Here's Why the 2018 Ford Mustang GT Now Costs Over $50,000

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I love that extra compartment for the owner's manual. I hope that becomes more common

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 486 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/randybanks_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The picture of the mustang you showed with the pony badge was actually a v6 not an ecoboost the ecoboost is a pony alone with no flag or stripes while the v6 has the pony and stripes

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 74 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Darkothedarkone47 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun fact, the "running lights" Doug points out aren't actually the DRLs, they are something called a "signature lamp". It serves no legal function as it's not bright enough to be a DRL. Ford kind of invented it and NHTSA didn't complain so now more and more cars are adding them.

Good job Doug on the turn signal info. This is also why people complain about the brightness on mustang tail lamps since they really have 3x the light required.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 518 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lostboyz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Those aren’t QR codes, they are 2D data matrix codes. They read differently so your typical QR scanner won’t know what to do with them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 327 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stick_to_your_puns πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did Ford deliver a car from Michigan to Philadelphia just for you? Pretty cool!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 119 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mr_Ekles πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

/u/Doug-DeMuro Mislock honks the horn if you try to lock the car with a door or the trunk still open.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 94 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/electricpenguins πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The whole no spare thing is just odd. I wonder what led to that decision.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 196 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xtra_medium πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm really impressed with the new Mustang. I think Ford has done a great job with it.

If I was looking for a classic muscle car, a Mustang GT with PP would be a strong contender. Plus, I like the exterior design a little more than the Camaro or Challenger.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 224 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hamburglar27 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

You missed one of the best quirks! Quiet Time scheduling is a really cool feature.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/--SharkBait-- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
this is a 2018 Ford Mustang GT and it's the latest Mustang which has been updated for the 2018 model year it looks a little different than the old one it has a little more power than the old one frankly it's just better than the old one oh yeah and this one costs 53,000 dollars that's right 53 grand for a Mustang and this isn't a Shelby or a Super Snake or some sort of Mustang Hellcat competitor this is just a regular Mustang GT with a 53 thousand dollar price tag today I'm gonna take you on a tour of it now I've borrowed this Mustang from Ford and I specifically wanted one with a lot of options and this one has a lot of options now the Mustang GT starts at $40,000 which means this one has $13,000 in options to get it up to its fifty three thousand dollar price tag that price tag may seem unconscionable two Ford Mustang fans but today I'm gonna try to explain why it isn't the biggest reason is the Mustang lineup is just changing a few years ago if you wanted a cool-looking Mustang you got the base level Mustang v6 but if you wanted a Mustang that was fun to drive you had to step up and get the v8 powered Mustang GT because the v6 was boring and slow well things have changed quite a bit since then the v6 Mustang is gone now the base level Mustang is the EcoBoost it has 310 horsepower it does 0 to 60 in 5.3 seconds and it starts around $28,000 meaning that the base model Mustang is now fast and fun and cool-looking and surprisingly cheap and that means the GT had to get faster and so it did the Mustang GT is pricey now yes but consider this this car makes 460 horsepower and 420 pound-feet of torque we've moved beyond simply fun to drive and into the realm of truly high performance this thing will do 0 to 60 in 3.9 seconds with its new automatic transmission and when you really think about it 460 horsepower in 3.9 seconds zero to 60 for 50 grand suddenly it doesn't seem so crazy and if there's more to it than that so today I'm going to take you on a tour of a $53,000 2018 Ford Mustang GT and I'm gonna show you all of the interesting quirks and features and then I'm gonna get behind the wheel and drive it and then I'm gonna give it a dug score and for more of my thoughts on the Mustang click the link below to visit slash oversteer where I've also compiled a list of the most unusual and strangest Mustangs currently listed for sale on auto trader now I'm gonna start under the hood where there are a couple of interesting quirks one of which is badging there's quite a lot of it under here first off on the plastic engine cover there's a 5.0 badge just to remind you also on the bar that goes across the engine to stiffen the chassis there's a little plaque on it that says Mustang GT with