Hero's Journey - Step by Step
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Marco Aslan
Views: 60,229
Rating: 4.9478173 out of 5
Keywords: Joseph Campbell, writer’s journey, Christopher vogler, hero’s journey, storytelling, spiritual, evolution, religion, cicles, life, meaning, Jordan Peterson, psychology, fantasy, warrior, adventure, art, goal, ancient, scene, mountain, imagination, hero, journey, story, movies, films, filmmaking, ancestral, metaphysics, philosophy, being, identity, time and space, relativity, cosmos, existence, world, universe, ontology, logic, theology, ethics, epistemology, knowledge, belief, carl jung
Id: 8uV_sqcbyIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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