Here's My Platinum Trophies I Didn't Tell You About Yet. (PS5, PS4, PS3, PS Vita)

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foreign you know it's been quite a while since we've had a casual conversation about trophies and when I say we I really mean me because you know it's just me talking for an extended period of time and you're you're just sitting there watching um but you know let's just bask in this parasocial relationship because I've not done this in I think over a year was the last one where we did something where we kind of went over things that I've been playing and also trophies I've been earning and that's the other weird part of this too because actually so much of my uh trophies at this point have all been on video documented in some way but there are things in between that so let's go over it because the last video I stopped at Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales and since then there's been things in between so let's just run through and have a casual conversation so to start off on PSM profiles we have a ghost of tsushima on PS4 very low percentage we'll get to that in a minute after that was uh when wretch and Clank Rift apart came out uh platinum in three weeks one day now you might be wondering why that took so long that is just where I am nowadays with life in general rights this this game takes like I don't know uh 15 hours maybe 20 if you go really slow and take your time and I am generally on that side where I do go very slow I like to check every nook and cranny and sometimes I just kind of go slow and bask into gorgeous looking games and that's exactly what Rift apart is in fact you know for how often people tend to you know complain about these these new consoles and how there's nothing that feels next John I mean there's some examples Rift apart is one of them the game looks Bonkers uh but it's also so great to have a big budget like standard PS2 platformer still getting these uh releases nowadays and so Rift apart was so good but that is why that took three weeks in one day so uh you do have to remember that with this channel I'm still pretty much on my own so I do all the uh you know filming recording scripts editing all that junk right so it's still been that way for ltps and Tuesdays and so normally with game time it's a bit slower for a bit slower for me nowadays but Rift apart awesome uh Final Fantasy VII the original one so this is the port on PS4 I was meaning for a while to go back to the original game and I figured you know obviously I should go back to this one because or this version because a lot of massive quality of life improvements also I apologize if you keep hearing like this cracking noise uh it's showing up in ltps videos as well it's this desk it's getting very old and I'm going to be replacing it soon so I apologize on that but back on topic ff7 uh this game makes it so much this port I should say makes it a lot easier because you can play at three times speed you can elect to avoid Random Encounters you can also keep your brake limit maxed out so you can always use those whenever you want um just a a healthier way to go through the game instead of bloating it out you know unnecessarily and I wanted to go back to it because I you know it's been so long but I also forgot just how Wild the story gets when you're out of medical so I wanted a refresher on that and that's what I did fantastic game still holds up that is a good version to play next is tsushima director's Cuts that's the the difference here now you might be wondering like okay so what's what's going on like you didn't finish the game originally I didn't um I obviously started it back then loved what I played thus far but uh it was something where you have to put the game down it was doing something else at the time and you know at that point um I mean there was just so much happening with PlayStation 5 and then PS5 came out had to you know play all that software um once the director's cut was announced it's like okay that's the one I'll play so I transferred my save file over and uh the thing is I don't mind missing out on the auto pop here so some would say why didn't you do it on PS4 finish it there get us you know get as close to 100 as possible um then move your save file Auto pop on PS5 I see I prefer to play the best version if possible I really don't mind the auto pop or I don't need it per se although I will admit I should have done it for this game because there's like so many minimal differences between the PS4 and PS5 version that this was the one game where I should have just stayed on PS4 because you're really only getting dual sense features and cards on PS5 which really is not quite enough to you know to I guess uh give up the potential of two platinums but I did finish most of the game I still got to actually go to Achy Island and legends which I may or may not even ever do to begin with because multiplayer gonna multiplayer you know what I mean so um but here's where we get into the 30 platinum's part 2 video which uh that was all on video so 30 platinums and this is kind of what I was saying uh kind of what I was saying earlier is that I've had so much stuff documented on video now at this point so 30 Platinum is part one two um and then after this was uh uh because this challenge ended at 199 platinums which I did not intend on doing so some folks saw that and they were like oh that bothers me why did you do that Ryan I did not mean to I wanted to do like more than 30 like I want to do 33 35 Platinum somewhere around there just a lot more than the well a decent amount more than the last video but um basically I ended up I ended off at 199 and that worked out perfect anyway because I made 200 uh Jack 3 and that was also on video um that was actually around Jack's uh anniversary and I that was the one Jack game that I still have not gone back to do like the the platinum on uh Playstation 4. actually I still need to do Jack X as well so I still don't have a full full set across um PS3 4 and Vita but I got most of them now at this point with Jack three and that was on video as well and there's more coming up that we'll talk about but after that was um Grand Theft Auto 5 another one where it's on video because this is the PlayStation 3 version why is that on there um excuse me