets me into trouble and i know especially the the working the way i do sometimes the fact that i put so much time and effort physical effort and mental effort working you know these videos i do is a great example i have felt burnt out like hey uh i need to back off a little bit and i do recognize that i now i'm to the point where i can recognize it when it's happening especially the way i work out too i sometimes it feels like hormone levels are just out of balance you know you start getting irritable and angry you just feel like things are not right and that's when you have to tell yourself hey back off hey today you're taking the day off today you're not going to the gym hey today you're not making a video just back off and there have been periods of time where i've done that where i make myself even though i have nothing to do you know i know i feel like i need to sit down and make a video i make myself not turn on the camera just for sake of health because i can tell you another thing the more you push yourself the more stress you put on yourself and the more that you don't have any downtime any decompression time stress levels go way up blood pressure is sky high and it will lead to an early grave if you don't make yourself back off now most people probably don't push themselves to that point but there are some people that push themselves to that point because they feel like that's the only way to be successful and i'm kind of like that as like if i work hard enough i'll get ahead but you also have to realize that there's a point of diminishing returns where you really should not be working like you know you work a job 40 hours a week right well you could work it 50 hours a week yeah maybe you could also work at 60 hours a week but hey once you start getting to that point are you really giving it your best at 60 hours a week are you really bringing your a game no you're not and i have worked you know 60 70 80 hours in a work week before and at that point you shouldn't even be there because you're not even doing your job at that point you're so tired mentally you have no idea what's going on i i've been so tired before working when you know somebody could just come up to you push you and you'd fall over so there are points of diminishing returns and you just have to recognize when you get there and just make yourself take the day off now before i go i need to thank a few special people i need to thank michael gabe corbinian mitchell and devin fran art 5530 akami chuck claudio donny dylan george devils louis paul scott and willie these guys are the producers of this episode they are my highest tiered patrons over on patreon i'd also like to thank each and every one of these ladies and gentlemen as well these are all my supporters over on patreon because again this channel is supported by you guys the community i couldn't do this without you guys and i'd really appreciate it if you would support me check out distrotube over on patreon all right guys peace you
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 14,487
Rating: 4.914721 out of 5
Keywords: hey dt, distrotube, android, phone operating system, emacs, linux, gnu linux, unix philosophy, terminal, shell, bash, terminal keybindings, how to shave head, shaving razors, video lighting, headphones, ad1000x, mu4e, neomutt, pine email, burnout, professional burnout, youtube burnout, distrotube emacs, linux phone operating system, emacs email, youtube creator burnout, mu4e emacs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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