Hermitcraft Livestream 23/12/19

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[Music] and I believe that we're live on the twitch of the TV slash the Asuma because the be G monster and the pony hunter the Joe Kip the Jack the cat the Billman the black Ranger PL cap the dragon tinfoil man Farber apocalypse all throw in those emotes those per dollar remotes into chat thank you everyone - bananas mean that we are live beautiful appreciate you thank you for frying in the bananas and let me know that all is good in the hood you know all is good in the hood where did we leave off last time why did we leave off I can barely remember we're just picking up where we put it down and I believe that was over here in Concord in the Concord land we've got Cub fan and tango on line looking very dead and demised and we got joke appear for 50 months in a row you heard me right fifty bumps goodness me thinking of so much Joe Kip that's a tremendous amount of support right there pinky bass is why you're in the Yeti skin not a dead one cuz I don't have a dead Yeti you skin basically hey it's my last stream of 2019 it's before Christmas and I want to you know celebrate a little bit celebrate good times come oh you know do you know what I mean baby Yoda is the Millennials version of boomers says Molly I don't even know what that means I'm not on your wavelength right now hey are you supposed to be empty it probably is it's not one of these ones jungle trapdoors let's place them down yeah so I have been out all day and now it's time to stream and I haven't even thought for a second what we're doing you know I haven't even fought for a second and we gotta noise an ear from gold ninja L subscribing for two months golden enjoy l think you have so much for your support I appreciate it hope you enjoy Satanist agane Joe says Merry Christmas X have a I have a Xmas fan out for you please be sure to email it tweet it at me yeah dude dude I'd love to see it please send that my way so oh we kind of already did a little bit of gravel placing around here didn't we we need more of that we're gonna be putting spots of gravel down I just need to get myself acquainted with the project again a little bits of andesite here and there we're building I think we're just gonna build these trees you know and then take it from there that's pretty much the game right now isn't it so to build those trees we need these things in our hot bar we also need some cocoa beans we got those that's kind of it that's kind of it right now my question is do I do them all the same let's go check out what full stood and serving and take some hints from her that master gamer is here for 21 months that's seven months times free saying can't stay for the string but have fun well thank you for tuning in resub and preciate it and hope you have fun at doing whatever you're doing this is wonderful around here okay so this treat kind of looks like the same deal that tree also looks like the same deer a little bit actually no it's a little bit different here and there just subtle variations is probably the game that one up there is more on a diagonal tilt let's do our next one on the diagonal hinge tilt or hinge what's the correct word I don't know blue back to welcome to the stream thank you for the nice message lots of people talking about demising chat because mumbos been demise let's get that out of the way it has happened it has taken place now I got a cup of hot chocolate here I'm going to drink it oh my goodness MIT is truly hot and very chocolatey that master gamer is oh wait we just read that one spooky Dookie is here for 21 months see it will confuse 21 months already time really flies Merry Christmas sex and peeps thank you ever so much spooky Dookie of course wishing everyone here a Merry Christmas we also got old Daniella subscribe move Amazon Prime and pie crust 22 thank you have so much for your prime subscriptions appreciate it okay so we'll make this fun I guess possibly generally a little bit shorter what I need is these things here those things there and we got Nina FINA 97 for 11 months in a row Nina thene I think you have so much for your continued support it is appreciated loaded with sugar Susan tiger yeah yeah so you know there's gonna be food talk right there's always food talk on an extreme but oh yeah I've got to put that up there haven't I there we go but yes the rules the rules are over the calorie counting is no more it's officially Christmas and I have picked out today I have picked out and I will probably pick out again tomorrow it's a little bit close to the ground isn't it is it also level height no it's actually one lower I wonder if we can make this work basically so then we go to these blocks it's also really close to the bar we might have to treat this one like it's a baby tree you know so we give it that set up like the other ones I had and then what I think we'll do is we'll go these free down by one and then out by one but that's it that's as low as the ground they are going that's all they're getting from me beautiful then these bigger ones I think also gonna be on the smaller side just that that's all again that's all they're getting from me and then we'll take a step back and hopefully it don't look too silly I think the big problem that's just this close to the ground so we've got a noise in the air from charging end 58 for two months saying yeah yeah sumus live that's right assume us live okay take that Santa we're taking back Christmas thought that it was ever asked to begin with that's kind of alright actually that works just fine for me a bit of a wonky tree over here looking good all right next one variety is the spice of Concord of Concord studios yeah let's have this one go off to this side and we'll make this one a tall one which I may come to regret we will see so I kind of want to be up here first place those ones yeah also they say about Christmas goodness me we've got to have all sorts of Christmasy talk Brian I've got topics on my mind I just need to get into the flow I need it on the cut well you know come in and settle down every time I look at chat everyone's talking about demise okay I know things are happening in demise but I had other things to talk about today golden TNT MSD 14 436 bumps in a row same three years my friends in t think you have so much man for tremendous free as the support it is appreciated I am excited for 2020 it's gonna be fun yeah I feel like as the years go by I'm enjoying this more and more you know it's a blessing to do this more mob mob Erick 77 here for nine months senior ni mumps twitch baby in the chat thank you have so much dude free [ __ ] it mmm BG monster x1 fan says I'm not talking about the mais that's why I'm reading your message that's why I'm reading your message Christmas is overrated change my mind says on sniper Jen I would say the Christmas is what you make it really it's what you make it when I was younger I didn't appreciate it it was kind of like Christmas so it's boring it's pathetic us a literally sound like Kevin from from oh my god with Harry Enfield and friends it's boring I oh yeah you are so embarrassing now yeah I never really like liked Christmas until I got older you know but now I love it now it now look forward to all year now is it overrated I mean I it's like so many things we've talked about in the past are metallic or overrate that it should be things should be about you enjoying it and if you don't enjoy it don't worry if other people are that's usually what over rate it is right over eight it is other people are enjoying this thing that I'm not therefore I'm gonna say it's overrated that tends to be what over eight it is can we at least agree on that right you're not often enjoying st. going on man I'm loving this I'm loving this new movie that I'm watching it's so overrated though you know one says that that's not how it works so you know make the most of Christmas if you can get yourself in a good headspace you're gonna be around family and friends there's gonna be lots of food and good times and movies you're not working like it's it's a good thing make the most of it you know it might not be perfect it might not be the ideal holiday depending on what you're into but it's what we got so let's make the most of it spec is and says Christmas is great Bert's wish I could stay at home with family friends but unfortunately I have to be at work this year that is unfortunate my dude but hey next year hopefully I always wonder who has to work on Christmas if you're working on Christmas you're probably doing an important job like keeping the power on and you probably deserve a pat on the back chicks just says final summer 2019 cheers for the great content chick stuff thank you ever so much for 15 months the support that's brilliant I appreciate it it is yeah it's my final stream this year and then in January we're gonna be playing modded minecraft I I'm really torn though because I've got this Thielen like I'm just gonna get into a modded minecraft kind of flow and I do want to do hermitcraft still so I don't know quite how it's gonna play out it does I think it just depends on if I get really sucked into minecraft bodied minecraft or not I could also stream a lot more than normal so I could end up maybe doing two streams a day on occasion or something crazy we'll see how it goes it'll be a fun experiment just to do stuff different X how did you make your hot chocolate says stealth ninja what a great question now there are many ways to make hot chocolate but I have always done it the way it says on the ingredients which is to mix it with hot water a lot of the time when you buy cocoa powder it just says to mix it a hot water but some people make you a hot milk now you know Bofur fine I just I always make my own the hot water and actually I think I prefer them that way I think I do what we doing here these two leaves are coming down important questions and then that is all of the leaves of this tree you know we're gonna have to design our own shrieks hoon or later feels a little bit bigger wild that one I mean why does it work so well over there is the question oh I think I've actually I've literally made this definitely too big and wild haven't I I'm gonna I'm gonna change your designer this one a little bit let's go grab some Cheers let's go grab some Cheers we gots evil monkey for free month saying Eunice I'm here X welcome evil monkey welcome to the stream Jay Nash TV is subscribe Amazon Prime and farver apocalypse is bring in those cheers bring in those bits saying how long should someone wait before talking about something to not spoil a video as I have been running into people another service saying that I'm spoiling things when the video has been out for a day fiver apocalypse thank you for the cheers and bits I appreciate it as you know if you're talking about being a part of a community like Kermit Kraft that makes videos I have this philosophy of like be easy now if other people are saying eh you that you're doing so I wrong it's it's kind of hard right but for me I'm i'ma count your blessings sort of us and so I could overthink it and be like I'll someone made a video today and showed sign built but I don't think people run around thinking I'll look X just built psych let's show it off before he gets to on things like that on here so it would be silly for me to think that I could try and keep things in a positive light because otherwise what you do and you're speculating that someone else what intentionally spoiled your content or something along those lines and who's that good for no one it's also it's also something you're speculating therefore is it true statistically speaking there's a high probability that it's not because there could be many many things that people think about so I I always play things you know count your blessings and be easy if you're dealing with other people that are having a go at you saying oh you spoiled something I mean hmm I don't know what to say to them like you could say you know it's it's a good thing that someone's here to spoil your content instead of not right you know what I mean assumer there are some people in chat which you're behaving very rude and disrespectful