Hex WEEKEND UPDATE WITH LYRICS By RecD - Friday Night Funkin' THE MUSICAL (Lyrical Cover)

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hey hurry up the boyfriend i've been waiting for an hour now on my way sorry for being so late traffic's been crazy why didn't you just ride on top of mom's limo with me the bird flew in my mouth last time it was painful well at least you made it dad's been hyping up the funkin awards all week pretty bold of him to invite all his enemies but i guess even i'd sing for daddy's ears if he was offering that big a cash prize to the best performance yeah about that oh the girlfriend you know i don't need the money you don't but that big sports robot guy does and he asked me if you could sing with him again what was his name yes no it doesn't feel like tail time right now pretty sure you're talking about hex yeah that guy you sure this whole contest isn't some kind of trap who knows honestly i'd say go for it it'd be your tv debut everybody would see your fresh skills i've already got millions of views online boomers would see your fresh skills my style might be a little bit too shocking for him not more shocking than a living robot fair enough so where'd that bot head off to anyway he should be in his waiting room on the 16th floor you go up and greet him and i'll convince dad to let you sing can i convince you not to risk my soul this time i'll try please do hmm maybe i should harmonize at this part of the song with him that is if he agrees to perform with me hello oh there you are hex boyfriend does this mean you want to perform with me of course buddy you really saved my butt last time i owe you one hooray i will redeem the one owed i take it by your attire you finally sold off all those extra daddy dairy shirts i sold four just enough to buy my old clothes back i was hoping to reacquire the rest of my fortune through this singing competition mr dearest made quite the generous offer should i prevail so you need my help to make sure you do huh you know what they say you always shine brighter when you're performing with a star i got you now let's see what we're saying i've got the chord chart here but let's keep the lyrics spontaneous it worked so well last time they were mostly about basketball back then you still playing i hold basketball close to my processor but i don't want to be stuck doing one thing forever i should be making the most of the time i've got that's what my best friend said to me once you're pretty human for a robot you know guys you can catch up later the show's about to start and your dad's not going to steal anything from me if i mess up i talked him down to 50 of your soul and your ability to date me we better get going before i lose my better half and my worst one too you ready hacks i'm always ready hello world it's me your best bot buddy i hope you like my performance hey boyfriend let's start hello tv land gonna land a hat this is your eyes it's been rather hard to leave the confidence to be here but the excitement buzzing in the air which sets me free here just pick up a mic and everybody wants to hear you tell a bit more about yourself i promise that they'll cheer you some of you may have seen me already on last year's big news story phrase robot punches rock star he was hacked his os was unsteady x wouldn't hurt anyone so don't focus on that part trash can behold the meatball by you called the certain belt beef he's got a heart of gold and tends to wrap you out of your seat boyfriend's bars will shrink with my tiny i'll complete your opening found a whole lot of places just to get here trust me it's hard to hold on when the weight goes split free and it was super rough to make it the wrong way on and my ram filled up with an old face that must be that best friend you brought up did you stop in and get caught up i'd love to see his warm took my [Music] [Music] lucky you seemed your crew really bring it home i can't help but see everyone who led me a hand across my journey [Music] you know who your guy is so make the right choice and select your victory well folks that's my song my fate lies with you i'd like to thank my friend boyfriend give him applause too no problem to sing and hey just to rap if you guys want to help hex out by his old [Music] i can't believe it people are buying my merch that was the best out of dearest tribute song ever hex wins hex wins yay we won the boyfriend great work i could not have done it without you i am truly [Music] hacks [Music] [Music] hello again foolish counter hackers hey you better tell me what you're here for before i beat you out of that bot myself you know what we want wait you know the hacker of course i do it's those insects from iris trying to mess with me my family and my business huh iris yup they're a media conglomerate straight from the depths of hill their music division was the first record label i ever signed on to and ever since i dropped them to force me to recall dirty disco they've been trying to make it my last daddy disco was a hit you were a fool for leaving and a traitor for undercutting us with your own label and now with this robot we can stream a rap battle to everyone in hell to demonstrate how pathetic you really are but why had hex to do that when you just come up here yourselves to fight him the depths of hell aren't exactly easy to leave nowadays but it's not too hard to hire a hacker on the other side and this bucket of bolts is an easy target now get this pipsqueak off the stage and fight dearest nah nah why don't you fight that pip squeak instead you want to risk your reputation on a human it would be real funny to watch the biggest conglomerate in hell get humiliated by a little kid with blue hair and pronouns fine your funeral is too wait what happens if i lose well we wanted to use this robot to get more info on the dearest and send a nice big bomb to their doorstep in the end we couldn't track down the bomb but as it turns out we've had a perfectly good one right here the whole time don't you dare build up my friend the underworld is all about prestige you want to make us look bad we'll make you look dead are you ready for the fight of your life i'm always ready he's my warning child i'm hoping back here you might have some style [Music] goodbye [Music] copy your info all your search history how streaming firms know how to fight behind me your hopes are mistaken if you throw this once we're done your songs will be it better hands back zero trust for evil suit could steal my friend's heart no way no hard time to end this take your life should have just played a long time no one left you can't do that stop pretending no it can't be a reputation i can feel our grasp on the underworld loosening looks like you can see it too your stuff really just dropped almost nothing are we gonna go under don't worry your stocks are so cheap right now i can buy control and share and save you how about it don't you dare just for that the robot gets it i said he gets it hey why doesn't he get it looks like you're the ones who don't get it after this bungle no one in hell is going to want to work with you sponsors brands and even power stations forget about snuffing out hecks i see you got about 20 seconds before you're stuck in the dark you you may have stopped us but this is only one of our divisions no way in hell we're losing our media empire to some washed up rock star sure you will just give it some time you haven't seen the last of us you two faced backstabbing [Music] ow that hurt mr dearest [Music] now you know how i failed thanks good to see you back buddy good to be back man i really need to upgrade my antivirus edgar ware just doesn't cut it anymore i'll have my wife's i.t department set you up with something better just sign this contract does that mean my performing career is still on you move daddy dearest merch to multiple people in one day anyone who can do that has a spot on my team i'd be honored i just hope they'll like me too they already do hashtag save hacks and hashtag iris's over party are trending on hell twitter which is also just regular twitter actually wow they say robots can't cry but i kind of want to here you can climb one of these daddy dearest towels only 99 cents i am never buying from you again our profits are down as expected sir we're doing all we can to recover dearest he'll pay for what he's done say when will he pay for what he's done your pet's project is in its final stages of preparation good good all these years of development are sure to knock dearest and that stupid blue kid down a pego or they could have gone to something that actually helps the company crushing dearest helps the company uh yes one more thing do you have further plans for the robots hmm perhaps project slasher will take a liking to him hey hey if you like this song then why not subscribe [Music] me play games weekends at [Music] hey y'all hex here we've got a lot of new videos coming soon more new fnf musicals pico and mommy mirrors remakes with philly and high in them a pokemon song deltarune kirby and more be on the lookout and be sure to like comment and subscribe if you're able after rekt blew the budget on week five he is no longer very wealthy
Channel: RecD
Views: 1,722,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: friday night funkin music, friday night funkin with lyrics, friday night funkin lyrics, friday night lyrics, friday funkin lyrics, recd, hex, hex lyrics, fnf hex, friday night funkin hex, hex weekend update, hex with lyrics, friday night funkin hex mod, cooling with lyrics, cooling lyrics, detected with lyrics, detected lyrics, hex weekend, hex voice acting, friday night funkin voice acting, fnf musical, friday night funkin musical, hex fnf, fnf lyrics
Id: 9bqXXnFsnxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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