two like 2-inch long lines on either side of GT not really sure why also when the plastic engine cover it says powered by Ford on both the left and the right just in case you had some question as to what this car was powered by the other interesting thing under the hood there are a lot of QR codes they're on just about every part under the hood I tried to use my phone to scan these QR codes but they won't scan my assumption is they're like proprietary QR codes for Ford and they use them in the production line to sync up which parts have to be at a certain place at a certain time so they can be installed in a car and the factory and next up moving on to the windshield where you will also see a QR code at the base of the windshield in fact this car has QR codes on all of its glass which is sort of unusual I haven't really seen that before it's sort of an interesting insight into automotive production next up moving on to the front end now one of the biggest updates for 2018 the primary update to the exterior is they slightly restyled the front end there's been a little controversy about how this looks personally I think it looks fine similar to the old one but I think we can all agree that the running lights look really cool check this out you turn on the car and these are the running lights that come on they have this really cool look to them and they're on at all times next we move on to the rear of the car there are a couple of interesting details one is the fuel door you open it up and you will find that it is capless so there's no fuel cap to remove and place on your trunk and then you accidentally drive away and it falls off the car and you lose it it's a capless fuel so it's a smart idea a lot of new Fords have this it's not really that unusual if you already have a Ford but it's worth mentioning if you haven't seen it before another interesting item is back here in the rear quarter window there's a little decal back there that says Flat Rock assembly plant where this car is built it says world class vehicles built by world class people and there's a little picture of the factory can you imagine if that was your job at the factory go to the cafeteria also what do you do oh yeah I screw in the headlights make sure the car has headlights what do you do I put that sticker on the we're a quarter window at sticker world-class people it's me I do the stickers next we move on to the rear of the must I mean they're surprising amount of quirks back here I'm going to start with this badge in the middle in the rear you can see it says GT all the GTS have that obviously the interesting thing about that badge is all the EcoBoost models have just a horse the Mustang logo in the middle so if you're ever behind a Mustang and it has the horse logo there you know that it's an EcoBoost obviously the GTS se GT the other interesting thing about this car is the rear turn signals which are among the coolest in the car business they light up sequentially like a little Construction sign warning you that you have to change lanes because there's a construction zone ahead I love how these look there's some interesting things about them one is that when you put the hazard lights on they don't light up sequentially I guess they decide that novelty wears off when you're actually in a hazard and so they just light up like normal turn signals in front they also just light up like normal turn signals but you will notice that the flash is a little bit longer because it flashes for a longer period of time that's all three of the rear signals lighting up the front one just lights off once in that amount of time so it's a little longer flash than a normal turn signal also interesting when you're inside the car you can actually hear that longer flash manifest beep on the turn signal and you can hear that it just stays on a little bit longer in between clicks than a regular turn signal now one of the things you might be wondering is well how does Ford get away with sequential turn signals but in the Audi rs3 video I did they couldn't have sequential turn signals there was sort of a secondary light that also had to light up that's because there's a federal standard about how much turn signal has to flash when you first put on your turn signal in Audi's case the amount of turn signal that flashes is too small to meet the standard so they have to have that auxilary light light up while they're sequential turn signal goes on in Ford's case this light lights up first and it is large enough on its own to meet the federal turn signal surface area standard and so Ford does the sequential turn signal without having that auxilary light like Audi next up around back we must cover a couple of interesting items that are hidden one of which is the reverse light it turns out the reverse light in the new Mustang is located below the license plate below the bumper all the way down here you shift into reverse and it turns who knew it was located down there I certainly didn't the other interesting hidden item back here is the trunk popper now you can press the key fob to open up the trunk or you stick your hand down here by the license plate where you'd never really know it's located and then it pops open and you can open up the trunk next up moving on to the trunk itself you'll find there's nothing especially interesting about it it's reasonably large for a car like this it's carpeted nothing particularly interesting but if you open up the floor of the trunk you will find a spare tire well however there's no spare tire there's just an air compressor so if you have a flat and you can try to fix it yourself it's like they were gonna give you a spare tire and they were like no we changed our minds but here's the spare tire weld to see what you could have had next I'm