Georgia Senate Debate Warnock vs Walker

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Walker clearly has severe CTE, but that doesnโ€™t make his policies and platform any less dangerous. And it leaves absolutely zero excuse for the people and the party who support him that apparently donโ€™t have severe traumatic brain injuries.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Sirliftalot35 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 15 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

When you say Joe Biden doesn't know where he is and is unfit for office every day for two years and then go vote for Herschel Walker.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Grape_Pedialyte ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 16 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
Visions for your future Joe Biden and Rafael Juana is bankrupt in this country the people of Georgia have a real choice about who they think is ready to represent them vying for your vote the first black senator to represent the state of Georgia Democrat Rafael Warnock [Music] businessman and Heisman Trophy winner Republican Herschel Walker they have no doubt we have problems in this country who do you trust in Washington every word these men say tonight matters live from plant Riverside District in Savannah this is the Georgia U.S Senate debate welcome to debate night in America I'm your host Leland vittert from news nation in 2020 Georgia decided the balance of power in the United States Senate and it might well again the stakes could not be higher tinataya Shaw anchor at wsav here in Savannah and buck landford anchor at Fox 5 in Atlanta will moderate tonight's debate we are joined by a live studio audience they have agreed to hold their cheers and Applause until the end of tonight's debate we also welcome our viewers across the country watching on news nation and voters here in Georgia joining us on five next star stations and several partner stations across the region before we get started with tonight's topics the rules Senator Warnock Mr Walker you will each have 60 seconds for opening statements and 60 seconds to answer each question if there's a follow-up or rebuttal you will have 30 seconds when time's up you'll hear this Bell each candidate will also have 60 seconds for a closing statement and with that it is time to get underway Tina and buck the floor is yours Leland thank you very much Senator Warnock Mr Walker good evening to you both we appreciate you being here and we look forward to hearing from you both tonight and for those of you at home that are following along we'd like for you to use the hashtag g-a-s-e-n debate once again it's hashtag g-a-s-e-n debate good to see you as well Gentlemen We Begin tonight with opening statements a card draw determined who will go first Mr Walker we will begin with you you have 60 seconds first I like to acknowledge my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I'm one of seven kids born and raised in Wrightsville Georgia my parents taught me about faith family education and the love of country they also taught me about a good work ethic and because of that I found the America's dream but this race ain't about me it's about what Raphael winner and Joe Biden had done to you and your family tonight he's going to try to Sweet talkie that he's doing a good job but his record speaks for itself I'm here to tell you that they've raised your taxes gave you high inflation they even put men in women's sports and I want to let you know that Raphael one night we're giving six more years think what he's going to do so I'm here to fix it Mr Walker thank you Senator Warnock we turn now to you for your opening statement you have 60 Seconds well thank you so very much and hello Georgia it's so wonderful to be back here in my hometown now I know that we're in a debate tonight but really I come with a deep heart filled with gratitude probably because I grew up about a mile from here in the Caton homes housing projects I'm one of 12 children in my family clearly my preacher parents read the Bible be fruitful and multiply when I think about the Ark of my life the short distance and the long distance from there to here I know that only in America is my story possible my family taught me the importance of hard work and how to build the Beloved Community that Dr King used to talk about and I brought that Spirit to the Senate at the end of the day this race is about who's ready to represent Georgia in the U.S Senate I think that choice is clear and I look forward to having that discussion tonight thank you Senator Warnock gentlemen we have a lot to get to this hour so we will start tonight with the most important issues facing Georgia voters our next star Emerson College the hill poll shows the economy threats to democracy and abortion access are the top three issues we're going to begin tonight with the economy everyday Georgians are struggling they're struggling to pay for food gas Child Care housing this week the inflation rate continues to rise Mr Walker we're going to start with you you've been openly critical blaming President Biden and the Democrats for inflation and for the economy if elected what is one idea one idea that you would Champion to reduce inflation we ask you to be specific you have 60 seconds well first of all you have to blame this Administration and Senator Warnock because and within two years this inflation has gotten worse they uh cut our energy Independence they also raise taxes and at the same time they Reckless spending all our money so he would sit here tonight and say that he's doing a good job for us and you asked me what is one job I would do to help the inflation first of all we got to become independent or energy independent again and the reason why we're going to our enemies to ask for gas and oil and that puts us not just in a inflation problem but it put us on a national security problem and I think that's something that I think Senator Warner need to realize and he mentioned that he grew up here in Savannah with 12 siblings with 12 siblings well in this area most people live paycheck to paycheck and we have inflation the way he's brought inflation on how in the world can you buy groceries or gas for your family a follow-up question to that Mr Walker most economists say that cutting government spending is the first step in economic recovery I would want to ask you would you consider cutting military funding or spending on social services to accomplish his goal and you have 30 seconds I would not uh think about cutting military spending because first I believe in peace through strength right now we're at a break of war and I think right now we with Senator Warner who he and Joe Biden they don't