Hermitcraft Ten (51) Livestream 31/05/24

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hello everyone and welcome back to another live stream here on the twitch. the tvthe assumer after I've had a week's vacation it is strange to be back but also not you know just sort of adjusting back to the regular rhythm of life and doing another live stream I've been looking forward to it what can I say we got Lucero hero blender Chi pepper in the chat with bananas thank you so much and if you could be so kind as to let me know that everything is okay with the stream that'll be greatly appreciated as after a week away maybe there's maybe there's something I forgot to do you know anyway I'm logging in where I logged out whoa X figured out how to log back in where he logged out what a Minecraft genius no you know what I'm saying I haven't done anything since I was like I haven't even logged in this is my first time logging in since I've been back I've still got this weird feeling when I like look dang it that's broken again when I look around you know like you haven't been looking at a computer screen in a 3D game for a week and uh it just kind of takes you a moment to get back there welcome to everyone who's tuning in see if we can get this thing going again wait what no I'm looking at the wrong side there's dude what is going on here ah ah I fell there might be a lot of that today there might be a lot of that I'm probably lacking some finesse dude what is going on right now am I wait a minute what wait a minute it's this circuit I've got a when it's full stop it running circuit that's why it stopped running ha hilarious well then that's done its job that's why it stopped running huh how was your vacation says lonely government absolutely wonderful I'm going to talk about it for sure this live stream just kind of wanted to uh let people tune in first of all are the noises in the year working I feel like I haven't heard a single one bear 818 here for 30 three months everu for 34 for Gil 96 for 50 lucer over 65 hang in there said the Executioner to the new intern hang in there I mean is is the execution of hanging people is that the joke I'm useless I know bad wolf thank you so much for five months appreciate it appreciate it is the twitch Cape thing still on says overdo I I don't know I don't know if it is or not I need ADV advice some peeps I'm 10 days into a summer vacation for two months away from friends in college I don't know how to spend time at home anymore what do people do do you mean you're just like lacking stuff to do um like you got free time you don't know what to do with it man just explore things that interest you do some research find a hobby like uh let let the boredom steer you I'm assuming it's barded and let it Ste to something interesting I don't by the way I got no idea what I'm doing right now do I even have sound on the game so I was I was logged out using the tree farm and I've been excited to do a stream over here in log lands however I I decided not to even look at my notes I thought I'm just going to log back on and see what happens cuz I've been away for a week and like your mind sort of just goes in different directions I barely thought much about hermitcraft the last week so I was I was doing this tree farming and I was encountering this issue of the TNT duper breaking I've actually CAU it breaking on camera and what I saw was the TNT coming to this space and just sort of not getting pushed by the water it just decided oh I'm going to sit here kind of like on the edge and just not get pushed in I don't know why it does that um I think that will get fixed once we fix the water sh uh we want two let's do that so yeah um this this thing is still flawed and I don't really know why it does that and what I'm going to do to fix it but I kind of need to find a solution I've been doing this like double up thing to try and stop the water from going all the way down but that doesn't actually seem to help at all so whatevs I guess never says yo I've been waiting for this for a while and now I'm in Watford watching this live stream also I'll be back later to watch this live stream due to me having to give my phone to my younger sister also hi everyone and how was your holiday my holiday was great I got a lot to say about it um but yeah see you later on in the Stream I guess uh we got solar k Kino for 4 months hello I wanted to share a cute fact about my blind cat whenever I turn on X's videos stream She lays right next to the speaker which is R vers and she's pretty sensitive to noises that is super cool I always love the stories about the uh the animals our pets our creatures tuning in for the streams as well love to hear it bofy 32 thank you for 19 months and Soundwave hope the one and only here for 46 very much appreciated hope you're enjoying the stream we're doing a tiny bit of tidy up while I uh figure out what it is we're actually going to do for the stream today the autocrafting setup here is all uh done and dusted the last episode of hermitcraft was like recorded uh a fair bit of time ago because I've actually got the next one done as well as I was getting like ahead of myself for the vacation and then I wasn't able to stream over here and I was really excited for that like come over here work on these projects together but now I just I can't remember like what the priorities were um so I need to figure something out and if we're going to talk about vacation I need to kind of do something a little Mindless so probably going to take myself a few minutes here to orient myself as people tune in I got loads of little things I want to do like add a uh add a fixing system here for this but now I realize it's got to be compatible with this override as well so probably not going to tackle a redstone challenge like that right now I've had ooh oh wow okay actually backs up before here interesting that's that's probably going to require more filters for composting right like I I'm I I going to use these saplings for anything else they can be composted right chat bill says wait work together while vacations and streaming what has happened I'm not sure what you're Thro to based on what I've just said um still not sure yeah like I I was recording ahead of time something like that uh the crack and bubble may have squealed in excitement at seeing the notification wow that is fantastic I'm glad you're excited oh look here's here's a couple more bits of wood that I've gotten through that's actually that's actually completely normal for that thing now that I think about it I just going to Chuck them in here so they go down to the auto crafting stuff saplings can be composted apples too the apples I would like to hold on to their food I don't know why I always put I always collect apples and put them in a chest just something I do uh this by the way I'm pretty sure is redundant it's going to uh it's going to fill up my inventory pretty fast this stuff right almost put the wrong thing in had to think had to think yeah so this area has become like quite a mess of like different areas that I've been working in and then yeah just like navigating all over the place there's no structures to this yet that's something I want to work on where did I they go says oxd I went to Portugal and it was a sort of vacation where you like chill and hang out in a villa and relax and don't actually get up too much which was really different I haven't done a holiday like that since I was a kid and it was a it was a total total change of pace like I really my brain really just like shut off from all the computer life I barely thought about you know any of this um it was very relaxing I didn't hardly use my phone it was a real it was like just a real instinctive like break it was just like right I'm getting away from all of this you know and it was a totally different pace of life for like a week uh some gorgeous weather lots of walking being outside dipping in the pool eating good food and uh yeah I I really have like underestimated the value of relaxation and downtime it felt so good just to turn everything off I haven't come away from it with like some big Eureka aha now we're going to do this I figured it out no I just turned off the brain for a week and it was like great to do that so uh yeah I'm feeling good I I kind of want to be able to take a little bit of something from that holiday forward with me I don't know what it's going to be I think it's going to be like more more time set aside to like relax I think is is my big takeaway you just have to do it hystero says man love those relaxing vacations total refresher indeed yeah but me me and my Noggin I'm always like trying to do s got to do SC got to be doing s and uh therefore I haven't been on one of these sorts of vacations before and uh it was really nice to do did you have one of those Portuguese custard tart things I I did not but I did have a slice of uh well maybe I did cuz it wasn't a tart it was like a pastry with custard and it was uh it was good but nothing like spectacular I guess right I definitely heard those noises Dante rede 53 months DWS thank you for seven months with the prime and the vixm 38 thank you for 63 months almost a stack very much appreciate it evil X is clearly in the his house the his house his house whose house lonely government says yeah content creators always apologize for taking breaks but it's absolutely necessary for your well-being I do not apologize for taking a break chat I know what you mean uh but uh I don't know maybe I apologized already without thinking about it I I do not feel like that I know I need my breaks um I will I will do my best though to you know keep the content coming for you keep covering the snapshots and just work around that you know yeah so I I'm I'm kind of learning I think I just kind of want to talk and grind today as opposed to maybe work on this project but doing a little bit of Tidy Up is okay what I need to do over here is create like a proper Pathway to all the different spots that you access while you use this I also need to like fix that TNT duper and then I won't have to do this kind of level of Maintenance over and over again almost broke something but I didn't there's a few other little bits of eix thing like here like you have to stand on a glass pane you have to stand on something and so therefore you need these blocks to not attach and then the items kind of get caught on these slabs don't know if that problem makes uh much sense but