Tour of Harry's Garage with Harry Metcalfe (plus some unseen cars)

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welcome to part two of idle chat on the late break show in part one if you haven't seen it already mr harry metcalf sits in the grubby brown chairs and shares with us his car life in this part we're actually we're gonna have a walk around his garage and look at some vehicles that haven't been seen on his own channel so come along let's go [Music] now harry i know we've already done our sort of sit-down chat but this is this is this example look at it when i when i said i was coming over with the with the for a chat i said listen i want to show the viewers a car that doesn't ever get seen on your channel this has never been in this garage before this moment hasn't it no no a dirty fiat panda 4x4 yeah uh no it's not yours no this was a christmas present to my wife in 2005. i thought i had never ever thought i was buying a car for what is it 17 well 16 years yeah and here it is it's still in daily use yeah it came about because we just we bought a new range rover in 2002 l322 and it's a bit big um i can't park this everywhere and i thought why don't we go she's always like but i like fierce yeah and i just love the design of it and how practical it was and they were for nothing before before i yeah i just liked everything about it and it was seven and a half thousand pounds and it arrived and she loved it from the moment arrived it does the school run all the time down the little lanes and we called it the tender because it basically was a tender to the rainbow and but it actually is so true yeah yeah it's so true and it's well used oh it is well used the dog obviously spends time in there oh everything it it just is turnkey what i cannot get over is it has it's not looked after as you know it's just used yes no rust you will not find a spot of rust on this car wow anywhere we've replaced batteries it's got a diff mount there's rubber bushes on the diff mount yeah f4 before yeah it's independent rear suspension and it ought to have some new set of those but there's 700 and something pounds i think and i haven't quite brought myself and i should i should do it but that's it's only fault so it's in everything doesn't use oil doesn't smoke just works and fear are brilliant in little cars this is yeah this is they're kings of this yeah and i and i and i know we'll talk about the 500 in a sec because it's obviously parked nose to nose with little 500. but the the panda seems to live in the shadow of the modern 500 because the 500 looks sexy yeah but this is actually a far more useful car yeah this is and it and it rides very nicely it's low gear do you think you're flying along but you're into third at 30. because it's it was the slowest car on sale but so cheap oh yeah and then yeah that one well now this is your what you bought it for your wife well yes it did we just run around she has a love affair with fiat 500's i think they're very novel yeah i i think the design is great and uh so yeah you can't can't have it yeah i just it just cheers me every time i open the door and i see it sat there and i like it next to your land because they almost look like normal size until you get sometimes i put the gi yaris here and it looks enormous absolute monster but yeah around and fit together just the packaging's terrific on it and the purity of design it's just like an early panda isn't it i just think fiat were masters at that stuff it's a character car yeah this one i'm very embarrassed to say it doesn't run at the moment and i have no understanding why because it always started no problem at all and i have fuel and i have sparks i have compression and i can't make it work i am yeah so i'm i've been looking at doing engines on it yeah uh because they're very cheap to do yeah and then i think oh you know i'm really not into the electric resto mod world and because uh i think they sometimes destroy what the car is about but that one the engine is immaterial almost to it and i could see perhaps doing that one i don't know anyway i know what you mean about the the the electric restore mod thing we kind of we talked about it when we were resetting the cameras in the previous vid yeah and we'll come over to it to the shadow the rules because to me that's one of those cars that would really suit an eevee yeah um resto mod i think citroen ds is another one but i think someone's just done one because the engine is image it almost gets in the way of the beauty of the dns yeah and then there'll be a silent ds drifting around and just going up and down on those hydraulics that'd be pretty special yeah no i agree that's that's probably the yeah now you're not you haven't got we haven't got all of harry's vehicles today no um harry's horseless carriages i want to keep saying that what are you missing what do you miss um well normally there's an espada sitting there oh yeah that's we've always had a fuel initiative it's gone off to have a bit of a thing on that to speed this up in tyron's at the moment and we're we might even be taking heads off i don't know i need to catch up with him so anyway that's not here which is really annoying yeah um and the countach i'm having the gearbox done on that at the moment i've seen the video yeah and then a friend dropped this off i thought for a few weeks it's turned into mumps yeah and uh you just have an f40 just lying around so without having the contest i've got space to keep this in here so yeah no rush it is eye candy you know there's no getting away from a f40 eye candy i i mean i