Hermitcraft 8: Woodland Palace & Tegg Distractions | Episode 8

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hello everyone and welcome back to another episode from the hermitcraft server so i've been doing some thinking about my build that i have here and what exactly i would like to call it because well i've not called it anything yet and i feel like a build this epic definitely needs a name so i have come to the decision that this build right here will be my woodland palace that is going to be the name that i will give it and it's a wonderful woodland palace if i do say so myself although i haven't worked out a lot of the interior yet we do have a couple of different rooms sort of forming together over time at the moment though there is one glaring issue no roof now as much as i love being able to fly out of the top of my house i think that a roof is in fact very important to the overall shape of this entire structure so i got some building to do it's okay though i'm confident that i can handle this and i think that i've already got most of the blocks together yeah we've got some sandstone we've got some moss and some birch and even more stuff over here so the only thing to do now is to get to work so the thing about roofs is normally i build them first or at least plan them first but because these are towers the roofs are just pretty much gonna be simple circles except for that one that one is obviously not a circle so i'm basically just hoping that with any luck this should all form together fairly easily and we'll be able to get the shapes and the final rooms actually laid out in this place so for these structures i'm wanting to do three different types of roots so this will be a soft dome shaped roof this one will be more like a cone i guess and this one's gonna be like a square roof and then we have that one down there which is already one of those a-frame rooms so a lot going on perhaps but i'm hoping that in the end it'll look pretty good and all come together and honestly so far so good i think that looks pretty official and i think the height of it is correct i don't want to go too big so yeah let's get rid of this thank you very much heck yeah so far that looks amazing let's get some of this one marked in now too so they'll both make sense together this birchwood here is going to be the very square edge of this roof which hopefully will line up well with that one and of course we can slowly fill in this floor so that it is much easier for me to walk along and build building like this is honestly so relaxing it's so nice to get into the flow of the entire idea and i really look forward to how this is going to look in the end yep that looks great i love that shape so far now i just need some details and the general roof which should be pretty easy let's get to work so i got distracted several times over and now i have a storage room with a lush cave crawling out of the center of it and none of this was the plan for today because as you can see i still don't have a roof and i need one of those it's fine though because i'm actually quite happy with this distraction as it allows me to get more moss which i'm collecting from my roof block anyways kind of perfect very easy and satisfying to gather and i'm hoping to do some sort of big vine or tree coming out of the center hopefully just making this look very lush and cool for a storage room the base is well underway and uh i'll get back to that later it's it's time to get distracted everyone the tag is currently back in bodem at a certain pearlescent moon's space gosh there's never once where i've walked into botamo it's been like a normal just normal things have it wasn't there's so much there's so much here all the time i love it oh what a talented community anyways this is pearl this is pearl's base uh oh there's so many nooks and grannies oh pearl oh why oh goodness oh my goodness there's so many nooks and crannies oh dear buddy what happened oh this wasn't here last time i was here oh there's a beacon [Music] wow pearl this is insane um nothing suspicious there why is the woman got a head room hello why did she kill an axolotl or two i truly do not know where she would have put the egg wait that goes somewhere does that go somewhere look it looks like you can swim in there you can but it doesn't go anywhere pearl pearl this is mean pearl's base is to op i surrender that is all i'll get it from the next person pearl's online and i have a bone to pick with her about her tag placement so uh we're flying there pearl pearl jim pearlescent moon pearl oh gemini hello i hear a bunch of trapdoors flipping yeah yeah hey hello hello oh gosh this is this is not the way you open my doors i think that it is can i see how you walk through okay yep all right you're gonna do that all right yeah can i just how about we just just do that wait where did i go oh wait i'm up here wait i thought i got through that ah that didn't quite work out the way i wanted it to can you is it possible oh um i'm gonna splat it my mom technically kind of did it you know what i'm gonna heal up i'm gonna try that whole thing oh wait it is i lost half my heart but i did it oh oh i got through that wasn't too bad i hit the goat but that's fine how's it going jim can i just close these so it saves my oc yeah yeah pearl listen i have a bone to pick with you right apart is this what those again it's just something no it's it's it's not about it's not about the doors you're not about to throw down some crystals at all i don't i don't have any crystals no uh it's about your tag that you no longer have i no longer have it yeah i know who's got it you no longer have it and i know who has it and it's false listen i tried for a very long time in your base of 10 million trap doors to find that ticket every single shop door i tried it i tried yes i did you read this lovely book here yeah i did read the book pearl i did read it i didn't get any message about any clues jim no no there was didn't want any clue well i thought i thought that i would be able to find it fair and square but i couldn't pearl no false has it now that it's found do you want to know where it was yeah i do i really do come this way okay i'm right down here okay i'm mad about this already because i did check here looks like someone might have let me just see which one it is to be honest i sometimes forget it's not this one elsa's boots yeah it's this