yeah this this needs improving in order to preserve some of the items that's one of the other little something somethings that need taken care of there's a few of them here and there I'm going to put these saplings back into here and I'm going to add some stuff to the to-do list and check it out I didn't want to I wanted to like just jump in and see where we would go but I kind of feel like I don't know where to go so on my Tod do where's my logland stuff um H yeah I've got a few things here that are not what I'm looking for I just end up with these massive lists of notes okay here's log lands uh okay what did I say I needed to add to the list comp or saplings that's about it then for my for my stream notes it's still doing the pass on the base we might go have a look there we had some fun doing the sugarcane farm last time I've still got the DodgeBall project to work on that involves getting some skull though and there's the biome outside of Ren I need to get some ice and snow at some point and then there's the quartz and gold F like none of the my brain is so like so not in I'm so not back in I thought I would be uh when I came back from the holiday like I could feel my brain like changing gears and kicking into like the routine you know the usual dayto day and that's been that's been true for like most stuff but just not quite hermitcraft I think he been thinking about learning an instrument do you have any advice and how did you start playing Guitar my advice is to do it just give it a go don't know the think it get a secondhand instrument look up some videos on how to play how to learn plenty of people have made videos encouraging others to do such um so I say go for it all right I'm going to tell you now today's going to be a lazy stream I'm not going to try to do much at all really the Vixen 38 thank you for your 63 months we read that one already didn't we uh jaym is where we're at 14 months I hope the V vacation well it did thank you so much waste from Chernobyl thank you for subscribing oxd says there's a windup to these kind of things yeah there is there is although like I came back yesterday knowing I was going to make a a snapshot video it was like as soon as I got home I just ate and got straight back into making a video maybe because I knew I was doing that you know but I knew I'd do a hermitcraft stream it just decided to uh to just log straight on maybe I needed to spend like half an hour at a different point in time just uh working on stuff so anyway this place is changing I can see some things that are new going to start over here that looks super cool just super duper cool I saw this on K's thumbnail I think uh possibly possibly not ready yet like what you're saying what you're saying boes this feels like this is not it yeah his base is like right next to the shopping area and it's kind of like bleeding into it which is so cool I'm a big fan of that I'm a big fan of like stuff like overlapping and getting close to one another maybe maybe this is the entrance and it's not ready yeah like there's dirt there and then there's a maze okay I think it's not ready but uh I love this and if we come around the back here I'm well aware there is a temporary terra cotta shop right on the end of Wall Street uhhuh short T not a particularly uh interesting name there there's a permit for Terra Cotta wait is it just for all terra cotta or just the base ter I think it's for the base terra cotta right oh and then there's red there's gray and black brown and a light gray one stack five Diamonds oh pricey I don't know actually the amount of diamonds uh We've made this season we could afford it go look in shop front though go look in shop front what wonder if I've made any profits while I've been away nope nope no none zil zero uh let's check their rooted dirt shop oh look at this Kaboom and look at the look at the stylistic pairing around here look at how things are jelling this gets me excited I love seeing oh and this Pond area awesome awesome I love seeing this kind of blending of everything together this is hermitcraft at its best like everyone being neighborly and uh just joining all the things together it's super cool dang and the Interiors here are pretty awesome pretty far uhuh is there like a cross system here like all the creeper shapes are at the top yeah look colors on the on the bottom and then the shapes on the side that's cool that's cool oh by the way I'm drinking some decaf tea it's gorgeous maral boy thank you for subscribing meanie beanie Art thank you for 560 bites appreciate it my dude thank you no message with that one if you wanted to share a message I'll be looking at in the chat uh p2568 thank you for subscribing my dude appreciate it H Cub's put so much effort into the firework permit he really has diamond is that like one that doesn't have color but just as Diamond only put little fireworks on top man the amount of detail is just superb I cannot wait to get those new paintings in the next update it's going to be awesome oh there's a game how to play Escape alive with fireworks if you dare okay this Still's yeah this Still's like a sleep in the bed items in the Box Thing apparently I got to check the chest and buttons in the ponds too wouldn't it be hilarious if there was like a hopper under this barrel and it just took your stuff okay I feel like I feel like eating and having a good amount of regen might be smart let's check those instructions again it did there are multiple okay yeah how to place set your spawn in the bed and clear inventory throw one Diamond at the door when the door opens up enter the room grab the fireworks and Escape before the fireworks fight back Additionally the do stay open between 5 to 18 seconds right okay I I think I get the gist of this now now cops a man with an Ender Chest wherever you go wait a second a second I in here oh got my own addition fireworks beautiful so you can do a custom order right where where the uh where the Ender Chest at homie there it is I got them diamonds Let's uh plop down and give this a go give it a world one two three four and I'm out no no oh dang oh dang woo oh I really did not go for greed I was like 5 seconds and I'm out right oh we got to do it again we got to do this again and again and again one two 3 four five no I'm out woo [Music] nice okay that's like two diamonds that's like two diamonds worth a Rockets right that's a bargain oh got a look at it woo by the way I think I might have my uh sound on incorrectly test no I do not my sound is fine this was just really loud right we got we got some rockets that was cool that was cool do I have uh yeah I got that with me I'm going to put them in here I need to create like a little uh Rockets Department in my base I think and then figure out how I'm going to use them the life of el says there's a viewing platform on the roof o okay we'll check that out I would be more inclined to use Rockets if they were like infinite if you like crafted a type and it could be shot over and over again the what turns me off on the Rockets is like they one time use and you have to restock but I think Cub's going have proven that you can do that you know it's it's not a crazy amount of effort once you built the Farms especially now that we have the crafter I think the crafter is probably the key ingredient there right now that we have the crafter fireworks are more about supplying the ingredients than doing the crafting that's that's the big thing that's changed I think dang this is a super cool shot kind of backs on to the original one as well doesn't it okay we should really we should really explore this stuff like down at this level what does it say up there Rocket Garden this is the original right this is the original super cool a ladder to Nowhere or secret parkour I think it's wait there's a button Oh I thought I found a secret yeah I'm not sure if I really finish my train of thought there but yeah that's that's kind of like how I used to think about fireworks and I want to change that here's the thing we can have a gunpowder Farm you know running away away in the background creepers spawning getting killed giving you your gunpowder then a die Farm some of those can be automated so so there's a level of like full automation to these things now press the button by the pond someone said oh oh hey love it better to see those at night time though I think right okay there's a chest there's nothing in it oh oh woo so cool so cool and I think we just came over here to check profits the real profit was the fun we had on the way all right rooted dirt ain't selling we know this we know this now obviously this has been here and I haven't said anything about it oh my God that's so cool this is smallish beans I'm pretty sure right here building a giant tree stump is that Mangrove wood no it is Oak it is Oak whenever I see a build like this I'm reminded of assuma World season 1 my very first let's play where I attempted to build such a thing in a very old version of Minecraft where this would take you know this would take like weeks to put together um and now whenever I see a tree stump I always like think back to how I never finished that project we built a tree stump earlier this season as well over at logland all I ever built was the tree stump and it was in the middle of like a lake it went underwater and now finished the top of it supposed to be a giant Treehouse oh there is a little Mangrove wood in here and this is the shopping bit so it's all for uh honey which of course as you know we've uh automated for ourselves already coming soon there's more there's more I I like how it's again integrated into the area I was I was at one point thinking about like extending this and doing some stuff but I've kind of like not followed that if I do at any point I think having the tree stump here would just be like an awesome thing to work around who knows I don't know what kind of building stuff I'm going to do next I think there's more stuff on the other side over there too we'll uh we'll go over that way next uh Lumi you're happy you caught a stream glad to have you here I'm glad you're happy Pender it's fal's bday and I know she would love it if you sang her Happy Birthday before her stream ends she's at 4 hours now I mean I feel like I feel like that could be the cringiest thing ever for me happy birthday to you I I'm not the singing type okay apparently but I feel like I have to do it now where is she I I think if I think about it too much it'll