remember you you said it earlier the thing about this car is it looks so flimsy and yeah not particularly well finished we say because it was just a sort of race car for the road yeah it really wasn't oh completely well this is a lovely lovely one his dad drove it he bought it new picked it up from the factory uh i think it's and they just use it for wild rides and track days and stuff when it's all it's one family owned it's the yeah there's no thought of selling it it's just to be enjoyed that's that these are becoming they're heaven they're the best becoming my favorite mario yeah i think you used to own my favorite ferrari oh which one was that was your 330 gt oh that one yeah the idea is were they as sexy as cool the thing they don't tell you about is the rollerball steering on it doesn't really have a lot of feel and they're live axle and kart springs at the back and i didn't realize the 250 gto has live axle and kart springs no one mentions it but and they're only worth 50 million and i drove yeah i drove this sparda and it had a way better engine an independent rear suspension and just was better yeah and that's why that 330 went and lamborghini came but a testarossa is an eighth car to use just as gt i love the period the engine note sounds is to die for has probably the best air conditioning of any car in here just chills you space and i always everybody made you know 7 000 that's normally a good sign because lots of people wanted to own them because it was good yeah you know and it's supposed to be easy to drive there's no power steering on it but it is dead easy the steering is a delight on it there's a real highlight what i don't quite a lot of them have magnolia or white leather interior and they look tired within five years this has got black and it looks sort of all right but yeah no this is the one from sahara and i haven't had it re-sprayed and i i sometimes feel like oh because it's a few stone chips it's a bit warm yeah it's got a bit of wear and tear on it but it should it has a hell of a story to tell yeah you know rush you could you could decide another year to i'd sort of keep it there it's not you know it doesn't rust it's it's in goodness it's going to have it's got an engine out service due the next few weeks just to do the belts which is every three years so that engine is fascinating yeah it just drops out you say an engine out it's out within two hours all suspension it just drops out the frame and that's how it's designed to come out so it's okay it's a non-issue so it's a bit like a beetle doing a clutch it's easier to just and it comes out from underneath and the 512 comes out at the top so it's a bit more awkward but yeah that's my pride and joy though this is your latest this is my latest purchase and it is just fabulous and i i've had a number of 911s and the trouble i have with 911s is there's so many of them yeah and they always think you've got the wrong one you know should i have the gt3 991 or should i have the 997 and it's just forever this maze of stuff i i've always liked turbos generally just just the experience of that big push taking off it's so weird yeah and it was the 930 turbo was the one i was utterly fascinated when porsche came out with it but they now feel today a bit underwhelming yeah but this has been a sonder winch car so this is special wishes card from their special department with 935 heads on it much bigger turbo and uh it is a weapon grade i watched the video about it it was it it felt like you sort of stumbled across this car and then kind of went completely i have to own it exactly that it was i had no intention of buying it it arrived at hairpin company i thought that's a bit odd i sat after market yeah and drove it and it's so unlike i've always i'd like the 80s superhero obviously couldn't ask tessarossa and this is my other hero car yeah my dilemma of this sort of stuff carrera gt adore them absolutely wonderful yeah what do i what am i how am i going to use it and that's my dilemma and i think you know you look at f-40s a lot of them have had lots of owners because they don't know what to do with them once they've got them um yeah and that's my my thing and i feel very privileged to like bikes because i can the these are fantastic for that tango moment oh my god it's just crazy and we survived and we come back in one piece a few it's all over i can do that on the bikes for no money and i you know that i've got 100 cbx can you show me this because right it's not often you get to see a bike where the engine doesn't quite fit inside the frame the kawasaki 1300 isn't the one i was really referring to it's probably the honda next but this is a monster of an engine everybody worships the six cylinder bites when they came out when i was in dubai i couldn't comprehend know the size and everything and this when this kawazaki came out it said 1300 this is their answer to the cbx they had to go one better because they'd come out with 600 motorbike honda but a thousand cc and 105 horsepower so they said let's produce a 1300 cc motorway i think it's 120 horsepower and as soon as this arrived this is a bit like lotus carton the german market banned it um so they said it's too powerful for a motorbike so a lot of them 105 110 horsepower or something so they had restrictors in them the german market they banned they're too far too powerful allegedly i wouldn't know this but you can just sit on the pin and you just wind it up you have no idea what speed 85 mile an europeans get 130 140 mile an hour but it's it was just a period in superbikes when they went a bit nuts but