this is our o - let me keep my own chat for a second then I don't know if our mods are here today I haven't seen familiar names as of yet but I don't catch every Finglas in chat dirty Monty is here for three months saying Hayek's love the stream glad you love it dude appreciate it [Music] b-dubs bills get spoiled all the time because of how infrequently he uploads its NBD I don't know MBD is short for but yeah he does he does his upload pace means he's behind we collaborate with idea and he's behind and I think you know I well I know b-dubs is cool with that he's also kind of like go with the breeze kind of guy right look if you're making a hundred thousand views on a video like that's that's a wonderful thing why why trip over the fact that you're being you know showcased in someone else's video it's not fair but fairness is a strange thing I you know in in this content creating environment that we are in it's unbelievable how Pro pro this is like no one on this server or in your community when you create content is competition collaboration is a strength it you promote one another you do things together it's communal and very positive and I absolutely love it it's a beautiful environment to work it to know that you know when you're doing good others are doing good with you right Asuma an ethics conundrum for you regarding hermitcraft I appreciate how you give us cow his loopback when you played run but Corral I saw how you closed the game for risk outcry let's just broke in allude to place I really just like this considering he showed up pretending he was gonna earn all his gear honestly is it wrong to dislike and stopwatch this crowd his content yeah because I think you've got the wrong end of the stick the game was fixed when brass was playing it so when I went over there the game was broken so what I did was made a joke out of it I'd win everything but I'm gonna give it all back you know just showing how broken it was so if scale goes over then fixes it then crannis plays it and when Kraus plays it it's it's the legit game and I know that it scales fine with that because they communicate to each other in discord you know Corrales is hey you need to stock up run and this scale goes and stocks up run and Kronus plays it again so it's completely fine you know this is this is the be easy thing right you crate you create a story in your mind of like old Corrales is treating or something and it's no not the case at all some good hot chocolate zodiac siren is here with cheers and bits same hey X is OD I'm glad to have been able to catch this stream lots of love from Florida thank you have so much for the cheers of its dude let's have you with us today okay now this one comes close to the ground again that seems to be like a recurring problem for us with these trees so this one is gonna be a little baby tree but now we're gonna put those in there and then give its little baby slivers coming over here maybe even going down like that or actually quite like that shape yeah we'll go with that then that's pretty cool it's a baby tree how can anyone dislike Corrales just look at those big googly eyes exactly exactly the isolate those eyes are amazing we when we were playing when we were playing is that sheep looking at me there was this moment where he looked over in my direction I think after I'd won and the eyes just made sense all over again right I wanted to talk to you about food I got to cook a meal for everyone today and everyone really liked it was just wonderful because I wanted to cook for everyone for a while now so I made a dish right this dish is consistent of four different parts you've got some spinach you've got some tomatoes that have been cooked in the oven with some oil sprinkled over them nice stuff then you've got some meat some sausage meat that's been all sort of like grounded up and it's cooked with oh should we have a treat go we'll make the next tree go that direction it's been cooked with some cream trees and propre Kerr you know in the pan mixing it up lovely taste and then we had some Erebor rice cooked with cheese and and clot clotted cream mustard and turmeric she had this really creamy rich yellow rice it was gorgeous and everyone loved it and I was so happy because I wanted to cook that meal for everyone for a while and and it was a bit we made a bit too much rice so we've got some of that leftover and I might eat that later because I'm I'm officially on you know no calorie count in do what I want mode so if I feel my belly rumbling later I'm just gonna eat it's not the way I normally do it but but it sounding it now for the next few days you know who is everyone says stealth ninja my family my family sniper Joon check your Twitter Oh Center photo thanks I'll I'll check it after the stream dude and peeps you know if ever you want to tweet me stuff I do read my tweets I don't always reply to all of them but I read through them papa I says now good for you you're so disciplined all year round a few days off a well-earned thank you I appreciate that but you wanna know what else I've been looking forward to okay I'm already looking forward to being past this as well before yesterday before like you know that and I feel like the eating coming on I'm like oh man I'm really looking forward to just picking out but I'm also looking forward to stopping that and getting back to normal and I feel I wouldn't be surprised if I feel my body just sort of like after maybe a couple of days sort of be like all right calm down because my body's adapted now it's generally not used to eating the way I used to so I would not be surprised to say how that happened how do you make the hot chocolate I just mix water in with the hot water with the mixture and then I do put a bit of milk in I had some oat milk with this one I like almond milk I liked oat milk they're both good horses hey ex I was wondering who your favorite artists is if you mean artist as in painters right I'm gonna do this now okay because you said that and then something popped into my head I have a folder on my computer with pictures of my favorite art and what I hate doing is when someone else like what's your favorite this will she favorite that I don't like the idea of like just giving whatever is floating around in my head right now you know because you're not gonna remember exactly everything okay I'm struggling to find this boy I knew where it was give me a second I think I found it yeah oh my goodness me okay so I'm just gonna read the entire list of what I have on my computer so I have Albert Bierstadt Ivan Kahn Stan toffee itch above Gough ski Jesus Caspar David Frederick this is just art that I got online I loved Edvard Munch Francis Bacon Gustave doré loved his style Gustav always wanted to look up these he's like black and white and gray style lines and these incredibly powerfully biblical and demonic and dark stuff just for Francis oh that's empty I don't know why that one's empty ah one of my favorites or Bram Z Z - law Beck sins key a go are absolutely butchering that one got some Picasso up in here some Rembrandt some renee mcelroy oh it's been ages since I looked through these paintings Salvador Dali of course Thomas Cole in here I want to look through these again later Valcke where's Vincent van Gogh Wayne Barlowe another one I really love Wayne Barlowe really demonic style awesome awesome eyes yeah there you go so so those are just some that I you know I collected a while ago what about Gaudi I saw a lot of his stuff in and his architecture as well in Spain beautiful loved it so there you go okay that was a great that was a great question because I could give you an answer okay we need to get more of those Leafs clearly clearly need some more jungle leaves therefore more jungle trees therefore bonemeal calendar right here right in the middle right here right now X who's your favorite music highest says Lana Gore if you go to a Sumer music block on Google if you go google and search assume your music blogger you'll find my music blog you can find out about the music clap my favorite band is Dimmu Borgir from norway i love them they ain't as good as they used to be but man those are my just absolute favorite band growing up without a shadow without admiral thunder bunny what a name is here the donation saying any word on who trapped the small end portals or so who ever make cheese toasties with sourdough a monster whoa that sounds cool sourdough I was in the shops this morning funny enough I was sort of like standing around and I could hear other people talking and someone went where's the sourdough and it just caught my ear and I was just like sourdough I've heard that before what does that taste like and now here here is you mention it to me you know that sounds gorgeous cheese toasties with sourdough a monster I don't even know what monster is either but dude thank you so much for the donation I don't know who trapped the end poles I don't really know much about what's going on on the server because I've been working my bum off the last few days on a video in fact peeps on I believe it's the 28th there's gonna be a video coming out it's 42 minutes long or I think it's even like 45 minutes long or something I put an insane amount of time and effort into it I'd really appreciate it if you were to you know like the perhaps share it around a little bit as well it is for me a like passion project video and it's the final part of a trilogy of videos that I put an immense I say an immense I put an immense amount of time and effort into part two and three part one was probably the easiest to record and that one is blown off on the channel but yeah it's it's just gonna be a great video okay I will even tell you now what it is it is a history of all the mob farms I ever created and I think literally every single mob farm I created is in that video with exception to maybe oh my god I know I've just I've just realized that there was some other mob farms like that maybe not okay so here's the deal right here's the deal I kind of decided that I wouldn't show the mob farm side already showed in the first video of the series so it kind of just popped into my head that assume as well there's a couple of mob farms but I did show them in that first video so maybe not but I'm perhaps could have included them to some extent I don't know anyway other than that is literally every mob farm I've ever built or been a part of and it is incredible I just loved it I loved recording it I hope you have a great time watching it it's like a chronological history of mob farming in Minecraft to some extent you know so yeah mosha Ellie Dodd says what kind of music do you like so you know I love all sorts of music I just I just want to hear what the artist wants to express when I listen to music you know I want to get into it and I want to get into stuff that I don't think I'm into as well because I've just discovered so much amazing music over the years and gotten in some really great bands that I would have once to turn my nose up and be like oh I don't like that and it's like now now mate right let's do this one I think I'm enjoying making them all unique from one an hour so this one's gonna be a bit droopy in the middle maybe not that doesn't look good mumbo Oh greyface greyface oh my goodness me peeps mumbos to my's can you believe it oh you are getting some diehard spoilers right here diehard spoilers oh you heard it here first beeps you heard it here first I put these in the wrong spot no I know I haven't ladies got to go max call says no spoilers Evo says his video is out no no no you heard it here first I'm telling you I'm telling you this is exclusive mumbo ain't uploaded no video you're imagining things crazy people crazy people I just watched the video says Katie on don't lie goodness me don't lie ah geez mumbo hasn't uploaded a video to his channel I checked I checked a minute ago before I was streaming you know what do you mean he posted while I was streaming he can't do that oh you love crazy crazy look on his channel no I'm streaming that'd be so rude if I started you know open tapping out and looking at stuff on my computer like you know like a folder full of art reading out the name that's