show any strength and we have to protect this country and we I said it early on right now because we're giving out energy energy up to our enemies that don't like us we have to be ready for war this is not uh this is not a playground so we have to be ready for war right now thank you Mr Walker Senator Warnock says President Biden has taken office inflation it's reached levels that we haven't seen in 40 years you've supported nearly every piece of legislation that this Administration has pushed through Congress do you take any responsibility for the financial hardships currently that Georgians are facing and you have 60 seconds there's no question that people are feeling pain at the grocery store at the pump at Pharmacy counters and while we are paying record prices a lot of our corporate actors are seeing record profits in the oil and gas industry and the pharmaceutical industry which is why I've stood up for ordinary hard-working Georgia families time and time again I passed the single largest tax cut contrary to what my opponent is suggesting for middle and working class families in American history and we passed the inflation reduction act which had two of my Provisions one caps the cost of prescription drugs for seniors so they don't have to choose between buying medicine and buying groceries and one caps the cost of insulin he said he would not have voted for the inflation reduction act and I think he should tell the people of Georgia why he thinks they should have expensive insulin and while the pharmaceutical company should be able to charge us whatever they like well first of all may I respond you know I believe in reducing insulin but at the same time you got to eat right because he may not know and I know many people that's on insulin and unless you have an eating right insulin is doing you no good be so you have to get food prices down and you got to get gas down so they can go get insulin and you continue to Pat yourself on the back but right now families are starving right now families are hurting and they're hurting because of the bills and the laws you're passing right now Senator Warnock I'll give you an opportunity listen I I meet people all the time in my church who are trying to manage their diabetes I've been there when they've gotten the news that they've got to get an amputation and I think we're hearing from my opponent tonight that it's their fault that price is of insulin are being gouged I I don't think it's their fault I think it's the fault of these pharmaceutical companies insulin's been around 100 years the patent was sold for one dollar they're engaged in price gouging and too many people in Washington think they work for the pharmaceutical companies I work for the people of Georgia he's in Washington can I finish I work for the people yeah but you're in Washington and that's why I stand up for them every year and you're the leader Mr Walker let's move forward if we can a follow-up question to you senator in 30 seconds George's need help right now in your opinion is the answer another stimulus check or is there a better option out there to deal with this right now we pass the inflation reduction Act he's already told you he would vote against it he's he's already told you that he doesn't believe in capping the costs of prescription drugs for people like my 84 year old mother no I don't think they should I don't believe I don't think she should have to show him let's let him talk you'll get a second I don't think she should have to choose between buying medicine and buying groceries and that's why I've stood up for her and I've stood up for hard-working families every single day and I've stood against the corporations that are being bad actors they're seeing record profits in the middle of a pandemic and who exploits a pandemic gentlemen we need to move on to our next Topic in the interest of time so that's election Integrity Tina it's all yours all right Buck thank you Senator Warnock this question is for you you have said the new Georgia voting laws implemented after the 2020 election create many obstacles for underserved communities yet there was record turnout in Georgia in the primary this may according to research done by the Brennan Center for justice the African-American vote grew approximately 50 percent from 2018 to 2022's primaries Senator can you explain how the law negatively impacts minority votes you have 60 seconds Sir so I have spent my whole career long before coming to the Senate fighting for voting rights because I believe that a vote is a kind of Prayer for the world we desire for ourselves and for our children we register people to vote in my church and in the Senate I've stood up for democracy because that's the framework in which we get to fight for all of the things we care about there is no question that SB 202 makes voting harder and that is the intent and the fact that many of our voters are overcoming this hardship doesn't undermine that reality they made it harder for folks to use the drop boxes they've shortened the registration times folks are saying you know you shouldn't have to not you should be able to get food or water in a line I think the question is more fundamental than that why are the line's so long in certain communities and not others and so I just want to encourage Georgia voters to keep showing up don't let anybody take your voice don't let anybody take your vote it took too much to get here and I'm honored to represent you in a United States Senate Senator Warnock thank you Mr Walker we move to you now in 2020 Georgia became the epicenter for questions on voter fraud we'd like to hear your thoughts in 60 seconds did President Biden defeat former president Donald Trump in 2020 again sir you have 60 seconds well first of all I need to mention that he said that uh SB 202 really it made it easier to vote and harder to cheat and she mentioned that uh more people turned out for the primary so you've gotten good in Washington not answering that question because that was the question she asked you and did President uh Biden win President Biden Warren and Senator Warner one that's the reason I decided to run because we need a change in Washington we need leaders that's going to stand up to foreign leaders we need people that's going to stand up for people in Georgia because Senator worn out he went to Washington but he forgot about Georgia and I want to stand for the people of Georgia he just mentioned he's standing for the people of Georgia but can he tell me why he voted with Joe Biden 96 percent of the time if he was standing for Georgia that tells you that he's for Joe Biden I'm for Georgia Mr Walker thank you now before we move on gentleman I'd like to respond to that I will give you that opportunity sir