Here's What I feel Halfway...Max's FFVII Rebirth 1/2 Early Review

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let's [Music] go what's up dudes Max here before we jump into it I wanted to let you know about the sponsor of today's video which is unicorn Overlord unicorn Overlord is a strategy RPG that is sort of infused with this nostalgic inventure where you forge alliances liberate kingdoms and explore an expansive world with stunning visuals speaking of visuals this is a vanillaware game and yes we've been following these games on a variety of systems going all the way back to the Sega Saturn with princess crown you might have checked out one of their other recent games which is 13 Sentinels but the focus of this game lies in strategy tactics rather than emphasizing The Narrative it's a classic 16/32 bit era strategy RPG and yes that's where I actually played these games the most unicorn Overlord has a demo available right now that will carry your progress over to the release which is march8 E8 coming out for the Xbox series X ands Nintendo switch PS4 and PS5 again if you guys would like to learn more or check out more unicorn Overlord you can click the link in the description below there's something I've been meaning to do uh over the past few days because I've seen this question pop up over and over and over again so I'm at a spot right now that feels pretty good right I'm at a spot where I feel like we've gotten enough of the game to sort of come to like a conclusion on where I feel at the moment because we been exposed to how Final Fantasy 7 rebirths gameplay Loop essentially is between um big cinematic setpiece dungeons to very large and expensive towns to their Dynamic open open world I don't want to do a full game review because it isn't the full game but a lot of people are like all right so give me the first like few chapters review of how you're feeling and a billion people have been asking about this so I'm going to do like a less than half game feelings and review just sort of have this for where I'm at perspectively at the moment where this could possibly change down the line when I when I review it down the line let's just get the uh the most basic of information out of the way I think this is one of the greatest games I've ever played and that's like on a first playthrough situation sometimes you an even ff7 remake had some moments where I'm like this is really incredible I can't believe this stuff but even an ff7 remake I could clearly Identify some of the things throughout that playthrough that I'm like yeah this is less than Stellar this isn't that great there's some moments of it that are obviously only okay we're going through another godamn sewer uh but the again the the peaks of ff7 remake really kept it real for me where like that part of it was just so good those those characters and the combat and like in combination with the art and visuals on display it was like albeit you know some funky Unreal Engine 4 stuff uh remake really hit for me but I could absolutely you know be a realistic person where it's like yeah it's clearly not perfect this game has some rough spots and upon revisit you know I found the game a lot better when you just fly through it and you don't spend a lot of time doing side quests and stuff so that leads us to rebirth ff7 rebirth seems to be a a direct answer right literally a direct answer to some of the bigger aggressive issues that Final Fantasy 7 had or 7 remake had first and foremost most the the the absolute first thing you're going to realize is that okay so the Cinematic quality of the game and the combat is on point we really don't have to worry about that I'll expand into it in a in a second but the things that so they they recognize what worked what did we do well well our characters and our story sequences and our combat is good okay all right sick so that stuff just keep going and just elevate it right just try to make it better what was lacking towns and environments with NPC were only okay pretty much good for just hardcore ff7 fans you're pretty much looking at a big dumpster the majority of the game in the slums and stuff the side quests were 100% passable a lot of them were uh barely interesting to the point of which like all right I'm just here for the reward type of thing and then the other part of the game was overall explorability Final Fantasy 7 remake was essentially hallways and that's not that's not a terrible thing there there was very little exploration though the ability to grind almost didn't even exist because the game was just sort of handholding you through this experience it was also really clear that remake was just trying to be like well what do we turn midgar into well let's just turn it into like what they do with Japan in uh Yakuza games and stuff like that and that seemed like we already had this prediction early in like the mid 20 like 2015 the 2010s when they announced this it it would make sense if they if the first game is just midgar if they made it like a yak yak is a sort of situation where they like just focus on the town and [ __ ] like that so uh yeah like they they did that so I was worried that that was going to go away and it hasn't all they did was just expand it to every single town you go to they're like okay so now every time you visit a new area it's obviously going to be not compacted by just streets and Alleyways and stuff it's going to be um big ass environments and huge worlds and all of this [ __ ] and to me I'm really really happy that they kept all of the Yakuza sort of like charm cuz there's not really many games like like Yakuza that have that kind of charm and I think the next one is like ff7 here's what's great about this game I give this game the same credit that they gave to uh the same credit and acknowledgement of what it is compared to Final Fantasy 14 let me explain Final Fantasy online games were going through kind of a rough growth period obviously ff11 was early they had success but ff14 when it first came out was terrible um because they were