Here's why I still DO NOT recommend Wolcen.

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[Music] hi Citron here with another video and this is a video about Wilson [Music] so after the Diablo 4 weekend I said I was going to do half a day of Wilson and honestly I was growing into this expecting to just meme around for half a day and be like man this really is dog because Wilson had one of the worst gaming launches in all of human history it's a very very bad launch server issues decide because that's something I'm very easy to forgive we can see here on the steam stats that it basically Peaks at 1900 in Early Access huge success their launch is 140 000 concurrents well you see that there's not much after that so what happened and that's what we're going to talk about in this video as well as I recently played it how is it today Wilson was a game that for a while I was already memeing about it before because it focused very much on things that in my opinion aren't as important it Focus very much on Graphics first city building building your own house and things like that and I'm like man none of these things are really that important I firmly believe that the devs run out of money and it was either like relaunched now or it's gone forever now honestly there's not that much of a difference because as you can see now not many people are playing Wilson so a lot of that is because of the disaster lunge some of you are probably thinking well you said that you were easy to forgive the server issues so what was the problem a lot of people couldn't play on the first few days you could play in offline mode but not in online mode and that is a big issue especially for a lot of people but I feel like a lot of companies struggle with launches anyway I am not a developer so I don't know how hard it is to expect the numbers you you are when you have 1 400 players and then suddenly go 100 times that but off of the skill tree didn't work very often when your character went to act three or sorry act two it would just delete everything and you would go back to act one again or having to restart the entire character over again it would just be gone sometimes there will be typos on skill and the typo would actually affect the skill and make it by literally a hundred times stronger making for super bugged skills so many things like cooldown reduction was super bugged where you could on a lot of skills eliminate cooldown reduction and I made one skill so powerful you can see in the background and here with the ice Nova you could only play this for like 15 minutes before there was such a bad memory because obviously it wasn't meant to be spun that much they had to restart the client and it very quickly became unplayable it was it was really bad but even back then it had some really good features like it Wilson is always the game I've said it has the best campaign of any arpg all of the negativity was basically just around the fact that it was such a disaster launch and that remains today Wilson is basically a massive meme when people are rating it people will be like Wilson out of 10. how bad is a game and things like that surprisingly I wasn't expecting the devs to do anything past launch they did like one small update and then they kind of went silent and then they've been doing I think they've done two more update since which I was very surprised of and last Tuesday they did people said it was a big update and it's called end game is supposed to add a lot more in-game to the game I believe this was other than the last one but anyway I wasn't there when I last played but the fourth act in the campaign as well as like more bosses had been added now so I was like you know what I'll do half a day play Wilson have some fun memes after Diablo 4 because I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do and I started playing and I ended up not playing half a day but playing three days now the short answer do I recommend Wilson absolutely not because even to this day there is a lot of bugs I was very lucky and had a bug-free experience but several people of my community did have some bugs there are a lot of reports if you see the Steam Reviews there are a lot of negative reports some people are reporting either missing deleted or down leveled characters but we had several people in my community that they'd level to like level 47 and suddenly when they like logged off for the night and this was two days ago uh they were back down to like 37 or I don't know they lost like five or four levels at least so there are still game breaking bugs like that I also had to relog several times because either enemies would become invisible or my skills would become invisible uh and they were like some weird ghosts just that just really honestly are pretty unforgivable at this point because it's three years after release so well I'm still quite surprised that the developers are still working on it and it's not just abandoned wear because they made a lot of money of this stuff so I personally I was expecting them to just okay we're done this is particularly interesting because Wilson's only monetization is well in the future if they manage to unfuck their game sell DLCs or expansions but it's just a buy to play a game there is no in-game cash shop but I've been playing it now I played it I think it was 25 hours 22 hours something like that and it has a extremely long campaign and it was also on sale for most of the