just uh I'll overthink it do I sing happy wait there's new stuff here oo I love oh I love the connection between the areas do I just do I just sing Happy Birthday to you who is hopefully nearby happy birthday to you is hopefully nearby where is false that go to a building looks like tree happy birthday to you who I hope is nearby at the thing that looks like a tree is this it are we talking about this she's underground somewhere do I have to yell now hello hello I if you can give me if you can give me a location I can go there Soundwave hes gosh it's so awkward I feel like that's all it can be so let's embrace it happy birthday I don't know oh okay um I had I had a feeling that that yeah that I see something over here too okay I got some quads okay let's come back to that later oh and there's a new thing over there right uh [Music] let's buttons press the right one so literally hundreds and hundreds of blocks this way and also that way okay right at least I know roughly what direction we're going in use your admin magic to find her I could do that but now we chat's helping me have I checked out isel's new Mission Impossible building nope there's just new stuff probably everywhere you go away for a week like that is brand new to me you know is it just a gold Beacon now wasn't that where it was wasn't it like somewhere here [Music] is this it I can't remember if this was here or not before hey this is it this is it I've had people saying to me like you should make trophies for uh the mission impossible mission possible rewards but like I think iscal has got his own ideas for for like Awards you know and I've seen oh my gosh getting the burps here I've seen quite a few suggestions for you know trophies for other people's games and stuff like I'm going to let them do their thing I think the trophies should be for like my own ideas and then you know when all done is said and done at the end of season 10 maybe we like evaluate the trophies and decide to create something a little more um official or along those kind of lines next time you know like make it a fully thought out thing as opposed to just being something that I turn up and do happy birthday to you apparently this might be in range happy birthday to you this is definitely not cringy okay um I have to go down like does does for's base have a down is this it happy birthday oh I hear Villages illes I mean being underground can be like a long way down the these days oh my goodness me what is this it's like a farming area this is cool that is a lot of cactus I like the layout dang every time I do a cactus farm I just stack them one on top of the other this is this is more adventurous isn't it how does uh they always go to the center right so that one plops plops down into there it plops how much is there here quite a bit happy birthday to you am I getting any closer happy birthday to you happy birthday dear [Music] FY oh I don't know I don't know where to go okay I'm getting shed cords again and I am like somewhere over here like if I go in this direction oh hello happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear FY who I cannot even find happy birthday to you hello thank thank you how you going where are you even I can't find you oh I'm in your base I'm in this like cactus farm area that's super cool yeah hi I'm I'm next I'm next door okay hi there you are happy birthday thank you that surprised me I thought you are you streaming or you were someone or I'm streaming and my two voices my chat has been like I definitely heard Mumbo a second ago did did you hear is MBO online have you got a horn no but I thought someone else might have had a horn I thought that's what it was I definitely heard something Tango's online Ren's AFK and I definitely heard Mumbo H must be a horn then e or maybe like Tango was just talking and flying over the top I don't know anyway happy birthday my chat was uh sniping your quads and I was oh oh I see how I can see how it is yeah I've been like flying around singing for like five minutes and commenting on how cringey it is yeah well I was GNA I was going to leave you to try to find me but then I was like that's me I need to need to go say hello oh oh so what you been up to looking nice fancy oh yeah it's uh it's my uh wait have you got wait have you got a trim on your no I still haven't done that oh my god well you know what though X you shouldn't because they're like they're literally the Lil that is like the same as the tools and and your helmet and the hat true you're very color coordinated right now yeah it Vibes with the helmet you're right you see I got told that I should put the silence green on it so it looks a bit more Doom guy like o yeah that yeah you could bring in the green yeah yeah yeah it might it might like ruin the aesthetic I guess no that's cool that's cool yeah I will probably never buy because I am not that interested in the trims I'll be honest no well I wasn't until doc said that I get some free ones so um oh you know yeah I guess so I might have to they're free you know yeah so what's going on here anyway like in this little farming set this is the the concrete Farm ah okay there isn't any in there right now but yeah if you my God the top it explodes in there there's a GI okay is this like a TNT duping so set up or yeah or non yeah well well I mean can you even do a non like I don't even understand the like mechanics of it enough to know what the options are well I think you can but the people that make these sort of farms tend to use the dupers cuz you can stock up a dispenser full of TNT right yeah I mean see I wouldn't mind doing that but it's just like it's not built time right yeah it's just built for the duper I'm actually having trouble with TNT duping on one of my farms and this is different does this ever got that and I've built a tree farm as well today so that's the one we've seen before this one I don't I don't know if anyone's built this before on the server oh I see okay I can see where the concrete's going so like the TNT just blows up on top of that trap door does it or does the trap door open and let the TNT out we can turn it on oh okay here we go here we go oh wow oh it does let it out yeah just underneath right so you see the so the gray blocks either side those are the concrete and then it keeps pushing those down right I see it all now so yeah so there you go it exploded one there right yeah I'm going to I'm going to have to investigate this and upgrade my TNT duper cuz it's been failing me and this looks like it's very reliable oh yeah I mean it hasn't this one hasn't like I'm guessing when you say like unreliable you mean like it blows itself up yeah so it drops the TNT into water but every now and then it just gets stubborn and stops like it ignores the water and just like stays there and blows up the fence gate and then the whole thing breaks weird yeah know I've not had a problem with mine well that was something I needed to fix so thank you well there you go oh yeah yeah this one's here you need it yeah I love the uh I love the aesthetic around here as well it's super cool farming area looking great we're getting there slowly mostly farms in here in the minute it looks awesome though thank cool well FSE I'm going to go back to wandering around the server I've just got back from vacation and like I cannot get my brain into doing anything mode so I'm just like wandering around you're taking a to yeah yeah yeah not not a bad shout yeah there's a few things that have been popping up since they're gone so I've been checking out yeah did did you have a nice trip I had a lovely trip it was a like a lounge around the pool vacation like do nothing every day kind of thing uh you know went to the beach went to a water park it was so good as soon as like as soon as we got on like the plane like my brain turned off no phone just just complete relaxation it was so good yeah yeah sweet well but it's over so quick get your brain back in gear to do some more Minecraft got to get into the Minecraft mode again I'll get there oh you got wait have you got MCC tomorrow as well yeah are you are you playing this one I'm not I'm going to be watching actually though okay I'm playing with Cleo and Wally bear and and five up and uh got I got we got a good team have we awesome awesome yeah yeah yeah cuz I know I'm the new guy you know like last time I got carried big time um but yeah I'm super looking forward to it so uh got to practice tomorrow gu I wish you all the best I hope it goes well thanks F right I'm going to go back to my uh going to go back to my wandering around but uh yeah sweet thanks for showing us around the place and happy birthday yeah no worries all right see you thanks for popping by bye awesome this place is super cool I love it I always get inspired just seeing anything in Minecraft get your your creative noodle going um night sport thank you for 32 months Nicholas C2 thank you for 12 and study winner thank you for gifting a sub to ravic coup appreciate the gifting of the subs MCC is in 24 hours yeah actually it's like literally 24 hours away isn't it so uh peeps if you did not know tune back in 24 hours today does anyone does anyone know much about Wally bear and five up because um I have not had the time to like do any practice or any research or anything I was going to look them up on YouTube and see what they're about and then uh tomorrow do some practice or whatever like get my brain back into the MCC games but apparently apparently it sounds like they're you know they're um they're decent MCC players I don't know what this is like I just don't know what I'm looking at it's just another dock thing or you know hive mind thing and uh I couldn't even tell you what this is over here at the Death Star I think last time we were here it kind of looked like this and that oh you know who built that like you can just tell you can just tell I'm wondering if I should come over here and do a little bit of work on this at some point make it look a little more presentable especially now that there's more buildings popping up in the area oh it's the trim shop by doc oh you know what that might be that might be a crafting setup I actually have one on my own I have one on my own dang this is cool this is cool empty though I don't know what's going to go here looks super awesome um yeah I have a I have a crafting setup on own actually as it goes go check it out somewhere around here going to use my memory I think it's this thing I