Here's how to Create a 🔥 FIRE 🔥 Lead Magnet

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one of the most important things you can do to grow your business grow your brand grow your following grow your conversions like all the things is to grow your email list and one of the best ways to grow your email list is through a freebie or lead Magnet or whatever you want to call it that's going to get people to want the thing give you their email addresses and then get on your email list but people get hung up major big time here when I talk to like students or people in my DMs on Instagram or you guys here on YouTube about lead magnets and freebies there's always a lot of confusion and always a lot of I don't know what to create or I created this thing but my audience doesn't seem to want it so I thought we could have a little chat to talk about what actually goes into creating a really good lead magnet like a lead magnet that has people begging for it something that people just flock to sign up for because who doesn't want that hey howdy hey y'all what is uh my name is Jessica I am pumped that you are here um I am not normally someone who wears the same shirt in subsequent videos you know like back-to-back videos but my puppy dog is asleep do you see him right there nope that's my backpack that's not my dog the dog is back here somewhere he's asleep behind me and honestly if I get up to go get a shirt and change my shirt from film in the last video he's gonna wake up and then he's gonna want to go outside and then it's just it it's a whole thing so uh you're getting same shirt as last video and I don't want to hear nothing about it now that we have that established let's talk about lead magnets so I released this video a few weeks ago where I talked about this huge mistake that most business owners are making and that was not having and building an email list and I got a ton of questions about like how to build an email list and like all the things and the answer to that is a lead magnet the answer to that is that you want to give something away for free that would cause people to want to be on your email list you know and so you have to make there be a reason people are signing up and most of the time for 99 of you it's gonna be some kind of freebie some kind of lead magnet so what we're going to talk about today is like a traditional lead magnet like a workbook a PDF a checklist a template of some sort something like that that's going to entice people to give you their email address and get on your email list now you could build your email list with a ton of different ways like there could be webinars there could be the fact that you're writing an email once a week and people are signing up for it but just know that you have to give them a reason to sign up gone are the days when people just want to be on an email list like it's not a thing and I feel like I've done like most of these options like I've done checklists I've done templates I've done guides actually I have a free guide to help you create an irresistible lead magnet so if you want to know more once this video is over you can go to hey forward slash lead magnet and I will link that below to get that free guide but I've done all of these things like I've I've given away templates I've done all of this and I've grown my email list to tens of thousands of people and literally have thousands of people signing up for my email list and signing up for different lead magnets every single day week month year Okay so now that you know what a lead magnet is why you need one let's talk about how to create one that is going to be irresistible like I mentioned a second ago if you need more I do have a free guide to help you make an irresistible lead magnet hey forward slash lead Magnet or it's linked Below in the description all right number one the thing that if you get this wrong the rest of the stuff won't work the thing that is the most important to all your marketing the thing that most people forget about and miss and that is that you need to have a super awesome grasp on who your person is and what they struggle with if you do not know your person and what they struggle with you are not going to be able to create a lead magnet that anybody cares about heck you're not going to be able to create paid programs today I cares about because you have to know who your people are you have to know who they are what they struggle with their day-to-day all of these things or you cannot get in their minds to give them the thing that they might need so just a quick example here let's say that I'm like oh I talk to business owners and that's as far as I go I talk to business owners and my program is about how to start a business right but I don't have a super awesome grasp on who these people are and what they're struggling with so I'm just going to create lead magnets that lead into starting a business because that's what I sell so maybe I create a lead magnet about all the steps to starting a business like literally like a one two three four of how you start a business like you're gonna have to go to the courthouse and like file a doing business as form or you're gonna have to do this to start an LLC or like whatever let's say that's what I create but the people don't actually want that those are things they can find on the internet what they're struggling with is that they don't know how to start a business while working a full-time job and what would have been a better thing for me to give them as a lead magnet would be a guide on how to do that or a template for something that's going to help them manage their hours like a Trello templates that's going to help them manage things or click up template or something like that that would have been more enticing to them if they're struggling with trying to balance starting a business with working you know full-time but because I didn't get in their heads I didn't truly know them and I didn't really care