making the game in a bubble they were making the game in this like very very 2012 like mid two mid-2010s sort of like Japanese mindset where we don't want to copy what anybody else is doing we're going to do our own unique things right so their own unique things just wasn't taking from anything else the space was evolving into at the time meaning that some of the cool ideas present in 11 were still continuing over into modern games at the time in like 2012 so that just wasn't working right it just was it didn't feel good uh what did they do to fix that oh like oh well let's actually get somebody that likes MMOs and [ __ ] and get them to start helming Final Fantasy 14 and voila you get an amazing game it was one of like the first times you look at square and Square's like an acknowledgement of the rest of the industry and it's like hey Yoshi p is like I love this [ __ ] this is what I like let's look at the rest of the industry and take what they're doing well and put our own spin on it and what did it do well now it's essentially squares giant Money Maker right it's it's their forever Money Maker game it's never going to end what I really appreciate about Final Fantasy remake and rebirth remake was obviously going for that Yakuza style clear it was clear as day that that's what they're doing with with unique other stuff here and there however rebirth isn't just that rebirth is taking essentially the open-ended environments and uh and and interact ability of something similar to Horizon the dev said this specifically the towns feel very much more I'd say alive and interactive closer to the Yakuza game so they moved that in a different direction they also applied it to their bigger large scale towns they really went Ham on the parts of the game that needed to be expanded from what they had before and by taking all of these like little elements from other games and the biggest one is side quests side content needs to be important it's what fills out your world so they looked at games like The Witcher and the director said this where it's like hey witcher's got great side quests and he said in interview we're just going to do what the Witcher does with their side quests granted I didn't play all that much of The Witcher 3 but people scream to the heavens that that game has incredible side quests so this game isn't just one thing anymore and it's trying not to be completely unique and if anything this is probably one of the least unique final fantasies ever Final Fantasy 16 was at least trying to like take an action game and turn it into an RPG of Kinds where it's like hey we can make a big action RPG that last like 35 to 40 hours we can do that to varying degrees of success you know at least Final Fantasy 16 was trying to be sort of unique with what it is um and rebirth is not rebirth is like an admittance that the industry has changed a lot over the years and clearly what we should be doing is looking at what other games do well because players expect to explore our open world thoroughly it's like the big Final Fantasy this is the moment in this series Armory n ff7 that people have some of the most most fond memories of it's not midgar it is it's the world of ff7 I've never been so happy to play a Ubisoft game so what they really tried to do was take pieces from everything it's a little bit of horizon it's a bit of Yakuza it's a bit of Witcher it's a little bit of all these other things it's a bit of like Ubisoft games in a way that doesn't feel like contrived and just hey we just want to put [ __ ] everywhere and just make you waste your time there was there's a quote from katas and he's like yeah our game's like 100 to 150 hours or something like that if you do everything and it's like [ __ ] dude no way there's no way whatever you're talking about that is not true it's a nice number right you got a triple digit number in a Final Fantasy game and you get people to go D that's interesting but I could I could see through this like marketing and clearly this game is not going to be that oh holy sweet Jesus Christ it is that this game is so much fun any gripes yet no dude I've been playing this [ __ ] for how many hours I've been in this [ __ ] for 17 hours and I don't feel like I'm burned out on anything yet that's what's crazy I don't feel like any of it has been like wasted right where it's like okay yeah I wish I was doing something else like no man I'm like I'm like into this [ __ ] it actually is because it's good uh it's weirdly good I I spent I had I had spent 11 to 12 hours in the grasslands I didn't even intend to do everything everything was interesting enough for me to keep going to the next thing and get rewarded and do something else and see something new constantly and I was in the first area and you could just fly by it right you could just you could take 30 minutes and just go from one end to the next and be at the next part of the game but I didn't I spent like 10 extra hours there I was not ready for that and then I'm like all right so the opening of this game is really powerful right it's got a great opening it's got a great flashback all the stuff is good it's but it can't keep this up right and then you finally get an idea of what dungeons are like so what was the biggest issue in remake their level design was balls like going through any of its Maps was truly bad and it just felt like all right this is just going for the sake of going it got a little bit better in intermission with the yui stuff but rebirth its level designs isn't pioneering and revolutionary we're not there at the point of like a from soft game or anything but I'm Legit enjoying any of the places I go to like at this point we've been to only a couple of big map areas and it's like kind of the opening right the the climb up Mountain to Bell is great it's Dynamic and different and all these things are happening it's still a fraking hallway but enough stuff is happening where I'm like Curious and fascinated by what's going on next and then I'm like all right that's the opening it's only going to be