one come through oh my gosh oh my god have you got a torch on you so you can you hold it so it lights up a bit more in here there we go yeah so this is where it was just in here i know it was a little bit painful this is where it was keep coming through into here you get to join the fishies really soon come this way come through into the aquarium i hate it oh my gosh and then come through this one open this trapdoor come in here yeah there we go jump back out again so you don't have to come through this way whoa pearl through these 10 million dollars pearl you've you're out of control you were out of control i did i hide it well enough i feel like over in the locker room you are out of control so so what's the go then i i kind of feel bad about you spending so much time and then not finding it so did you want to go to volson you wanna help me yeah yeah point because she's gonna win she's gonna win if we don't go in okay yeah she's got like 50 days left yeah yeah we got to go quick all right well let's let's stop let's not hold to here let's just keep going okay go fall wait would it be in the eagle should we check the eagle first oh we could check the eagle yeah hold on i don't see it along the belly or in the mushroom okay maybe it's not it might not be it doesn't look like you can even get into it to be honest yeah i thought i saw that it was hollow when she was building it but it might not be anymore hello elsa's house okay it's not under here again is it that would be happening double check thing over here there's all these buttons which i hate it's like this little bit under the bridge that there's a crawl space oh there's a crawl space under here too it's just storage oh gosh i didn't bring any independence do you need a post they're in my under chest if you have an under chest i can access them i'm going to try this crawl space i almost fell to my death what the heck false that's me false wait i wanna i wanna see now hold on don't tell me i wanna see you oh take games is this it wait what come down here keep coming down the water okay you're coming down this has got to be it take games before playing stand around set space to be it okay leave items items don't cheat you have four lives once you die four times you can no longer go for tag play again after 24 hours but that means we have eight lives we've right we're cause they're both of us well with my with my minecraft knowledge i think we'll be fine right yeah yeah actually never mind this first question is not something that i like to see okay okay well i guess we go for items yep all right so what version of minecraft was the wither introduced definitely not 1.6 i was playing 1.6 and i think the weather was in i think it's one of the two middle ones i'm going yep come through it's that one how are we supposed to know we could calculate she said don't google we can use the calculator true so 16 by 16 by 16 by how high 256 because it will be counting the air blocks it has to because there's different elevations 16 x 16 5 five three six that'd be this one i'm walking yep that's good let's go we did it she didn't say calculator that's not breaking the rules yeah we can use i know this one straight away what was the probability of a blue axe a little spawning what is [Laughter] how many health points do bats have well that's really low because you can one hit them i feel like it's three at that point right i have one hit a bat like you're correct they're very easy to one hit you can't punch them though like you can't one punch them you have to you'd have to punch how much damage does a punch oh that was half a heart ah like well is health points is that how many hearts or is that half a heart is one health point oh true well it can't be it can't be yeah yeah yeah i don't really want it to be one and a half hearts would that make sense which wouldn't make sense no i don't i don't know if that's a logic i feel like it has to be full right okay bro if not five i'm doing it yeah there's lava i got this one i think it's probably five then if it's not three no do you know what i think in in that case three i think you were right but i think it is points well if it's point three three hearts six six points so you're thinking this one three hearts six points is that how it works i don't remember it it's a bit hard between like is this hearts or is those points we don't know it says points and not hearts so i think we have to assume half hearts false i'm stressed stop this go for it this one's fine oh it's right it's right so what is that okay what distance will zombie piglens be angry at a player from these are all very straight strange numbers is it 32 because it yeah 32 or 84 i i thought 40. i feel like it's 32 or 38. i'm not i feel like my minecraft logic is 32. don't go this way you're crazy do we think 38 i've been chased by zombie piglets as a thing and i googled it at the time that i was chased by zombie piglens in my hardcore world but i don't remember what i read i always just fly out of range and get them to the aggro on me that way i never think about how many blocks away exactly well this one's on you i think this time this is your your turn to guess i think it's probably 35 what do you think a 265 just sounds so weird i feel like it's gonna be an even number 26. no [Laughter] takes the lava it is not imagine if it's 35 and i just led you into death yeah it says 35. it is [Laughter] how many moms naturally swollen another we can just count them right okay let's try so you've got wither skeletons wither skellies yeah skeletons blazers ghosts i need to keep a tally hold on i'm getting a notepad out in real life she didn't say we couldn't use a notepad it's in the rules exactly just mary google skelly zombie piglen do the babies count separately that's the thing isn't it i'm not kidding when i say that we sat at this bit for a good 20 minutes counting mobs and debating whether or not she was counting babies so i'm gonna just skip you to the results false these questions are too generic we're counting absolutely everything possible and we might not even be needing two well should we go for 14. 