world it was like 10 or 11 which is very cheap probably worth it at that price even with some bugs as long as you don't have to start over that is always unforgivable it's a weird review for me to give because I have so many positive things to say about this game but I do firmly believe for a game to be this buggy and so much of a mess this much after release is very unforgivable so I can't in good conscious recommend this and especially playing through it now that the campaign is finished and it is less buggy and it's very important note you might not have this experience because several people are reporting game breaking bucks where they got rolled back Etc nothing is more disappointing than just eight hours of your life being gone for no reason and you didn't even opt into hardcore because this game doesn't have that it's a price hardcore if that happens right just like oh yeah your character died in his sleep I had a heart attack Gary and Wilson and the depth and complexity is actually not too far off Path of Exile it is more depth and complex than last seed bug but obviously is a downside to some people that want a game that's easier to learn the skill tree is both bad and good I'm gonna go in game and show you so this is the skill tree in Wilson you might instantly be reminded of Path of Exile it is obviously smaller but something I haven't thought about myself that somebody pointed out because they were saying the skill tree's dog should start seeing us like well how is it different from Poe well at least in Poe it has some indication of what skills look like like you know the lightning nodes will probably have some lightning related symbols on it and this is particularly confusing here because this kill tree rotates so especially as a new player just by glancing if I open my skill tree for somebody in chat and they took a screenshot they wouldn't really have any idea like obviously the start only has one green one red one purple but seeing as these can be rotated and these can be rotated they don't really have a great way of knowing at least as a new player what I've been taking and it does have a very interesting system here it is still very complex and there's a lot of different builds you can do I basically ended up with a chain lightning build uh thunderstrike then I had anomaly as you can see it has really cool glowy skills for those that like that I had a Golem that would basically tone things off me this game doesn't have like Mana like other games you bounce between two resources and then I had an ice Nola that was my build and I was having a really good time I started off with infinity blades and this is really cool because my life were higher I would basically turned into protos and I was really excited I played this for a good long while and while it was fine I did a lot of damage I hadn't really figured out my tank so I was basically getting shredded but yeah it has a really really nice skill tree by far the best arpd campaign I have ever played now this isn't something I rate particularly highly because that's pretty much something you only appreciate one time it is very long it has really cool cinematics and a surprisingly good storyline it obviously like sometimes you'll be like haha Catawba or like stuff like that or haha Lilith although I guess this came before Diablo 4 but you know a lot of things will remind you of other games incredibly storyline it was very long I think it took me like 20 hours to get through the campaign definitely not something you're going to appreciate when leveling new characters and I'm sure you can get it down a lot I was really taking my time let's talk about that a little bit because that is definitely what the game does best and I don't say that lightly because I do play a lot of other RPGs but Wilson has by far the best campaign of any arpg the voice acting as well is really cool so honestly if it's a game that you're you're not looking for like a game to play for a few hundred hours you're looking for something that's like 20 to 40 hours buy it on a sale chef's kiss super worth my time first off you start off with basically one thing like you started with the level one skill you sort of eat the skill Gem and now you have it for all and uh as long as it's on your bar it'll level up you can also level it up over here in your city you own this place uh you can level it up here it's like boom I'm using these and wow it scales hard but you see that you start getting these from late game you get them from missions but you also get them from eating other skills or selling skills to Dimitra if you already have the skill you'll eat it again basically you get all of these things that you can customize your skill on each skill will have just as many and there'll be things like increasing your damage increasing like status like a shocking seal will shock more or shock better or have a higher chance to shock uh increased chains um humbling it a little bit with other abilities like it'll be Zapped by an additional lightning um obviously a lot of things like increasing the damage a chance to stun enemies and altering it giving Buffs Buffs to allies bounces and and some skills are more customizable than others and on top of that you can change it so that it's not lightning damage anymore and this can be on every single skill some kind of more some kind of less it's between three and five or three and six different damage types for every