illegal says dirty money that's the attitude my friend that is illegal that is illegal geez right let's move it on shall we okay because some people can't handle it clearly looking at my chat some people just can't handle it all right I live under a bridge peeps get used to it I missed one up the top I just break that cannae and then whoopty whoop and put it back yes so I was reading an article before before I was streaming and it was about how to get along with your family at Christmas now if you've tuned in for a lot of my streams you'll know that I have been making like a very conscious effort to examine my own behavior and interactions of people especially family and try and improve and like think through my actions and thoughts and whatnot and so a lot of what I was reading in this article was kind of like yeah I'm already here like I've got I figured it out but then I was singing well I'm about a stream and maybe we could have a chat about this so my question to all of you watching is like at Christmas do you find at one point or now they're not constantly in all the time obviously but like do you get on each other's nerves of your family or you know have difficult moments I can imagine it comes in degrees like some of you me but might be like yeah of course that's gonna happen every now and then and be fine with it and some of you might be like oh I can't stand it being family for that long alright looks like in chat we've got some yeses coming through with some G's I want to address that I just spotted in my chat we'll keep an eye out for that but one thing at time here quite a few people passionately saying yes okay that's good that's a starting point we also got we also got noises in the air super cookie seven eight eight seven for eleven months saying can't believe it's always been a year cheers I'm watching another streamer so I can't stick around Merry Christmas Happy New Year you watch it another stream ah give me your attention No thank you so much dude you're probably gone now you've probably moved on seven minutes who would put up me with me for that long game with triggers here for 36 months saying wow three years is a long time but you know what they say time flies when you are having fun thank you for the continued hard work and dedication you put for for all of us I love you dearly thank you for being so kind and gentle with me gamerchick thank you for the lovely message I really do appreciate that and it is a long time three years 36 months free years are out there appreciate you appreciate you Wesley honing I would totally encourage you not to drink my friend kind of sounds like you know what I'm about to say might not apply to you particularly but hopefully a bit of it will let's see James drew 27 but 45 months saying what up what up dude 45 bumps incredible approaching four years wet cats huh wet cutter is recent scrum for four months and Peter de 72 zero twelve months saying I just had an anniversary sip of English breakfast tea for you mr. X have a nice day and thank you for all the amazing things you do thanks for a lovely message dude enjoy the tea I'm gonna have the last gulp of hot chocolate ah it's like liquid sugar oh geez oh geez okay so expectations and disappointment this has just been like the absolute epiphany for me I guess I'm I'm always such a like a gradual person even with things that I learn about the always feels gradual but when I heard this concept of like having expectations and then then being disappointed it was such like whoa that makes an unbelievable amount of sense and almost immediately for me it um it started to really like take shape in my mind I could see like where these moments are where you get agitated with people that you love and it's mostly arises out of like you have this expectation for how things are gonna go when you're around other people and then they don't go to plan and you kind of get like irritated but this can be over like really simple stuff so one of the things I've noticed that cooking like you can easily get agitated over is being in the kitchen okay okay dude Nyjah like I'm gonna ban yet because that's just not cool I'm seeing you're posting that over and over again I don't agree with ya I don't have time to mess did you a message deliberate right now obviously we ain't got a moderator in the house so you get in band and you know why and maybe I'll come back to that later I've got the energy come on gifts up no where's the band button oh there is okay dude sorry but I ain't having that in my chat right there we go yeah according to a Wow we've got over a thousand people here thank you everyone to nning in yeah okay so apparently this guy's got more accounts well just uh pointing it out mr. chief says we love everyone here yeah I was listening to a podcast earlier today about the morality of science and had me all thinking about like tolerance and acceptance and for me it's just like unless you're like physically harming someone you can be who you want to be and you don't need to explain anything to me and it ain't like it ain't like a problem to be any type of person to me that's the only way I can put it but anyway let's get back on track expectations of disappointments so who's been in the kitchen like and you're bumping into each other I'm trying to go there you're trying to go here and you can get agitated or an aggravated them and it's also silly right yeah me says knocks ta not release is overdone grub well good for you I mean maybe hey maybe it's just me but anyway that's one of those things I know this thing get you started another thing is like when you've got a lot of people crowded in a room together and it's different age groups everyone's kind of got an idea of psyche that they want to do I want to watch this channel I don't watch that channel it can be so simple again to have an expectation of oh I was gonna do this thing and then it changes because it's Christmas it's busy there's just stuff going on constantly so for you this Christmas just just think about it like if you're perhaps like me in the past you find yourself getting a bit agitated and just just watch out for that expectation and that disappointment sneaking up on your right you think science going to go down this way then it doesn't how I really wanted to play that game and now we're not doing it you know gotta let it go just let it be go with the flow more you know just let things unfold he's back he's back I've got a ban him again you know dude like this is how you want to spend your time what can I say you could put your effort into it some you could put this energy into things that are so much more beneficial for everyone else okay there we go right I'll get your next one as well don't worry there you go dude there we go okay so where are we now Logan's gameplays subscriber Babson prime an import a new wax subscribing with Prime and Admiral funder Bunny crazy lovely name I love it hero donation saying greetings from Fort Wayne Indiana I had a good money on Mambo winning also any idea when Joe's vid will be up I love to see the context of his dead quarters aventure I don't really have a clue I don't really have a clue what what the others are up to I've been very checked out of demise and general goings on the last few day like I said I've been working on this video for my Christmas content and take it up a lot of time and energy I've been getting everything ready to take time off over Christmas which is now here so I'm kind of like not in the know but I believe tango is streaming he might have more of an idea and I know range streaming but he's on fun craft so maybe maybe go pick go pester Tango in his chest go go go mode at tango about it geez we got Leah lair for 30 months 43 Leah we need you in chat there's people being mean one person probably Leah thank you have so much you continued support I appreciate it a brawl funder bunny thank you again for the donation and gun free oh one is here for 19 months a in 2019 there's been a great fear for you exocomp see what you make a 2020 Merry Christmas yeah been I've been feeling this really weird kind of like 2020 and I was just a number but it just makes me feel like this is the time to do something I know I know that in 2020 we're gonna do some cool minecraft stuff I've got plans to do cool minecraft stuff I've got inspiration that's there brewing you know hey these trees look great this is the first time we kind of like step back and really felt them I feel like we now need a big tool one that kind of leans in so we're gonna do that one next yes so I'm not gonna do mine crow fights I've also been thinning like maybe I wanna like get some of these other ideas I've always had guard and I don't want to say too much I don't want to say too much we'll see what happens but I don't know so I think about that number 20 20 right feels like it's it's going to be something so going back to the whole Christmassy thing I think I need to like can I get my point here wrapped up a little bit just realize it's a great time of year to be with family to have time off and count your blessings you know good food and time to relax but just if you find yourself getting agitated just see if it relates to what I was saying that whole expectations and disappointment thing I don't know that was such a like a game-changer for me and now I just find it so much easier to get like past my own ideas of you know I want to do this I want to do that and then oh it doesn't go to plan like yeah it helped me so much he's back he's back come on Nigel come on Nigel where I can't even see Nigel in chat did did Lea get it Nigel posting chat again so we can get rid of it crazy crap says I don't really have any expectation so should be fine that's cool that's cool dude yeah like what I'm saying probably won't you know work for everyone but hey it was a slight auditor can I share just just to you know you are human and it can be easy to get wound up or upset you know and agitated when you're around people lot hey maybe not everyone's like that I know I'm a little bit like that so I need to pay attention to it anyway peeps I can't see it in chat I think maybe Lea's on top of it did I mention it says if you keep acknowledging him he'll come back and I'll keep banning him game of chicken server donation saying twenty twenty just means another lap around the Sun in a different point in space the journey is short so it's never too late to start new things great message best wishes for you and your family gamerchick thank you ever so much for the nation you know I appreciate you and yeah never laugh around the Sun I don't mean it isn't is is just like another day it's weird isn't it like I actually think I've said this in the past that we have like milestones things that we celebrate like I never enjoy celebrating New Year's Eve tomatoes are just another day on the calendar yet for some reason I'm finding myself all caught up in this idea of 2020 all of a sudden know why I do know why actually I was listening to a podcast the other day that had me like feeling real good about the future and we'll talk about that of course we will of course we'll talk about that gamerchick thank you again benedict riches here a donation as well saying Merry Christmas ex do you prefer tiny marshmallows or whipped cream in your hot chocolate or do you dare put sugar in your cocoa I got to say I don't have no sugar no need for that I don't add sugar to anything but I like foods with less sugar and to be fair I'm more of a savory type person I think I'd go with one big fluffy marshmallow dip it in yank it out a virtue whipped cream not my thing tiny marshmallows they got too much of the shell you know the the the outside of the marshmallow is no not as nice as the insights you need that big marshmallow to get all that chewy stuff inside that's how I feel about that thank you so much for your donation I appreciate it what's the podcast called exes dat Randy dat Randy he's back apparently he's back but I think he's already banned because I can't see it on my screen [Music] you know if you're that motivated to just put an intolerable message in chat I almost want it out in a way I almost want to hear more from you right but in the