six exhausts well this this honda so this yeah this is uh a really special bike for me this was my poster bike i never thought i'd really own one um but this what i love about this that's about seven thousand pounds worth ish and this is probably 15 18 000 because it's quite a nice example yeah but they are the ultimate this is it this is honda app they never did a another six cylinder motorbike all the engines show there's no frame on it they just bolt the top of the engine and then the back end there's no downstream because they wanted to show off all the six cylinders so you get your supercar your sort of hyper car thrills with the just that yeah i know what i was gonna ask you when we were in the sitting on the chairs yeah by the way very cool cd player yeah in the garage is that a b o yes b no yeah yeah custom because it's white they didn't produce them in white oh so yeah had that done i um yeah i know what i was going to ask you was tell me about your dad cars when you became when you became a parent what were the sort of dad cars that you thought right got to need a family vehicle that's going to do this and that and the other uh i it's all a bit boring because i just went range rover but uh just from where i've got first range rate in 1990 to get x police range rovers they were known so i had plod one and plot two they were white obviously with holes in the roof and uh yeah because they were manual yeah and base and so they made great farm trucks so just did you go to the auction just used to buy well i had a friend who tipped me off there was another one coming outside a 3.8 3.5 manual and then a 3.9 manual so that's plod one plug two and then patricia had twins and so i better get a grown up range rovers and then i got one of the very last classics i have sent down to over finch and did all that so this one is uh just come back and ah it's painted terrific the color i love and the finish is incredible it's one of those cars the xjc yeah where i'm i'm slightly annoyed because the ship has sailed for me and i had the opportunity to buy them when they were like a grand yeah well they got a bit rough didn't they they did get rough well this is terrific now um and the engine is now running i'm gonna the camera probably went like this but i was gonna lift the bonnet because it's it's quite nice underneath yeah coming oh i saw the the rebuild vid and um it's quite a thing it is pretty special they don't normally look like this no they don't bloody and it flies now so it's now all running and i've now been able to give it a bit of exercise what i bought this one for one because someone else had done this manual conversion on it high speed which is cool and he had a place in the lake district and he used to commute up and he and he put it in for economy and uh he put the longest diff in it ever so you were doing 45 mile an hour per thousand rpm so you go up there 1800 rpm it's like mad like high idly to make it do more mpg so the first thing i had to do was put a sprint diff in it so now it's it's much more accelerative but he also put these this is all not stock these are different inlet manifolds and little trumpets in here and double air going in because they normally just get one of these pipes and he's put an extra one on so he's got bigger air box bigger throttle bodies and and breathes better on the top so i think you've single-handedly put the prizes up of this okay yeah i do i do worry about that harry well you have a habit of doing that i i'm fine i don't find the e-type appealing it's none of those cars that everybody says i've only got an eat oh i love in my eat yeah it feels a bit vintage to me somehow yeah the sort of pinch body they don't look quite like i really like the design of this one i agree i'd have this over um an e-type even though the e-type is a beautiful looking car i don't want to own one i don't want it i'd rather in fact i don't know whether i should say this to you but you've already owned one and you've sold it you had an xjs didn't you oh yeah yeah nice yellow one i did yeah um i'd like to restore modern xjs because i don't think anybody's really doing it no i'm gonna have a classic jag that's my classic jacket you've spent some money on this now yes 60 odds i suppose 765. so that's a keeper uh well my son worships it so that was part of the reason for doing it i was going to ask you about like your children and and are they charlie yourself he's into cars very much always has been uh no no and then suddenly something happened and he's got a group of friends in it and then he works you know with hairpin companies so he's in exposed to stuff and he's driven everything so was there a time when for for years when danny was into cars but a little bit yeah uncool dad dads are just uncool at times aren't they so yeah some something i'm sorry no idea well he's into bike we always had little boat bikes around then we started doing bikes adventure stuff together yeah i don't know did he ever he had a field car didn't he oh he had a field car volvo's yeah i had i bought a brace thank god google maps has changed it now but for years there was our radicals trapped by the house if you've got a place what's that race track there i know it's just hidden away and i got uh we started out with a couple of volvo 340s 340. yes yeah and so then the kids learned to drive so they learned to drive in those volvos and then i upgraded i got abrasive uh porsche 924s you've got nine two four ninety four ever for garden cars for garden cars they were better than the volvo's but yeah these are two modern jacks this