Here I Stand: The Life and Legacy of Martin Luther (2002) | Full Movie | Wink Martindale

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[Music] the ancestors of Martin Luther were called Garuda they lived near the little village of mirror in the Thuringian mountains about 120 miles southwest of modern beddini they were sturdy honest hard-working and peasants I am the son of a peasant my father my grandfather and all my ancestors were genuine peasants afterwards my father turned out to be a miner despite his humble origins Martin's father hunts Buddha married MacArthur linden daughter of a middle-class family from Heisenberg gelinda mana family tradition included education hans and margaret deluder moved to the little town of ice Laban where on November 10 1483 a son was born to them he was baptized on the following day receiving the name of the saint of that day Martinus [Applause] soon after Martin's birth Hans Luda moved his family to Mansfeld to improve their financial condition there he found working the - in its quaint old town perched on the side of the steep mountain Martin Luther was reared in poverty and hardship Martin had three younger brothers and three younger sisters they lived here however only one brother the three sisters survived to adulthood my father was a poor miner and my mother carried the wood from the forest on her back they both worked their flesh off their bones in order to bring up their children the home is typical of the times his parents were harsh disciplinarians they ruled with the rod my mother once beat me up with a cane for stealing a nut until the blood came such strict discipline drove me to the monastery although she meant well my father once taught me so cruelly that I fled away from him and came to bear a grudge against him it was a long time until he again won my confidence yet Luther was deeply devoted to his parents always seeking their approval and Mansfeld his wife's relatives hunts quickly climbed to the ownership in partnership several mines smelters by 1491 he was highly respected at mines felt invited to the castle become a member of the City Council Martin Luther's family attended this parish church announcement his training was marked by a deep-rooted piety his mother shared the common and crude superstitions of the time when one of her sons died she blamed the neighbor certain that she was a witch and Hans had joined seeking a special indulgence for his parish church his parents desired to bring up their children in the fear of the Lord it was fear indeed that was implanted into the young mind of Martin Luther popular religion of his day was by no means a source of joy and happiness the presented Christ not as a friend of sinners but the frightening Avenger from early childhood I was accustomed to turn pale and tremble whenever I heard the name of Christ even mentioned for I was taught to look upon him as a stern and wrathful judge we were taught that we ourselves had to atone for our sins and since we could not make sufficient amends or do acceptable works our teachers directed us to the saints in heaven and made us call upon Mary the mother of Christ and importer to avert from us Christ's wrath and make him inclined to be merciful to us he also prayed to Saint Anna the mother of the Virgin Andrew st. George special patron saint of the city of Mons phone when Martin was five years old he was sent to the Latin School in Mansfeld where barbaric teaching methods of Middle Ages still reigned with help from his rod the schoolmaster hammered into the young minds the ten commandments the Lord's Prayer the Apostles Creed reading writing and Latin grammar in 1497 age 14 Luther left Mansfeld a boarding school that Magda born a year later his father sent Martin to eisenach which was closer to home also on father hunts hoped relatives of his wife who lived there would take interest in Martin they did not at school Martin had to sing beg for his daily bread just as he had done in Magdeburg embarrassed and discouraged he often thought of returning home to Mansfeld and becoming a miner like his father Oh Frau Kota the wife of a wealthy merchant tonight and I noticed Martin's strong voice singing in church and in her courtyard she took a liking to him and offered him a place at her table and in her family at the stately old house facing the marketplace and eisenach Martin loved music and did well playing the lute by now Hans Luda began to have ambitious plans with his son Martin would study law as lawyer Martin would have a secure future would be able to provide for himself his siblings and his parents by now financial condition of France Saluda was materially improving owing to his industry and thrift he had moved to a new house he was now in a position to support his son's education Hans decided to send Martin to study law at Erfurt in the summer of 1501 at the age of 18 Martin Luther X months felt entered the University of Erfurt founded a hundred years earlier in 1392 it was then one of the most prestigious in Germany here Luther lived and studied logic dialectics rhetoric and philosophy Marvin's talents were evident soon they were calling him the philosopher [Music] at the university library he saw the complete Latin Bible Martin had never seen a Bible he was astonished to find many more text than were contained in the prayer books or read in the churches from then on he longed to have his own Bible and prayed that God would provide it for him in 1502 he received Bachelor of philosophy and in 1505 Master degree second in a class of 17 candidates he was now ready to enter his law studies with every expectation to a distinguished and prosperous career [Music] during his years and effort as a fledgling law student Martin began to have doubts about the status of his soul then on 2nd July 1505 when returning to the University after a brief holiday with his parents he was caught with terrorists just outside lightning struck [Music] holy M help me help me and I will become a monk he was spared but he had made a vow it had to be carried out it was hard greater the sacrifice more meritorious the obedience the violent storm radically changed the future for Martin Luther on July 16 1505 fellow students gathered in Martin Luther's room at Erfurt then Luther startled his friends today you will see me for the last time for tomorrow I shall become among peals of laughter greeted this announcement it was a good joke when Luther insisted it was no joke his friends implored him to change his mind he did not the next day he gave away all his possessions then asked his friends to escort him to the cloister of the observant Augustinians as the heavy cloister doors closed behind him said goodbye to the world when he heard about this Hans Luda was beside himself all his hopes were shattered all the sacrifices he and his wife made for so many years were wasted a man of good common sense and accustomed to hard work Hans had not much use for what he considered ignorant and lazy friars and monks when Martin insisted that he was following a divine command his father indignantly replied god forbid but you're misled by a devilish deception did you never read that a son is to honor his father and mother Luthor's Augustinian order demanded rigorous obedience and fervent devotion to the Virgin Mary he assumed the most money needs officers who subdued his pride beg in the streets and submitted without a murmur with a severe demand is a