context of a chat like a switch chat oh you're probably gonna get is more spammy hate messages right but like a face-to-face conversation you know what's going on in your head why are you spending all this time hating on people Betty back daddy says it's so straightening and sad that people spend their time on the internet trolling rather than devoting their life to a subject and become an expert at it so they can use that skill to improve the world we live in yeah and it's it's it's not sad you know for me it's not sad in like a you're sad kinda way it's it's sad in a like come on dude you're probably suffering like I think when you're you know spewing hate towards people it always makes me feel like you're suffering somewhere right like I reckon you've got your own reasons you know and that's that's fine man but Leah Leah Thank You Leah Laius got us covered here and Leah also asks if if all are you just when he comes back let Leah deal of it because the spam means it shoots up the screen of course I appreciate your spam but if we just let Leah take care of it and Thank You Leah appreciate it now we've got Blue Bottle 77 for 39 months in a row over here 39 months incredible Thank You Blue Bottle I appreciate it Betty back daddy says it's sad and I wasted a human potential kind of way yeah totally look what I what I was kind of getting at when you used the word sad not not implying that you meant it this way but one of the things I often see is like they're kind of like belittling of someone who's a troll or someone who does like mean and nasty like maybe maybe some people do mean and nasty things over and over again and maybe deserve a bit of belittling but I think a lot of the time it's it just stems from some sort of negativity being shifted from one place to another and makes me often think that those people probably suffering with something in some way or another as a mystic angel says I guess he has a reason why he's spamming hate speech he or she or anything in between but there are other ways to tell people your opinion there is there is and I would always be up for - listening for a proper articulated opinion you know I believe we can learn from one another even if you don't agree this there's things to be learned right um well we going up here we're gonna round this way so this podcast I was listening to was Joe Rogan with the young French man who is trying to clean up the giant specific no Giant Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch right that is a thing that we have on this planet is twice the size of Texas it is where waste mostly plastic accumulates in the ocean well this is how we treat our planets collectively peeps now I used to be one of these people and this is this is during the time that I was streaming talking about my opinions you know because changes we're always going through change right it's good to keep your mind open and change your opinions and stuff I used to be very much of the opinion that we need to stop living this way and go back to the olden ways and you know change our behavior globally but let's face it okay there has been decades of people trying to spread ideas that we need to change our behavior to stop this stuff it don't seem to work there's one thing that seems to be able to to solve problems as well as create and cause them is technology and my mind is pretty like made up at this point to some extent that we're like we're like just racing forward right we're just going in a direction and the idea of putting on the akes and turning around reeling us back in doesn't really seem feasible as much as I would maybe like to do things that way to me it's like we gotta steer ourselves so we don't shoot off the cliff and technology is the solution to those problems so so this kid is trying to clean up all the plastic in the ocean and I love that that's like going out there and doing something I'm making a difference and I feel like I want to find what my difference is you know I don't know where to put my energy and effort and I think I could do something simple like go outside and pick up litter and tidy things up but I also like have power and influence here to do something on a bigger scale just don't know precisely what this looks great by the way I'm gonna go around and punch out some of these let's get rid of mostly the I got string to get rid of a fair few of both of them I knew I wanted to do this we're do it now right so um so yeah I'm getting more and more on the fence with time that we need to use technology to solve the problems and we need to just accept that we are like racing in that direction now I listen to again another fantastic podcast this one that I listened to wasn't with Joe Rogan it was with Tim Carroll and he had a guest on and this guy was talking about the Industrial Revolution and how in that period in the industrial revolution the activity we were doing was desperately harming the planet and it had a big and negative impact on it and he was saying that people have kind of forgotten about all the terrible chemicals and pollution lead poisoning is a good example things that we used to do around the time of the Industrial Revolution post-industrial revolution that took a toll on the planet we're actually sort of scaling back and getting smarter and more efficient with what we do problem is our numbers are also growing so we're still having a huge impact on the planet but the idea of going back to the olden ways and like you know everyone having localized organic produce it's actually like detrimental to the planet because unfortunately as cruel as animal farming is and you know my opinions and thoughts on that stuff don't like it but it's in a way efficient in comparison so there's this big issue about hey we're consuming meat and all the animals that we're consuming are producing loads of methane gas right so imagine that we got rid of the factory farm in kept eating the same amount of meat and went back to the old ways of doing it where animals have more time on the planet and they had more better conditions outdoors and they have lots much more land to move around on that will take up so much land and resources that the impact on the planet would just be catastrophic so like it's it's one of those things with numbers right like as technology progresses we get smarter and more efficient and less impactful on the planet but at the same time there's more and more people so it's growing so this idea of going back to how things work or used to be doesn't work with the population that we have today it's just not compatible so I think we have to sort of accept that hey we've got here we've got this many people on this planet and we're just gonna have to like figure this one out and the idea of like having our ideas spreads that go around people and you know people decide a we're gonna go back to the old waiter in it if everyone did that it could be literally catastrophic to switch back and revert to the ways we did things in the past and for those reasons I'm just I'm so now swayed into this idea that we've just got a fire forward and use technology to try and solve as many of the problems and we'll probably find that the technology will create will create problems as well but it's sort of like hey we're locked into this it's like it's like the movie speed right we're just cruising towards we're cruising down the motorway we can't put the brakes on the car so we've got to figure out the solutions you know right we'll turn it back to chatting just a second we have blue bottles suddenly so I've read that one didn't I but blue bottle just in case I didn't blue bowl seventy seven thirty nine months incredible thanks so much Joe BB three for two months say Merry Christmas and have a safe happy new year as well X cheers you to my friend mr. Stu's here we subscribe for six months game a chick with the cheers and bits a [ __ ] Evan energy has a way of lingering a long after the trauma and incident has occurred in one's life ridding yourself of this type of energy is a choice it's as easy as putting on a pair of pants gamerchick I agree yeah from personal experience I know that to be so true but what I will say is I don't think it is easy I think for some it might be easy for some it could be hard it could probably be many things right I wouldn't be so quick to assume that it's easy but it is a choice and maybe it gets easier once you figure out that hey I can change this you know oh horse says I was wondering who your favorite artist is but you meant music ah well the music blogs they're for you Jay Duff doc says X my fault song garbage Cleanup are that we should definitely try to clean it up and such but what makes me upset is many folks will say that in North America and Europe and in general most the developed parts the roads that the culprit is we shame each other we shame each other saying it is in reality Air Asia Africa and South America who produced the the rubbish okay so that went off the screen as I read it I I know what you're getting at because I know the argument okay global warming comes up people point fingers at China and whatnot look the world is developing it is developing in stages the Western society America Europe we got to go through all of this first okay and now that is going to coming to these other countries like the Asia and the Africa's and they're gonna make the same mistakes we did but blaming each other is a waste of time trying to get each other on page with solutions is far better an idea it ain't their fault for polluting if we've now figured out you know the oldest thing we were doing was really bad but this country over here is doing it as well they're going through the same steps and learning phases that we did essentially right so to play the blame game is just unproductive and so we should really look for solutions and I love this podcast cuz I was just talking about you know how like some people might argue that cleaning up the rubbish there is an inefficient use of your energy and you should focus it somewhere else like don't be a naysayer don't be one of those people like get out there and do something the more people doing stuff man if like more people just started doing stuff just start making more of a difference that's it right I mean even even if like you are someone who's doing a lot already insane no it's not efficient to do that you don't you don't need to say it like it's better to have more people trying to do stuff because we're definitely not all trying to do Saeng right if everyone if everyone on planet earth okay if we were like this incredibly co-opted organized species and all of us on planet earth were working around the clock to solve problems then maybe there would be a great thing to have people figure out you shouldn't be doing that thing over there we should be doing it there but we're not not everyone every day is putting in the effort so wherever the effort comes from to make things better like that's a great thing della Randy says you're a wise fellow ex I'd love to see some sort of community event for the environment yeah it's what I'm thinking about I have to I have such a weird hang-up with charities and stuff but environment is like one thing that I can get on board with and maybe you'll see sight like that for me in the future by I need to I think they take the time to figure this stuff out like what I want to do and I want to go and research this guy's a garbage patch like operation and find out more about it and if I can get involved because I love it I just love the concept it's so great just go clean up this horrible mess that we've made it on of our planet you know it's not about blaming anyone it's just about you know fixing it and I think that's great I would love a podcast by X's plank you're listening to it you're literally you you're pretty much listening to it my sister does a lot for the environment planting trees going on climate strike etc says dunk now that's awesome yeah encourage Ellis that's great I'm down with that all right we've got noises in the air we got Jessica to 9:01 for 42 months Jessica thank you have so much for your support we got the Vixen 38 for 10 months Martine 101 8 for 43 months and have a