think it's this you like you put in a diamond yeah look at this you've got the ingredients here all the different trims I think they've added more since we made this is this where the diamonds are stored yeah so like I totally forget how this works I think you put in the trim all right it filters it here yeah so like it filters through I don't think you have to worry about this breaking cuz the idea is that you did one at a time so it filters through and then it gives you the correct items and the Diamonds they arrive here at the crafter and you press the button you get the thing problem is like it's FAS if you select the first one but it's slow if you select the last one now that's just me doing Redstone let's go see what the uh the hive mind has created hey roria thank you for another gifted sub to paint 2D very kind of you to to do that again much appreciated we also got Matts Odin here subscribing thank you Matt so if I think about what the problems were with my system it was basically like speed and slowness and having these big bulky item filters but this is just wild like I don't even know what's going on over here I'm guessing speed like like I reckon speed's got a lot to do with this like you wouldn't build something crazy like this and it would be slow so my guess is that all of this craziness just equals like press the button and you get the duplicated item trim pretty quick something like that it's also hermit proof so you should be safe to try I'm not going to touch anything over there cuz there's no instructions it's not a crafter says marab boy oh okay it's used to show trims Not Duplicate them oh okay right well you know it there was a mad scramble of uh Redstone that didn't really tell me what it was about I guess by looking at it I couldn't understand any of it all right we got Kevin OA subscribing here with the Prime thank you Kevin very much appreciated hope you're enjoying the stream just in my headset there it's getting a little uh little uh uncomfortable Lorax librarian thank you so much for 6 months you love the content I love to hear it I really want to talk about my uh holiday in Portugal so I kind of want to find something a little grindy to do but like we're not we're not at that level we want to build one more tree over here look this area is looking great actually I think maybe one or two details on the beach and we're kind of there I could start to prep this area the problem is me and kis don't have the building just yet honestly I could I could actually start over here because there is definitely like some areas that need to be leveled off I think that's what I'm going to do I I I you know I just need to do a little bit of grinding today if that's all right with all y you are not using your horse anymore I haven't used the horse for a long time I was trying to I was trying to push to like get us all to use the horses set up Stables everywhere and then there was something that I had to do that just got me using the elytra and that was it it was like everything kind of shifted years and so I just stayed using the elytra and and now that's just kind of become what we're doing here you know oh yeah I've still got this set up for a little game I need to do at some point I got one Beacon oh I do have NE Stars though let's uh let's craft up a beacon instead I think I got a glass container around here somewhere don't know what those two were huh oh probably something related to potions cuz we were doing the potion thing oh my God I got so many threads like little things that I'm doing all over the place typical is that really it I don't have a stock pile of obsidian that's something else I need to get we should go to the end menion and just mine a bit for convenience sake I think think like we'll do that as well I've still got a actually I've still got a beacon in the end and I've still got my wose farm over there dang let's go pick those things up as well actually kind of forgot about that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I that might not be enough Shuler boxes I totally forgot been meaning to do that for a while okay like we we got a little plan we're going to do go do a couple of things and I got don't distract me now do not distract me now I got mail this is like having Twitter oh god I've got to do trophies too that one includes a coin interesting okay let's do the end Dimension stuff then do mailbox then maybe grind some dirt uh my my portal is back here isn't it chiwi peppero one thank you 18 months glad you had a nice vacation and good luck luck for MCC tomorrow thank you my dude thank you uh let's head to oh oh not holding a thing all right vacation questions if you got them oh God I thought that was a little what the heck I thought this was I thought this was an armor stand thing dude say what oh my God I thought that was an armor stand dude what is what kind of portal is this dude is aggressive what is on his head as well it's like he's wearing a scar hat these are skele what the heck is this these are skeletons of Scar Face I am so confused as I approached it I had this weird feeling of like details not being quite right I'm thinking armor stands but no they're actually look at that little skeleton oh my god dude I'm like farming Trident if only I could pick them up that is mad there any other other portals like like this is a bit wild this is a bit this is crazy wow oh dear that was something else Scar's way of saying he doesn't want to make any more portals it would seem so it would seem so right it shouts leave me alone I want my privacy and I don't want you to get spoiled I mean that is a great spoiler Shield if I've ever seen one like what a great way to stop spoilers did I I did craft the beacon and this does not have haste we'll change that uh what was the name of the hotel resort and would you recommend it to anyone else when it comes to recommendations I really think uh like with most things it's about you know explaining what's what because you don't want someone just to recommend it to you when they don't know what you're after anyway uh the place was called Al algrave if I'm remembering correctly in it's in the south of Portugal and man every time I heard it said and like tried to uh tried to say it myself Al Alba fura I think I'm getting it totally wrong I did halfway through the holiday though I had this impetus of like next time I go somewhere like this and it's a relaxed holiday I think I want to like read about the place that I'm at and like learn a bit more about it cuz I just like I turned up and just tuned out my brain on everything I was just like hot weather enjoy it the weather was gorgeous by the way it was a fair bit hotter than it us usually is there for this time of year so we had like the perfect weather for like being really warm and hot but not being but overwhelmed by it at the hottest points in the day you probably needed to like settle down somewhere but like you could walk in it for a while uh Al I mean if you if you wrote that without random capital letters it might be easier to read uh Al gar or Al grave alav sorry did I say ALG Alby fu fuera farara Karen says now that sounds like the perfect vacation it really was in terms of weather every day completely Sunny a little bit Breezy here and there never too much Breeze just enough to like keep you feeling about right the beaches there and the scenery were absolutely gorgeous the spot that we were in was like a little Villa area that was very quiet and it could just be the time of year meant there weren't a lot of other people there but it was really quiet which I it depends what you're after like if you want to be around other people and stuff then it might not been the right thing but it was it was just really quiet and like the local bars and restaurants there was never a problem getting in and there was actually a restaurant that I read some reviews for and I ended up eating there three times out of the seven days we were there I'm going to switch to standing now that we're waffling um the reviews were basically saying like this is a mitchellan grade restaurant or whatever and the P it was definitely the priciest of all the places but not by much like you play you pay an extra few Euros per dish the portion sizes were a little smaller but like really well thought out food where just everything about what you're eating feels just right and really satisfying I went with family um we had a family vacation so we ended up eating their free nights because it was just so good and like literally in these reviews other people were saying like went here once and ended up eating here every night I had three different things of the menu everything was great it was so good and they had the best chips ever I swear like Crispy Crunchy but the right amount and so every night I would order like lots of lots of chips with the food did you try any new food I had monkfish and it was absolutely gorgeous that was uh that was actually in a a built up place so we went to like a local built up area for one day or or not even one day just just for the evening really and we ended up in this area that was like uh a Street full of bars it wasn't it wasn't our scene it was more for like you know young people going out and drinking um but there was a restaurant there and I got this monkfish dish and it came with potato grattin I think they call it and like everything on that was just gorgeous so lots of great food like honestly every we we ate at a curry house one night and I didn't really like it it I don't know I just wasn't in the mood for curry to come all the way to Portugal and have a British Indian curry I was just like ah I don't know wasn't the worst thing but like yeah tried lots of different foods Portuguese dishes at lots of meat um loved it it was great oh my God I had so much ice cream I think uh I think I like probably should have at less ice cream I got to go back to a rule of just like whenever you have ice cream just have one scoop cuz I started to feel a bit sick a few days in of like you know you kind of feel it in my belly like oh man I've had too much of the sweet sugary ice cream but hey it was only there for a week so I had like a couple of ice creams every day glb says you can never eat too much ice cream on holiday though surely yeah you can't but it wasn't I I wouldn't say the uh the ice cream was particularly special like in Italy in Italy oh my God the gelato there unbelievable that you can eat it all day long over