moving into the interior where there's a surprising amount of quirks actually we start with the gauge cluster I really like the fact that if you turn the car before you close your door a little warning pops up that says vehicle is on well thanks for it I really appreciate letting me know that we're on the same page I turned it on so I'm glad that you're now telling me that it is on and by the way those warning messages are kind of interesting vehicle is on is rimmed in yellow it's only a medium warning however certain other warnings light up in red because they're more important for example if you leave the door open or the hood open when your car is running those will turn red because they're more important I want you to drive away not knowing about your door but vehicle is on is only something you sort of have to know about next up we move on to the seats now this car has these Recaro sport seats and they look really meaty and grippy and they do really hold you in place in corners they're really cool I like how they feel unlike how they look the downside of these seats is they cost sixteen hundred dollars and you can't get them power operated so they're totally manual seats you can't get them ventilated and you can't get them heated so if you get these Recaro seats you gotta really want to be gripped in place through corners because you're giving up a lot to do it frankly I would rather have my butt cooled and slide around a little bit more the next up we move on to the center control stack there are a couple of interesting items in here I really like at the bottom of the center control stack these cool silver toggle switches that sort of make it look like an airplane you have the hazard lights traction control off the next one Titans are loose is up the steering feel it gives you various different steering modes and then the one on the right is the drive mode but regardless of what these switches do they're just fun to press next up but even more interesting next to those little levers you can see we have the gear lever and you can see I've got a six-speed manual in this car with my Recaro seats I'm ready for serious performance and at the base of that shift lever it says sync not Mustang GT or 5.0 to really emphasize my performance but instead it's an ad for the infotainment system it seems like kind of an odd place to put that right there on the shift lever and speaking of things that say stuff in this car I direct your attention to the underside of the center console lid where there's a little clip and then printed right above it it says pens just for those people out there who see that and say what little cylindrical thing could I put there is that for my magnifying glasses next we move on to the glovebox at first glance it seems like a fairly standard glovebox you push this little latch on the left the glove box opens pretty simple but here's the interesting thing there's a little yellow tab at the top of the glovebox you push that and there's a separate glovebox for the owners manual your owner's manual doesn't live in your actual glovebox it lives in its own special little cubby within the glovebox now speaking of the owner's manual we got talked about this the owners fee on this car is 501 pages long how is it possible that a simple old v8 rear wheel drive American muscle car can have a 500 page owner's manual well I'll tell you how turn to page 196 there's an entire section about towing and I don't mean towing the car I mean towing with the car in fact there's an entire half page devoted to launching a personal watercraft with your Mustang how do you position your Mustang to launch a boat on a boat ramp do you think anyone has ever even read that no of course not but nonetheless it's there another interesting item I find in the owners manual is there's a long section about diagnosing problems with the voice control system basically you use the voice control system you tell it to call somebody it isn't working so you open up your owner's manual to page 429 my favorite issue the sink 3 voice control system is having trouble recognizing foreign names a stored on my cell phone and then it says the possible causes you may not be saying in the name exactly as it appears in your phonebook and it goes on to say that syncs theory applies the phonetic pronunciation to any name in your phonebook in other words you're trying to call your friend Juan well no now you're not now you're trying to claw your friend Johanne and you basically have to say that phonetically if you want sig 3 to pick it up or it gives you a different helpful hint if you don't want to do that you couldn't select your contact manually so if it simply cannot find your foreign named friend it tells you just go in there and select it manually it's probably easier than trying to sound out his foreign name next up we move on to the gauge cluster which for 2018 is down just one giant screen and it has a lot of interesting quirks one of which is the fact that it always seems to be displaying my rpms and I don't mean just in a tachometer way like most cars I mean it's always giving a digital readout of my rpms 946 ATL Evon 2011 80 1190 1250 I don't know why anyone would want to see this digitally and obviously due to the nature that it's just always fluctuating constantly but there it is a digital readout of your exact rpms next up we move on to what happens to the gauge cluster when you change the drive modes here is the gauge cluster in normal looks like a fairly normal gauge cluster but you put it in sport and take a look at how the RPM gauge is now displayed it sort of goes across the top it's a cool little look and that's sort of the benefit of a configurable gauge cluster like this but now check what happens when I put it in track it even becomes