Here's how I DOUBLED my FPS in Grayzone Warfare (Maximize Visibility & FPS) Settings Guide

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so one of the biggest complaints people have with gray on warfare is obviously the performance issues when I first loaded into the game I was averaging around 40 FPS and after some tweaking and fine-tuning of the graphics settings I'm now sitting anywhere from 80 to 120 FPS depending on what area of the map I'm on so I figured I'd share my Graphics settings with you guys and hopefully be able to help some of you get your game running a lot better all right so jumping right into this as you guys can see in the top right hand corner of the screen my FPS is averaging a little bit over a 100 right now I had to come into a shady area so you can see but if we walk around if we look at different places on the map it's going to jump up and down a lot that's just the downside of the game being in Early Access that's why I say I average anywhere between 80 and 120 FPS but it does jump below and above that it's very unstable right now it's unfortunate but this is the best we got and we just kind of got to deal with it right now so basically all I'm going to do is go through my graphic settings and show you guys what I have so hopefully it'll help some of you get a little bit better frame rate for context here I do have a 3080 TI and a ryen 5900 x 12 gig graphics card and 12 core processor so just keep in mind that unfortunately this game does kind of require some good Hardware to play so if you have an older PC build and some lower-end parts you're probably not going to be able to play this game very well so if you're on the fence about buying gry Zone and you have an older PC I would just wait a while until the game is better optimized all right so jumping over to the graphics tab one thing that I like is when you make a change you can see it in the game so if you see right here when we change Shadow quality you can see the mountain changing a little bit we're going to go from top to bottom and I'm going to go through everything with you guys so you can see how I'm getting decent frames so up top obviously you're going to want to make sure you're on the correct monitor if you're not then you're going to have some issues Window mode you're going to want to make sure this is full screen and full screen only if you're in window or window full screen you're not going to be be able to maximize FPS I don't know the science behind all of this I'm just telling you guys what works for me obviously make sure your display resolution is matched to whatever your monitor is and then we've got some settings down here that are kind of just personal preference I've got my fov set to 65 vsync is off and then all of these I haven't touched frame rate limit I've got mine set to unlimited but feel free to play around with this and maybe you can match it to your monitor's refresh rate and then frame rate limit in the background this is going to be like when you alt tab I have this set to 30 which is I believe the lowest it is I have this set to 30 because when I alt tab I don't want this game running at 100 frames per second for no reason when I'm not even in the game so I've just got mine set to 30 all right so moving into the quality section of the graphics basically I'm going to have everything set to low except for shadow qualities we kind of went through this a second ago but if you look at the mountain right here when you drop this down to low it makes the mountain a little bit darker and when you go up to high it brightens it up a little bit which is is going to be a little bit easier to see other players if you're out in the world I've played around with this I don't really see a huge difference in quality or performance whether this is on high or low so I'd rather set mine to high and be able to see a little bit better but again everything else Global illumination texture resolution effects quality Reflections quality foliage quality I have everything set to low obviously you can play around with this stuff and as you can see in the background like let's look at this bush right here we change this from low to medium and then from medium to high and it's going to change a little bit but for me personally this game I just need the most amount of frames as possible because it all matters when you're out in the world so I've got everything set to low except for shadow qualities I know sometimes using a little bit higher texture resolution will actually give you more frames depending on your Hardware in a game like escape from tarov if I'm at low on texture resolution I get less frames than I would if I was on medium but I'm currently on load this is what works for me and I haven't really changed it since now moving down into postprocessing I don't think I've really messed with anything here too much other than sharpening obviously you're going to want to turn motion blur off because who needs motion blur I guess unless you're making like a cinematic video or something um I do have my sharpening turned up to about 30 you could do whatever you want with this obviously you can see it in the background the higher you go the more sharp it is I found that 30 works pretty good for me postprocessing I have set to load and a quick little tip whatever you hover over down here in the bottom it is going to tell you exactly what it does so if you're unsure about something just hover over it and it will tell you down below color blind mode I have off I think if you change this it's just basically going to change how everything looks in the world I don't know if this is going to have an effect on performance but I think the game looks great as it is so I just leave that off if you have it on you can change the color blind mode strength right here so whatever you want it to be so let's say we've got it at 10 and we want to use this one we can hit this and we can change how vibrant it is but I just leave mine off now moving down to the advanced portion this is going to be the most important thing that you're going to do a lot of you when you get into the game for the first time are going to have extremely low frame rates and it's all going to depend on what kind of Hardware you have so basically if you have a Nvidia 3000 Series or below you're going to want to set any alias to FSR this is basically going to double your frame rate almost immediately I know it did for me first time I got in the game I was at like 40 frames and then when I walked out of Base it dropped all the way down to like 10 it was awful terrible did some research found out that if you set this to FSR it is going to help a lot if you have an Nvidia 4000 series card everybody is saying you're going to want to use dlss but I can't confirm if this works you're just going to have to go off of of what other people are saying honestly but they say if you have a 4,000 card set it to dlss now obviously if I apply this and go back out using my 3080 TI you can see we've dropped all the way down to like 50 to 70 so dlss just does not work for me we go back in here change this to FSR apply the changes and we go back you can see we are over 100 so this is going to be the biggest thing you guys want to make sure that when you get into the game make sure this is set to FSR I'm pretty sure the devs did a hot fix to where they made it FSR by default but if you're getting low frames double check this and make sure this is on one thing that kind of goes along with that is going to be the Fidelity frame generation you want to make sure this is on as well and then I have Nvidia reflex low latency on also I haven't tested this with it off but the game runs pretty good for me so I haven't really messed with any settings and then the last thing that is important is going to be your Fidelity FX super resolution I use native AA a lot of people say use quality or balance but when I switch over to balance obviously I still have a decent frame rate but everything looks really really grainy I don't know if you guys can tell over here on YouTube but when I look at this wall right here it's just very grainy and when I move back and forth it just it doesn't look very good and then I've also tested it as well on quality and I still get that graininess and it just doesn't look very good when I'm moving around the tip of my gun just looks very very bad and very rough but when I switch over to Native AA everything looks super crisp smooth obviously not perfect but that is just what works for me so I would say as long as you have all of these other settings right play around with the super resolution and just figure out what works best for you I would personally prefer frames over quality but there is a fine line that I like to ride and I want to make sure I have the best quality possible with the most amount of frames possible all right so that's going to do it that is my settings hopefully this video helps some of you guys out I know there's a ton of settings videos on YouTube but I figured if somebody had similar PC specs to me they could just copy my settings and maybe it would work good for them if you're copying somebody else's settings that has a completely different graphics card or CPU or whatever from you it might not work as well for you but if you have similar specs to me maybe this will help you out anyways I hope you guys are having an absolute blast in gry zone I know me personally I am loving this game and I really hope these settings help you guys out but other than that I'll see you in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Slickums
Views: 17,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oHQtg2MEM4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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