there right here is the wer roses that I farmed up um this is going to be interesting isn't it I'm going to need to place down a lot of these Shuler boxes what you'll go to ice cream flavor mine's definitely lemon says eon's uh de if they have peanut butter chocolate flavored ice cream or just peanut butter I will go for that if not chocolate but I like to try different things um and I I I don't know don't know why but I kept picking all the like sugary ones like I really love like RAM and raisin and some of the fruit ice creams but I kept picking I don't know stuff like after eight ice cream and uh it was all right it was good all all of it was good you know but yeah I just I think uh I think next time I'll I'll have less ice cream overall I just I I didn't I didn't like really think usually I like to set myself like a little rule or whatever which would be like you know one scoop of ice cream at a time but anyway that's just me I just overthink the stuff oh dark chocolate ice cream absolutely yeah are you a cone guy or a little bin guy I go for the little bin of ice cream it's just less messy and I don't particularly find the cones to be that uh that interesting to eat I guess Brown cheese ice cream dang yeah I'm in that's that's I'm the I would totally try something like that if I saw something sounding wild I'd give it a try what were the Landscapes light says fuy absolutely amazing so on our like second day there we went on a boat ride down the coast and we actually went to this cave system that is featured on I think it's the Windows 7 uh lock screen so if ever you had like Windows 7 or or maybe was one of the later ones um you know they they put in some like stock pictures like everyone remembers the Windows XP desktop if you were around then of course that incredible green and blue picture well uh we pulled up at this one cave and the guy's like you might recognize this it was featured on the Windows 10 background and I was looking at as like yeah I think I remember that you know I think I remember it so we went into that one but basically you go down the coast and the cliffs are all like um like yellowy yellowy sometimes reddish orangey brownie Rock and you know the water's been chipping away at it for ages and got these incredible formations of rock and lots of little caves that open up and so on the boat they take you down and you go into the little caves there's some like secluded beaches and it's just a really cool trip to do on a on a speed boat uh we loved it it was it was really great fun I like see all of that uh just going to make sure I want to get all these wer roses then in our local area you had the same thing too it just wasn't quite as dramatic or at least I think there wasn't like a dramatic way to see it like getting on a boat and whizzing down the coast so there were like these lovely pockets of beaches and none of them were ever too busy the day that we went to the beach went to one of the really big ones and there weren't a lot of people there it was really Pleasant actually you know just plenty of space to play uh play around play a bit of football walking up and down the beach uh there were loads of these like rocks that you could climb under where they've been weathered through so I had lots of lots of fun uh let's go craft a few more shulker boxes shall we um that box there that's the one we want had a feeling might need to do this it's natural Sandstone I grew up there says old unicorn dang see this is this is why I feel like I need to get a little bit more invested in where I'm going like it would have been really cool to know that because I became quite immersed in the surrounding like towards the end you see uh what am I doing here 12 of those oh dang my inventory is not set up for this is it so I would go for a morning walk and I just started off by like walking around the block and then I thought a few days in like why don't I walk down to the beach and the first time I walked down to the beach I ended up in a construction site like I thing the culture is just different there and things are like way more open and relaxed and so there's maybe there were signs but I didn't certainly didn't notice them but my my SAT satnav you know Google Maps was telling me Oh you got to walk through this area to get to where to the beach so I walk through there and then I start noticing like a there's construction materials just left on the side of the road here huh and then you get a little further in and you're like there's drilling sounds and like people are you can see a few people in construction vests and whatever but no one says anything and then I got quite a ways into this Resort complex and uh someone pulled me over and said you can't be here you got to go back so I went back so then the next day I like took a different route to get there wait what am I doing a strong one the next day I take a different route to get down to these beaches and I I absolutely loved it there was just this really long sprawl where you could go out on these Cliffs and you could it's hard to describe with just words I've got pictures I didn't really plan on like talking and sharing all of that like maybe I could have but if you look up some pictures online of the area someone typed it earlier in chat and I'm sure they'll be kind enough to do it again it was the AL alav in ALA right in Portugal so you got these coastlines beautiful eroded sandstone and it creates like little secluded beaches and lots of incredible rock formations and like some of them extend out to the ocean and if if you if you don't go to the beach if you walk up the sides onto the terrain behind it you can actually walk out and get on top of these big Cliffs of like ocean coming into the beaches either side of you and you know there's spots where you can stand and fall off the edge if you want to like you are you are just like out there in the element and I kind of learned this a little too late I wish I'd have gone there with more of an impetus to learn about the place which is something I want to kind of like learn from this experience and take forward with me because I I think it's really cool to be immersed in in something I just I kind of went there with this mentality of like like work until you go turn off your brain enjoy the holiday and come back and and now I kind of wish I'd have uh immersed myself a little bit more in all of that so yeah um Karen cake says just Google it it's really beautiful yeah take the time to Google it Al Furia algar is kind of what it sounds like when I read it out loud hopefully if you're just listening you can SE SE for that and find it so yeah I I I end up walking across like these incredible uh Hills for like an hour or more how do I now have two of these don't know don't care right we'll take all of these back to the base I think there's still loads filtering out of there so I might need to get even more in the future actually might actually I think I might just leave them here for now I don't have anywhere to put them let's see okay I'm going to put all of them down and then figure out which ones are empty after okay couple of empty ones here take all that back now all right there we go I will leave those there for collection another time as it goes I need to repair any gear might as well while we're here uh armed with wings thank you for subscribing my dude appreciate it ALB Fara is what I was told pronounced of a strong yorkish accent okay let's get down here and repair yeah though when I when I made my way to this uh actually like actually got down to the beach to walk across there I spent like a long time in the morning just uh putting on oh got it the wrong way around putting on some records listening to some music and I was like trying to remember um some like Mediterranean sounding music to again like try and like immerse yourself a little bit in your surroundings and I was listening to Carl is it Carl Sanders oh what's it called swaran meditations or something like that I want that I want that I want that actually I've got loads I don't need it I always try and pick up the end heads see yeah that so then like you know I've also got this like Mediterranean sounding music in my ear really getting like sucked into where I am and finding all kinds of cool stuff you know beautiful rock formation secret beaches one of the days I managed to walk all the way across from one beach to the next one which was really fun just like not knowing quite how I'm going to get there and climbed up and down some rocks as well there were definitely some like sketchy moments where it could have been a bit more risky but most of the time um I played it pretty safe I'm not much of a risk taker I guess but there was this one opportunity to climb up and down some rocks and go down to a secluded beach which was super cool and on the way down there there was like this weird I saw out of the corner of my eye like a lime a black fuzzy line on the ground what's that what's going on over here it's moving and then I'm like oh it's ants and there's this massive long line of ants going up and down the path and I followed them for ages and they eventually just sort of peted out and I couldn't figure out where exactly it was they were like going to or coming from but that was kind of cool you know seeing a little bit of ants out there in the wild doing their thing assuma the Explorer say Brew yeah no I definitely got a little bit of an exploration kick on that's for sure so yeah um it was it was really cool I got some amazing photos as well of course you follow a trail of ants says Karen oh well I wanted to know what they were going to like I might have found like a carcass or something at the end probably probably not but you know they're they're going back and forth from somewhere and I'm curious as to what they're up to Enad thank you so much for subscribing appreciate it my dude thank you thank you heart gamer says that's morbid I would say it's nature it's the cycle of Life everyone needs sustenance and your sustenance comes from things that have died you know that's just the way uh reality Works X the new Detective Conan I was just I was just following my curiosity what can I say this feels like a this feels like a strange collection of oh do you know what they're like they're like trapped because of the the height of the grass they can't get out of here but if they go down into the cave they're going to wander back up cuz they like to go upwards so this is