great 20/20 you too my friend out of them 7 case here subscribe Amazon Prime and never far off for 1/2 says hex when you get a chance Google solid state batteries it's a bit techie but it's poised to solve a lot of energy problems never far off for one - thank you have so much with the cheese and bits dude I appreciate it I learned about solid state batteries rather recently rather recently did I learn about the solid-state batteries and it's just not I'm saying out loud because I want it to pop back into my head what I learned about it but it's not nothing's coming back and I don't know why but I learned about that and obviously I didn't learn it very well because it's already gone but I appreciate you giving me the heads up I'm gonna research that after the stream one of the things I will say though and I was talking about this earlier like I talked about in the past is that if we invent some like new storage system for power the problem is we're gonna keep increasing the amount of power one of the things that does grow my gears a bit with technology is that like we're always got a first for more of it and it just it's just gonna bring about the next problem right like once we've got that storage thing figured out we're probably going to need another one but hopefully we get to a point where everything we're doing stops her in the planet as much and we can develop some more symbionts with it you know if we can get that then hopefully from there we can move forward and things gonna be good that's what I'm hoping for the UK exports the most their plastic weight to Malaysia it just ends up in landfill rather than making it their problem they should just deal with themselves as Green loom up unfortunately is absolutely true reality that recycling as we know it is often just exporting and then landfill and I know that over here we do that I've seen it firsthand I've seen recycling go into landfills in in our own countries like unbelievable what recycling is supposed to be and what it actually is but yeah and that you know we had that point earlier about people blame Asian and whatnot countries and yet there's probably a lot of that going on blame in the countries when you're selling your rubbish over there look playing the blame game just ain't worth it looking for the solutions is what we've got to do right let's go get one two three four five so I don't know how many how's this work again I think I make nine no I'll give me nine yes I think I have one nine torches this is usually how I do it you grab nine of those eight of these do that do this and then you don't have any leftover stuff excellent okay I do not want you perfectly in line that is not what I'm looking for here we'll just keep it kind of diagonal that's looking all right over the UK and America are just bad with these things it's not you can just pin it on one person says Mr cheese yeah yeah you don't pin it on one person you come but maybe it's fair to pin it on organisations that's one thing I often think about power is in the world often look at like power and where where it situates them where it gets isolate isolate like concentrated because then then if you find where all the power is concentrated you probably do need some sort of responsibility going on right now that's so I'm going to put for now because I've got this big old beacon in the way it's looking pretty gorgeous isn't it I feel like maybe we should put a little bit more bow meal in this area maybe get some leaves down on the grass all of it birder says I think it's fair to point out the biggest offenders so we can fix the issue yeah pointing them out good idea you know we need to point attention I just it's not about blame though right looks amazing X has dug the slug Thank You duck it does look pretty cool isn't it it may be one too many trees over here like I could have spaced them out more but you know when you play in survival you can so easily get hung up on little micro changes you could be making write that tree should be a little bit higher this one should go over there if you can creative you know go ham it's easier to move stuff around girag says stop pointing fingers and solve the problem exactly exactly all I'm saying is that there are so many people saying how we should do specific things for instance use paper straws and drive electric cars here in the Western world saying that is our duty my personal opinion is that based on stats that I've seen in many things even a large scale don't make much of a fraction a percent of a difference in the world's trash State if you are I just find that most of the proposed solutions are simply not feasible yet they are understood to be hmm that's a really good point I so I guess when we're saying like do sign instead of nothing so what if what if someone's motivated to do sink that turns out to have an infinitesimal impact maybe there is maybe there is a grounds to say maybe like don't do it like that but I guess you know you don't have to be a naysayer to do that right you can communicate that in a positive way as well but ya know that is a good point there are perhaps like you said the whole thing with straws is gonna have like an incredibly negative negligible impact and it's kind of a good point that probably needs a bit of four I think because I kind of noticed that like I'm rich I'm a real like trash conscious person I always look at litter on the streets when I go walking and I hate it I think I'm gonna go litter picking I think I'm just gonna grab some litter pickers I've got some in the garret and just walk and pick up little one day I just think I want to do that you know just put it all in the trash I mean yeah it's gonna go into landfill but make the place look a little cleaner at least but no yeah there is there is actually a good point there right there is a good point I'm talking about like you know don't put people down who are trying to make a difference but maybe if you're like hey wait a minute what you're doing is fantastic but it's not gonna be that efficient here's why maybe you put your energy somewhere else just not in that mean-spirited negative way that's thus the way I was talking about it right when it's like people are trying to stop you or whatever anyway this is this is typical here's my opinion I'll wait a minute it might be slightly wrong I think all opinions are like that they're just opinions joke to win is here for 18 months to twitch babies saying unfortunately I haven't been able to catch a lot of streams lately but I keep on loving your content keep it up thank you so much dude I appreciate you tuning in today hope you I'm gonna go Christmas we've got a game a chick with the cheers and bits saying what a song do you go to when the world isn't playing nice - blackberry smoke ain't much left of me gamer chick what a great question what a great great question when it's the last time that I like just went to a record man as there was a time in my life where I did that a lot it was like I need this music now those days are far behind me but oh there was there was a sign I went to I was just pissed off about something and I put on something really aggressive and it totally did it for me just trying to remember what it was you know I tell you what though if I am if I am a bit unlike the fustrated scale of things turnstile has been a band for me that really like ah like gets you back on track gets you in that headstrong space there's so much music it's so hard to say and trying to think of like some classic songs that like so many things are popping in my head now there's a lot of Alice in Chains that is like really moody to listen to that kind of like gets you through some stuff joël Kip says I'd listen to in the minds of evil from their side or be Christian eyes from vital remains I know both those bands man that's some serious deaf mouth all right there aggressive songs are great when you're frustrated they drown out your thoughts which can be so incredibly helpful sirs flatten Enders hers yeah absolutely absolutely but like a band like turn style for me not only drowns it out it turns it around gamerchick I've got the answer for you probably let me hear it's got to be Henry Rollins I'd say disconnect by Henry Rollins liar as well Rollins band even those are some like a lot of Rollins is music like it's for when you really feel in something tracks like what do you do and then for when you need to go in that other direction when you need to shoot up like a rocket the song shine that is the best motivating song I've ever heard in my life shown by Rollins band that that is just like Henry Rollins just screaming at you it is time to shine you know no such fingers downtime no such fingers free time all you've got his lifetime go because it's time to shine I love it and he's screaming at a screaming at you like like he's gonna kick your ass if you don't that's great it's great should we work on the line a little bit next feel like I'd like to work on the line also probably want to put some trees in this space over here I feel like maybe just putting a few oh god we actually got like a fair bit of work to do here what should I do with this land I feel like maybe put some gravel through here and maybe I can put some like fences and stuff down make a little bit of a barrier type thing going on here let's get some gravel up in this how do you listen to Rollins band because I can't get it on Spotify sat-sun either busk it's all on youtube if you want to listen to it there listen to Rollins bands shine if you need someone to kick you in the ass and like get you on track in fact that's what most of Rollins music is just giving you a beat in and telling you their life is real the real Drake 66 is here subscriber vamps and prime think you have so much dude we also got forgotten Trixie and Mark who's our four free months subscribe with the prime we also got cricket to chirp with the cheers and bits thank you ever so much dude I appreciate the cheers and bits I hope you enjoy the stream my go-to song star one and pissed or annoyed is whatever it takes something just like this and stuff like that I have a guilty pleasure with I'm an albatross by diving my parents love it I feel like that was a very meta joke Adam says had a quick listen yeah now I want to punch some trees time to play Minecraft again ha ha have you decided to strip the logs in the bee farm says MJ yeah we did that and it's in my episode I believe mr. Chief says honestly I just have a plain playlist full of random music that I like that's cool I wish I'd have kept more playlists over the years of like go-to songs and maybe like tag them through moods I got like a huge Music Archive and one of the things I haven't done with it is like tag it all up with moods and what and I really would love to have more like metadata on music and really kind of like just get at it from different angles so yeah I'm not gonna I'm not gonna overthink what we're doing over here because we need to just kind of like make progress and make this area feel more done and full so I'm gonna use some of those for something we shall we shall grab some of those oh my goodness may look at this inventory inventory is messy okay so we're gonna grow some of that stuff and then I need some fence posts which are still in here yeah fame right we'll take barouche and a jungle and a jungle jungle Julie define O'Doul's noodles force the definition of oodles for snacks no can't be that specific I can't think of another expression for lots of items gamey chicks is wow I'm really loving shine at Sumer it's time yeah it's a total motivator that song total motivator I mean yeah that gets me in a real good headspace that that song if you think you've got 100 years to mess around you're wrong okay there we go yeah I love I love music that's like aggressive and gets your heart pumping in I was listening to a bit of lamb of God earlier they've got some real like thumping songs that get you hyped it's just gonna look weird like a little too high fencing thing here I could put some lanterns on it that's for sure uh we'll develop it a little bit more and then we'll see how we feel because this is gonna have stuff behind it like like all of that right and