I will give you that opportunity Senator you have 15 seconds to respond it is very clear that my opponent would rather be running against anybody except me either me or my opponent and I think this race is about who's ready to represent the people of Georgia and I'm thinking about them every single day but if he cut from the same cloth at 96 percent of the time I'm running he and Joe Biden because they're the same gentlemen gentlemen we are moving on now this is this next question this is a yes or no response and this is for both of you Senator Warnock yes or no regardless of who wins in November will you accept the outcome yes and Mr Walker regardless of who wins in November will you accept the outcome thank you very much gentlemen Buck over to you thank you Tina we turn now to the topic of abortion we're going to start with you Mr Walker a week before this debate a former girlfriend made public accusation saying you paid for an abortion and that you encouraged her to have another in an ABC news interview this week you said that the accusations are quote all lies for the voters watching tonight can you explain the circumstances surrounding these claims you have 60 seconds well as I said that's a lie and you know what most things I put I put it in a book one thing about my life is I've been very transparent not like the senator he's hid things but at the same time I said that's a lie and on abortion you know I'm a Christian I believe in life and I tell people this Georgia is a state that respects life and I'll be a sinner that protects life and I say that was a lie and I'm not backing down and we have Senator Warnock people that would do anything and say anything for this seed but I'm not going to back down because this seat is too important to Georgia people for many back down right now you've been vocally pro-life supporting a ban on abortions without exceptions would you support a complete ban on a national level First Response that's not true either I said I support uh the heartbeat bill and I say I support the Georgia heartbeat bill because that's the bill of the people from Governor Kim and I said that has exceptions in it I said I'm a Christian but I'm also representing the people of Georgia and that's who I represent so what the people of Georgia stand for I'm going to stand with them thank you Mr Walker Senator Warnock you've said repeatedly that the exam room is too small for the patient her doctor and the U.S government we're asking you to take a clear position right now do you believe there should be any limitations on abortion set by the government and you have 60 seconds I think that the women of this country and the women of this state woke up one summer morning and a court protection that they've known for 50 years was taken from them by an extremist Supreme Court and I stand where I've said I've stand in the past that a patient's room is too narrow and small and cramped a space for a woman her doctor and the United States government we are witnessing right now what happens when politicians most most of them men pile into patients rooms you get what you're seeing right now and the women of Georgia the women of Georgia deserves a senator who will stand with them I trust women more than I trust politicians may I may I respond very quickly Mr Robertson you know it is and I heard about him that I heard he was he was he's a neat talker but did he not mention that there's a baby in that room as well and they also did he not mention that he asked him that he asked him the taxpayer to pay for it so he's bringing the government back into the room so he's not talking about that so when he mentioned that it's like I've not seen too many Pastor ever say that statement I'll give you a chance I am a pastor I'm a man of faith and I have a profound reverence for life and a deep respect for choice and because I have such a profound reverence for life it's one of the reasons why I've stood up to address this issue of maternal mortality in our country we lead all of the western Nations on that front and black women are three to four times more likely to die even when they have the insurance and the income now that's something government could actually do something about and I joined with Marco Rubio of Florida to pass a bill to address maternal mortality the women of Georgia have a clear choice as we're watching women die do you want a senator who wants to control your life or do you want a senator who wants to save your life well I want to save your life well it was funny I have to respond to this very quick because he told me black lives matter and if you think about it senator in Atlanta Georgia there's more black baby that is aborted then uh than anything so if black lives matter why are you not protecting those babies and instead of the board of knows baby why are you not baptizing those babies Mr Warnock or Senator Warnock will give you a chance to respond to that I think the women of Georgia have a clear choice he says no exceptions even in the case of rape incest or the life of the mother I think that's extreme is out of touch with Georgia and I intend to do the work that Senators can do the heaters exceptions for that in the heartbeat bill so when he murdered a follow-up question for you Senator Warnock we ask that you take a listen to something that you said at a rally just a couple of weeks ago so women I trust women in their wisdom and their ability to sit with their own doctor and if they choose to sit with their pastor and to pray about that and let their own conscience guide them even God gave us a choice even God gave us a choice can you clarify what you meant by that you have 30 seconds oh I think it's it's self-explanatory God gave us a choice and I respect uh the right of women to make a decision these are medical decisions they are deeply personal women find themselves in a range of circumstances and this issue has been far too politicized and we're witnessing right now the chaos that ensues as a result of that and women right now who may be facing a miscarriage in some cases a wondering what will happen and how will they have to explain that I think that's deeply problematic there are enough politicians piling into the rooms of patience and I don't plan to join them but just to clarify in your opinion God gave us a choice in regards to abortion it is apparent that God has given us a range of choices and the people of Georgia have a choice right now about who they think should represent them in the Senate and may I have to respond we do have to move back to our next to be very short very short because he's correct God gave us a choice but also within the Bible if you read the Bible more God said choose life in the Bible it says I give you a choice just like Adam