monastic life for each of the seven appointed hours of Prayer Martin would recite the Lord's Prayer 25 times along with Martin regularly confessed his sins to the priest at least once a week Luther's prayer for a Bible was answered when his superior Johann punished opiates for a complete flattened Bible in Martin's hands at the end of his probationary year Martin fell upon his knees and bow by freighter Martinez confess and pledged obedience to God Almighty and to the Holy Virgin Mary to the prior of this monastery and to the General Order of Saint Augustine to live without property in chastity and in obedience to the rules of st. Augustine as long as I live Martin Luther prostrated himself on the floor in the form of across while the Assembly chanted prayers of consecration and when he arose he was among Luther was a sincere earnest and conscientious monk his main motive was concerned for his salvation [Music] who was conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius he observed every detail of discipline no one surpassed him in prayer fasting night watches and self-mortification he did not simply engage in these practices he pursued them to the point of exhaustion no wonder he was already held up as a model of sanctity he would later write if ever a monk got to heaven by mockery I would have gotten there but he found no peace and rest in his soul the scriptures impressed upon him the terrors of divine justice [Music] his sin weighed heavily was crushing him one particular sentiment the sinful nature that pervaded his entire being brought him to the brink of despair the inner pain intensified his Martin Luther approached the ceremony of his ordination [Music] at 23 the second year of monastic life Luther was ordained to the priesthood on 2nd May 15:07 he said his first mass he was so overwhelmed by the solemnity of the offering that he nearly fainted at the altar his father Hans came to the mass and gave a gift of money even though he could not accept Martin's monasticism and the two remained basically unreconciled Luther continued it a voted monk he read Mass every morning every week he invoked 21 Saints as his helpers 3 every day [Music] Elector Frederick the wise ruler of Saxony wanted his own University in 1502 he founded the University of Wittenberg it was a town of 400 long straw thatched houses with under 3,000 poor and unlettered people who would have guessed before long Wittenberg had become one of the most renowned seats of learning in Europe it was here that Martin Luther would spend most of his life and do most of his work [Music] because the income of the new university was small Frederick the wise use priests from the two local churches as professors of the University he also expected the Augustinian monastery in Wittenberg would furnish the number of teachers the appointed vicar general of the monastery dr. Stockman's Dean of the theological faculty as early as 1508 Frederick the wise invited Luther to Wittenberg to teach moral philosophy even though now our professor Luther still struggled in his soul nothing he did they didn't feel they could stand before God he read in Romans 1:17 the righteous shall live by faith he knew he was not righteous I hated that word the righteousness of God by which I had been taught according to the custom and use of all teachers that God is righteous and punishes the unrighteous sinner but Lothar would not quit he kept going to confess the stout Lex Luther exhausted stout picks with his frequent angry with God don't you know that God commands you to hope then a turning point came one day in 1511 while Lutheran's outfits were sitting under a tree in a garden near the Augustinian monastery stop it's suggested montanus you should work for your doctorate Luther objected strength would fail me it will be the death of me stop it said a witty response quite all right do you not know that God has plenty of work for wise and clever men like you to do in heaven if you should die you will be his adviser thus against his will the bright young Luther was encouraged to become a doctor of theology I was compelled to become a doctor without any initiative of my own but out of pure obedience most scholars in those days did not complete their doctorate until the age of 40 or older Luther received this honor at the age of 28 on 18th October 1512 [Music] what I began as a doctor I must truly confess to the end of my life I cannot keep silent or cease to teach Luther now taught theology at the Vidhan burg university leukorrhea but by theology he meant the theology of the Bible and preferred to be called Doctor of Holy Scriptures instead of doctor of theology it was during this period of fifteen fifteen to fifty nineteen that Luther's understanding of God was radically shaken mostly through his intensive study of a New Testament book of Romans he discovered that the Bible spoke of the grace of God as a free gift and not through sacraments our good works as I meditated day and night on the words as it is written the righteous person shall live by faith I began to understand that the righteous person lives by the gift of a passive righteousness by which the merciful God justifies us by faith this immediately made me feel as though I had been born again and as though I had entered through open gates into paradise itself God accepts Christ's righteousness which is alien to our nature as our own though God does not actually remove our sins we are at the same time righteous and sinful he no longer counts our sins against us and now where I had once hated the phrase the righteousness of God I began to love and extol it as the sweetest of phrases so that this passage in Paul became the very gate of paradise to me [Music] by the year 15 to being a professor at the University of Wittenberg Luther also assumed the priesthood at the city church soon luther observed that many people in Wickenburg were not coming to the church for confession of their sins instead they were going to buy indulgences according to the Catholic catechism indulgences are documents prepared by the church and received by individuals either for themselves or in behalf of the Dead and serve as payment on the debt which the sinner owes to God through its priests the church offers forgiveness and absolution is your conclusion but only the guilt and the eternal punishment of forgiven ministers and thus - remains the temporal punishment to be bullied by the synonyms this temporal punishment can be reduced by performing pilgrimages prayers and other deeds of penance prescribed by the church since these deeds cannot be discharged fully in this life so after death must pass through a cleansing process in purgatory because the church holds the treasure of the merits of all the saints the church could reduce our even remit altogether this punishment through indulgences these indulgences can be obtained not only for the living also for the dead would be released from purgatory after a certain period though seldom offered it is also possible to obtain a plenary or total indulgence that would release a person from purgatory altogether [Music] this release from purgatory was on sale by Pope Leo the 10th also called Giovanni de Medici appointed a cardinal at the age of 13 the son of the Medici family ascended the papal throne at age 38 he spent freely and soon was in financial trouble to raise funds 2,000 church offices including those of bishops and Cardinals were