then a tree over here as well we'll put in a tree a wild old tree can't grow to be a bigger now we've we should actually probably try and put quite a few big ones in anyway they lie we can do sign like that sign with that for now let's make the next one over here are big and I'm gonna experiment that's the wrong time to sapling I'm not sure if that really did it or not I'm gonna chop it down I did this totally wrong we need some torches is what we need we got gse cats subscribing with Amazon Prime Jessie counts think you have so much appreciate it hope you enjoy in the stream having a good time Savalas has all imagine dragons songs are great no not today not today not today not today look the other way look the other way okay not today what we're gonna do what we're going to do not today torches torches are we going over here over here Mooney says ah yeah yeah ah ha ha [Laughter] listen I'll go there right um let's grow this tree come on grow into it big ern I should probably get one of these get rid of these first when is the server gonna be updated to 1.15 says Cline in 2020 possibly or not Lea Lea yeah yes Lea Lea I that was in a different update of minecraft I think that might have changed I know you're on about though let's give it a shot let's give it a shot so it would be that there could also affect it yeah that also seems to do it oh that's a big ern I like that [Music] conceits and six last forever says hurricane can season six Finiti last forever of course it can is season six Vinny that's what it does that's what it says on the tin there carry any more bone mill clearly here we go season six Vinny who would ever want this season to end a that's kind of alright let's go try again am I actually doing this right it's like that block there that needs to be the blocking one maybe I just got lucky before look both ways before you cross a rail line good advice I don't think this is working Eva X can you recognize me Giorgio I recognize you hey exhaust your favorite light source um the torch is kind of classic man imagine playing the game without the torch jeez painful I would love more light sources in this game I hope they never update bring some oh by the way peeps I've been playing this game cool der into the breach I got a tweet suggesting it and then where I've had time off yesterday and today I've had a couple of opportunities to play it's by the makers of faster-than-light and I'm kind of enjoying it but at the same time I'm also feeling like its progression curve for those of you that know the game like it feels just a bit laggy because the campaign is like quite long you can be playing it for a couple of hours and then you die and you can have to start all over again I don't know for those of you that know that game in chat how how does the gameplay get any more deep than the initial game that you see because I've seen the initial game you start playing it straight away and then I spend a lot of time like sussing out all the details of our this attack does that and I'll watch out for this because it will push that unit this way and then and then you kind of reach this point where you're trying to like grind your way for all these levels but you're not really seeing much more go on like you can unlock other attacks and stuff but that seems to be it you ever get to use more than three mech units as well because it's starting to look like it's progression is pretty flat which I'm not sure I like on on it gets way deeper says I'm catchy can you give me a hint as to which way it gets deeper they are just you know I with me and games like they'll be a point where I'm like right I'm done and I feel like I might be close to it but I don't kind of like also not sure if I'm missing out on anything and I don't want to get stuck grinding away for something that isn't that people are talking about doc logging in no that's that's green I feel like I might be talking to one person in chat right now just one person hey I love your new beehive design but there is a floor says gets my dad's if you mean the building on hermit craft then then I mean it's just a building I don't know what the floor is though and if you mean in that video that I haven't actually released yet that's coming out tomorrow I believe then how do you know about that video I've got a bee farm in tomorrow as you speaking of that tomorrow there'll be a bee farm video to some extent you'll see you'll see just like roguelikes you'll find more combos you didn't expect keep playing yeah I'm catchy is it is it just more like I don't know the same thing over and over again playing in that little you know what was it like a 9x9 grits I mean it's it's kind of been fun to see new creatures but what's really annoying about it is that when new creatures come along and they trip you up because you don't expect them to behave in a particular way or not you have to go like if you get really messed up you have to just start all over again and it's like man but anyway I didn't have I didn't have like a really good play for on it where it's just everything can I went my way it was awesome I'll that'll do that'll do right there and I managed to get to the third island but on the third island I encountered this mob that totally tripped me up and I just did say I didn't know it could do and then it ruins it ruined me and I was just like what they go so luck and that's why I can't stand that just kind of like I'm making it don't know what I'm doing and I've got tripped up because these new mobs here and you got to go all the way for and learn them again that's a roguelike for you true true but you know we faster-than-light the play for is relatively quick right so with this game it's not so it just did just for me it's just not rewarding though but I did bust out concrete jungles if anyone remembers that game when I was playing that with my family and and some of them are quite interested in it which was nice because I'm not into playing like cards and quizzes quizzes don't do anything for me I'm not a quiz person so I find a lot of that more traditional stuff like just did it just it just doesn't do anything in my head it's just not for me when will you finish your last skyscrapers there's war tell I don't think I will I mean I might give another little shot up coming up with something but I just got a feeling that I've kind of exhausted that project and I should probably just go over there and find a way to like finish that off you know lay oh thank you for tuning in today and have a great rest of your day now I'm looking at my noises in the air I'm gonna read that if I read these all out okay I think I might have missed a couple here Derek tur Jess cats and forgotten in tricks subscribe with Amazon Prime thank you so much and J bulla stop has subscribed of Amazon Prime I know I ain't missed that one because it just came through they give us so much dude bone mill is the name of the game that I look at this why am I taking so little with me while my inventory is a complete mess give me that one Elise geez peeps how many views with 1100 people are tuned in today think you have so much everyone I appreciate your support be sure to hit the follow button over here because you know I'm never gonna stream again yeah hit the follow button because it's completely useless in the Year of 2019 of course you know I'm never gonna stream again this year okay that joke that joke was old before it even got started right there people were like shut up X I know I see where you're going with it it's not funny please don't do that okay so another big tree some trees in this area fences at the front well do something very similar on this side okay so how did you feel about that peeps I feel like maybe we should put some fence gates in the middle I think it will work it won't be like the most majestical thing you've ever seen but why would it be not every bill has to be X I think I think the other buildings in this area take most of the work you know maybe a few normal treat trees it's moisty fires yeah maybe just a couple over the back there right yeah because they're kind of they're kind of a bit the tall ones are a bit on their lonesome in places so one here maybe one just somewhere there are you blocking it from growing I think I don't if you smart if my young words are like address how trees grow a little bit maybe just refine it cuz it does feel a little bit quirky having to you know remove these blocks around em on our arm out of bone meal looks Epic's as atomic super beam I'm glad you think so epic is good we got dots NC subscribing for seven months in a row dot NC thank you so much dude I appreciate that I hope you enjoyed the stream mumbo-jumbo has left the game I was gonna put some Doc's oak saplings in this area too just to kind of spruce it up with literally without using spruce leaves or spruce trees you know and we should probably put them closer to where people are gonna see him it's often a good practice now that I'll do a couple of torches or maybe lanterns let's put talk to you beside here then we're gonna put some fence gates across there it's gonna be good good in the hood and then we're gonna have to make some more we're gonna need some serious inventory clean up kind of feels to me like maybe you should have one or two more of those let's have a look yeah do that that'll work that'll work for me all right now we need some serious inventory tidy up going on hang lanterns from trees as pixel creeper why don't you give it a try I sound like a really cool idea just just sounds like it makes sense you know so it's not in the amount I can't remember I think it's eight yeah eight four nine eight four nine that's what you got to remember with those eight ingots for nine torches so there's a little ratio for you got an Enderman in the area chillin hangin picking up blocks moving them about oh yeah that's that's kind of awesome just maybe one yeah all the way up there as well that looks that's awesome because then it's like multi-layered light that's got a little well cool at night what a great suggestion we're only gonna put them on the big trees as well you know all the other trees they suck no okay so we've got that tree over there it's missing them yeah let's make some more of those X he was someone to do an inventory cleanup who me oh the it debate the end of it oh I hate here the end of them getting close what I need is probably that one there now oh geez don't look at me or better yet don't walk in my path so I'm looking at you don't do that now right what are we doing what are we doing sorting out we need eight of those how many more torches that means I need another box Oh chess monsters chess monsters again there we go now we've got torches and now we've got nine of those kablammo how do you like this character model your skin is very good man how does a real father to son moment sound ha ah let's put one over here one over there and maybe actually just go over to on that one cool I can't wait for nighttime to roll around now I really want to see how that looks let's light we don't say very often waiting for night you know usually the night times abhava ah there we go so I'm gonna need more brochure wood ash brush a wood right yes please thank you very much no thanks that one make all of those make one of those hey ex are you gonna do any more ha call her mrs. duck the slug probably not it is not on our agenda however I'm you know really glad to see that people liked it because I've seen a lot of requests for it as of late I guess it didn't we to be always do it at Christmas or at least we did one last year Christmas I think it's it's nice to see that peeps enjoy it okay so we're gonna go around the corner here over there and kind of round it off in this area a little bit and we've got noises in the air coming through it's Joel or each gifting subs 2xc Cindy and YH slice Joel reach thank you ever so much for supporting the community dude very kind of you to do that I appreciate the support hope you're enjoying it and Cindy and slice if you heard your name being read out loud for a love heart in chat to Joel or reach for gifting the subs appreciate you dude you should add a couple of layers to Doc's prisons and Scud