and Eve had a choice but they chose death I think he wants to arrogate to politicians more power than God has all right gentlemen thank you we're gonna have to move on to our next topic okay Tina okay we are moving on gentlemen on the next topic and it is about student loans we turn to Christian dent a college student and Next Star News Nation viewer from Locust Grove Georgia as a college student at the University of Georgia me and my peers are often faced with confronting the rising costs that come with obtaining a college degree in the United States Senate will you support further forgiveness of student loan debt and if so how you implement it in the United States Senate on a federal level our thanks to Christian for that question Senator Warnock your answer please in 60 Seconds I wouldn't be standing here tonight if it weren't for low interest student loans and Pell Grants and in the years since I've graduated that path has gotten harder I ran into a couple on a flight and they wrote a note for me they were with their one-year-old son they said whatever you do please do something about this student debt the mother said I borrowed 35 000 I paid back twenty thousand I still owe thirty thousand and that's why I pushed the president to do student debt relief he did ten thousand dollars and with my urging he did twenty thousand for folks with Pell Grants I think it was the right move it will spur entrepreneurship home ownership it helps kids in technical schools and vocational schools not just four-year colleges but we need reform we we shouldn't be doing this again 10 years from now and I'm working right now on the kind of Reform we need because college is outpacing uh the price of everything else in our economy a follow-up for you sir why do you believe this should be done through executive action instead of Congress and also how how would this be funded you have 30 seconds the president has already moved to do student debt relief and um there's additional relief for folks like me who when they got student loans were Pell Grant eligible but there's no question we need reform in the system so that we can get the cost of college underway we don't find ourselves here again and that's my position thank you Senator Warnock thank you Mr Walker to repeat Christian's question will you support further forgiveness of student loan debt and if so how would you implement it well first of all uh you can see 60 seconds Sir I apologize first of all you can see that Senator Warner has gotten good at being and Washington because you asked the question why did congress not do it instead of the president doing an executive order which is what should have been done and as I was traveling around the state of Georgia I talked to people some people want to go to college they couldn't so they end up going and working up father's form some military wanted to go to college they didn't so he went to the military and may have lost the arm so this is not right Georgia people say it's not right and I and I they said it's unfair first of all how can you transfer someone that who owe it to someone that don't owe it and also Senator we're not brised about making 400 billion dollars that now the taxpayer all you in the audience got to pay for you got to pay that debt and I didn't co-sign for anyone's loan I hope no one out here co-signed for anyone loan because I didn't co-sign for anyone loan and it's not right it's not fair Mr Walker we're continuing with a follow-up for you now Mr Walker College tuition it skyrocketed 175 percent over the past 20 years what will you do to stem the cost of higher education going forward well first you have 30 seconds first of all what you should do is uh get rid of federal funding of any college that raised their costs you're ready to get rid of federal federal funding than any college that raise their costs that's the first thing that you should do so that is what you would do well any college that raised that costs I get rid of any federal funding they're going to get I'm going to give you this one I'm going to give you a pass for 15 seconds I will be very brief I promise very brief it's interesting to me that that folks who have been crying about the student debt relief haven't said anything about multi-billionaire corporate entities who've gotten PPP loans I wonder why Mr uh [Music] we have a lot to get through tonight we've made that clear at the top of the hour so let's get as many questions as we can in because Georgia voters want to know where you stand on these issues they have to make a decision let them know tonight Buck thank you Tina now according to the U.S Census Bureau 14 of Georgians live in poverty the federal minimum wage is 7.25 cents an hour a number that has not increased since 2009. let's do this by a simple showing of hands raise your hand if you support a federal minimum wage okay Mr Walker you did not raise your hand so I'd like to ask you first of all why not and what would you do to help struggling Georges well when you said a federal um I think right now and he said that I want the federal government know he wants a federal government to run your life right now I think you have to work with different corporations and see just where they can pay there are some companies right now and he should know this after getting the All-Star Game moved out of Atlanta they destroyed a lot of small businesses so those part of businesses couldn't pay 15 20 an hour so they have to pay what they're capable of paying so to mandate a federal federal uh fee that they have to pay hourly wage no I couldn't I couldn't approve that thank you Mr Walker Senator Warnock you did not raise your hand so uh why not and what would you do to help struggling Georgia I I believe in the Dignity of work and I believe in the Dignity of workers I watched my dad work really hard to take care of his family and I've seen what we call Essential workers these folks are on the front line stand up for us in the midst of the pandemic we call them essential workers they deserve an essential wage and essential benefits in other words workers deserve to participate in the prosperity that they are creating for others and so I've been a part of this conversation around the minimum wage I think people need a livable wage and some of that is being addressed right now in this strong labor market so I'm willing to work with folks in the corporate Community as well as the labor Community to feel that to figure out how we get to a good place but there's no question people deserve to participate in the prosperity that they're creating for others they deserve a livable wage and they deserve benefits thank you Senator Warnock we're going to move to our next topic Tina and that topic is crime and violence in