Here's How to Think Like a Farmer

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hi ladies oh oh so good morning e turkeys you guys thirsty [Music] we'll be back to see you guys a little bit later morning little one you gotta go back in come on let's go there you go howdy pigs all right lady are you not thirsty this morning there you go howdy big jen you're gonna let me get my your dish hey buddy here you go red there you go yeah we don't want that there you go john buddy morning pickers yeah oh the rush oh you guys can eat right here if you want morning pulitz how's your pulity day going hiya heifers how's your hay looks good to me and with that it's time for breakfast maybe it's not quite time for breakfast yet ezra is telling me it's time for his breakfast yeah okay here you go buddy now it's time for breakfast hi i'm pete and welcome to just a few acres farm well today's a little bit up in the air depending on the weather my hey guy might deliver the second half of my hay today but in any case we'll find things to do and the first thing we have to do is move those turkeys we gotta make some room here this is all essential stuff you know bits of wire broken insulators chains you gotta have chains on your tractor old pieces of gates it's all in here i've got you know my favorite rock gotta carry that today is the turkey's first weigh-in we're gonna see how they're doing kind of sprinkling a little bit out here that's fall we're gonna move these guys we've been dropping pasture boxes as our broilers are starting to dwindle down we've got two and a few left in that one and a lot of empty ones we got to move this one out of the way to move the turkeys over here and that will require this thing and you all have seen this part before we take down the fence from last week put it up in a new spot move the turkeys in so we'll start go get the trailer and hook it up bring it into the new pasture all the while trying not to run over turkey now before we move them into the new spot we're gonna weigh a small one and a big one and see where they're at and the way we do that is first we get a tear a hair weight on this tote two weights seven pounds here's a small one probably a hen they're always a lot smaller 23 and a half minus seven then we do a little math so the bird the bird in the crate weighs 23 and a half minus seven pounds for the tote sixteen and a half pounds times seventy percent point seven because that's live weight to dress weight we get eleven and a half pounds so there's one that's on the small end ready to butcher yeah now we'll try a large one here's a tom all right stop flapping all right 28 pounds minus 7 is 21 pounds 21 pounds times seven fourteen point seven these turkeys are ready to start butchering butcher palooza oh boy looks like we're gonna be butchering next week probably 75 of our turkey orders are for turkeys between 12 and 14 pounds most people just want smaller turkeys these days and then we have the other 25 percent mostly in the 15 to 17 pound range and then we get a few very few of 20 pounds to 23 pounds so next week we'll probably take about three quarters of these leave the rest as toms let them grow a little bit longer and then slaughter them this is how we control weight for what people order we do them frozen for thanksgiving because we have one batch and we want to harvest it just the right weights for our customer according to pre-orders we'll herd these guys into their new area come on turkeys there you go peaceful turkeys let's go guys i think they're shire on the electro net because it's been so hot since i fixed the fence come on come on come on let's go over you go come on guys and a few stragglers come on guys come in lots of good stuff in there come in here come on then we just put the rest of the fence up huh now it's really raining i didn't expect that there's something i want to show you guys over here look at this thing do you think it's one of our kids old balls that got left here and is partially deflated well nope it's not this is a puff ball and this one is huge it's past its prime you can't eat them but we do eat them um they are delicious they're like an intense buttery mushroom and the key is to get them when the flesh inside is still white and it's a lot firmer than this powdery stuff puffballs are mysterious like mushrooms we have them grow at various places in our yard and they're a delicacy but you gotta catch them when they're at the right stage my hay guy just called and he's gonna deliver the other half the bales today so i gotta move these tractors out of the barn however i don't know if i'm gonna be able to put the hay in the barn today because it drizzled here this morning i don't know if it drizzled where the hay is we'll see when it gets here whether it's dry i gotta move this little super a out of here it hasn't been started since last winter when i plowed snow with it and the battery's dead so it's the old armstrong starter we'll see yep it's a farm yeah the hydraulic levers aren't working my pump is lost in prime could be here in the system we'll see sometimes they get pressurized air built up now listen for the hiss before you take the plug all the way out no no air very low so we'll put some in and see what happens that fixed the problem i really need to do a maintenance on this tractor before there we go they're all lined up outside [Music] my hay guy delivered the first load bowl fails load four loads today that'll make 96 bales total more than enough that i need for a winner so let's put them in the bar that's it all my haze in for the winter and there's a lot of it i have barely enough room to get the md and h in here and i don't know what i'm gonna do with the super a over there i'll find a spot for it let me show you how much i got oh we'll see if we can climb up here get to the top of the pile somehow here maybe up this way should be about 160 bales in here a barn full of haze like a garage full of full freezers or a wood shed full of firewood it's security it's funny how farming changes the way you think you know the security that we have in the woodshed in the freezers and in the barn here represents a long-term security i remember when we used to go out shopping and we would go shopping every week and you know we had a refrigerator freezer that held very few or very little frozen food and now we're talking about storing up over a year's worth of supplies two years worth of heat five years worth of meat at least in the freezers if we had to feed ourselves a year and a half two years worth of hay here that kind of long-term security is important these days at least to me it is now i just got to figure out if i can get down the way i got up it's like when i was a kid and i used to climb trees and then have trouble getting down there we go well that's another milestone past getting ready for winter what's your what's your favorite thing about having a farm uh i think being home with our kids when they were younger and even now when they're older it's it's been good for that i think and you know i was getting ready to go back as a nurse to work when we started this and you know and you may still yeah yeah i mean yeah what's your least favorite thing about farming uh you know being outside in winter i don't really like being cold i think i'm about the only person who doesn't mind being out in the cold did you ever think that you would be a farmer when you were growing up no i didn't and honestly i didn't know a lot about uh farmers or farming i thought farming and farmers were a certain way and it was you know a man's world and it really wasn't for me oh like stereotypes yes stereotype oh my god i don't like that stereotype at all that farming is about men and if if their wives are on the farm then they're the little lady helping out and cooking dinner in the kitchen you know that i'm not i'm not at all cool with that i i hillary and i have think of ourselves as equal partners in the farm and most anything i can do hillary can do and vice versa i i'd like to break that gender stereotype as much as i can i that really that bugs me except for bailing hey i don't do that no you have a relationship with the baylor that i just can't possibly compete with it'll be like you're on no i'm not gonna work well i hope you enjoyed this video a couple things i mentioned last video i mentioned again phil's gonna be at farmer's market on saturday and i won't be there this saturday i'm going to the tractor pulls and hopefully i'm going to bring you all along with me the second is that we have a p.o box now uh should you want to send us anything yeah the the po box and the address is in the video description down below i hope you have a great day and i'll see you next time right right we'll see you next time we'll see you next time
Channel: Just a Few Acres Farm
Views: 102,451
Rating: 4.9739933 out of 5
Keywords: farm, farming, hobby farm, hobby farm guys, hobby farming for profit, homestead, how farms work, just a few acres farm, life on a farm, day on the farm, slow farming, busy day, farm day, dexter cattle, hay, farmer, think like a farmer, loading hay, turkeys, pastured poultry, puffball, woman farmer, chores
Id: kLRi776Pss0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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