just like a hole of uh animals that have fallen in and can't get anywhere else glb says set them free I might have to let's go set down a beacon two three uh one two three that's wrong oh and again one two three I think that's correct find out yeah I'm just trying to think of what else we uh we did I actually I actually spent a fair bit of time playing on my laptop as well this game came out that I played over a year ago well over a year ago I think I played a demo of it it finally came out and I tell you what I've been absolutely loving it like it is just as good as I thought it was going to be and I've been thinking about maybe making a video on my channel just to kind of like put some eyeballs on the game cuz I think it's really wonderful and I want it to do well I just love the way they've approached this as a puzzle game so I might make that video in the week um what game is it it's the Isles of sea and sky if I'm remembering the name correctly I'm noticing I'm noticing that like I'm very bad at taking in names and remembering them these days I'm starting to think it's got something to do with like smartphones and being distracted all the time and I'm trying to make some like effort to change how I spend my time and hopefully improve these things but I think they're going to have to be a little bit more dramatic than I want them to be I got a feeling I need to do some like you know unsubscribing to YouTube channels and getting more stuff off of that feed that makes you feel like oh I got to do this I got to do that you know I got to watch this thing got to watch that thing and get a little bit back to the kind of uh way things were in the past when you didn't have these feeds always giving you stuff to do what can you play this game on I think it's only on PC at the moment it'd be the kind of game that would work well on other platforms as well but yeah I I was playing that and just really really enjoying the puzzles and unlocking all of the stuff and just wanting to maybe make a little video explaining what the game's about and just get some more eyeballs on it cuz I think it's a really terrific game I used to remember mobile phone numbers 11 numbers long I can't remember any except my own now don't need to all on my phone says glb yeah that's that's the kind of stuff I'm worrying about cuz now it feels like there's all this other stuff that maybe you should be able to remember but I just can't by the way is that new cuz that is gorgeous so I I really love the hot weather it was great I'm going to turn my sound down here a little bit and then I come back to like drizzle just cold drizzle typical British weather you can't make it [Applause] up ah you missed the sun says fuy I don't think so like as far as I was aware it was pretty pants the weather back here while we were away oh wait well you say I missed the sun okay if that's what you're saying no I didn't cuz I was getting plenty of Sun on holiday but like if you mean I miss the sun I definitely miss it like I love that warmer weather I really love it the thing is though the thing is though it gets even hotter in the summer over there and that will probably become unbearable for me I also learned a fair bit about the architecture while I was over there because the Villa that we stayed in it kept kept really cool on the inside and it had like air conditioning in every room but it wasn't actually on and the way the buildings are designed is to keep the sunm off of the buildings so all the buildings over there are like painted in white because you know if you paint them in Black they're going to absorb more heat but they're designed in a way where the main rooms they have like overhangs on the side of them so when the Sun hits the building it kind of keeps it off of the main rooms cuz you've got these like balcon and overhangs up top to keep it in the shade it's really quite clever have I played the house of Da Vinci a cool brain game yeah I love puzzles and brain games but you know there's there's just an endless list of games out there and whenever I get the time to do play a game you know there's always a long list of choices so I'll I'll play some more brain games at some point I also want to finish the game I've got really quite far into it and I just I feel feel like I need to put in a few more hours and I'll see the end of it but then probably that doesn't mean every puzzle's solved I just kind of want to see the end of the story and and then I'll be left with a few puzzles here and there something to do whenever you get a little bit of downtime just fire it up and play again it also it feels to me like one of those games where you're not really going to like forget how to do stuff cuz the mechanics are quite simple I've played games in the past where it's more of a skill and then you take a break from it and you try and come back to it and it's like you're really sluggish and slow I don't think this game's going to be like that it feels like one of those ones you can just pick up and do again right I need to go get a Shuler box for Junk I guess or dirt as it will probably be B's hey X big fan just wondering what are you up to Hey There bear you big fan oh what am I up to I'm playing Minecraft bear and I'm broadcasting it to people like you who are watching H oh Portugal is great the sea is cold though if you're on the Atlantic side we were actually we were discussing that we're like closer to the Atlantic than the Mediterranean and I didn't go in the uh in the sea but my cousin did and they said that it was like really cold and you didn't get that feeling of like getting used to it it was just staying cold so I only di my toes in one of the things I wanted to do for a while is actually go swim in the ocean but on that day I didn't really like get around to thinking right now's the time to do it and then after a while we were we were leaving the beach so I didn't actually get to swim in the ocean but that's something I'd love to do again freaky be Beetle says the sarcasm is strong with this one oh of course it is of course it is um right so we got that for Junk now we want to sleep in a bit uh which is in here it go oh Ren's got us covered uh my Rema says fear of oceans here not going anywhere near them that is a fear you would want to overcome purely for the fact that you don't actually need to go in them to enjoy them the sound of the ocean is really calming I loved like as soon as I got near it it was like ah the ocean just by the sound and then when laying on the beach in the sun chilling out for many hours on end um just hearing it was really relaxing I spent a lot of time like not listening to stuff not listening to videos no podcast you know no music on although there was of music listening to I just found myself like really just enjoying the weather and being somewhere nice and the beach was one of those moments where it was like just just taking it all then it was really good have you ever considered going on holiday summer in Asia honestly I'd love to go holiday anywhere I just I don't travel alone I think it's something I might want to do at some point but I'm just not I'm not a big like social butterfly person I don't mind uh interacting talking with people Etc but I'm not the kind of person that like would go on holiday and like talk to the locals and make a bunch of new friends so for me like traveling I go with family I'd love to go with friends and so it really just depends on what other people want to do um so I'm not really that confident in like going on my own little holiday Adventure I guess Japan is a fantastic place to vacation says freaky Beetle I want to go to Tokyo we've been discussing that cuz cuz we' gone on holiday we're talking about you know future holidays now and uh Tokyo is one for me that I'd love to do don't know if I'll be able to make it happen or not though supposed to be really expensive as well so it's one of those things you got to like think and plan for I reckon is X terraforming for the project with Papa I am indeed and I'm doing it kind of likely cuz we uh lightly CU we don't exactly know what we're doing yet but I do know this terrain needs to be lowered a bit so I'm not going to lower it like crazy amounts I'm just taking the top levels and trimming them off cuz obviously like I'm mining this the slow way at the moment and that's just because we're going to take it down one layer at a time to be fair I could I could probably choose to do a few more layers than this it might be a good idea actually set like a y value and start from there you don't need to be a social person to go on vacation alone I'm a big introvert and I love traveling alone yeah maybe it's just one of those things you got to do once and then you realize oh you know what this is fine you know I've been hooked on day trips in the UK with friends it's tiring but you can get so much done on one day on a budget I would love that I've done plenty of my own little trips to uh to London in a day that's good the N isn't doing well at the moment apparently I've got a few friends who went recently say it's a good time to go no accurate how that is of course I'll well I'll start looking to into it before long and I also want to try and plan another vacation like lazy vacation probably maybe in Portugal again for next year like if you book a year in advance it's much cheaper right so like that that planning and preparation goes away uh glb says I think day trips in the UK are great some hidden gems in the UK if you want to share any I'm all is oh yeah we got a path coming through this area oh that'll that'll all change big time with this project some big time changes come to the area did you read any interesting books on the way says B I finished my bobae book and I absolutely loved it I will I will give you some light spoilers let's say if you are interested in hard sci-fi I didn't consider this one to actually be hard sci-fi like the free body problem book but it's you know it's got a fair bit of interesting science it's all it's all based around the idea of the Von noyman probe and this guy who's like a a software guy I really only bring one Shuler box what is wrong with me makes a bunch of uh money and like signs up to be cry C Frozen cryogenically upon death and you know the book's pretty pretty quick in the beginning of like getting you onto this beaten uh beaten path so I don't think I'm really spoiling that much but I'm kind of giving you the gist of how the the book opens and