June Congress passed the first bipartisan legislation to combat gun violence in 30 years according to a Pew research poll released in July 78 percent of Americans think the new gun law will do little or nothing to reduce gun violence Senator Warren I could turn to you first as the number of shootings in Georgia and Across the Nation continue to rise what should be done what should the next step be to solve this issue you have to answer this question sir and I give you one minute well I'm glad that we finally passed the first gun safety law in 30 years and we did that on a bipartisan basis I believe that this law will indeed save lives and I'd like to see us work and see what we can achieve beyond that on a bipartisan basis my heart goes out when I see the kinds of tragedies that we're witnessing all across our state all across our country and it's the reason why I have passed legislation to support law enforcement I passed the largest investment in the cups program in a decade I introduced legislation called investor protect that's endorsed by the sheriffs of Burke County and Screven County because because it supports some of our smaller law enforcement entities so we've got to stand up with law enforcement but we've also got to create opportunity Senator Warnock thank you Mr Walker we're posing the same question to you sir in one minute what should the next step be to solve gun violence well first of all uh you know any law of bill passed that affect anyone's Second Amendment I'm not going to stand for and I want support but third to hear Senator Warner talks about supporting law enforcement is sad because he's called them names and because of the name caller he's done the morale is down recruitment is down only because of what he's done he's empowered criminals to think they're better than the police and because he believes in no cash bail is releasing prisoners he don't protect the Border fentanyl is coming to this country and also into Atlanta 70 percent of the drugs coming from the border goes to Atlanta Georgia and he talks about the police now I have more Sheriff that has endorsed me than anyone running in in Georgia right now and I even have some sheriffs here and they've endorsed me because they know I have their bike they're going to have my bags so to listen to him say that after calling the name I think it's a disgrace Mr Walker thank you I have a follow-up now for both of you I I think I think ought to be able to respond to that I will give you the opportunity 15 seconds to respond to Warnock we will see time and time again tonight as we've already seen that my opponent has a problem with the truth all right all right and just because you said something doesn't mean it's true I have supported our police officers I've called them and I've prayed with their families like those officers lost in Cobb County when they were killed doing what police officers routinely do you can support police officers as I've done through the cops program through the invest to protect program while at the same time holding police officers like all professions accountable one thing I have not done I've never pretended to be a police officer and and and I've never I've never threatened a shootout with the police well and now I have to respond to that we are we are moving on gentlemen respond to that and you know what's so funny I am with many police officers and at the same time Mr Walker Mr Walker Mr Walker Mr Walker excuse me Mr Walker please say a problem I need to let you know Mr Walker you are very well aware of the rules tonight yes and you have a prop that is not allowed sir I ask you to put that prop away well it's not a problem this is real and he said I have a problem Mr Walker excuse me sir yes you're very well aware of the rules aren't you well are you aware of the truth let's talk about the truth thank you for putting that prop away and as a matter of fact we still have a lot to get to and we are not going to continue this we're going to follow up with the question and this is according to the CDC homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American youth Mr Walker in 30 seconds why do you believe this is happening and what would you do to stop it well what I would do is hold people accountable which is centered why not not do it believing in no cash Bail no accountability that is a problem people must be accountable for their action and the truth lies with Senator Warner because he said he was doing the Washington to represent Georgia he went to Washington to represent Joe Biden that's the reason we're in the midst we're in today because we represent Joe Biden and not the truth for Georgia Senator Warnock this follow-up for you same question what do you believe homicides among African-American youth is growing why are those homicides growing sir and how do we stop it well it's heartbreak breaking and I've seen this up close as a pastor I've presided over some of these funerals I've met with young people and we have to have rules and laws in the society which I support and I've invested in as a legislator at the same time we have to create opportunity there's no sickness like the loss of Hope when people lose hope when when they when they doubt that their life can be any longer or or that they can a dream of something bigger than the street they live on a lot of things can happen I grew up in one of those neighborhoods but I had a nurturing family and I benefited from good Federal public policy like the Head Start program like Upward Bound like Pell Grants and low interest student loans and to invest in our children is to invest in our best resource Senator Warnock thank you we are moving on gentlemen to the next question and this topic is about personal Integrity Buck we're going to shift gears a little bit here Senator Warnock in 2020 you tweeted this unemployment benefits have expired rent is due and many Georgia families are at risk of eviction my opponents are supposed to be serving the people in Washington but they are clearly concerned with their own interests well recent published Reports say talk about a property that your church owns Columbia Towers at MLK Village in Atlanta it's a home for the disadvantaged at least a dozen lawsuits have been filed by residents evicted for not being able to pay their rent some of the outstanding balances are less than thirty dollars as someone who receives more than seven thousand dollars a month for a housing allowance from Ebenezer Baptist Church how do you explain this to Georgia voters who are struggling currently to make ends meet well let me say that serving in the United States Senate and continuing to serve my church is the honor of my life and it gives me a lens through which to do the work that I'm doing but here's