Here's Why Your Monstera Is Turning Yellow

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well ladies and gentlemen I have a monstera with a couple of yellowing leaves no time to panic because this issue can be easily diagnosed and corrected so let's go through the steps I take to diagnosing why this plant is turning yellow and determine what we need to do about it whenever I spot a yellowing problem on any of my plants the first thing I want to rule out immediately is pests and if you have a similar issue I highly recommend this as a first step if your plant is turning yellow because it's infested with pests and you've got a real problem on your hands especially because the problem can easily spread to your other house plants so if I suspect that there's pests on this plant then the first one we'll do is going to grab the plant and take it away from all of these other plants so that the problem doesn't spread so you don't need to worry about fungus nuts because they won't cause yellowing on the leaves of a house plant but you do want to check for things like webbing and white spots webbing on the leaves is an indication of spider mites you want to grab a phone or a torch or a light and just shine it on the underside of the leaves see if you can see any fine webbing where the petite will meet the leaves that tends to be where spider mites hang out and this is the damaged leaf or yellow I can't see any webbing look a little bit further down can't see any on the stems it's a good idea to get the light behind the plant as well so any webbing shows up [Music] no webbing whatsoever the next thing we want to look for is if there's any white blobs that we can see on any of the stems and look like there are white blobs on stems would be mealy bugs this plant looks quite clear and the next thing you want to do is just kind of inspect the leaf the suspect leaf and see if there's any spotting spotting with the indicator a little pest such as a spider mite or a FRIB is munching away at the sap of the leaf maybe a little bit there but it doesn't seem like it's see-through so I don't see much if any damage from Critters sucking away at the sap another good check is to get yourself a piece of paper something White cardboard or whatever just lay it on the floor or on a table grab your plant and just shake the foliage over it quite vigorously like that and then any frips or any spider mites that are on the plant will fall off onto the white sheer paper and you'll be able to see it so I just got this white counter in my kitchen [Music] if there's things moving around and you've got bugs basically there was a little black spot there that I've noticed that was suspect but it's not moving around so it's just a bit of dirt probably I don't appear to have a pest problem but if you do you need to treat your plant properly and then isolate the plant for a few weeks to make sure you've got rid of the problem check out my plant pest video for more details and all the common house plant pests and what to do about them you also want to rule out any disease issues on the plant you're looking for things like mold powdery mildew or leaf spot these diseases are fairly easy to spot for mold and powdery mildew you're looking for a white powdery coating on the leaves of a leaf spot you're looking for pronounced brown or black spots on the leaves the general yellowing on the plant so I'm definitely not seeing any mold or powdery mildew on these leaves or stems all looks quite clear on that front nothing white nothing powdery I am wondering whether that's a bit of leaf spot maybe that Browning around the edge there is a little bit suspect so it's possibility that this has a bit of a disease so all will be revealed when we have a look at the roots probably the most common issue that was results in a yellowing monstera is the plant being root bound now monster areas do like to have quite a compact part but I do get to a point where they are too root bound compacted Roots mean that the plant is unable to draw up sufficient nutrients to the foliage which results in yellow leaves plants need nitrogen to feed growth and keep the leaves green and healthy and a root-bound plant will have difficulty accessing enough nitrogen if your plant is severely root bound then the first thing you'll notice is that it's much thirstier than normal okay so the moment the truth is this plant root bound I think it obviously is because of all these aerial roots that are growing into the soil of this plant I've not potted it up for quite a long time so let's just have a quick look inside foreign part I can't even get the inner part out there we go there's a massive bulge there I don't know whether you can see it on the camera so there's loads of roots in here bulging out so it's clearly root bound it's got roots coming out of the bottom which is never a great thing I've got that root snake snaking all the way around so I'm going to trim these roots back you can do that to plants they don't mind having a bit of a root pruning got a video on the Channel all about that so I'm gonna cut that Arrow Route off to make my life a little bit easier I'm struggling to get a plant out of its apartment just give it a light press around the edge to loosen it up and if you're really really struggling then you can always cut the pots out from the plant do that as a last resort because I want to keep the pot really there we go look at that that's a lot of roots in there so this plant has been struggling because there was just far too many roots in the pot tend to end up with yellowing leaves because there's not enough nutrients not enough nitrogen going up into the leaves yellow leaves can also indicate that you're giving the plant too much water and the roots are rotting rotting Roots become ineffective at drawing up nutrients through the foliage and the leaves will start to turn yellow the best way to check if you're giving your plant too much water is the first probe the soil with a moisture meter if you have one and then take the plant out of his pot and inspect the roots a regular lack of water can also cause yellowing problems for your monstera especially if you're neglecting your plant for weeks at a time these periods of drought will damage the roots in much the same way over watering well and affects the ability of the plant to draw up nutrients so I go around my plants every weekend and probe them to check if they need water so I'm pretty good at spotting when they need water but my plant is root bound so it's probably not getting enough for the amount of roots that are in the pot another common calls or yellowing leaves is too much sun most house plants don't like direct sun on the leaves they tend to Scorch in my experience monsteras can handle some direct sunlight this will depend on where you live and how strong the sun is though don't take your monstera from a dark position in your home to an intense south-facing position with lots of direct light and not expect some fading on the leaves it would need to be a much more gradual process the thing to look out for is a general fading on all the leaves as well as some yellowing and Browning around the edges so my monstera sits on this shelving unit on my windowsill on my west facing living room so it gets about four five six hours of direct Sun every day so we can turn it around and have a look at the leaves in its position and as you can see not all of the leaves are fading if any at all there seems to be these two leaves that it's affecting the one at the back that's the severely yellow one a little bit of Browning on the edge in there it doesn't look particularly faded I don't think just looks like it's yellowing and that one a little bit of fading around the edges but there's more the yellow spotting in the middle that's the problem looking at all the other leaves like that one for example it is quite healthy quite dark lots of fenestration this one's got some perforations in the middle but there's no fading on these three leaves if this plant was getting too much so and then all of the leaves would be faded I'm not really seeing that on this plant so I don't think it's too much sun the lack of nutrients will be a problem for your monstera if you completely neglect to give it any fertilizer during the growing season and if your plant is root bound like miners you look in for a general yellowing and fading off the leaves as the plant struggles to keep pigment in the leaves because it can't access enough nitrogen and fertilizer root burn can cause yellowing leaves and normally happens if you give your plant too strong a dose or fertilize too often unfortunately there's no easy way to identify if the plant is suffering from fertilizer root burn apart from knowing how often you've been applying fertilizer and ruling out all the other causes that I've explained in this video If you do suspect that this is the cause then you need to change the soil give the roots a rinse in the process and not fertilize again for at least a couple of months I often forget to fertilize my plants I would say my mom's there is suffering from a lack of nutrients is also caused by being root bound check out my full care guy for this plant that includes how to grow a massive plant with lots of fenestrations in the leaves
Channel: Sheffield Made Plants
Views: 105,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monstera yellow leaves, why is my monstera turning yellow, monstera problems, monstera care, monstera help, monstera deliciosa, Swiss cheese plant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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