more aggressive and shows the RPM in this flat line across the top that is kind of a cool feature it's nice to see them all change like that now you may have heard the incredibly annoying beeping noise while I was revving the engine in those shots and here's the deal with that there's a little button on the steering wheel with a Mustang logo on it which seems sort of cryptic at first but you press in and it brings up all these car configurability options one of the options is a shift tone so you can have the car sort of light up a shift light to let you know when it's time to up shift or it can be Pat you when it's time to up shift that is incredibly annoying and I strongly recommend never turning it on now there are several other interesting things that come up when you press that Mustang button one of which is the exhaust note now you have four different exhaust note options you have quiet normal sport and track let's take a listen to see if actually does anything when you change between them here is the exhausting quiet and here is the exhaust in track [Music] that surprisingly it's a little louder and track and I love the exhaust note in this car more on that when I Drive it now beyond that another interesting thing that comes up when you press the Mustang button is launch control you can turn on launch control and you can also set the RPM is where launch control will launch you you can choose anything from 3,000 rpms which seems sufficient to me all the way up to 5,500 rpms if you want to do 5500 rpm launches you can do that when you buy used one of these where the prior owners set the launch control at another interesting item it lets you choose which gauge you want to display in the middle there's a section on gauges and you can kind of go through them and choose and as all the usual stuff air fuel ratio Daz engine temperature it also has my personal favourite axle oil temperature which is something that about four people in the world personally care about the funny thing is you can select and then go back to your gauge cluster and you can see you have your tachometer you have your speedometer and then you have your axle oil temperature for all those times when that's really important to you next up there's an option to change the colors you see displayed in the gauge cluster this is kind of cool you can go through and sort of choose between colors ice blue grey green purple whatever you can see it change but you can also change to a my colour what exactly is a my colour well if you scroll down in the colors menu you can see that there is a feature called create in my colour you click on it there's a whole wheel of colours that you can create now not all of them are showing up but it's a whole wheel I promise you and you can see that I've chosen sort of an orange now when I go back into the colour selection menu I choose my colour one the colour I just chose and look everything is that orange that I selected this is perfect if you have a very specific color that you want your gauge cluster to display in next I'm moving out of the Mustang tab and into the vehicle settings tab one interesting thing I found in here is the locks section you can see there's an item for auto lock and auto unlock and then there's one that says miss lock I have no idea what that means but if you have a 2018 Mustang you could turn on miss lock or you can turn off miss locked now one other item I should mention this general vicinity this car has adaptive cruise control radar cruise control will see the car in front of you and slow down or speed up depending on what it does that is especially note because this car has a manual transmission so you may be wondering how does adaptive cruise work with a stick shift well two interesting items one is the moment you push in the clutch it turns off so if you go to upshift or downshift it turns off and you're on your own adaptive cruise is no longer functional but the thing you're probably more interested in is what happens if the car in front of you slows down to a stop does it push in the clutch for you does it downshift where you what does it do well it turns out as you start to slow down it'll slow down for you just like adaptive cruise control should but if you get to a point where it's just getting too slow where your rpms are going too low it gains and then adaptive cruise control is shut off and you have to take over from there frankly that's pretty much all we can expect from an adaptive cruise control system with a manual transmission and to be honest I'm glad they included it at all in stick shift cars I think that is kind of a cool feature finally in the front we move on to the infotainment system Ford Sync sync has dramatically improved since it first came out and frankly now it's fantastic it's really responsive to everything pinch-to-zoom on the map is responsive everything you just tap it's very responsive frankly it feels like using a really good cell phone I know sync had some problems initially but it's a lot better now and I would love to have this system in my car next up we must discuss the back seats yes this car has back seats and as usual I will now climb in them I've moved the front seat all the way forward and now I'm back here I work to put the front seat back well there just wouldn't be all that much room especially if I moved it back into place would that said I might as well take this time to dispel an unusual rumor that always persists when I climb in the back of these cars that car companies put in rear seats in just for insurance purposes that isn't true no insurance company looks at this goes 460 horsepower rear wheel drive stick shift must take all but it has back seats well then it must be a safe family car they're not stupid they put them here because some