offered for sale in addition the sale of indulgences provided Pope Leo another source of income he issued an indulgence for special sale in Germany where archbishop Albrecht a Brandenburg was deep in debt after he purchased multiple offices from the Pope so a partnership for sale of indulgences was forged between the Pope and the fogers the rich bankers of Alex Berg for collection of money the dominican Johann Tetzel promoted the indulgences forgiveness for any and every sin either actually committed or only contemplated could be purchased the souls of the departed ones could be redeemed immediately the popular jingle went as soon as the coin in the coffer rings the soul from purgatory Springs Tetzel was good at his job and described in the most dreadful colors the torments of purgatory he played upon the sympathy the noble sentiments and the fears of simple heroes listen to the voices of your dear dead relatives and friends beseeching you in saying hideous hideous we are in dire torment which you admittance Luther was indignant he knew by now that forgiveness could not come through human effort and he was equally sure it could not be bought after reading an instruction manual for indulgences traitors Luther attacked the indulgences trade by letter through his superiors from the pulpit and he called for scholarly debate on the matter by drafting the ninety-five arguments or theses when on the 31st day of October 1517 Martin Luther posted his theses to the castle Church at Wittenberg he had no preconceived plans he saw a great moral and religious wrong and he rose to fight as was common practice and such scholarly documents by writing in latin ordinarily such an invitation to academic debate was no big deal but this style was different Luther unintentionally there's a powder petraeus yo.hannes of Nurenberg published translations of the theses into the common language and spread the message across Germany within two weeks quetzals cash receipts fell off perceptibly he was infuriated Luther backed by the power of the Pope Tetzel sent a box of counter theses to Wittenberg soon it was fear that the insolent monk Martin Luther would soon be burned just as only about twenty years earlier Savonarola in Italy had been punished for his preaching undaunted Luther displayed a similar audacity when he preached his sermon on the church though by excommunication a Christian can be separated from the visible Church but not from the communion of the true Church of God and of his saints when Pope Leo first heard of Luther's ninety-five theses he did not take it too seriously they brushed them off with the common Oh some drunken German has written them as soon as he is sober again he will speak differently but the drunken German had not become sober Pope Leo began to see that action was needed in the beginning of August he summoned Luther to Rome within sixty days to answer the charge of heresy Luther knew to go to Rome would mean death so he petitioned the elector Frederick the wise who requested the trial be held in Germany George spalatin the confidential secretary of collect otherwise was a close friend of Luther's spalatin had strong influence with Frederick and that secured Frederick's protection but even though he never met Luther personally through Frederick's effort Luther was granted a hearing before the papal legate at Augsburg which ironically took place in the same Bank as indulgences however Luther was warned from many places in Germany to stay away from outs Bert as plots were being hatched to ambush and kill him on his way or poison him if he made it to Augsburg the papal legates Cardinal Keaton had received special instructions from the Pope if Martin Luther does not recant arrest the Sun of wickedness and his followers and send them to Rome under strong guard everyone who should dare to house or shield her in any way either openly or privately protect / assist or counsel Martin Luther should be severely punished Martin Luther obeyed the command of the head of the church he proceeded to Augsburg now I must die oh the disgrace that I heap upon my poor parents as he neared the city his faith was less shaken I am firm the Lord's will be done even in Augsburg in the midst of his enemies Christ reigns may Christ live and Martinez died on October 12th in Augsburg Luther met the papal legate Cardinal kajita who presented three demands from the Pope in the first place you should revoke your errors secondly you should promise never to teach them again and thirdly you are in the future to refrain from anything that might disturb the Peace of the church when asked to show him specific errors cajeta n-- singled out to feces when Luther began to discuss them the cotton impatiently cut him off revoke go away revoke or do not come again before my eyes in the dead of night small gate in the city wall was open for Luther too steep on October 31st exactly one year after the posting of the theses of the Catholic Church Luther returned safely to Vinton Berg who Hayden demanded from the electorate Frederick the wise the Luther be sent prisoner to Rome at least banished from his home country but Frederick refused he insisted on a fair trial before impartial judges Luther prepared for the worst by appealing to a general counsel of the Holy Roman Empire Luther and everyone else feared his excommunication but Rome hesitated the agitation in Germany was too wide to allow for summary proceedings it was decided to make one more attempt to silence the German beast this time in a different way [Music] the fame of hidden Berg University now attracted hundreds of students and scholars from all parts of Germany dr. Luther of course was the greatest strong card in 1518 Philipp Melanchthon had joined the faculty at age 21 he was a veritable prodigy and learning next to that of Luther the name that stands out most conspicuously in the whole history of the Reformation in Germany is melanchthon Luther was the great reformer and leader - the teacher of Germany the two became close even though they were different in almost every way they wonderfully complemented each other I prefer the books of Magister Philippa stew my own I am rough moist stormy altogether Warwick I'm born to fight against in rural monsters and devils I must remove stumps and stones cut away thistles and thorns and clear the wild forests but Magister Philippa comes along softly engine sewing and watering with joy according to the gifts which God has abundantly bestowed upon him back at the city church at Wittenberg Luther had promised to remain silent on the controversial questions if his opponents would refrain from attacking him and he meant to keep his word but it wasn't long before another confrontation On June 27 1519 Professor X of English stunts challenged Luther to dispute with him at Leipzig Luther saw that his disagreement with Rome was far more extensive than he expected Luther now went beyond indulgences for Tetzel sale of indulgences and challenged the very right of the Pope to issue indulgences for five full days Eck and Luther argued the important question of the 13th thesis about the supremacy of the Pope and the Roman Church I admit that it is necessary for the church to have a head but this head is Christ himself Eck was quick to draw the logical inferences of this assertion if it be correct then adherence to the Roman Church was not necessary to salvation but this doctrine was the Bohemian poison of John us