warrior I don't know what Doc's prison is but we're gonna be working on this project you know we should go and update demise though cuz mumbo has demised demise we should go update the the store the store the betting shop goodness me I can't get it right I just can't get it right so another little thing over here at conch warp kind of tidied up a bit I like it and I don't know what's gonna happen next for that but how about a quick trip over to the graveyard peeps as I sound dandy does it sound dandy that's the word you wanted to hear that's exactly what you wanted to hear dandy we're bringing it back beeps it's gonna come back into fashion I'll tell you everyone's gonna be saying dandy before you know it start saying it now you'll be the cool kid on the block okay with the cocoa beans come from didn't camera dies oh yeah we went and got them manually Hayek's last stream I caught you had the music from Diablo on and you're a table fan will you play for and which was your favorite part so far so I like Diablo 1 but in play a lot of it because I started with Diablo 2 I believe Chuck Saban says be know why did you say B no I feel like I had the Beano comic in my head is so gonna go this is the way oh geez almost died again oh goodness me I'm actually flying weird why aren't I able to eat strange there we go well we owe ya Diablo so da Bloo - loved it but not only do I love it that soundtrack I've been listening to it for years I absolutely adore it it's fantastic now as for number three I got number three I had a lot of trouble trying to play it like he wouldn't let me play it because of online connection and that really infuriated me and then I never really gave it a proper chance I did play a bit but just didn't get into it because I kept having issues being able to play do you think that they'll do demise again next year and if so what rules would you change dismissed I love dance yeah maybe we could do it again like and maybe do like a demise challenge edition where everyone creates challenges and see who can survive them that'd be kind of cool right you ready peeps it's time for that moment mumbo jumbo you are demised wait I'm doing it wrong I'm doing it wrong there we go that is a lot of diamonds right there that is a lot of mints my friends a lot of mint whoo all right that is a bonk that's a stack of diamonds and that ladies and gentlemen is my fee for running this shop let's get out of here quick before anyone catches us with the diamonds where am I going I'm looking for a crafting bench is there a crafting bench in here surely this room and have a crafting bench in jeez no I didn't see crafting bench let's go up here surely surely the man with the protein shake will have a crafting bench surely don't call me Shirley I mean scarce down here lifting all this iron he ain't got a crafting bench got to get the basics right first scar goodness me goodness me oh I might just have to wander back over to conk off and forget why I was looking for a crafting bench you know got a strange case of amnesia at the moment amnesia is that the right one where was that way you like forget your identity right you built this crazy thing scar is there a crafting bench in it okay does there's no craft invention these are basics come on now you can build this but you can't put down a crafting bench that is a Minecraft fail Oh what's up with the squids man well the Skardu in his spare time just always in an ocean killin killing and chillin just like a villain do it there we go you don't have one in your place Eva sirs Jeff's cake I've got one in my ender chest okay I just don't I mind a chest on me cheeky devil that is to be one a stack of diamond blocks can you believe it peeps should I put some more bets on its cow or doc I think I'm just gonna leave it on you know other people clearly invest again to be fair a Jevons putting a heck of a lot but it's a bit of a note is it a bit of a no-brainer to up the amount feels like it's a bit of a no-brainer to put more in did not even ender chest in this room now okay people in chat are saying doc is dead but also that doc will die when he logs in well he's not dead if he hasn't logged in who's to say someone else hasn't gone on interfere with the process right you know there's lots of people on the server you know someone might have gone around and removed a certain something Oh Robbie you never know you have to wait and see with these things you can't just assume it's a foregone conclusion where am I going enderchest what am i doing what's going on oh oh I don't even have my diamonds in there oh and as someone else has pointed out in chat what's to stop someone else from dying before doc logs in it's not a foregone conclusion duh what are you talking about derp what up I I would adapt by betting away more of my diamonds that came my hard-earned diamonds right let's go this way Sam sky Mac price is what you doing man lost the plot I don't know by the way like I am fully expecting to have had a derpy stream today because I should even fear II be tired I woke up at half four because I heard a voice and it went you are dreaming and I thought no I'm now awake it was my phone my phone is lucid dreaming thing on and I can't turn it off and whenever I need to use the adaptive alarm it has this you are dreaming and it's like now you've woken me up so I woke up at half four couldn't get back to sleep went for a long walk I've done 25,000 steps today so I've had a very busy and active day going back and forth cycling walking apparently Dockers tweeted out that use tested his chances of survival knows how to get out Wow Brian built a lava pool of obsidian around it when doc logged out you should add a TNT trap around it but what if I bet what if I bet diamonds on Doc and then go and destroy that trap there is there is no harm okay it is not against the rules for me to poke at a trap is it not there is nothing in the rules that says you can't disable a trap when you're atomized flare so I could bet on doc winning and go to save all that trap like why not so many twists and turns let meet you take its course exes Sam's going back by I'm part of nature I'm a Yeti geez you can't get more natural than that you'll get a bigger portion of the diamond service Cowan's doses birder not if I put more of a bet on doc that's the point right Muppet gamers here subscribe for two months saying I don't go on twitch often but I watch every video keep up the good work thank you my friend I appreciate it and I hope you enjoy the stream glad you're watching the videos yeah the videos and the live stream in two different things alright two different things I feel like working on the line a little bit now we need to come up with I think we need to break away a little bit here I want to keep this going for as long as I can though I like that so let's this is gonna be nice and simple okay we've got our end rods right we've got those that's good let's chuck away that for a second that's very good that block I do birch wood birch woods in here cool right we've got these things and that's all we need just a few blocks so let's see how we can play this you know obviously the next one's gonna be around here I think I'm gonna keep the blocks in the middle going along with it those Fox might change but wood if we're gonna change them we'll do that later for now we'll keep it gravel where we need it so extra block there do we have a doc hem live in chat cuz ya peeps are clearly saying a loaded doc so doc I was just saying that you know I might you know just place a bets on a certain a certain 77 I won't say which 77 and you know go and disable a certain trap that Brian made brilliant sorry Brian Bri and it sounds you know right let's let's do that BAM and then bring these over hopefully if we have a gap of like six or eight kinda looks like it's not and how much therefore shift all of this over by a one-block probably shift it this way let's go move this wait a minute what did we do before was it I'll wait look at that it was six and then it was like redonkulous amount so let's just keep it six again let's go actually back this way so we're gonna go to that spot can I do that I can and then I can put that there and then we're gonna turn the corner I don't know how the next bits gonna work really so what I could do the problem is whatever I do here it's gonna look disconnected I think right like if I do that that's disconnected if I if I try and like do that it's just gonna become too bulky if I throw these things up in here it's gonna look messy maybe we should just end it there what do you think peeps just end it I just said I wanted to keep it and rods and iron bars iron bars would be a pretty good solution it would just be a total change right I think maybe the track itself needs to pick up a different vibe around this area that's what I reckon we'll keep this high and then we'll put a load of trapdoors alongside it and then we'll try and change it into a different material I think we're just gonna have to ditch the theme somewhat you know [Music] we've got a noise in here from City Year monsterettes for two months saying hello stream Hey Dude how's it going thank you so much for your support the only thing that can kill a doc is the thing he creates himself there's AC brother send the power line so nearby building yeah it does just kind of end doesn't it I don't I don't think there's anything here that makes sense unless we made like a pow all actually yeah maybe maybe we would just like shoot it over this way a little bit and build a little power station thing all right just a little building there we'll save that idea that might be kind of cool yeah I'm also now thinking though that this should be now we keep it at this site okay do we want to double this up though feel like that works that's the other thing loud look at that so tricky to place [Music] whoopsie so we'll do that [Music] right uh what are we next we need some of this word over here oh that didn't work but that's fine that's probably not enough never make enough 8 it's gonna do nothing it's gonna do nothing I'm gonna need some more in a second maybe Stonecutters grindstones could look like pulleys for the hill section that is a cool suggestion very cool I like it so we need like one more that's not so bad is it it's not the dirtiest thing ever okay in they go there they go grindstones then let's check it out rhinestones I like it I like it build up the corner just like you did earlier Swift's the monkeys like we did earlier I don't know what we did earlier building up the corner remember it's gonna go up this bit so it could have it every other block like that probably look kind of cool yeah so we're gonna change this to a different material around here question is what materials should we go with actual Mouse needs service it's squeaky really you can hear the mouse squeaking wait is that a joke about Mouse's are whatever so what materials should we shift over to for the final part let's just go have a look at some of the other materials being used in the area I can't help but feel that wood especially if we've got like little pulleys but what's gonna like piratey is an app if you see what falls has done over there I could definitely see us using some oak fences to prop things up so maybe we go with spruce wood it's also got the nice spruce a trap door that we can use alongside and spruce logs yeah I'm feeling spruce II peeps look at this these tracks over here were made on wood so it totally works if you ask me low X's gamerchick did I just say st. weird what's the low in app dock is here he said he's been practicing I assume that means he's built it in a test mode he's trying to get out and I think he's actually got it that's cool I like the sound of the mouse as mr. B G monster fan maybe it's my chair the screen use red nether brick now that won't fit in here I'm gonna go through so I feel like spruce to the one right there okay so we got lots of the spruce or woods might use some strip logs and might use some other stuff who knows to free okay so that's going to be trapdoors got those into supply also got a few more there we reckon we're going to use oak and I'm out of oak fences and oak woods let's get some