14. either 14 or 11 though at this point right team here i'm gonna regret anna no i'm not going to regret this is correct that means she's not counting some of the mobs that we're counting how many villager jobs are there in total right here we go we're writing it down again i think it's 12 already just from memory really we can count them yeah i'm not going to go on a whim here though we should really yeah lectern uh are you going to go cleric cleric i couldn't remember a librarian i couldn't remember the word i'm sorry this is a lecture [Laughter] an eternity a villager job counting later librarian cleric farmer weapon tool armor cartographer shepard fletcher fisherman butcher and leather worker wait the stone masons that's one we don't have it the stone me oh yes the stone mason there we go yeah i i think it's it might be 13. you thought it was 12 for a really long time you're making me nervous i did think it was whole for a really long time but you know i forgot you know like one is fine even if we're getting one more then it's 14. i'm going 13. yeah that's right oh my gosh oh the stress this is too much stress oh my gosh we sat there for ages i don't know just to make sure i think it's probably that one yeah okay i find the slime don't come down here oh damn come down false what the heck i can't i can't get in there with you otherwise i'll hit you also there's another question in this room when does it end how i'd actually that's i'm very curious how many questions there are which game inspired minecraft i thought that oh dear um what is it i don't even know what infinity minor and cubivore is i know roblox definitely not definitely tetris probably not not i think it's gonna go it's gonna look cubicle maybe or was it infinity minor i'm gonna die from fall damage like genuinely oh my gosh it's here oh jeez okay i don't have see we used quite a lot of lives there if it was just one of us that was mean yeah i don't know how many we used but it was a lot yeah there's no rule here about calling a friend so it was fine yeah it was bad it was totally fine thank you for your help pearl no worries at all i'm gonna have to i don't know who i'm gonna find it on next but i won't search in your base because i helped yeah this time oh so kind of so kind okay i'm gonna go uh quickly find a spot to put this all right well you have fun with that right so the next thing that i'm going to work on is actually this little lush cave down here i'm going to keep trying to mine this out and detail it a little bit so that this section can be kind of closed off with glass and not thought about for a little while this should be a fun way to spend my morning because i now have the tag and i asked grant's permission for this it's actually now possible for us hermits to be hiding the tag around our megabases as well as in our starter homes we just have to clarify to the other hermits when they're hunting that they have to search the entire grounds so it's in my best interest to detail like all of these things that are around here so people have a harder time tracking down that tag when it gets on my property regardless though this moment is not about the tag it is about this room and how absolutely glorious it is uh i'm gonna build up some little drip stone areas i think like over here i love the idea of doing that because i have the edge of this being drip stone and i just think it would be so cute in this cave yeah yeah i like it and some like iron as well add little pops of color and differences in areas they do look a little like beans but i think i forgive it i think it works this whole room so far works i think some candles around the place in the little nooks and crannies would definitely look really good i'm hoping to not have any torches down here but i don't really have any stream lights at the moment so waiting on that for now i think this looks really cool i love how the storage room can be a little bit more than a storage room so i want when you walk in here this is an area i spend a lot of time i come here for all of my blocks i want it to be really fascinating to be able to look down and i want it to also be drawn upwards around the spiral staircase and then we'll have more overflow storage up here and perhaps a little library just some decorative stuff that doesn't look too storage roomy if that makes sense it has to be a functional base that doesn't mean that it can't be pretty and have an awesome vine at least that's what i think so as much as i'm loving this terrarium storage room project it's time to get distracted once more wells wants help on a lovely project so i am going to head over there and see if i can't help wills out with a little bit of interior let's go well hello gem hey wells fancy seeing you here what a coincidence what a coincidence i agree it's not like i invited you here at all to help me do stuff no we definitely didn't pack our own choker boxes and get ready for building not at all yeah totally random quincy we just happened to be looking at what we happen to have with us in pre-packaged shulker boxes this whole time yeah yeah totally random right yep well i guess now that we're here we ought to uh put it to use right yeah we should totally do the interior because this place is looking very um open concept open concept yeah that's a nice word for it yeah yeah let's uh let's do that let's do something about it let's just say baron it's very barren it's very empty so we are gonna try and fix that and make it not empty less empty yeah yeah hopefully very fun yeah should be a good time so i think um why don't we work on it for a while and then we'll like bring the peoples back when there's something to show them besides uh emptiness yes let's do that the peoples can wait excellent he's really just hanging there the majestic hanging llama the majestic hanging llama today i learned that wandering traders can pull their llamas through floors quite effectively too look at this i mean you do you wandering traitor we did it wells we did it mission accomplished mission accomplished indeed yes yes yes shall we give the people a tour absolutely so coming in through this door we have the club in the club that is not quite yet a club because impulse needs to we need to convince him to do fancy redstone smart people stuff yeah he's gonna do redstoney magicky things um but the floor will be all like flashy and stuff which i think will be really cool yes we'll be on the show we're gonna leave that to someone who's actually like good at perfectly in rhythm there for a minute anyway uh going upstairs we've got like some little hallways with just random decorations benches plants etc like you want to know the secret to interior