that's my eBay notifications going off always on the hunt for video games um but uh God now I lost my train of thought GTA 5 PS3 the servers were going offline so had to check in on it right before it goes never played heists it's online so shocker but uh I popped one or two bronze during that video and that's why this like jumped back up to the top of my list um now going into more like Leisure stuff isn't like it was not for videos or anything it just you know free time eight hours and 14 minutes so we're on the shorter side but the tourist um the PS5 version which runs at like 8K super samples to 4K gorgeous looking game it's the kind of title where the presentation pulls you in and little unique uh fact here this game is not a platinum or it doesn't have a platinum it's a 100 PSN title which nowadays is very very rare um so weird how that happened over time right where PS3 is actually kind of like a tough console in general to like get platinums on you know games were so brutal with like estimated time multiple playthroughs missables glitch trophies of course and most things on PSN were standard 100 PSN games nowadays you never see that uh it used to be something where if you're a developer you had to make a case to Sony as to why your game had enough content to Warrant a platinum and that's not true anymore pretty much any Dev can get a platinum if they want and that's why we see all that shovelware on PSN but if you're a developer I mean you want a platinum at the very minimum there is a certain audience that's going to care about that stuff and so it might not be a massive audience but enough to you know weren't doing it for a few extra sales um but the Taurus does not have a platinum and so that's my first 100 PSN game in a very very long time after that is a short a short hike and this one does have a platinum it's one of those more unique games where it's like 11 Gold one silver no bronze and it's a full plot but a short hike was also kind of like the tourist where I think presentation really sells it and there is a very unique cute little story in there I keep saying unique a lot but uh that is sort of where I uh I guess that's what I gravitate towards nowadays something that has a bit of personality and um sticks out from the rest which you know this this is obviously all in Chrono chronological order of when I played them you might be wondering you know oh hey you didn't play this big game that big game well as some of you know nowadays I do try to uh make sure I I do games that I'm going to 100 on my main profile and I play things that I'm not going to fully complete on a separate account I've got like four different accounts that I use nowadays so I'll usually usually just like play the first few hours of something on another account or sometimes I'll play things to completion but this is what I say for doing the full list is my my main account which I you know okay you could argue is like kind of dumb because then you're not really showing your entire like resume so to speak of what I've played but I don't know just what I do um next is Katamari damage re-roll now I also mentioned this during uh what was it I was talking about my favorite PlayStation games to replay like over time these are games that I just love replaying over and over again that is Melissa scratching her her cat post Katamari I love um this is a game I always go back to and so I was due for another playthrough of course I'm gonna do it on PS4 um pretty manageable platinum as well it's a short game the tough thing in here is just rolling up everything in the game which you know if you missed like one or two things kind of a pain to find out what you're um you know messing and to go back to the level and find it next is Hades uh two weeks two days very addictive uh roguelite for sure it's just man this game absolutely does hook you and so if you're into that that sort of thing especially where for a roguelite where each session is anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes could be shorter of course if you die quicker but it's just enough to where it gives you that one more try sensation alongside the fact that this game is the full package um you know not only is the gameplay so good it's it's Rich deep rewarding it's also very tight and you don't you don't ever feel like it's it's your fault so there's a lot of room there to grow and understand it but when you die you're excited to go back and uh you know Advance the plot line and talk to people and build relationships and uh you know you're just itching to see new dialogue and so when a run takes you know 15-20 minutes you do that one more time mentality and you just can't wait to hear hear more about this story next up is zero Dawn I was working on the Frozen Wilds still not finished I wanted to try and get it done before forbidden West so that's still one to go back to um and then we get to Eternal so this was also all on video you know I don't want to spend too much time here if only because I've already gushed about returnal so much during ltps it's still my favorite PS5 game so far it's that good loved it um and it's certainly like Hades where it's just uh man yeah I'm still super big on returnal no doubt about that and then going into forbidden West uh so that the game finally came out not a full hundred because they did put out a new little pack for like a new playthrough a new game plus so I'll do that do that eventually not um dying to go back to it but for forbidden West I think the game's awesome I think it's uh fantastic uh better than zero Dawn and pretty much every way um story is uh I think the one place which I can see the Viewpoint of it being uh well that's always subjective or I should say highly subjective but one where um some could argue that it you know takes some weird turns and it's a got some uneven pacing but for the most part you know holistically forbidden West for me was just awesome I really don't get the whole like I don't know it's weird I feel like there's been a lot of complaints about it now with uh the game finally out there but I'm just not seeing it like zero Dawn when it came out was uh you know kind of a big exciting thing to have such a high budget uh new IP which Publishers nowadays are very afraid to do we finally got a sequel to that game and