sticks sticky business so we have those two hand okay and then yeah just some spruce wood but OSHA would spot OSHA wood for life there's a lone Evy indeed I just checked till mango stream doc realized he was trapped but he hasn't died yet so someone could actually save him sisters oh yeah I mean someone could cut a deal with the doctor right and and get him out of there I mean Doc's been making deals all season you know what would be nice chunks so here on the sir okay here's st. interesting we're here on the server right if grass is online and green logs in chunks in the world do not load for him and it's not where green is in the world it's just a green logs in now I was talking about this with beat ups cuz it is you know cross myself meet ups idea having a chat about some of the issues connecting to the server and b-dubs was saying that back in the days on mine crack they actually had some well figured out like if you log in this person can't play issue you didn't go into the specifics but that's kind of the gist of what he was getting at and he was talking about like network tunneling and saying there was issues with connectivity and minecraft now it made me think I've definitely played in some weird circumstances over the years where and other people have as well talking about oh whenever I log on at this time of day you know it's really bad on the server and that kind of stuff I do wonder you know there can be stuff right you can't just expect everything to work perfect surely there can be a scenario in which something like that could potentially exist can corrales use a VPN to get around that says of this um he said he tried and it didn't work now thing with VPN is has loads of servers you can connect to so I don't know what you're connected to but for me I just changed the the one that I connect to to like New York recently and then it just solved all my problems but I don't know if you can do that I've got this weird feeling that making this feel like a side of like a wooden mountain area here might look kind of all right I need shuffle give me a shovel please it might look all right [Music] it might look alright let's grab a shovel I thought the sauce ain't moving over there cats get rid of that see yeah what if I put like one or two of those in maybe as well with it to give it some detail you know it's just not the same material over over again also a trapdoor here in there now when we get up to this bit here though it needs it needs to show itself a bit more just man you'd like to need like an extra hot bar slot so we just rip out that it looks like there's going to be plenty of space for it to do so so let's do a block at a time this make more sense that way that needs to be stripped and then it's like up here so we rip out all of that okay and maybe one here [Music] yeah maybe yeah kind of sort of something isn't it it's something all right this yellow will have to go obviously but for now that might be what we go with these materials right it's demise over says Elise Elise cool name for me is because I'm taking a break in January and like this is my last play time for now doing a stream audio and I'm the Yeti I'm taking a break from the whole demise thing when I get back to things as normal on here I don't know what the fate of demise will be really yeah okay so we've got a bit of like bulky structure there for that that's kind of cool do we are gonna need some railings on the side or tight it will take things one step at a time because I'm liking where this is going and what we'll do is flesh this out now I know I do it now I was about to say like this here doesn't technically need to be full blocks and then I was like now I'll place full blocks and then I'm like no wait you've already got half that save materials conserve conserve your resources you'll get more builds done if you conserve a little bit you might also spend a lot of time faffing around like I do so you give and take a little bit right okay so might even be cool to switch it over to stairs but maybe not let's leave it like that and then we've got our oak so I'm probably gonna put them in little groups too that's okay and then it will get serious it will get serious business over here peeps when we go around this corner you ain't gonna know what's hit yeah let's do that we've got a noise in the year from day zero subscribing and also subscribing is shaving Ryan's privates jeez brilliant game with chinks's I'm very happy to hear you are taking a break music to my ears you know it's weird because my break is I don't feel like I like need it in a desperate way or anything like it's not like oh I need a break it's not like that I think I do need a break at one point or another I've been doing this solid for eight years so I've just decided in January take a break if I get like but I really want to do it no inspiration to make a video then I might if there's snapshots I'll definitely be covering those but otherwise take January off and it ain't really about like needing the break ain't like oh you know I'm exhausted or anything like that I just I've just decided that with the copper thing happening I kind of want to sit back and see what happens in January so let's make it a proper break because you know youtubers need those okay what was the saying about conserving resources a moment ago because I do not think I'm doing that right so in this area we're gonna try and get something like this going you know and I've got no idea how it's all gonna connect but we're sort of putting these blocks down here is a bit more of a marker so we'll have a gap in the corner and then here we'll have a free coming down anyway I'm not building it all today rome wasn't built in one day these are just some ideas of a placing down what do you thoughts on copper any race is greater you know I've talked about it a fair bit at this point I'm just kind of like I mean you know it's so close now to going into effect the see what happens I got a feeling nothing like don't think you know probably within the first 30 days are they gonna like build up any lawsuits and take people to court or anything like it just feels like one of those things that it's gonna come and then like everyone's gonna sit around twiddling their thumbs and then maybe later on in the year you'll start to hear some stories that's why I imagine it'll play out Pony ruts is here saying wait that's not what I wanted what copper is the year y2k this is raised oh oh I like everything everyone thinks is gonna blow up and then OOP [Music] yeah anyway we did good this stream yeah I mean it's slow progress you can see how grindy this game is sometimes I really wish they would work on ways to speed up the grinding us of it because it's really about creating you know there is creative mode but I I just feel like this ain't so rewarding about doing stuff in survival it's just be cool if you could get more done speedy survival they should add a new game mode called speedy survival you know you punch a tree you get a million locks completely ridiculous might as well do that let's get some more going [Music] right how many does that make me no not spruce those ones there we go lots oak use the timber datapack what is that oh there's a datapack for it right what is this timber datapack please do tell me lend our voices that's the role of mods to provide a level optimization yeah the problem with that though is that mods don't create a level playing field for the viewers so when you do like vanilla minecraft that's like a bit modded or whatever you've got a pick and choose your battles a little bit because it needs to be kind of like relatable to the audience that are watching because they expect you know vanilla minecraft right it's certainly come a long way those stuff we do on here that just wouldn't have been acceptable some time ago but fortunately now is and I like that hermit craft does some of that and pushes the boundary a little bit [Music] okay so that sound found found sound none of these are the words that make any sense that's I don't know what I was trying to say but that's created like some sort of foundation maybe that's found maybe that's why I've got all confused of the ground and the pound and the wound or whatever I can't even remember the words I said well this is stupid I'm just okay you remember that story about getting no sleep I've been busy all day and eating tons of food yeah I'm exhausted I just don't know yet you can use a custom enchantment data pack that makes it so trees chop with only one block break but that's bordering on vanilla I guess is the argument yeah I mean like here's the thing if you're playing in a single-player world and it works for you that's great if you're playing on a community with other people when it works for everyone there it's great but if you're playing on you know a community with 27 people I believe and you make videos and you've got a huge audience yeah there's kind of a lot of opinions and a lot of thoughts on that so yeah after you have to keep it vanilla right that's that's why it works here on hermitcraft because we keep it vanilla it's the baseline so we went around changing up all sorts of stuff you know different people inside the group would like or dislike it and yeah that's the thing we're modern do you know but anyway you know playing in your own world and you want to make those tweaks and changes I say go right hey I say power to you part of the people with their mod packs jeez yeah go right ahead go right ahead have it craft motto keep it vanilla says leji yeah but sort of not cuz I even on here we've managed to you know pull off a few things here and there that are not quite as vanilla as you think you know like they're more more ped stuff but that one's so fantastic because there are already mop heads in the game and when like the thing about the mop head is it doesn't do anything really it's purely aesthetic by nature it's not like we added the phantom head and then the the equivalent of the phantom winter river right you know you put put down some blocks with some phantom heads on and it spawns a boss mob boehner thing you know so when you see it it's something that explains itself it's like oh yeah the game only has zombies skeletons wither scans of creepers but you've got more of them in and you just fundamentally know it's an aesthetic thing and so it really works is a bonus feature it really does work and it's sort of self-explanatory the multiplayer sleeping thing another one it's like you know you see someone sees the message in chat and they're like that's not in vanilla but I immediately want that you know what I mean so that's why these things but I mean if you think about it we've got things from vanilla tweaks on here and one of the philosophies of vanilla tweaks and the way I like ask the peeps that run it to do it because they've sort of you know taken over from when I did it is is that it's basically like really close to vanilla but you're just changing something slightly so you won't see stuff on there like being able to chop down a tree from the bottom block because that's really just not close to another at all all right it's all about things very close that you just suddenly tweak and a lot of players you know things that plays in a lot of players would encounter and just think oh I wish that was slightly different that's that's what we aim for we've been other tweaks you know essentially just to make those things kind of work for people right my friends this is the end of the ligand in live stream as you might have guessed I thank everyone for tuning in today thanks all the peeps who subscribed re-subscribe donated and cheered as always I appreciate your support that's it for me 2019 I'll be seeing you next year I guess with some body minecraft anyway I'm sending you over to rending any doll who's streaming some fun craft so be sure to hit that red button and chat and I'll see you all next year take care bye
Channel: xisumatwo
Views: 4,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: b_o9z-dqpKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 45sec (7485 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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