people want a two-seat car most of the time but they want back see it's just in case they have to move around someone occasionally so they're nice to have it's not to try to fool insurance companies who have these detailed statistical models they're not gonna be fooled because some company put extra seats in a 500 horsepower sports car they have an ear for people who actually want to use back seats and indeed these are usable occasionally but frankly based on how tight they are I would say very occasionally and so those are the quirks and features of the 2018 Mustang GT now it's time to get behind the wheel and drive it all right drive in the new Mustang GT and I got to tell you it this thing's a blast the thing is it - lot of fun I haven't really spent much time in a Mustang in ages and I've spent a lot of time in this one and I it's so much fun why I thought that it would kind of be crappy and it isn't it's worth noting the interior is crappy they're still using kind of cheap plastic just about everywhere the dashboard and the door don't there's no like cohesive line they just got to come together there's some things that could be improved this turn signal switches that Ford is using that are just however you know what can't be improved is like the performance per dollar for this car which is something I never thought I would say because it costs 50 grand but here's the thing it's really fast it's really a lot of fun it handles amazingly well it's just it's just rock it's just the best I love driving this car another thing I really love about it is down shifts are such a blast and getting shifting gears you know in this day and age where manuals are going away for this actually put some thought into this one it's just fun to drive the clutch pedal is a little kinked a little more than I would like it's not quite as smooth as in some cars but otherwise it's good its predictable the shifter is great easy to figure out where to put it in not not you just like good handling is really impressive and I think that's probably the area where I'm the most surprised by this car it handles a lot better than I was expecting we're still not on the level like I drove the gt350r on the old style Mustang the pre-facelift and that thing handles like a super car it this thing is good it's not on that level but it's better than I would expect from a Mustang I mean if you haven't spent time in like a Mustang in a while and you have these old preconceptions you might be surprised the sound is so much fun you hear that I mean that that sound is I'm going 30 and it sounds like I'm qualifying for la la like it's it's it's so loud at all or you can turn put in a quiet low turn it's not that bad but I love I love the way that it sounds okay just to the right is Harshman it is a harsh ride it's not a car to drive around in the city it's it bumps and it's rough I'm not really like a Mustang fan I've been kind of like evening nobody ever accuses me of opeing too allied to one brand or another I think I give pretty fair reviews to all cars I don't really care that much about specific brands except I like Land Rover but I mostly just make fun of them so I'm not like a Mustang guy over a Camaro guy over a challenger I mean all those cars are appealing to me frankly but this is impressive but it's it's it's better than I was expecting it would be and I think that if I was choosing one of those three right now the new Mustang driving this thing around for the last week has been like wow this is fun it's actually fun and so that's the 2018 Ford Mustang GT yes this is a pricey Mustang but it also has everything great styling a great sound excellent performance lots of power and torque tons of Technology sure it's more expensive than past Mustangs but it's also better and now it's time to give it a dug score starting with the weekend categories and styling the Mustang is fine the new design is a bit controversial and the overall look is somewhat familiar and it gets a 6 out of 10 acceleration does 0 to 60 in 4 seconds or blessed with an automatic and it gets an 8 out of 10 handling a sharp good sports car sharp and it gets a 7 out of 10 fun factor is huge the car easily puts a smile on your face and it gets a 7 out of 10 cool factor however is low to most people it's just another Mustang and indeed it is and it gets a 5 out of 10 total weekend score of 33 out of 50 next up are the daily categories starting with features this car has a lot of cool tech like adaptive cruise in that configurable gauge cluster but it also misses some stuff like power seats it gets a six out of ten comfort is fine and it gets a five out of ten quality is decent I suspect it'll be reliable enough but the interior isn't particularly upscale and it gets a six out of ten practicality is average for a car like this thirteen point five cubic feet of cargo space and four seats gives it a four out of ten finally there's value I know 53 grand is big money for a Mustang but this car is just so much freaking fun I have to give it a seven out of ten for a total daily score of twenty eight out of fifty add it up and the Dougs score is 61 out of 100 it comes up exactly where you'd expect short of the zo6 the GT 350 are the zl1 the demon it's a great performance car but it's not on the level of those models which are on the next etholon of performance [Music]
Channel: Doug DeMuro
Views: 3,545,636
Rating: 4.7970991 out of 5
Keywords: ford mustang gt, 2018 mustang, 2018 mustang gt, 2018 mustang review, ford mustang, 2018 ford mustang, 2018 ford mustang review, 2018 ford mustang gt, 2018 mustang gt review, ford mustang review, mustang, doug demuro, new mustang, demuro
Id: l5zT005oGbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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