Heroic Moments in Football

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[Music] to get a Crossing still gacho did he  run out of space there not quite the   shot from doow spilled by strakosha still  not clear there is that lane equalizer   and it's Scott Momin who's got it Rel for  Old Trafford expect a minute more because   of the goal in ated time Bruno Fernandez  pumps It Forward Maguire goes up and the in that's what football can do scull  Momin the biggest of late doubles from the bch rero drivs into on goal that's it would you believe it after  such resilience from the Liverpool   defense it is one of their own who  ultimately cost them him he goes the   corner cleared only as far as Nelson  has to get his shot right oh that is unbelievable got take perform glorious for Arsenal in this extraordinary season the  fulltime whistle goes a [Music] marvelous [Music] all over the world to football's  feast day this is the Maricar Rio de   Janeiro and this is the final of the  2014 FIFA World [Music] Cup a in for C Mario that's for Germany 112 minutes they find the way now  Germany are the champions of the world   once more this irrepressible  nation of winners has found their the players urging the ball forward into  the box Luis SW he brought down it's a penalty   it's a penalty me dear me Neymar steps up it's  in the net neyar neyar could this be the time   ball played into the box and it went towards  testan ball cleared it'll be a chance to play   it in again Neymar on the ball now gets onto  his left foot and plays into the box he's in   the he's in the net he's in the net he's in the  net he in the net he's in the net he's in the net   [Applause] Barcelona have won this has not been  done before and I don't know if we'll ever see   it ever again but this is the kind of victory  that not only big chance here it's not grass   on for Anderson in the box now Anderson Clips it  towards goal oh what a clearance from Ben me how   did the skipper keep that out incredible clearance  Anderson thought he'd scored and it's he a header   off the line from Ben sh's delivery one inch  is it is it they're insisting it is and so it is casemiro engulfed millimet in a match of margins  hero great Header by Gart Rafia can he   get in Rafia is in Rafia goes around the keeper  but he's Tak Gil Jo Gil scores for L United oh [Music] yes sliding it's in Lucas Mora with   the hatri goal Spurs are going to  the Champions League final for the first Saka takes himself it's Gabriel Jus he s down as possibly Bleak as this drop they [Music] PA he's done it the greatest Knight  in the history of Chelsea Football   Club European Champions they've beaten  byan in their own backyard they found   the Holy Grail [Music] after Mada  comes out to gigs great turn by Mada [Applause] astonishing the response of champions from a player you won have  heard of before it's near post it's   a poor Corner comes out for Harrison he'll try the drive scor for get massive moment for Le  United the ball flies Beyond Rey into the   far corner of the net and now all around  us it's all over leads have done it leads   United are staying in the Premier [Music] League  DeMarco crosses in off the chest it's still there penalty and he's given it he's given a  penalty it's anre Anana oh he saved it   Anana has kicked it [Applause] out big  errors in each of Manchester United's   first two Champions League games  this season but a big big [Music] save we've played 2 and 1/2 minutes of  stoppage time England trail Beckham could   raise the roof here with a goal I don't  believe it David Beckham scores the goal   to take England all the way to the  World Cup finals seconds away from qualification they're going to win  this group with a last minute goal   by David Beckham the referee looks at  his watch England have won the [Music] group M Ramos Ramos Ramos [Applause] Cristiano Ronaldo  delivers Le desima for Real Madrid in [Applause] corner lcio invest their hopes and dreams  tonight in goes that corner towards e assum   the Climer hand ball in there here's cataldi  again Catal Luis Alberto the goalkeeper proel Wow have you ever can banova still they wait in  the middle brzovic flicks it in gerson's coming   in gets it oh what a save what a save that's  an unbelievable save from Edison an amazing   moment for the Manchester City goalkeeper  has that moment just secured the Champions League DeMarco delivers CLS the a save erson  I think it was Robin gerson's it's a brilliant   save and they've done it they've done it  Manchester City have done it once twice   three times a champion champions of Europe  finally and ilai gundan raises this [Music] famous for times a Chelsea player and Robin effort saved  by Chuck who's smothered enough to drop for   scores history is made Chelsea the champions  of European football how good does that sound Muller chasing and he's quick Thomas  Müller is round the goalkeeper oh brilliant serage is coming on here and it's  yasper Sison who's going off in   the Netherlands with PSV and here comes  Ruiz and Co gets down and saves it this time Costa Rica go out it's Aman who steps up oh and   CR has saved it it's cruel for  the Dutch it's cruler for Costa Rica DC United going all out after it's oad  clear a foot race the other way look who's   running hard after defensively Wayne  Rudy that net is empty big collision   by the captain that is unbelievable effort  Rooney putting one up hosta H go hatrick for C there's another great opportunity shf  chenko oh that's a wonderful save how   did he do that will be Champions or it's chef  chef chenko has the score oh it's a terrible   penalty and Liverpool against all ODS have  won the Champions League goalkeeper JY nck   is a [Applause] hero he apologize well we  talk about this being the biggest night   in Chelsea's history as possibly Bleak as this  [Applause] Dr they p the rabbit out of the Hat again wi is equalized in the nick of time for blur  drinking run from the substitute and it's Tre have   done it it's a golden goal and a BAL light  for Roberto Carlos HED into the penalty area towards fantastic they've got a goal here the