gets into its story um so the idea is that this guy wakes up in a future but like it's not a pretty future it's not like everything's Advanced and welcome to Utopia it's more like things aren't great and you have a job to do whether you like it or not and that's um becoming a sentient computer because they don't actually reanimate your body and he's going to be a Von nyman probe that will essentially populate the universe by cloning himself and it just gives the book This brilliant jumping off point to kind of do whatever it wants because this guy can make copies of himself and explore the Galaxy and universe and and it just sets itself up to do you know whatever it wants it goes in a few different directions but the thing is you know like a clone can just go to a new Galaxy and you can create whatever sort of story you want there and then it's really weird because the book jumps around these different stories with the same character who's like a clone of himself and and it really works it works really well such a cool thing uh you dream about a holiday in Scotland don't know why it's much like where I live now but more history and place you want to see yeah I mean i' I've heard a lot of people say Scotland's a great place to visit I need to yeah I should probably like do some research and plan some days away and stuff for myself cuz I'm really loving seeing more of the world which book is that great question I think it's called we are Bob into the Bob of us or something like that if you search that I'm sure you're going to find it and I wouldn't say it's hard sci-fi but it's like decent sci-fi and it's less like you know beam me up Scotty and more plausible like Technologies in it kind of Mak sense great name says Karen K yeah initially the name kind of put me off it made it sound a bit like cheesy a bit comic Booky but it was really well rated and had some great reviews and I thought I'll give it a go uh I you know I really liked it it was definitely more like of a war warted and fun and it's got like a comedic beat to it as well which is really good so I loved it we are legion we are Bob Boba verse book one says I Adrian Robin yeah and as you might guess my next book might just be uh the second part of it or I might do june I'm not sure the thing with getting into June is that like it's a big book to get through I've seen the movies now and I have heard people say that the later June books are like not on the level of the first one and what I was kind of interested in was like reading the books to find like get beyond the first book and hear more of this like dun world but I've seen people say that the lat June books are not as good so I'm kind of like ah maybe I'll try some of these other books I don't know there are also a lot of Pop Culture references in there two small and big franchises and references to other book series I really like that Series yeah I picked up on a couple of things here and there some of them felt like really obvious like uh they were sort of said that they were references and then there's probably some that I didn't even know cuz I don't know what they're referencing right but the references were cool all the ones I picked up on I liked it they're not as fun to read but they're good literature what what would we talking about now June June has the thing the sun die go on after his dad and the initial offer passed away oh yeah but like didn't the initial offer write like five books uh P says yep dun they're not as fun to read but they're good literature I mean I I don't know I don't know quite like that that sounds a bit I don't know I don't know how to interpret that kind of comment I guess he wrote six of the books okay yeah I'm not quite sure how to interpret that comment is what I'm getting at I guess you just finished book five it's such a good series well that sounds like a recommendation to me the six is wild have fun Dev C says it's not matter how good the literature is it's all down to if you like it or not yeah I I mean the the comment was confusing to me cuz you're sort of saying it's good and it's not and I don't know I don't quite know like what literature means in that context I guess um what bit should we do next that bit over there let's go to that level and start bringing it down to the same level as over here uh Dev C says I think I'll pass on reading June to be honest I reckon I I reckon I got to get around to it at some point I just I really got pulled into this Boba verse thing and there's multiple books in the series so I feel like now's a good time to going to get stuck in with them since I enjoyed it so much I wonder if this goes beyond the bones it doesn't actually out of the range of the beacon and it's just occurred to me that we never needed the beacon because you know shovels and dirt since we're doing that first am I I'm not even picking this up anymore Mafia kid thank you so much for 29 months hope I had a fun vac I did thank you my dude also de dealer YT thank you for 30 months and jacket fracket thank you for seven always appreciated peeps always appreciated is Ren home he was talking about expanding somewhere again says Slater boy um if you're worried about this area then don't be worried because uh we planned this out and put it uh on our Shar like planning we have a shared planning board for who's building where and uh me and caralis have uh sorted out using the spot with other people so it won't be here that's for sure [Music] you've only read the first June novel but loved it I thought the writing was fantastic says Merk Syrian yeah I guess that's another element of it all right do I read non-fiction much yeah I've done non-fiction I also like autobiographies the thing is that there's always a recommendation there's so much to pick from right and you just got to like follow your nose a bit and pick what you're in the mood for at the time I've just been in the mood for a bit of like sci-fi lately I guess yeah I think what I want to do moving forward is maybe uh kind of change the pace at which I consume content and stuff CU I feel like YouTube just gets you on this content treadmill there's just always videos coming out and a lot of them are really great but I want to be a bit more selective and then spend more time listening to records and audio books and and kind of getting back to a slower Pace I think that's what I want to take away from my holiday like the slower pace is like not a bad thing right where are we going to go next have you seen any of the Jew movies I've seen all three of them the last two really kind of did it for me and made me want to watch the books the first one not so much not so much he going back over there I guess I want to scream at twitch they just bricked the mobile app sorry just mad all right I don't know what that's about three I thought there was only two apparently there's four movies there was a TV movie as well wow watch the books watch them look they're not moving they're just there brick bricked is a term for something like locking you out you know I need to go to the Ender Manion and repair the shovel pretty much before I mine another block so let's do that uh Slater boys asking where I went I went to Portugal we kind of I kind of wrapped up my chat I'm talking about going over there had a had an amazing time exploring enjoying the weather relaxing a lot uh lots of lots of good memories that's what you do when you go on holiday you make new memories don't you I feel like I want something to look forward to again though I I heard this thing a while back about some person who did like a study on looking forward to going on holiday and basically they concluded there's like a lot of pleasure and looking forward to something so now they like book holidays four years in advance so so they you know it's coming and there's a long time to look forward to it which I don't think that's going to apply like the same way to every person but I think there's an element of Truth in there because the moment like there was a lot of pleasure well pleasure might not be the right word but there's like a lot of suspense and looking forward to and you get like a bit of a kick when a holiday is coming up you know but then when it's over you you have to kind of deal with that like post holiday Blues which I've had a little bit of but kind of know how to manage those feelings those day these days when I was young I really struggled with those kind of emotions of like coming back and feeling down cuz you're not on this awesome holiday anymore and uh I think I think I didn't like I didn't take it very well used to really put me in like a bit of a funk oh wait so what it does work okay it works um yeah used to put me in a right old mood and these days I I I manage it much better now I kind of like know it's coming know know how to think about it and know how to get myself back on track you know like one of the things is just doing a stream doing a stream just puts you like back into that that Rhythm uh em PI says I really don't like holidays maybe I just don't like the stress I think if you stress about going on a holiday you're probably worrying about what could go wrong and that's probably not saying much about like holiday but maybe more about how you're thinking about it because I mean for most people getting away from the normal routine that you have unless your life is somehow rather sporadic and all over the place like it's a really nice thing to go to somewhere different and just be be in a different pace of life for for a while I used to love coming back home from vacations that's the S about mrs's Madie well um you know there is an element of you know enjoying getting back to where you're going like I wasn't particularly miserable about coming back home in fact you know I was looking forward to doing some things when I got back here that I had planned it's oh do you know we never really finished the uh oh we should check on the sugarcan farm it's more about I forgot what I was trying to say here like if you went on holiday for like a month coming back would probably be a lot easier than a week right and I think we can all imagine why because at some point like the lounging around at the Villa in the hot weather and whatnot the novelty wears off and maybe for you it just wears off a little quicker and so you're more looking forward to getting back to what you like for me I think I think I could have stayed there for like another or six days but I reckon at some point I