what they were struggling with I just assumed I knew them and I went with what I thought they would want and then nobody signed up for it like that is the case with 99 of the freebies SE out there is that people think they know what these people want but they don't actually know because they don't have a true grasp on who the person is and what they're are struggling with okay so number one you have to know your people you have to know your people and you have to know what they're struggling with or you cannot do any of this number two this lead magnet has to be quick to consume y'all you cannot make like a hundred page workbook that's gonna take somebody you know five years to like actually do the thing because that is going to intimidate them from the jump and they're either not going to sign up for it or if they sign up for it they're not going to do it and if they don't do it if they don't use it then it's going to take them longer to trust you and it's going to be something that's going to be like a little sticking point between you and the person because the whole point of building the email list is that you're getting people who are qualified leads to buy your things so if you give them lead magnets that they get into them and they're like this is stupid why would I take the time to do this then they're going to feel that way about your paid programs and they're not going to buy them so you have to make them quick to consume they have to be quickies y'all literally everything that I mentioned a minute ago can be something that's quick to consume a workbook a guide these can be two three four five pages super easy for people to consume a checklist a PDF like a one sheet a template for some kind of program so like a template for click up a template for Trello make it quick and easy to consume or use all right and third thing that's going to help you create a fire lead magnet okay and this is like super super key so obviously number one key thing was to like really know your people number two key thing is to make it quick it's got to be a quickie it's got to be easy this thing is super super key too okay and that is that it has to help them shortcut something it has to be a shortcut it has to help them shortcut their time their knowledge or their energy so if it's shortcutting their time it's saving the them time if it's shortcutting their knowledge it's saving them the the mental Taxation and or the time to learn something if it's saving their energy it's saving the energy that they would have had to take to go out in the world and find out this stuff on their own but either way you have to create a shortcut for them this thing has to help them shortcut their time knowledge or energy or they will not care to do it this is why things like phone backgrounds or desktop backgrounds they work because technically they do shortcut your energy and your time from having to create it yourself but that's not really getting in the emotion of somebody you really have to get in to who your person is and what they're struggling with to understand how you can shortcut their time and their energy and their knowledge so every YouTube video that I put out in some way I need to help you shortcut your time energy or knowledge right every piece of content I put out every everything I put out that's kind of the goal and with a lead magnet that should always be the goal okay I'm gonna check three boxes is this what my person actually wants and needs yes awesome perfect cool is it quick to consume yes awesome perfect cool will it help them save time save energy or shortcut their way to something they didn't know before yes cool if you can check all three of those boxes you have a lead magnet that people are going to crawl all over if you feel like you have created a lead magnet and it does check all these boxes but it doesn't get downloads there could be like a couple things going wrong one you could maybe not have enough traffic flowing to that lead magnet right like maybe you don't have a big enough audience to get people to that lead magnet maybe you don't have enough people coming through like the process and actually seeing the lead magnet that could be all it is or it could be that you think you're doing these three things and you're not it could be that you think you know your person but you don't it could be that you need to get on the phone with your person it could be that you need to you know really talk to them about what they need and have them tell you in their own words what they're struggling with it could be that the thing you created is not quick to consume it could be that the thing that you created does not help them save time or energy or time learning something so be real with yourself like doesn't actually check these boxes especially if you've created it and nobody is signing up now if you've made it this far and you're excited to like take what you just learned and create a really awesome lead magnet that's going to drive sales and all the things to your business comment below just with like a fire Emoji I want to like flood the comments with a fire Emoji because we're about to create fire lead magnets we're about to be on fire our email list is about to grow so fast it starts a fire lots of things fire Emoji in the comments below and like I said a second ago if you do want to take this a little bit further learn a little bit more about creating an irresistible lead magnet I've got that free guide for you it's hey forward slash lead magnet I'll link it below but I can't wait to see what y'all do and put out in the world it's gonna be amazing by all
Channel: Hey Jessica
Views: 2,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create a lead magnet, how to grow your email list, how to create a freebie, what should I create for a freebie, email marketing tips, email marketing
Id: zKxB5hW3vWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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