you know I again I I think it was uh better in most ways although I would agree there's uh some annoying Parts like the intros being a little slow Ray Lloyd talks too much to herself but um I was big on this game did take me a bit but overall great time same with death loop I don't I really don't understand this one I mean it's weird because this game I think had a much larger Delta on the reviews coming out um generally across the board was reviewed very well and then people played it and it's like wow why were the reviews so high didn't like it at all or it's mid or yeah it was great but not fantastic I'm generally more on the positive side of like yeah I thought it was like really good um especially because I do think it was tough to sell the game in the first place like the entire pre-related pre-release cycle excuse me was that they were trying to explain what the loop was and what you're doing in the game day in and day out to try and like figure out the story it's it is hard to explain but I do find that they largely accomplish their goal of trying to create this interesting plot line that's connected to gameplay in a way that most games have not done before and I do think it plays to their benefit for what they were trying to you know the story they were trying to tell um having said that the story I think near the end does fall flat but uh otherwise uh trophies it's like 10 15 hours very approachable I I had a good time with it um next would be bug snacks this was the uh big snacks DLC I still love this game it's kind of like Eternal where it's one of my it it really is one of my favorite like PS5 games so far but you know it's it's not like it's really a PS5 game it's like it's everywhere and it's just but it's a game with so much personality so that DLC which was free awesome had a great time uh unpacking this is also something where it's uh you know it's a very simple easy game four hours 32 minutes it's more of a you're there for the story you're there for the environmental storytelling so it's not in your face you're just kind of like unpacking things out of boxes and a very easy turn your head off kind of game where the story is not hard to pick up what they're laying down so that was good um after that was sifu pretty high profile Indy that Sony was touting around for a bit in this game is really good but unsurprisingly me like the thing is it's this isn't really a fighting game in the sense of like like you would consider this more of an action uh just action adventure game technically but it is a fighter where it's fighting mechanics and we all know I'm not very good at those so this game is tough really tough I tried to play on the normal setting I got to the I beat the second boss but after that the game was really whooping me pretty good and this was around the time that the desk came out and also the new patch went out where that um introduced a new setting so introduced a new setting so that the agent mechanic wasn't nearly as aggressive so you wouldn't be like completely booted out of the level in like two seconds um and I I had to set it there I have no shame in that I'm not very good with uh games that have that kind of deep phytomechanic level of you know being able to not like I can do parries and things like that but when we're talking about uh more complex Combos and you know being able to block high and low like it just it's I it never clicks for me so um I really enjoyed the game but it's something weird for me I certainly needed it I needed it to be a bit easier I'm sure I could have done it the through the main setting and just stuck with it but uh at a certain point you gotta value your uh your time and time and effort versus you know how much fun you're having so either way it was still still a really good game that I wholeheartedly recommend to anybody um and this is where we get into uh more things that were on videos so the PS1 Classics on the uh PS Plus premium relaunch so the new uh Classics program on PlayStation 4 and 5 ape Escape siphon filter and Hot Shots Golf so that was all on video and you know the the only regret here because like obviously this was this is cool uh playing PS1 games with trophies and they're principally the original PS1 games there's a a cool rewind mechanic um but the whole time if you remember I was warning people when Sony does this new thing with Classics hey there's no trophies I'm sorry but like you know maybe like put it in your head that these games are not going to have trophies in hindsight I should have said it'll be optional because of course they'll remove the Mandate uh in the interest of having developers support it because adding trophies takes much longer than people think so in hindsight I should have said um optional because it turns out a very select few games do have trophies and the funny thing is it's really just these and a few others so um it was fun to to do it it was fun to do it either way though um and then after that was cuphead uh the new last course DLC I just love this game so much I think it largely speaks for itself at this point and it's it was just nice to finally have the DLC out and now we're finally getting our physical copies of this game a lot of waiting but worth it and then the Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe so I was in the camp of never playing this game um and it's not like normally for me nowadays it's like uh the hierarchy is like PlayStation I tend to play the most of just purely at this point because the channel obviously uh but then like I'll play a lot of switch a little bit of Xbox and PC but those are usually like on the lower side for me so it's not like I didn't want to get to this game but you know by the time a console version came out it's like all right well I guess I'll uh play for trophies and uh it's at 90 because um if you want a real legit Platinum for this game there's a trophy in there for not playing the game for 10 years so play it put it down wait 10 years get yourself a legit Platinum you could alter the clock settings on your Playstation to unlock it but I figured why not let's do this the right way and uh since you're watching this video I'll give you a little inside uh sneak peek here if I somehow still have a YouTube career in 10 years you will see a playthrough of this so I