is the most modern car that you've got oh yeah yeah 2018 yeah yeah yeah i've got a lotus emira on order which i'm really looking forward to so yeah yeah that comes next no june isn't it so july so july is coming you must be really impressed with it i've yeah driven it now yeah i'm really chuffed i've got an order now yeah yeah i just i like lotus i like you've had that all the time that lotus haven't you that the land yeah that's i had the racer land and the more competitive if you like i made it the worse it got as a road car yeah and i just wanted to make the most perfect road car and i got that in 93 so i built that up from a box of bits had it body painted and bolted it all together yeah it's lovely once you own stuff like that because you value is just this just doesn't exist it's just you've owned it's a family heirloom or it's just there yeah but these yeah this is i i just it just still amuses me the project 8 that it's crazy on track this car and i've never driven one on track they're unreal i mean just the confidence bar and it would slightly move up around the best brace it's still my reference for breaking both actually project seven project 8 best brake feel and power yes it's four wheel drive but i just love it's such a conundrum that this shape is gt3 quick on track it's just what what so yeah that stays and i just think this is a perfect recipe of project seven roadster it's what i enjoy cut down grunty it's a it's a british cobra they're mad jaggers of this the f-type i think it's a fantastic thing the f-type is phenomenal and it's still quite cheap yeah two-wheel drive one of the early v8 s's yeah which i just can't see you go wrong with one of those they're quick yeah proper quick that's a simple car isn't it yeah yeah and then and then a shad the shadow ex wedding spec yeah of put our full on wedding we collected it from someone who did weddings with it um and yeah it's what you don't do i bought it purely because it was cheap yes and this is like a post wine ebay it was it was a bit of an ebay it was actually she did everything wrong bless her she just she spent quite a lot of money on it had just had a brand new gear box put in it and all new brake calipers and all the usual things that rolls right off my gosh i looked at the number i thought oh two to eight 22 b something that's worth something and it was sitting at 4 000 it was maturing at like four o'clock on a tuesday afternoon just all the things you do wrong and i thought i'll have a go at that and i and i put a bit of four one and then what's the count though go down and oh god i've got a rolls royce and that was it blimey yeah and then you know and then it i just think they're of an era and i think i like the design i've always liked the design and that first farmer i worked on in the will when i've just done my a levels and he had it was tyson chap who owned the farm with tyson construction had a white rolls royce so every day this white rose royce used to turn up on the farm and at one time we had a calf carved down in the field it shouldn't have done it should have farmed we went down to pick up the calf he came down his voice and i put a hour old calf in the boot of his rolls royce to drive back to the farm in the booth in a boot of a white rolls royce and at that point it was a new white rolls royce i was gonna say i'm tall because i don't i've had all the body done up to this point yeah and i should have re-sprayed i just had some flaky bits on the door it annoys me i didn't do it but hey it's it's a solid rolls royce you could get the the above the waistline done with murals well i did look at doing harry's garage murals i did look at doing an art car on it you totally should and i'm talked i really like the look of it in white and how it looks but i am very torn of my i've loved those bmw art cars and i've had one or two people i've not commissioned them but mentioned to them would you like to do this yeah so watch this space i might do it in the future bloody hell harry do it please do it it would be it'd be brilliant yeah it'd be brilliant i ought to just mention actually some of the art if someone's wondering what all the art is on the wall i i have a collection of perelli calendars and these are the this is the first year 64 and the right in the left and then 70s and then it gave up until the 80s but that's what's going on yeah so they're fine down there um others have had to have post-it notes um added to the outside cover and i would have censored them yeah because because of youtube it's it's not done fashion photography i can see there's more skin a creepy painting 84 is one of my favorite years this is they had a big break and they stopped doing them but then came back they launched the p7 and then did the tar treads on the last eight yeah what i like about your taste in motorbikes is it's specific yes yeah i mean i know we've done the big engine kind of 70s stuff yeah which is what probably you were into before cars but yeah this the the the the what do you call the dakar bikes yeah yeah adventure bikes yeah that's purely it's in the name that's what we use them for we go places that are in the world there's these three bikes came back yesterday from morocco because i was doing that sand raiders 2022 yeah and uh yeah this is moroccan dust this is desert this is sahara this is dust photo yeah this is where it began yeah there we are age 12 so that's my second bite that's my 27 quid dot from cousin roger arriving yeah there we are i love that yeah and then there was just a 70 acres of woodland to muck about in steep as well