why you know I'm running against a desperate candidate anytime a candidate would stoop to the level of trying to Sully the name he and his allies to Sully the name of Martin Luther King Jr's Church and John Lewis's Church you know that's a desperate candidate let me tell you about my church my church is a Matthew 25 Church we spend every week every day feeding the hungry and the homeless they know that those false charges that they've created are not true we we stand up for poor people every single day and I ran for the Senate to do at a policy level what we do at a local level every single day I'm not going to be distracted by him and his allies my people know the truth they know the work we do every single day and I couldn't be prouder of them proud to represent the Senate and proud to serve Ebenezer Baptist Church so just to clarify your position is that the allegations in these lawsuits are not true I am saying that it is very obvious that my opponent and his allies are busy trying to Sully Ebenezer Baptist Church the truth Switching gears a little bit here sir your ex-wife filed a lawsuit asking for increased child support saying that she had to pay for child care on days that your duties as a senator interfered with your parenting time and citing significant increases in your income in 30 seconds what is your response to that lawsuit listen I um I went through a divorce like a lot of people and while that was a painful period what came out of that was two amazing children that I just talked to before I came on the stage and my children know that I am with them and for them and that I support them in every single way that a father does thank you Senator Warnock now to you Mr Walker recent ads have highlighted allegations of past domestic violence they've raised questions about how transparent you've been as far as your resume in one minute how do you respond to voters who question your integrity both personally and professionally first of all I've been very transparent and I'm not ashamed to admit it and I said I had a mental problem and I'll Be A Champion for mental health because so many people suffer from mental health but to have people like Senator Warnock that demonize mental health when I want to tell everyone out there you can get help don't listen to Senator or not and his people you can get help all you got to do is ask all you got to do is ask but the problem with the truth is you just saw it you just saw it because he won't answer that about evicting the people from the church and I told him I would pay that I'll pay their salary you evicting them right now we have not evicted we have not evicted those I didn't write the article we you your your right article and most other people live in my time we start talking over each other and and he should take that money and pay it back to the veterans that he exploited while and uh see you tell that he's not desperate because if he had read in that thing he would have saw that I had nothing to do with that but he is so desperate right now and he really want that seat he's now telling you I didn't evict anyone it is written in the paper I didn't do this well Senator you did and it's okay to speak the truth do not bear false witness Senator do not bear false witness Mr Walker to keep this moving I want to follow up with you you have been very open on your Mr Senator Warnock we need to move forward here you have been very open about your struggles with mental illness and you even wrote a book about dissociative your diagnosis of disassociative identity disorder we recently asked if you were still receiving treatment and this is what you had to say no that's all done and you don't need to and that's why I tell people I think one thing I told people is I've been open about it and I was open about it what 14 years ago Mr Walker in 30 seconds can you clarify this are you saying you no longer have disassociative identity disorder or is this something that you continue to this day no no you don't have to have treatment for it and I encourage people to continue to talk to people you know I talked to my pastors I talk to my pastors and I continue to get help if I need help but I don't need any help I'm doing well but that's the reason why I tell anyone out there that is suffering from any type of mental illness you can get help all you got to do is ask and I will always always be a champion for mental health and just to clarify just to clarify how can Georgia voters though be assured that this will not impact your ability to lead if elected because I'm ready to lead today I'm ready to vote with the Georgia voters whereas Senator why not has voted with Joe Biden 96 percent of the time I'm ready to vote with the Georgia voters today thank you gentlemen we'll move on to our next topic Tina and that topic gentleman is health insurance Georgia is one of 12 states that have not accepted Federal funding to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act Mr Walker with more than 1.5 million Georgians uninsured and one minute is it time for the federal government to step in to ensure all Georgians have access to health care well right now uh people have coverage for health care it's according to what type of coverage do you want because if you have an able-bodied job you're going to have health care but everyone else have health care is the type of health care you're going to get and I think that is the problem and what Senator Warner want you to do is depend on the government what I want you to do is get off the government health care and get on the health care he's got to get you a better health care so that's what I'm trying to do to make you independent rather than depending thank you Mr Walker Senator Warnock you have one minute you've vowed to close the Medicaid Gap by expanding access coverage in the Affordable Care Act Marketplace so this comes with a 50 billion dollar price tag the national debt already at an all-time high where is this money coming from you have 60 seconds Sir this is not a theoretical issue for me when I think about health care I think about Lori Davis a trauma nurse in Covington Georgia who spent her career taking care of people and then she got sick and she had to give up that job and then she got sicker and sicker she found herself without Health Care she was one of the 600 000 Georgians in the Medicaid Gap she died for lack of Health Care and so I ran saying that I would fight to expand Medicaid Georgia needs to expand Medicaid it costs us more not to expand what we're doing right now is we're subsidizing Health Care in other states meanwhile we've seen 10 hospitals in this state close ten and the Atlanta Medical Center right down the street from my church where I visit my members has announced that