the Council of Constance had already condemned John HUS and burned him at the stake then Luther uttered the most decisive words of the whole disputation it does not matter whether Wickliffe or HUS has taught this truth it could not be condemned no Christian can be compelled to hold any doctrine which is not contained in the Holy Scriptures clearly Luther had struck at the heart of the Roman Church he questioned not only the Pope the church councils Ezra Counsel's may hear and have aired only the Bible is infallible hex reply was courteous and cold Reverend Father if you hold that a lawful counsel representing the Holy Catholic Church can err I must consider you a heathen and a publican a simple layman armed with the scriptures was superior to both Pope and councils without them such radical statement earned Luther a papal bull a document that threatened excommunication it was issued by Pope Leo the 10th on 15th June 15 20 in this bowl called at Sergei Domini Pope Leo condemned Luther's teachings and called him a wild boar who had invaded the Lord's out of the woods to waste it and a peculiar beast does devour it it is prohibited in any way to lead quote preach commend print publish or defend the writings of Luther a diligent search should be made for said writings and that they be publicly and solemnly burned in the presence of the clergy and the people as to Martinus himself if he does not repent cut him and his followers off as withered branches not abiding in Christ all faithfulness teams are required under penalty of excommunication to arrest him and send him to Rome an interdict will be pronounced on any place harboring Luther led by Johannes Bugan Hagen Luther's other supporters in Vidhan Berg refused to accept the bull as genuine elector Frederick the wise insisted that his professor should not be condemned without a trial before impartial judges the Elector asks the famous humanist Erasmus for his opinion on the matter and received a trenchant replied luther has sinned in two respects he touched the crown of the Pope and the stomach's of the monks Luther wrote to his close friend spalatin at last the Roman bull brought by egg has arrived I shall act as if it were a forged bill although I believe that it is genuine how do I wish that Emperor Charles were a man and would go for those Satan's in the name of Christ I have no fears as to my own person God's will be done Luther by now had a strong following but one who could not go down the road with him any further was his dear cops veteran confessor dr. stumped its whom Luther called his father in the gospel stomp it's resigned as vicar general of the Augustinians and retired to the court of the Archbishop of Salzburg he was forced to subscribe to the condemnation of the doctrines of his former friend stop it's spent the rest of his days in seclusion as an unhappy moment meanwhile Luther replied to the boo boo I addressed you Leo the 10th and your Cardinals of Rome and to your face I freely say I exhort and admonish you in the Lord to repent and to make an end of these diabolical blasphemies Luther now could not retreat it would violate his conscience and besides it would mean certain death Luther decided that his safety lay in an act of unprecedented defiance the Pope had demanded that the writings of the monk should be learned so the monk responded by publicly burning the writings of the Pope on 10th December 1520 at this tree a large pyre was erected most of the professor's and nearly all the students the crowd of citizens gathered Martin Luther stepped forward he placed the papal constitutions on top of the pyre one of the teachers by the torch as the flames were leaping heaven wood Luther exclaimed because they us trouble Christ the Holy One of the Lord may eternal fire consume thee Luther through the bowl of excommunication into the fire was to him a sacred act he quietly left and returned to his cell where he wrote a tract why the books of the Pope and his disciples were burned by dr. Martin Luther Luther's act was an effect separation from Rome there was a declaration of independence from the Pope on 3rd January 1521 the Pope issued the final bull of excommunication Luther and his followers the Lutheran's were cut off from the church and given to eternal perdition a bull commanded the Emperor and all Prince's to punish him as a heretic including the death decree [Music] in the summer of 1520 Luther wrote perhaps his three most important treatises the first letters to the Christian nobility argue that all Christians are priests and urged rulers to implement the necessary reforms of the church the second on the Babylonian captivity of the church reduced the seven sacraments to three then later to only two baptism and the Lord's Supper moreover he radically changed the character of these sacraments the third on freedom of a Christian proclaimed that Christians were free from the laws of the church and bound only in love to their neighbors meanwhile on 28 June 1519 king of Spain was elected as emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation that also made him the German emperor but he did not know the German language he had not even set foot in Germany he scarcely knew the German princes or their names so he desperately needed to woo them in January 1521 he convened an Imperial of debt in the city of worlds on the Upper Rhine to meet the German princes the papal nuncio a yonder presented the Pope's excommunication of Luther and called for his execution there are statements in Luther's writing sufficient on account of them for the burning of several thousand heretics since the Pope has already passed judgment it is unnecessary to call the reprobate monk before the deity but to everyone's surprise the deity summoned Luther to appear within 21 days to defend his writings he was promised safe passage for his travel to voters would Luther go he recalled the fate of John Huss who was burned at the stake by Emperor Sigismund after he was promised safe passage he also remembered the death of Savonarola Luther knew that his own writings were burned by command of the Emperor of the Netherlands with Charles keep his word once Luthor was within his grasp a few months earlier when elector Frederick had asked his monk if he was willing to come to forms of summoned Luther had answered if I am called I shall go and if I am too sick to go I shall have them carry me it is wrong to doubt that God calls me when the emperor calls before going Luther Amon to Melanchthon if I do not return and my enemies murder me I conjure you dear brother to persevere and teaching the truth if you remain I could well be spared of course Rome wanted the trial over with as quickly as possible in fact Rome advised no trial was necessary it was only in order to pacify the unruly Germans but Luther was given another opportunity to recant if he did not was to be condemned every detail was arranged every question prepared but when Luther left Wittenberg to attend the diat he was convinced he would finally get the hearing he had requested in 1517 Luther's journey to worms became like a triumphant procession whose climax was a rapturous welcome when he arrived at 4 o'clock in the afternoon on the day after his arrival he appeared before the deity in awe Luthor stood before the emperor charles v an eyewitness reported the emperor was seated on a chair of state which was covered with gold brocade and overhung by a canopy of the