lightning so this isn't a cosmetic thing this changes its entire damage type and a little bit the way uh the skill works as a Bad Thing some of the skills do feel like garbage I'll quickly explain it with this kill if you see if I am spam left clicking now it doesn't move until it's basically stopped like a global cooldown however if I cast it twice then it doesn't matter then it's instant it's a bit weird and janky and the first value is Fireball so it instantly feels awful because in the start you are not casting as much so you are casting ones and then trying to move and you're like let me move very tilting in the start uh with this one very cool customization like Winter's rest initially starts out as distant eye style around you but now I've made that it like makes a lingering AOE it's a lot bigger it's got reduced cooldown and it's targeted where I won instead of just being around me the skill system is both annoying and nice well it's interesting at least I really don't like it but as an interesting system where your spouse and a lot of different things will generate rage but they will use your willpower sometimes you will basically either have to use potions or you can have a something that uses your rage so I'm actually using a pistol even though I'm a spellcaster and then I have this rocket that um uses my rage and puts it back into willpower so I would basically while playing the game be alternating between these let's do a quick Showcase of that while I'm talking a lot of the abilities are pretty Snappy the impact feels good the game does really good audio I I definitely like the combat and stuff on a lot of the skills I've chosen the the side blade thing felt really good a big problem was I didn't really have enough tank I didn't really know how to build it so it wasn't super strong but also like as a basically first time in playing because I did play 56 years the first time so long though I don't really remember much for how to build and the first time I was playing I built on specifically a buggy build that was uh infinite damage so you know I don't know whether I have a weak build or whether I have a strong build but everything is felt really good so far and yeah looks really pretty uh the graphics of the game is obviously on par or close to Diablo 4 some people feel like it's better than Diablo 4. I mean obviously people are gonna have a preference in what they like there either way it looks very pretty and as you can see now sometimes in the background there's really cool like different between zones and like really really cool bus fights like really beautiful Stones now boom you can see dragons fighting in the background and killing people like they've really made a cool interactive world so the World building the graphics the skill uh effects and stuff very very excellent and items are pretty interesting to them even early on there are like there's no up arrow in this game there's no like green equals better you have to figure out what kind of thing you're going to build around so it is more complex like for example is it accessible and nice uh arpg I always recommend last ebook because it's so easy to get into but here you have a lot of different stats you need to figure out am I going to build for like status for like stacking curses stacking stasis or shock or am I gonna stack dots am I getting the second Elemental damage material damage which is sort of like actually hitting kinetic energy kind of thing uh you really have to figure that out and and decide what you think is good and build around it so stats even been early on it's pretty interesting and then the more and more later game for example some abilities will have oh I need to have a sword or I need to have a certain thing a requirement but you will actually find gear like allows you to use this skill like bypass that requirement so sometimes a thing you could look out for if you want to be tanky would be allows you to use Juggernaut and then no matter what if you're using a staff or one or whatever you can still use that skill just other benefits as well like additional Piers additional ailment stacks and you can already see even without the unique items that wow there are like cool ways to build around the items I'm finding and then you also have the unique items you know pretty static like any kind I'm sorry in other games they seem to have roles and some of them are build enabling especially at the end game where they will change builds a lot people were saying other than that you have like legendaries which is basically super rarest similar to Diablo 4 and then you have rarest magic items Etc it does also have a crafting system I didn't get that into that but it was awful um it's basically like path of excel chaos orb spamming or alteration and spamming and then you do have you can I didn't actually end up building this in my city yet but you can transform items to uniques this part sounds cool um but the crafting in particular what's so bad about it is you put the item in the window you put in like let's say the chaos orb you click it then you have to do that again like the dragging so it's very slow so and a lot of people that have played a lot in chat said um crafting was definitely pretty painful but had some cool features do you also have things like gems that you can put in the items the item will be more likely to roll depending on what gem is in the item there is no hardcore in this game maybe