that good for that and then you get to the Mythril mines and they're great mythal mins are super good they expand on it they add all this extra lore they do all this extra stuff it's freaking gorgeous like you finally get a really dark Zone someplace that doesn't isn't well lit and it's like oh dude this is so this is so good and then you leave the myth mines and you get access to junan my impression is from the demo I know this place probably isn't that big it's not going to be nearly as big as as uh the grasslands grasslands was probably just getting you hyped up it's like better and it's bigger I was I remember looking in the distance when we were playing that demo right and you see pirate ships in the distance I'm like that's cool it's neat that there's pirate ships all this extra lore over there there's no way you're going to be able to visit any of that stuff and you totally do and they give like every part of it has story and [ __ ] and they go into every like little detail and they expand upon it they add like The Crows Nest they do all this all this stuff that expands Avalanche and anti- Shinra resistance stuff it's like holy hell uh uh so I was just blown away by every single part of junon and I I hadn't even gone into the goddamn City yet dude I had not even gone to under junon gone to under junon or you know the parade I hadn't even gone there yet and then they and then they flip it they change the time of day the time of day switches in junon and the entire place looks different and I'm like Jesus I feel like this is an entirely new Zone the same thing happened when you first arrive in junon it goes to Sunset you go back to the grasslands and everything looks different I'm like wo dang this pre-baked lighting as soon as it changes this place is gorgeous this just this just keeps happening right and I have to say this like I'm 5 days into this [ __ ] this is my fifth day and I have been one uped and then one uped again and again and again and again and there's just new surprises and crazy stuff to the point where last night we just did cadell soul and main story stuff with the the the ship shra 8 the boat that crosses the the ocean as well as the junan parade and it's unbelievable it it's unbelievable how much charm how much love and care goes into all of it all of the extra dialogue all of the characters in all of these cities is not just like BS that's there EV like almost every NPC is so crammed with like charm and relatability and interest and true like human [ __ ] don't you think I would if I could God I'm a [ __ ] player don't you get that whatever you say wow I'm a [ __ ] player I I can't even I'm and I'm starting to wonder is like is my is my love for Final Fantasy 7 acting as this sort of barrier of perception am I sort of being blinded by this game is like really not that good but the ff7 aspects of it are elevating it so much for me and to be real I don't think so because even upon playing remake I was able to identify that where it was like I love Final Fantasy 7 and it definitely is elevating some of this parts of this game over others but bro yeah the drum was not good sewer revisit uh you know a lot of the stuff in the game the side Quest I could identify at the end of the playthrough that it wasn't perfect it was not great all of my gries from remake are fixed in this game and the combat is incredible and we're we're like chapter five or six now something like that we're not even like we're not even halfway through the game uh Stardust Ray jeez dude what is this so crazy look how cool we are dude look at this game bro look at it jeez the music I can't did I even mention it's insane I feel like I'm [ __ ] dreaming dude this game feels like I'm dreaming [Music] dude deal with that my God my God and then you come across like something else that is equally incredible and amazing and some new thing that just blows your mind with how they approach like a music I played it at the start of this stream I we did the first goova fight I could not believe the music queue in the first Genova fight I couldn't believe believe how cool it was um and I don't even want to like spoil too much of it because it just was like the [ __ ] brought like a tear to my eye as I was fighting I could not believe what I was hearing I think this game's the real deal I really do and as as I went back and I I sort of had this perspective where I'm like godamn this game seems really good I finally looked up the reviews and the game was sitting at like a 92 or 93 on uh on on compendium critical sites right this game is reviewing better than any Final Fantasy for 20 years which is a very long [ __ ] time uh it's up there with like Final Fantasy X which was the very end of the Final Fantasy Golden Era right before things go a little weird in the HD era right so it's it's wild it's it's kind of crazy to look at the game and realize that like oh no it isn't just me that loves this this is actually heavily critically praised like extremely critically praised we're not even through the game yet man right we're not even getting through this entire thing we're only like a portion through it all I got to say is that like as an ff7 fan this [ __ ] will blow your mind as a general jrpg or RPG fan this [ __ ] will most likely blow your mind it's really good they they've made one of the most Charming games I've ever seen not even halfway through and I I literally feel like I'm dreaming this game is something else [Music] n
Channel: Maximilian Dood
Views: 263,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maximilian, dood, fighting, games, capcom, street, fighter, hype, rage, max, reaction, twitch, videos, yo, videogames, maximilian_dood, max dood, dude, stream, streaming, ffvii, ff7, final fantasy vii, rebirth, final fantasy vii rebirth, zack, cloud, tifa, aerith, red xiii, barret, yuffie, vincent, cid, 4k, playthru, world map, sephiroth, grasslands, quests, fort condor, junon
Id: OszxSiYvpBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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