same material on one side were seated all the electors and on the other the Cardinals spacious Hall was filled every eye was fixed upon Luther in the midst was a table with a pile of balls the clerk demanded to know if Luther had written these books and if he would recant their contents taken aback he'd expected a debate not a judicial hearing Luther it seemed confused stumbled back for another day this touches God and His Word this affects the salvation of souls I beg you give me time this reply was unexpected the Romanist were provoked they wanted judgment pronounced at once Luther's friends were perplexed some feared that he was intimidated and perhaps wavering [Applause] finally her a spite of one day was granted back in his quarters he wrote so long as Christ is merciful I will not recant a single jot or tittle the next day other proceedings the deity delayed Luther's return until evening darkness approached torches were being that the hall was even more crowded than on the previous day April 18 1521 once again the peasant son stood before the most August assembly in the world the prosecutor once again pressed Luther will you defend these books all together or do you wish to recant some of what you have said it was a critical moment in a firm clear voice he spoke first in Latin and upon request also in German some are about the Christian faith and good works and these I certainly wouldn't retract some attack the papacy and to retract these would be to encourage tyranny finally in some I talk about the individuals and perhaps too harshly but still these couldn't be retracted because these people defended papal tyranny then the examiner declared you must give a simple clear and proper answer will you recant or not Luther stood firm if convicted I am willing and ready to revoke any error and shall be the first one to tour my books into the fire loofa was told that his errors were nothing new and consequently needed no discussion they were the old errors of vie cliff and HUS condemned long ago by the Council of Constance they examine oppressed again will you revoke these errors we desire a plain answer without horns or without cover unless I can be instructed and convinced with evidence from the Holy Scriptures or by clear and distinct grounds of reasoning then I cannot and will not recant because it is neither safe nor wise to act against conscience here I stand I cannot do otherwise god help me amen [Music] Oh [Music] since Luther refused to recant the data firms condemned him as a notorious heretic he sadly laughing I am finished Luther was dismissed but not arrested the Emperor upheld Luther's safe conduct that guaranteed him 21 days of safe travel through the land on April 25 1521 Luther and the princes who supported him left buzzed and headed home a month later on May 25 1521 the fiercest edict ever issued by a German emperor pronounce the ban of the Empire over Luther and all his sympathizers declaring Luther and outlaw this edict was issued in the name of the German emperor and of the German princes yet it was not authorized by the deert it was never even submitted to the deity but in order to make it appear legitimate it was stated back to May 8th Luther and all his sympathizers were outlawed wherever Luther is found he is to be arrested or even killed whoever dares to assist Luther in any way does so at his own risk Luther's followers are to be driven from their homes and all their belongings can be appropriated by whoever desires to possess them but where was Luther no one knew one thing was certain he had not returned to Wittenberg some rumors declared the papist said murdered him others that an enemy of the elector held him captive others heard his corpse had been found in an abandoned mine today in a narrow ravine near badly Bernstein in the Thuringian mountains where the road winds up a hill through a dense forest of birch trees stands the trunk of an old weather-beaten lightning struck birch called the Lutheran nearby a monument commemorates what took place here on a dark evening in April 1521 here Luther was kidnapped but kidnapped by a friend for his own safety a few days later was known in the little city of eisenach but the castle towering above the city hosted a noble guests would arrive late one night and company with the Lord of the castle they called him you Caillou Sir George soon this mysterious night had grown a full beard Martin Luther was successfully disguised Frederick the wise was ready to swear an oath that he did not know where Luther was it was spoke the truth the Electra did not know precisely to twitch castle his Knights had taken Luther nor did he want to know he had simply given orders to bring the monk secretly to some safe hiding place and keep him there The Selecter Frederick the wives avoided liability for protecting an outlaw and a heretic after the uneasy turmoil of recent months the movement now had an interim in which to reflect and consolidate [Music] although Luther despised his captivity at the VAT bug Luther also found these 10 months to be among the most productive of his life I'm getting very lazy here as well as working hard I'm learning Hebrew and Greek and right without stopping for a break I'm not worried about what is said about me in the wide world at last I can sit in peace in a little room with plain old furniture all of it carved and massive Martin Luther disguised as you for your poor day after day over his books wrote letters pamphlets sermons and gave to his people a gift of priceless value I will stay here until Easter I will work on the sermon collection until then I also want to translate the New Testament into German this is expected of me by the people it was urgent need for a German Bible Luther insisted that Christians be rooted in God's Word no clearer book has been written in this wide world than the Bible compared with all other books it is like the Sun over all other lights don't let them lead you out and away from it much as they may try to do so for if you step out you are lost they take you wherever they wish if you remain within you will be victorious Luther was not the first to translate the Bible into German when the art of printing was introduced a number of German Bibles were printed when Luther commenced his work there are at least fourteen translations in high german and four in low german dialects but they're all based upon the latin vulgate of jerome there was over a thousand years old and now far better sources were available such as the Greek New Testament text used by Erasmus just a few years earlier in 1519 Luther's Bible clearly excelled over the other attempts and became the great religious and moral classic of the German people Luther was thoroughly familiar with the whole Bible he lived in the thoughts of the Bible this was of importance for as he said a good translation requires a truly devout faithful diligent Christian a learning experience practical heart Luthor's Bible also excelled because he had a mastery of the language of the German people his humble birth in a peasant family his constant mingling with the people prepared Luther for this great task in the sixteenth century there was no single German language there were a variety of German dialects Luther did not adopt any of the various dialects he used the language of the Saxon government offices but simplified it in March 15 20 when he was ready to leave his castle at prison the new testament