heading power [Applause] down by gold Oh What It Go Dennis bam has won  it for Holland that was absolutely [Applause] brilliant go Allah Allah Allah Allah Andino and still and it's in Roberto  farino off the B what surely is a   winning Goldman on the Liverpool  three Paris San 2field celebrates a RTO the mind blow MERS has done it Algeria  are through it will be a repeat at the group   stage match with aru again fernino couldn't  get that off the line Abraham he can turn   it in and the refere it didn't go over the  line into the of man man is and it comes up   the post and Liverpool almost get the follow  up and then saved off the line by Stone what   drama in the empad the visitors almost Take  the Lead the post comes to the rescue City great study make yourself a story it's Alexander  on oh it's Allison unbelievable the big   Brazilian stopper has only got and G forward and  scored ahe up with the last touch of the game shave corner and is PU and it's the man from  the back who has given Spain the [Applause] [Music] lead got AFF for for Fraser and the  flag stays down and Ryan Fraser with a chance   and James mner with the brilliant clearance  the captain coming up big for Liverpool with   a big big he's got beond brick still going  knock out goes to ground as Cass leads on   him penalty well I'm not completely sure  about this I'm I'm with J Franco knock out   takes say knockout follows him and lunus  sa again absolutely astonishing now here   come Watford [Applause] for [Applause]  theary here's Hulk [Applause] [Music] D do not scratch your eyes you are really  seeing the most extraordinary finish here oh go dancing just in front of his goal  line P miners rolls it in it's a go   the dod have scored can you believe  [Applause] it tomorrow when he look s flicks it in R it's [Applause] in the Balian old   boy has come back to Mercy  side and piss the heart of Liverpool his first Premier League goal for been   shredded for a quarter of an  hour but now here's shter Dio shter Liverpool thrw it away and then they won it  all over [Applause] again Hernandez clever pass   to R early cross the knockdown from Ronaldo  lingard's there Ronaldo's there Manchester   United with it and Christiano Ronaldo in  the last minute of stoppage time does it   again come back to bite them because they've  been beaten by Manchester United right at the end Bion try again gab m have we just witnessed the big [Applause]  moments has done well Robin is there I am   robing and surely won it for Bayern Munich to  continue very well that's it Bayern Munich the   German Champions are champions of Europe the 68 y  pkers has Steed by to a double and the trouble is   still on for next Saturday P it from behind  placing Greenwood Ronaldo's onto it in when   zapat was back there doing a defensive ship ralo  oh my God this is what he does this is what he   does oh he's been lied [Music] again Fernandez  Fred Ronaldo down towards lingard Ronaldo   Manchester United win it's Cristiano Ronaldo  Ronaldo Silva room here for Jo Mario only finds hendrik Sil there there would you believe it nowhere Cur find themselves  level glorian Miller's up for   it m to take it's on oh it's there it's Sasha kiji with two down at West  Ham last weekend ended 22   Sterling [Applause] [Music] back back  in the game zenchenko into the area [Applause] [Music] R dancing  into the area [Applause] [Music] you absolutely [Applause] extraordinary this   United score they always score it's spel  it's comfor white y clear GS with a shot Jerry that moment it's a sharing him [Music] and now  through the CR outside of him ischenko zenchenko little touch on the line [Applause] froma first  keep the ball Bo HS it for to in behind B got it   St b line 22 into the final [Music] moments  Kane surely not another twist good ball from   Kane Bine he's in he's on with the game he  is Steven Bine I don't believe it that is incredible [Music] [Music] [Applause] here's orich now plenty  of croation players up there and   the shot finds the back of the net  oh what a go marinos oh he's missed side of the line and frle Neymar of Barcelona of  Brazil Brazil the first ever World Olympic gold medal such Delights height on it it's gone  through check it for Germany Brazil in real   trouble Final on Sunday they Mak it another  one here this is quite astonishing it's all   over Özil they're queuing up Square 6 n  in they might have number seven here now   they have one in Oscar is got a goal he's got  three to pick out it's the spectacular it's G   Bale wonderful goal Sensational from Gareth Bale  alvor Pereira hit by hamz one to take one to hit [Applause] [Music] bang stayed in so far Pap oh   how about that glorious can batelli  get a double he can and he's smashed in that for skulls skulls hits one  oh oh what a goal from false goals   and Old Trafford has exploded here United one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bu dear dear I don't believe it what  a goal we have just seen from Roberto Carlos   that is amazing will have a oh my word what a  goal from the man players on the end P strik   oh he's in what a goal what a goal by Demitri  pet could not have placed that any and then   Geral oh oh goodness I told you I told you  don't write them off well that's something   this game might enjoyed even more if there's a  goal and Torres is in here and Fernando Torres   scores for Spain and what was Yen lemman doing  he's broken the barrier the drought is [Music] [Applause] over Alo takes and David seamons C  off his line and Brazil Take the Lead run
Channel: 90 Minutes
Views: 1,122,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 90 minutes, 90 Minutes, heroic moments, heroic moments in football, football comebacks, The Greatest Comebacks In Football History, last minute goals, Heroic moments but they get more impressive, memorable moments in football history, unforgettable goals in football, memorable moments, football heroic, impossible goals, Legendary Goals In Football History, unbelievable goals
Id: mQxy1E33xAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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