due to a little bit of like it's not very well balanced there are some things that are just kind of insane they'll grab you and kill you some bosses have a One-Shot mechanic that basically the first time you see it you're probably guaranteed to die to it um sometimes the boss will have this huge wave and you can't Dash it with your iframe but you you know the first time you're dead right it does have an achievement if you're able to do the campaign without dying honestly yeah just like gameplay wise had a lot of good things to say about the game especially as something you play through once and then let's talk about the end game and the last act a little bit because the last Act is kind of the end game as well but it is still part of the campaign and this does contain some spoilers The Last Act is that the boss is heading towards you and this is sort of something that continues in the end game as an infinite loop as well but you can see here at the top the boss last boss is coming Ironman I'm now in the end game and this is like a replayable thing you have to do missions missions spend time basically when you're doing them and things will happen in your city Etc the tldr of Act 4 is basically the boss is coming towards your city you can build things to prepare so you have these things you can make him weaker you can make it like Shield generators and make his troops show up slower there's loads of things like that and all these things are part of the end game you do have like some smaller things you can do while you're in the acts so basically it's City management at the end so you can like build different crafting stations things like how to make unique items and and crafting Etc so there's like yeah ships will become available I haven't played around with that so it has gotten more in the end game now I can't remember all the missions there's maybe five to eight different types some are like hunt down a monster and then we have different maps with treasures and then each one as well will have same like maps that I can roll um okay now they're faster they have extra life Etc and yeah similar to map mechanics and Path of Exile it doesn't have like an insanely robust end game but it is more than simpler games like Diablo 3 obviously though maps with a few bosses and you do have the main bus they're able to farm Iron Man the first time you're doing pretty easy but people did say with scaling and stuff it does become pretty hard and honestly it is like Pinnacle boss level think like a series excerpt or Maven level but there is only one of these so it definitely has some endgame items were feeling pretty exciting to chase them so there are things to do keeping in mind that my experience was a fairly bug-free I had a fairly good time I was pretty bored uh probably like Midway through the first day or the end of the first day and I was like man I really want to get to the end game though to see if it's like what it's like now and now there is like you know more of an end game there's maps and there's like some additional scaling as well as that boss defying so they've definitely made some of an end game now the devs have also said that now that the last Act is out they are working entirely on increasing and getting the normal game or the game itself better so I'm assuming that means working uh very hard on the bug fixes is what I would assume I still would not recommend the game I would just wait and see and hope that they if the game doesn't have bugs very enjoyable experience if they get rid of all the like deletion bugs and everything very enjoyable experience and if they had like an additional like five to ten they haven't reused a lot of the campaign buses so if they added like five to ten more like end game bosses it would have a pretty cool um thing uh end game and uh I I think there's a lot they can do here if they actually want to keep working on it but yeah I would definitely wait until the majority of the large bugs are gone but either way it is a lot better than it launched if I had to give it a rating I would probably give it a 6 out of ten uh maybe a 7 out of 10. so quite enjoyable that is very high for me but yeah I had a really good time and that's generally what I rate game size but yeah obviously a lot of negativity on Steam a lot of people were also having a good time so keep that in mind make up your own mind it's a weird one it's a weird one making a review for a game like this so again until they are I don't recommend it wait until everything is fixed hopefully a few more patches and if they do keep working on it give them another try at the end of the day the only thing that matters when you're playing any video game is are you having fun would my time be better spend elsewhere am I enjoying myself right now I hope you enjoy the game review let me know what you think and if you have any feedback drop it in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching stop if you like the video but more importantly ride a die less than I do
Channel: Zizaran
Views: 155,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ziz, zizaran, ziz poe, zizaran poe, zizaran path of exile, wolcen, wolcen review, wolcen endgame, wolcen lords of mayhem, wolcen gameplay, wolcen is it worth, wolcen 2023, wolcen worth buying, wolcen arpg, arpg review, wolcen is it good
Id: 8S0uOfUIxwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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