was finished a second imperial deity was held in nürnberg in 1522 and declared the judgment against Luther as unenforceable this made it possible for Lu that a return to Wittenberg where his presence was desperately needed Luther wrote to the elect of Frederick the wise I am needed I write this to apprise you that I am on my way to Wittenberg protected by one who is higher than the elector I do not ask for the protection of the elector I even think that I can protect him better than he can protect me did I think that I had to put my trust in the elector I should not come at all the sword is powerless here God alone must act without man's interference he who has most faith will be the most powerful protector on March 6 1520 - Martin Luther mounted his pulpit in Wittenberg and preached on the obligation to love thy neighbor in 1522 from 1520 for Luther went on preaching trips throughout central Germany and during the fall of 15-20 - even an air foot in vemma it was important to Luther to proclaim the gospel to the people in 1524 with 1/3 Imperial debt the banishment against Luther was renewed but the Reformation had moved in itself so deeply by then that it seemed unlikely that he would be arrested before he reached his 50th birthday Luther was worn out his bodily infirmities multiply he suffered Agony's with kidney troubles and other severe ailments yet Luther's personal communion with God remained unshaken he could not slow down between 15 16 and 15 30 excluding Bible translations Luther put out 360 publications from 15 31 to his death in 1546 he added another 184 titles to this incredible potent included was his last blow against the Roman Church with the publication of 1545 of against the papacy in Rome founded by the devil Luther led the Reformation and its fight against its enemies even in the last years of his life [Music] he continued his regular activities including lectures at the University and preaching at the parish church on November 10 15:45 he celebrated his birthday with his family and friends he had a foreboding a few days earlier that this birthday would be his last I am tired of this world I shall lay me down in a coffin and give the worms a plump doctor to feast on a week later in his lecture room he finished the exposition on the book of Genesis the work I can do no more and weak I am as ready to depart as a traveler is to leave his lodging offense the counts of man's fault desired him to act as arbiter in some quarrels which they had among themselves though feeble and body he went on his errand of peace three times on the last trip in January 1546 he was accompanied by his son news conference and consenting parties was arranged at isolated Luther's help is physically favored calm his wife's apprehension comforted her with letters dear Kate dismiss your cares for I have one who cares for me better than you or angels can only pray and that God do all the caring so it is written cast all your care upon him the arbitration proceedings drew to an end Luther thought returning home but his strength was gone On February 16th in this bedroom he wrote in the last written words we have from him no one can understand Virgil in his georgia's unless he has been a tiller of the soil for at least five years no one can fully understand Cicero in his epistles unless he is moved about in a large Commonwealth for 25 years no one can fancy to have thoroughly mastered the Holy Scriptures unless he has for a hundred years lived in the church together with the prophets with Christ and His apostles the next day he was seized with alarm in Payne's chest found no rest neither in reclining his friends assembled physicians were summoned accounted Mansfeld of his countless patient Minister team Oh Lord Jesus Christ I commend my poor soul to be God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life went to thy hands I commend my spirit where thou has redeemed thou God of truth and everything was quiet pasty honest and over the dying man and called into his ear Reverend Father do you die in the faith of your Lord Jesus Christ and in the doctrine which you preached in his name yes after his clear and distinct answer in this room Luther went to sleep and was no more in the same city of iceland where he was born luther died on 18th february 1546 faithful to his words said he had once written to his father this wretched life is nothing but a vale of tears the longer a man lives the more sin and wickedness and plague and sorrow he sees and feels nor is there respite or cessation this side of grave there is however repose and we can then sleep in the rest Christ gives us until he comes again to wake us with joy baby the news of Luther's death spread a special messenger carrying a full account of the last days and dying hours written by doctor illness was dispatched that wants to rittenberg and the news arrived Melanchthon was in his classroom lecturing on the Epistle to the Romans Oh God gone is the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof the shark of her husband's death crushed Katerina but who would not be sad and afflicted at the loss of such a precious man as my dear Lord was he did great things not just for a city or a single land but for the whole world I am so deeply grieved that I cannot eat or drink or even sleep and if I had a principality or an empire and lost it it would not have been as painful as this is now that the dear Lord God has taken him from me this precious and beloved man and not from me alone but from the whole world that serene who never recovered from her grief that day on she referred to herself as the widow of dr. Martin Luther Katrina died in torgul six years later she rests in this church just a few hundred kilometers from the grave of her beloved doctor in Wittenberg Melanchthon added these words to this last portrait of Martin Luther drawn by his valet - Stein dr. Martin Luther alive I was your plague o Pope dead I shall destroy you he died in the year 1546 he lived for 63 years the 64th year was the year of his death it was the 18th of February when he encountered death at night between 2 and 3 o'clock on the 22nd of the month he was buried in the castle Church of Wittenberg he is dead yet he lives [Music] [Music] I bid you welcome noble guests with these words from Martin Luther's Christmas hymn we greet the newborn Jesus Christ but God offers an even warmer welcome to us when we believe in his son as Luther wrote in 1522 your salvation is assured not in the fact that you believe that Christ is a christ for the pious but that he is a Christ for you and that he is yours by faith [Music] [Music] on July 6 1415 John Huss was condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake but challenging the authority of the church in his native Czech language his name HUS meant goose before being led to his martyrdom he wrote they may kill a goose but a hundred years from now a swan which they will not be able to kill these were prophetic words less than 100 years later the man of destiny was born his mighty and penetrating voice was heard throughout Europe and could not be stifled by fire or soul his words shook the foundations of the most colossal religious system the world had ever seen to his followers he was a hero the leader who restored the core of the Christian faith in this man we have an honoured good and learnedly der of true Christian piety he is the first man of our age who did not merely see the weeds growing