would have been like okay like this has been great but now it's time to do something is what I would suspect hey Slater boy thank you so much for subscribing my dude very much appreciate that hope you're enjoying the stream poofy says returning to normality yeah we all need that uh Karen says I love going on on a two we vacation now I haven't done a twoe vacation since I was a kid that I know so maybe sometime in the future I'll do a longer vacation all of mine have been a week or less that I've had in recent years because you know I've been on YouTube for a long time and it's only like the last uh few years that I've started to go on vacations again like I hadn't been on any since I was a kid planning a monthlong trip back home to the states later this year haven't been home in over two years that sounds awesome my dude I the states is a place I would love to spend more time at I really do like America I think it's awesome it's it's it's a lot of countries basically rolled into one and America are really friendly the crack and bubble says I haven't done a vacation in so long decided to go on one for the US twitch gone awesome [Applause] awesome uh heer says depends a lot on the destination could easily go for to Japan for one month yeah I did like uh I did like four or 5 days in row home a few years ago I think that was that might have been pre pandemic and that was like oh my God I could I I love that era and like being there is just deeply fascinating go back to Rome that I could do maybe that would be one I could do myself I don't know got to Buck up a bit of Courage maybe and do that I I'm pretty sure it's what one of those things where like once you've done it once you'll be like okay that's that's not a problem let's go again you know like it's all the it's all the thinking before that does it for me like if if I booked a holiday for Rome on my own I'm actually I'm actually like less worried about anything oh other than what's going to go on in my own head cuz I know my head is just going to spend time devouring itself alive worrying about all the things that could go wrong right like that's why I would probably prefer spontaneously appearing in Rome tomorrow and then I'll be like oh this is fine I'm here let's go if I if I like book it and it's like a year later I'm going to spend a year thinking about it too much right uh vanard 21 thank you so much for 78 months my dude that is um awesome thank you for subscribing resubscribing also warp thank you for the prime and for gifting a sub to Rando 875 very much appreciate you give a sub there thank you my dude if you like Rome you might like some books by Robert Harris he has written a lot of historical accurate fiure I I might just do I I got a recommendation to listen to something similar while I was on holiday as well again like there's just no shortage of stuff you could enjoy out there I think it will be really good if I went to Rome would be to like maybe pick out like do some research on like books about Rome and particular parts of the history there to learn about that could be cool you found Rome too big and confusing when I went when you went oh really I I didn't find it confusing I guess maybe the confusion is like navigation if you're not good with like maps and getting around and stuff cuz it is you know it is an old city with an incredible amount of history and uh not a not a crazy amount of logic to everything I guess well Leo at [Applause] least all right it's looking good get a few more of these slabs out of the way oh again says there's so many places I love to go outside of the US the world is just full of amazing places to see right but if you're in the US I mean that's like that's like having 50 plus countries in one place firework looks crazy like a moon yeah I think it's Ren's thumbnail for um his latest episode that has it in the background and it it it literally looks like a moon and I was half wondering is that Scar's moon or is that the firework that's no moon that's a firework explosion you live in the US but your dad is born in Toronto so I'm a duel citizen I really want to see more of Canada all these wants man we all got to do it we got to travel more yeah look at this I'll just put the stuff straight in here pretty good be's new episode also makes it look amazing as a sort of moon or something say speeding I haven't seen bbs's new episode trying to trying to think of what I saw in my feed all of this over here could do of A Sort as well right that I can't believe I can't believe I've got that low on sh Shuler shells Shuler boxes even right now here's something super cool that we're going to do if we fill that thing up you know it's going to be 27 so we're going to take uh 32 of each fly over to log lands as you do have you been to all of the countries in the ukx I have not actually I haven't been to Ireland or Northern Ireland and I haven't been to Scotland I've been to Wales Lots Wales is amazing there's a there's a place I could definitely go to oh it's it's really with the traveling thing it's really like the impetus to do it I get I get in such a groove of like my regular routine or whatever and it's it's like I'm in my own way when it comes to like what am I trying to do here by the way I'm trying to go over there I'm in my own way when it comes to like getting out of that cuz I I know like a fair bit of whales and could definitely find some cool stuff to do up there and go I just don't know I always stay stuck in my little routine giv me so much to think about didn't I do a cycling Vlog in Wales yeah I did it did do that that was uh that was one of those cool things that I did right in they go more shock Shell for the future uh ladia says have you been to angle SE in Wales I have not I think I think one of the reasons I might have less of an impetus to go is because I don't like travel that much and driving so I'm sort of thinking like what's the barrier and like well it'll be like a 3-hour drive that I won't be particularly infused about and I'm not sure how many days I would like stay there for but I guess I guess it starts with research like you got to find what you really want to do and then when you got a plan when you got like a bunch of stuff you want to see it'll probably make more sense you be like Yep this is definitely what I want to do and then go like I really want to visit um the town where my grandparents used to as they used to live you know they they lived their most of their life and their past now and I always I always just wanted to go back and walk around those streets and Fields again just feel like a little connected to it and walk some roots that will like jog your memory and stuff you know um what did I what was I going to do I was going to oh this is what I was going to do you should know what I was going to do I couldn't let this just sit over here wherever it is here it is oh was that it just a small smidge of copper was of my time have I been to Canada no I have not I have had opportunities to go when I was a kid but I passed up on them unfortunately I think uh think I really should have gone to them but yeah any who all here's the deal peeps it was good to come back on here um I'm still kind of winding up to it you know and so uh I was going to do my usual two hours but I think I'll uh just kind of going to put a pit on it here we we had a good chat we didn't really do much that's fine that's fine I'm getting back into the swing of it and uh I'm going to head over in this direction now cuz uh certain someone else is streaming H's done more of this area let's just PCH let's just PCH also uh dang I keep knocking my microphone into my clothes let's change that um yeah I oh look at that saw that Pearl was working on this area that's cool that's some that's some awesome interesting terraforming right there dang such a cool base love it it's getting me all inspired never short of inspiration on This Server are we Tango is in his farming area is that here this is the crafting area right are they the same thing isn't there like Farms below here oh my God you can see the items like whizzing around there so much stuff underground dang like a secret Waterway over here that'll be forces Rivers right going into the aquaa dang dude this is cool this is cool where is Tango's farming area it's next to the chest a drop that's epone and gems tunnel oh okay where's Tango's farming area though I mean that's E4 over there I know Tango's got that bit I don't know where the farming area behind his starter base if I say his name really loud will he hear me Tango can you hear me from up here I don't know Tango can you imagine if it was Tango's birthday as well and I had to sing Happy Birthday to him again drop is near the mailbox say like Marco Polo Marco or what like Tango Tango Dude where's where's Tango's mailbox I don't know if that's it wouldn't it be in his base at the factory back of back of the factory oh these instructions are so unclear back of the factory that's the mailbox right come on now oh I'm going to get shot Dango like this way I don't even I'm just going to raid him I'm just I I want to break from the computer I'm just going to raid Tango um I'll log out here here I'll look out right here thank you so much peeps for uh tuning in today I appreciate it and I hope you entertained and enjoyed it I'll be back again tomorrow for MCC and I'll be back again the day after for a collaborative stream with Tango Zena and caralis playing a whole new game so uh yeah come back tomorrow come back the day after there's lots to be enjoyed right as you know we're going to raate tango and uh that's going to do it for me today thank you everyone for watching and I'll see you all later take care bye-bye
Channel: xisumatwo
Views: 2,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hermitcraft livestream, hermitcraft ten livestream, hermitcraft 10 livestream, hermitcraft X livestream, hermitcraft 10, hermitcraft ten, hermitcraft s10, season ten, season 10, new hermitcraft season, hermitcraft 1.20, 1.20.1, minecraft, minecraft 1.20, xisuma, xisumavoid, minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.3, 1.20.4, trails and tales, trails & tales, trails&tales, twitch, Xisuma mcc, xisumavoid mcc, 1.20.5, twitch cape, minecraft cape, 15 anniversary, minecraft anniversary
Id: G7ADc_fkvQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 28sec (6508 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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