don't know if that's ever actually going to happen or not but I did film my playthrough up to this point and uh if I get a legit Platinum maybe you'll see that down the road where I'm all gray because I'm already getting gray hairs stray the 2022 game of the year three days two hours this was also on video I think I've spent enough time gushing about certain games but uh it's it's not a lie when I say I really had a great time with it and it's also one of my favorite PS5 games so far after that another on video situation so Shadow Fall and Killzone mercenary you can see from mercenary platinum in eight years 11 months because these games had their online server shutdown notice finally go out I made I made the mistake of waiting too long so I only had like five days near the very end to like finally work on them uh mercenary I knew I had a chance because I had one left for 100 online matches very simple um and I also figured let me just knock out the full thing because I had like two other bronze and single player to do but that was a nearly 10-year Platinum that I finally finished um in shadowfall I did not think I would be able to catch up enough to secure the Platinum um and I kind of did because I I knocked out the online trophies that take way too long and that was a lot of weird boosting um and there's one DLC pack that I was not able to do in time so I'll never be able to get 100 in this game but when I'm finally ready to go back to the to clean up the single player because there's a lot of single player I didn't do then I'll finally have the Platinum I wanted to get the Platinum for the the main video to say I finally got these two platinums but then I I got burned out of killer Zone because that was like way too much Killzone for five days but that was also a fun little uh thing that I did to myself for five days uh after that death store four months and two weeks this was like it didn't need to take that long uh and I remember like I looked up you know how long it would take it said 15 hours I said great that's a weekend started it and uh Not only was the progress so slow now I like the game a lot but it was so slow that by the end I did a okay and I feel like I'm beating a dead horse by saying did a video where I did something else I remember that time I did this video but recently the PS5 Remote Play video testing Remote Play the last trophy I needed there was to do a new playthrough with the worst weapon in the game so it's like it's already kind of like a challenging game on its own but there's a goal for that and so I figured I figured let me finish up and clean up that platinum on that video and I did that all through Remote Play and then next up is Ragnarok I'm still working through the game I've got like 30 something hours on it um so I'm filming this right before this is going to get uploaded or like the night before and uh man it's just it's an incredible game but uh considering this is like the holidays and I also got some personal stuff going on that's just been taking up a lot of my time so I've been trying so hard to squeeze in like four or five hours here and there so like every week I'm like really committing to like work on it but uh it's just so good thankfully I got a few days coming up where I think I'm gonna get this knocked out which um at least it's not gonna like get put on the back burner for what is such a high profile uh game on PlayStation 5 but man this game is hitting on every cylinder without a doubt and now we're up so yeah there's some things in here like very big third party stuff like Elder ring which is not in here Elton ring is going to get played on the main profile for sure um but I did want to like dip my toes in a bit because it's like you know such a big game that you kind of it's hard to like not jump into that um and plus well then this goes this ties back in with Ragnarok but like also I'm a huge Pokemon fan so scarlet and violet dropped so it's been really tough juggling all these big games and trying to find you know just like a few hours to to set aside at least uh humor playing them for anywhere from three four hours uh at any given time but that's where we're at so far um total completion 85 percent uh I've said before that I really want to get this above 90. and I'm I'm getting there you know slowly but surely and if I just work on the unearned trophies instead of doing brand new games to a full hundred you know at some point I'll finally get it uh and then games played 300 completed 215. I mean I'm really getting there it's looking uh it's looking good um overall pretty pleased with uh how I've been doing so far but this is one of those video videos where absolutely it's something where I want to hear from you so what have you been playing what kind of platinums you've been unlocking outside of PlayStation I don't care what what have you been up to and I'm always looking for recommendations especially because uh you know it is around that time where a lot a lot of folks asked you know are you going to do another 30 platinums video um not this year if you remember there was a year gap between part one and part two that's what we're gonna do for this time around obviously so nothing this year but uh assuming all goes according to plan yeah definitely gonna attempt one again next year um but you know recommendations obviously go a long way and uh you know it's always fun just reading that stuff but otherwise thank you so much for hanging out with me talking with me listening and if you haven't just yet please consider subscribing for the best PlayStation news reviews and updates that are here on YouTube you can also follow me on Twitter at Mystic Ryan and that is it I will see you all in my next video you take it easy [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Mystic
Views: 103,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5, PlayStation 5, PS5 games, PS5 gameplay, PS5 game play, PlayStation 5 gameplay, PS5 controller, DualSense, PS5 news, PS5 exclusives, PS5 rumors, PS5 rumor, Trophies, Trophy, Platinum trophies, Platinum Trophy, PSN Trophies, Hard Trophies, Difficult Trophies, DLC, DLC Trophies, Multiplayer Trophies, PSN, PS4, PlayStation 4
Id: ATPksywhxQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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