in Christ's field but who had the courage to pull them out with his powerful hoe and busy hand he is a man who truly reflects the image of Christ highly admired by all he now firmly proclaims Christ and is willing even to be crucified for him yet to this day his opponents denounce him as a heretic an deceiver who's led souls to their damnation for centuries he is the son of iniquity who fears no authority and accepts no rebuke he should be delivered into the power and judgment of the Holy scene he and his followers are heretics they are to be excommunicated anathematized and cursed and be burned he asserts in unchristian fashion that is most evil eras are Christian there is no doubt that he's a heretic notorious heritage a limb cut off from the Church of God and obsolete schismatic and manifest heretic Martin Luther is buried in this castle Church in Wittenberg Germany the Augustinian monk who shook the world guided by his conscience his courage and faith he challenged the powerful hierarchy of the late medieval Roman Catholic Church and accused it of perverting the Christian religion by demanding reform he sparked the most important grassroot religious movement in the Western world the Reformation this revolution of conscience resulted in the separation that gave birth to the Protestant faith and changed the course of human history [Music] [Applause] Martin Luther was born during a time of great upheaval characterized by new discoveries and innovations that were radically transforming daily life a new view of the world was emerging and yet old habits were dying far this transitional period between the Middle Ages and the modern ages was also the world of Machiavelli Copernicus Columbus Michaelangelo Raphael Leonardo da Vinci in 1450 Johannes Gutenberg revolutionized printing by inventing immune process Copernicus developed the heliocentric view of the universe later expanded by Giordano Bruno Bruno was burned a heretic new inventions and seafaring navigation led to historic sea voyages and geographical discoveries in 1492 Columbus arrived in the Americas by 1521 Ferdinand de Magellan it sailed around the world [Music] his humble birth in a peasant family his constant mingling with the people prepared Luther for this rate test in March 15 20 when he was ready to leave his castle of prison the new testament was finished after his return to Wittenberg he spent several months with me Langford and others in a thorough revision of the New Testament text each sheet was handed to the printer as soon as finished and in September 1523 the whole New Testament came off the press it had the simple title the sneha Testament deutsche Wittenberg without the names to be the translator or printer Luther did not want anybody to be prejudiced for or against the book by his name which by this time was worshiped by some but despised by others thus Neiva testament deutsche was a typographical masterpiece containing woodcuts from lucas Granicus workshop and selections from the famous pocalypse series by Albrecht Durer the sale of the book exceeded all expectations the first edition of 5000 copies sold out in less than three months in spite of the high price of what would today be nearly $100 in some countries the sale was forbidden Roman Catholic theologians more it was more harmful than the magical books of the Ephesians mentioned in the book of Acts Luther's New Testament was so much multiplied and spread by Printers that even tailors and shoemakers even women and ignorant persons who could read but little studied it with the greatest avidity as the fountain of truth some committed it to memory and carried it about in their bosoms within a few months such people deem themselves so learning that they were not ashamed to dispute about the faith in the gospel not only with Catholic laymen but even with priests and monks and doctors of divinity the New Testament had not left the press when Luther turned his attention to the Old Testament now the greatest difficulties began Oh God how hard and laborious it is to compel the Hebrew writers to speak German how they do resist and refused to leave their Hebrew and imitate the barbaric German tongue just as if one tried to force the nightingale to leave her fine tune and imitate the cuckoo whose toe she abhors I openly confess that I took too much upon myself when I decided to translate the Old Testament but the work progressed in spite of the difficulties though loofa was a scholar in both Greek and Hebrew he would not attempt it alone translators must never work by themselves when one is alone the best and most suitable words do not always occur to him both are set a precedent by forming a translation committee calling it his Sanhedrin to which he invited the best scholars including Philip Melanchthon Eustace yonas and Johannes Coogan Hagen Luthor spared no pains to make the version both accurate and popular he wrote to erasmus inquiring concerning the names of coins and he requested his friends spalatin to study the jewels in the possession of the elector Frederick the wise and to give him their exact names Luther enquired of mechanics the correct designations of their tools he even had a butcher KELOLAND and explained to him the proper terms for the various parts used in this sacrificial code of the ancient Hebrews he did all this so he could translate the original Hebrew into the best possible German he wanted his Bible to be in spoken rather than bookish or written in German it had to sound right the task was accomplished in 1534 the whole Bible was printed because of its cadence and readability Luther's Bible even today remains a popular Bible in Germany between the years 15 34 and 1575 Hans left rufus printer sold over 100,000 copies in a mint sale for those times besides that being no copyright there were 52 reprints and other cities Luther never asked for nor received a penny the greatest work of his life the influence of Luther and the German Bible reached well beyond the borders of the Empire its ripples were felt in many countries most importantly the Bible left a permanent impression on William Tyndale one of the most wanted men in 16th century England known as the father of the English Bible William Tyndale was pursued by King Henry the eighth [Music] Luthor's legacy continues to live on through Tyndale's English translation which makes up more than 90% of the King James New Testament and more than 75% of the Revised Standard Version besides the translation of the Bible Luther also penned the small catechism and the large catechism in 1529 as tools for teaching doctrine but the thought never crossed Luther's mind that the doctrine on which he stood was his own it is not my doctrine not my creation but God's gift dear Lord God it was not spun out of my head nor grown in my garden nor did it flow out of my spring nor was it born of me it is God's gift not a human discovery [Music] the first decades of the 16th century witnessed turbulence and change in Europe the old feudal system of the Middle Ages was slowly giving way to a new social structure of Commerce and new ideas of citizenship restless peasants sought the chance to shake off the oppressive yoke of feudalism by emphasizing in his writings that nobles and peasants were equal thomas mints instigated the peasants toward bloody revolt the german revolution isms were also inspired by Luther's great doctrine of the liberty of the Christian in a peculiar effort to