decorating if you don't know what to do put a plant plant leaf that's the answer if you look around the yes wind club you will see a lot of plants yes um very modern and sleek i think we did great yeah i think it turned out pretty well we've got uh more plants more plants yeah yeah and end rods as well as you can see we have an end rod addiction maybe but i think it's good no zombies lighting lighting was a real concern um because like we need to make sure that this is all lit up because this is survival and we don't want things getting exploded so there's a lot of there's a lot more end rods than uh we would be using probably if we were playing in like peaceful mode or something but it works uh we've got kind of like this grand dining slash meeting slash convention hall whatever you want to call it two large tables big tv over here i think we're gonna fill up the walls over here with the heads of all the dairy sperry's people who join which is why that's kind of empty right now right uh but i think that'll be a kind of a cool way to fill the space and then out here we've got like patio number one over there is patio number two it's basically just they're the same seating they're essentially the same thing and then uh finally going upstairs we have a control room very exciting right up here all this sciency stuff very cool lots of sciency stuff magic red stony bits that nobody truly understands and nobody answers this impulse will be right at home it'd be perfect exactly so yeah that's uh that's the s wings club it's basically done the only thing that's still left is the the dance thing down there that impulse is mostly going to handle from here on out and then this room which will become the rocket shop which impulse and i will do together because we're the ones actually selling rocks yes i have nothing to do with rockets so that's fine um but the the part that uh we are working on together is finished yeah lovely i like it all done i love how it turned out i'm actually very happy with it i'm so glad i am so glad you were willing to help me with this of course i'm so glad you invited me to help it was so cool to like break the comfort zone a little bit do some modern very fun yeah i i completely agree because modern is also a little bit outside of my comfort zone as well so yeah victory victory let's go home agreed and what a wonderful distraction that was working with wells was so much fun i'm so grateful that i got to help him out with that interior even if modern is not something that i'm normally super comfortable with as you can see i've also been working on my own base working on a little bit of the roof detail kind of figuring out exactly how i want things to form around here and also working at the interior the tag as you know is still currently at my base as of right now i suspect it won't be for much longer there's tons and tons of people on but i've spiced up the interior just a little bit to help make sure people get confused if they come by i'm still working out things and figuring out exactly how i want the layout to be but as you can see i'm working on lots and lots of stairwells so that it's possible to get to every floor of this building without flying and so far i love this section look at the view from here it's amazing er that's a new shop by the way i can picture it now the woodland princess gazing out over her property and the beautiful forest from here it's perfect right that's enough distractions though i'm seriously gonna get back to work now [Music] do [Music] and just like that the woodland palace is really coming to life what do you think goose goose you know what you belong at the palace it's like i've been building it just for you moose seems to prefer it out here in the stables but you're a palace kitty i could tell come on goose there's a room with a great view i'll show you come on come on as you can see everyone i've got the roof started there's still some details on this one especially that's needed and the walls on this are obviously not detailed because they're still just flat but i feel like with this structure in particular you can really see the sort of style that i'm trying to go for over time i am taking it rather slowly and to be honest i'm enjoying the process i love what i get on hermit craft and i start something and i get massively distracted as inconvenient as that is sometimes goose i think it's for the best being able to go on adventures with pearl to solve magical quizzes or death quizzes in false's case or being able to do some different styles of interiors with wells is what this is all about i think goose isn't it lovely you're gonna love it in here i've told you already a million times but come on come on up the up the spiral staircase this storage room obviously still needs quite a lot of work uh the vine of moss is temporary but it's a good placeholder i actually had the tag hidden in here it's been taken from me now the tag was down underneath there and you couldn't get to there without doing a special trick that you'll see in the person's video when they release it come on goose it's lovely isn't it there's another spiral staircase over here because i've gone a little spiral staircase crazy but i think it's fine oh this is dark that's not good goose sorry sorry yeah yeah yeah sorry oh yeah yeah yep okay sometimes i forget that when i put rooves on things that also means that i have to go to your place so i have to light it up oh luckily it went splat it's fine goose don't even worry oh yeah you like the roof i thought you would come on you come over here this place has the best view i just feel like you would love it i'll put some lounge chairs out here eventually for you but for now you can perch right here and watch over the entire woods it's perfect make sure doc and ren are getting up to anything they're a little suspicious anyways everyone i do believe that that is all the time that i have for today's episode i hope that you enjoyed it i certainly absolutely loved making it it was so much fun i feel like we got quite a bit of progress done despite the distractions thank you so much for hanging out with me today and i hope i'll see you in the next episode bye everyone
Channel: GeminiTay
Views: 653,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, GeminiTay
Id: V0u3gHUsq40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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