proper steep stuff and then these are just here this the paris dakar for me is one of the world's greatest events um massive distance crazy endurance and it became famous because it was the it was a it was so hard and the attrition was so high people used to die on the event and it was just a fascination and it's odds because it actually spawns some great bikes because they need to be ultra reliable yeah big tanks good range good visibility lowish weight for the size and so that's how the bmw gs the adventure bike all sort of open this this one is probably the craziest this is this is your best uh i suppose i really like the kojiva but this honduras it's known as a marathon um yeah yeah you have to have that as a carbon helmet so you feel the weight of that so yeah you're navigating back in in 80s in dakar using this um so at 128.05 kilometers you're doing so in tracks go 310 degrees so you're on the compass here following your compass track they were doing sometimes 1000 kilometers a day and if the if you have a tank if you have a critical amount of fuel on board and you go wrong in your road book your stuff you're out of the rally and that's why quite a few of the early competitors finished couldn't finish the rally they had to press the beacon so i'm out because they just ran out of fuel so if you make a wrong wrong bearing on that thing you might have 100 kilometer more to do and if you don't have the fuel capacity you're out the rally so they always have this crazy amount of so what is this carrot this has 42 liters in the front and 18 around the back so rear filler there and so 60 liters so what's that 12 gallons this isn't it for 13 gallons that's like what a 911 yeah it's not a modern modern car would take 60 liters from yeah i suppose seeing they were men of steel they are off the scale yeah the guys who race those bikes they are nut cases you were talking about riding it you know like loose on things like that it's a bit like i think like p1 powerboat racing people yeah yeah because it's the sea and it's constantly moving and you've got one person doing the throttle one person's steering and no one's strapped in and if it all goes pete told you're just fired out yeah you know i always get asked all the time what what the future of cars is and enthusiast cars and where's it all gonna go and do we do electric this do we do piston that what's your view is the future pairing cars back a bit having skinnier tyres i think it's madness that we're trying to electrify things like range rover there's a two and a half ton vehicle to start with that's the wrong start point for an electric we need to shrink down what you know that fear panda we've got we're addicted to energy the human race is addicted to energy and uh because energy became readily available fuel um we've gone a bit nuts on it yeah if we restrict the amount of energy then we just clever engineers will rethink how we use that energy and i think mobility i suppose i come from a bike background but i electric scooters and things or e-bikes i cannot understand in london why their bike lanes they should be electric lanes yeah i think it will change and i think electrification i actually like electric car for just the quietness and the hustness and the way they go down the road i really enjoy that i'm yet to be uh convinced that you can make an electric sports car for all the emotion and the pleasures i get from these will be replaced with a pure electric sports car yeah don't think so but if that panda was electric that's yeah that one that could that could go exactly i don't care plug in yeah it's quite cheap i think we're i don't understand how we're converting auto electric while we haven't a clue how to make clean energy so we're plugging it into a grid that's quite often 50 60 percent gas supply no i think just invest in clean energy so i've got 27 kilowatts of solar arriving here in the next few weeks that will put me completely off the grid and you've got a windmill yeah turbine that does it's had that yeah and we've got heat pumps in all the house so i'm off grid within by the end of this year not using any of their dirty power that's supplied by the grid well this concludes the uh the tour of your car collection harry thanks ever so much for letting us come and have a look great for you to come down really enjoyed it i uh one day i'll have a space as nice as this and i admire a strain leaving some of these areas open but anyway if you haven't already looked at harry's garage on youtube you might want to have a look at that i'll put a link in the description below if you haven't watched part one where i sit with harry in the chairs and talk about his life in vehicles have a look at that why not become a patron and you'll get early access to videos like this through my patreon service and i'll put a link for that in the description anyway thank you very much for watching [Music] you
Channel: The Late Brake Show
Views: 286,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jonny smith reviews, carpervert, harrys garage, idol chat interview, harry metcalfe evo magazine, harrys garage private tour, jonny smith late brake show, harrys garage countach, harrys garage car collection, private car collection, chris harris late brake show, harry metcalfe porsche, evo magazine, evo diaries pagani, interview with harry metcalfe, car reviews harrys garage, inside harrys garage, private garage tour, best classic cars to daily drive, harry project car
Id: f6rL_TtQJC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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