it's going to close and so Georgia needs a senator who believes like I do that Health Care is a human right and I will continue to fight until the Working Class People by the way the folks who don't have health care they work every single day the folks who are in The Gap let me finish let me finish the first time the folks who are in the gap the folks who are in The Gap are the working Port we are moving on Senator listen Mr Walker if I can get your attention please in just a few weeks WellStar will close its doors this is Atlanta Medical Center which primarily serves to patients and lower income and minority communities hospitals Nationwide are dealing with nursing shortages doctor shortages in the wake of the pandemic Mr Walker what measures can Congress enact to ensure everyone has access to hospitals and doctors you have 30 seconds first of all Senator or not was correct that he believed in working with people but he didn't do it because Governor Kemp has a plan that would have been a very good plan but he stood back while Biden destroyed the plan and he's talking about he believes in the extension of it he stood back well what the people can be assured of is I'm willing to meet with a hospital administrator meet with people rather than writing a letter because Senator Walnut waited till they made the decision and wrote a letter and I said they don't need a PIN payout they need they need Solutions we are moving on now Senator Warnock that same question to you sir what a measures can Congress enact to ensure everyone has access to hospitals and doctors you have 30 seconds well clearly he doesn't have a solution well he said I'll meet with administrator his solution is to meet my solution is to pass legislation which I've done I got four billion dollars in the American Rescue plan to help the non-expansion states to do what they should have done to expand they left that money on the table Georgia left 600 000 Georgians in the Medicaid Gap and so I'm going to keep standing up because people are literally dying for lack of Health Care Dr King said that of all the injustices inequality and Health Care is the most shocking and the most inhumane I agree with Dr King thank you Senator Warren Naka Buck now the next topic thank you Tina we're going to talk about foreign policy now Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened to use nuclear weapons in the conflict with Ukraine prompting President Biden to claim that we are on the verge of Armageddon Senator Warnock if nuclear weapons are used how should the United States respond you have 60 seconds well first of all I'm glad that we're standing up to Putin's aggression and we have to continue to stand up which is why I stood up to the Bible Administration when it suggested that we should close the Savannah combat Readiness Training Center I told the president that was the exact wrong thing to do at the exact wrong time and I'm glad that I was able to stand up with Congressman buddy Carter and others and we kept that training center open I've seen up close what those service members do they are the tip of the spear and we have to make sure that our service members know that we have their back we have to strengthen our allies and the NATO alliance as we've done and make sure we stand up to Russian aggression nothing could be more important Mr Walker the same question to you if nuclear weapons are used how should the U.S respond UFC well first of all he talked about standing up you didn't stand up to Chuck Schumer when you could have got a helicopter company here of almost a billion dollars you let it go to New York you didn't stand up then you didn't stand up to Biden when he left American people and had 13 military soldiers killed in Afghanistan you didn't stand up then so what we can do is Putin is a bullet and the way you beat a bullet you show strength well Senator why not say he stood up he not stood up to Biden if he was standing up he wouldn't have voted with him 96 percent of the time which gave us an open gave us an open border which gave us High inflation which gave us crime in the streets and he's talking about standing up he didn't stand up he had laid down every time it came around and you know that senator it is evident that he has a point that he tries to make time and time again I've stood up to the Biden Administration so they could keep open this combat training readiness Center stood with our Congressional Delegation to do that I've worked across the aisle time and time to get good things done for the people of Georgia I worked with a senator from Texas to bail out i-14 I work with a Republican senator from Alabama to help Georgia Farmers get their products to Market I will work with anyone and stand up against anybody I need to stand up against to get good things done for Georgia I work for the people of Georgia we need to move forward to our next topic gentlemen where our time is running short both of you have strong backing from your respective parties Senator Warnock a simple yes or no here you will you will have a chance to explain but like a simple yes or no would you support President Biden running for a second term in 2024. I've not spent a minute thinking about what politicians should run for what in 2024 is that a yes or no the answer is I have not and and maybe this is difficult maybe this is difficult for people to understand because that's how politicians think I think that part of the problem with our politics right now is that it's become too much about the politicians you're asking me who's going to run in 24. the people of Georgia get to decide who's going to be their senator in three days Monday and I hope they'll show up and vote and I'd be honored to represent them in the Senate you haven't thought about it if you can think about it now in 2024 the president will turn 82 years old are you concerned about his physical and his mental Fitness at that time you have 37 the people of Georgia hired me to represent them regardless of who's in the White House I'm I'm honored to do that job every single day my dad said if somebody hired you to do a job do the job they hired you to do they didn't hire me to be a pundit and I'm working every single day for hard-working families in Georgia for our women for our workers and for kids like me growing up in places like Caton homes Mr Walker former president Trump is also considering a run for the White House in 2024 if you can give me a simple yes or no answer and we'll give you time to explain as well would you support a trump 2024 run yes I would and let me take president Trump is my friend has nothing to do with has nothing to do with that he's my friend I won't leave my allies which is what Senator Warner and Joe Biden did in Afghanistan they left their allies they left their allies and right now on a foreign stage a lot of these people don't trust us no more they don't trust us to be strong anymore so they're waiting to see who's going to stand up who's going to trust and they have no one to trust right now because I said president Trump is my friend and he won't stand up with Biden when yet he's voted with him 96 percent of the time let's be real Mr Walker are you concerned about the ongoing legal investigations around the country and including here in Georgia you have 30 seconds well first of all I would hope that Senator why not he and myself being people of color would want their skills of Justice to have not have a hand on it we want the related Justice to be blind but in this instance here latest Justice is not blind and I said right now with everything that is going on what I like to do is get to what's important what's important is protecting the Border what's important is protecting people on the street what's important is getting this inflation down not what's going on there in Washington talking about whether president Trump is guilty or not guilty what I wanted to do is see due process which is what I hope Senator Walnut myself would love to see changing topics now we're going to move forward just to give you guys both an update that you may want to know although the news is not great if you're a Braves fan right now they're in the top of the ninth inning game three National League Division Series down 9-1 to the Phillies not a great night for the Braves just a few weeks ago the World Series champs though they did visit the White House their visit sparked A Renewed debate about the team's name and their signature tomahawk chop Mr Walker do you believe the brave should rethink their name their logo or their signature cheer you have 30 seconds not at all you know right now we have too many other things to be concerned about we have uh people dying on the streets in Atlanta around the country we have people living paycheck the paycheck can't afford food to put on their table can't afford gas we have a Putin out there we have China out there we can't be concerned about whether the Braves going to change their name we need to be concerned about saving this country we need to be concerned about saving the Georgia people we need to be concerned about giving people a right to live deliveries and freedom that the Constitution of the United States guarantee them to have Senator Warnock the same question to you in regards to the Braves do you think think they should rethink their name their logo or their signature cheer well first of all I'm praying for the Braves right about now uh they they've got a ways to go here listen the the management of the Braves is meeting with our tribes and they're having a conversation about this and I know the folks over at the Braves organization and I trust that they and the tribes that they're talking to will come to a place that makes sense for all involved we're going to go ahead and continue we want to get a few more questions in tonight Senator Warnock some of your Senate colleagues have called for expanding the number of seats on the Supreme Court in 15 seconds quickly sir would you support this what I what I support expanding listening the seats on the Supreme Court I think that my job as a senator is to protect the rights of ordinary citizens and for the first time perhaps in my lifetime we've seen those rights contract rather than expand whether we're talking about the Reproductive Rights of women or voting rights and I'm going to do everything I can to protect the rights of the citizens of Georgia Thank You Senator Warnock Mr Walker would you support expanding the number of seats on the Supreme Court in 15 seconds Sir yes when you get in Washington you have to become a leader being a leader you have to make tough tough uh decisions and you see on that answer that he really didn't give you an answer so my answer is no I wouldn't know thank you thank you gentlemen now we have reached the point for a final moments of this debate a chance for your closing remarks you only have 60 seconds each have 60 seconds to answer and Senator Warnick you have the floor first well thank you so very much Georgia it's wonderful uh to be here listen uh in this state we have nearly 11 million people and only two people get to represent us in the United States Senate just two and when I think about that it is an awesome responsibility one that humbles me and inspires me to work as hard as I can for hard-working families every single day and I've worked with Democrats and Republicans in order to do that work these are difficult times these are dark times but the scripture says that the light shines in the darkness and the Darkness overcometh it not I'm honored to represent you in the Senate I hope that you'll show up to vote early beginning Monday I'd be honored to have you vote God bless you keep your faith Mr Walker your turn for closing statements and you have 60 seconds as well for those of you who are concerned about uh voting for me a non-politician I want you to think about the damage politicians like Joe Biden and Raphael done to this country I want you to think about Raphael one of what he said today and I said he was going to try to give you some smooth talk and tell you what's happening what's happening is this country is hurting what's happening is we need leaders so what I want to say to you Senator why not is I want to thank you I want to thank you for this but at the same time I want to say Georgia need leaders they need a leader that's going to stand up for them so let's think about if we give Senator War not six more years think of what this country will become I'm not sure if we can make up for that gentlemen I said vote for Herschel Walker thank you both gentlemen that's going to conclude our debate for this evening before we leave tonight though we want to remind voters that early voting begins in Georgia on Monday it will run through November 4th election day is November 8th candidates thank you and we of course want to thank plant Riverside District uh Kessler collection property for this venue to broadcast this debate we appreciate everyone tuning in tonight we hope you have a great night [Applause] thank you [Music]
Channel: FOX 5 Atlanta
Views: 1,584,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Highland Park, 4th of July parade shooting, Highland Park parade shooting, deadly mass shooting at Illinois Parade, Chicago-area 4th of July parade shooting, chicago-area shooting, Robert Crimo III
Id: BDjYHMyfiPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 11sec (3431 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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