mix religion with politics they demanded that no civil law be recognized as binding unless proven the scriptures all eyes turned toward Luther would he support civil liberty based upon the religious liberty he had so effectively preached Luther's enemies feared that he extended his religious revolution into the economic and political orders after all in his tract exhortation to peace respecting the 12 articles he reproved the princes and the nobility you must give room to God's Word if you do not yield out of your own free will you will be compelled by defeats and distress even if those peasants should fail to humble and chastise you others will not God will punish you the people cannot and will not suffer your tyranny and wanton this much longer God will tolerate it no longer the world is no more what it formerly was when you used to drive and chase people like beasts of the field but Luther was by no means ready to lead a peasant uprising he warned them not to call their league a Christian Union wrongs perpetrated by those in authority or no excuse for rebellion if the rulers refuse to do right God will find a way to punish them but Christians must always defend law and order against mob rule self-help and anarchy the Revolutionists cannot call upon God since they rely exclusively on their own fists a Luthor could not keep the peasants under control centuries of pent-up anger the resentment burst forth in a peasant revolt beginning in southern Germany and then spreading north the peasants were convinced that God was on their side one of the troops called itself the army of God this most notorious leader was Thomas minsu who organized the cloth weevils in Sarika urging them to establish the kingdom of God on earth his passionate elephants aroused people wherever he appeared [Applause] the unrest spread and event swung Luthor over to the side of the princes Luthor heard of unspeakable atrocities he saw the ruins of castles and monasteries an angry and indignant Luthor sat down and wrote his fiercest and most passionate treatise he ever penned against the murderous rioting bands of peasants in which he urged princes to take decisive action against them smite strangled and stabbed the peasants secretly or openly but nothing can be more poisonous hurtful or devilish than a rebel it's just as when one must kill a Mad Dog if you don't strike him he will strike you and the whole land with you do not hesitate to cut knock down and kill this is a service of love to save your neighbor from the bonds of the devil and uphill Luthor had his way retribution came quickly the nobility rally and pieces the quarry train routes of peasants now the tables were turned and the nobleman's ratified their revenge and rancor in a most beastly manner the peasants were brutally defeated in the Battle of Franken voices and their leader Thomas Minchin was executed [Music] it is estimated that about 100,000 peasants were killed many of them after excruciating torture the terrible cruelty is inflicted upon the helpless peasants stunned all Germany Luther's enemy sees their chance and Luther was held responsible for all the misery of the fatal war for the ruined castles the devastated fields the ravaged villages and all the untold sufferings the princes accused him of having incited the peasants the peasants reproached him for having forsaken them in their distress the Roman Catholic authorities thought the time had come to implement the Edict of urns which placed Luther and his followers under the ban of the empire everywhere the evangelicals were persecuted in the little region of verdun burg alone over 40 preachers were hanged or burned at the stake the effects of the peasant war devastated Germany and damaged the progress of the Reformation Luther's called to repress the peasants remains controversial to this day this portrait of Luther in the peasants war panoramas and bad Franken wholesome shows Luther as having two faces Martin Luther was still in vaudeville when he heard that his friends call stalked and Eustace Jonas had married he wrote to spell Aten good heavens will our Whitten burgers give wives to monks they won't force a wife on me in Vidhan burg Erfurt Magdeburg and other cities throughout germany monks were abandoning their monasteries and nuns were fleeing their cloisters some left voluntarily but others were being forced under the belief that Christians must become laypeople and must get there at the same time defenders of the old church insisted monastic vows must be kept as a form of protest three priests married in 1521 by September Luther was pondering the implication of his theology on the status of monastic violence here his concern was personal to keep a rash vile made in terror during a storm he had entered the monastery monks and nuns who fled the monastery could be severely punished in both Cannon and secular laws some men and women were forced to enter monastic life by their families Erasmus claimed his Guardians foot in the monastery so they could steal his inheritance risking criticism from both sides Luther favorite moderation if one could serve one's neighbor in holy orders then one should remain on the other hand if one could serve the neighbor better outside the monastery or cloister then one should live in the world and monastic vows were not binding Luther had lived a monastic life for years he felt he knew what he was talking about thus Luther maintained one could be released from a vow of celibacy and Mary as the vow in the first place was not from God but a human regulation required by Rome [Music] yet Luther was committed to his vow of celibacy but by 1525 a former nun Katharina Phan born succeeded in changing Luthor's mind Luther came to hold a high view of marriage and regarded enforced celibacy as evil he permitted monks and nuns to renounce their false vows and to marry he actively encouraged fathers to liberate their daughters from convicts like Abraham I'm the father of a great people for I am responsible for all the children of the monks and nuns who have renounced their monastic vows in 1523 when his reformatory ideas filtered into the Cistercian cloister in nipson near Grima Catarina front bore and eleven other nuns appealed to Luther to help them escape katarina font Bora was five when she had entered the Benedictine convent following her father's remarriage and was consecrated a nun in this Abbess at the early age of 16 she was now 24 because punishment for liberating a nun was death nuns were kept in strict seclusion luther devised an ingenious plan with at work our console relay on had copa who regularly delivered herring to the cloister on the night of Easter Sunday April 4 1523 coca his two helpers smuggled the 12 nuns out of the cloister inside empty herring barrels and brought them to bitten Bay where according to an eyewitness a wagonload of Vestal Virgins had just come to town all more eager for marriage than for life booth appraised land on Tecopa and compared the freeing of assisters to the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egypt by Moses Luther helped find suitable placement for these and other nuns as teachers or to find husbands for them he had a husband in view for Miss fond boy but when Pastor am Stav told her who it was she haughtily replied that she would either accept on stove or dr. Luther but not the one proposed Luther had other things on his mind I am NOT now inclined to take a wife not that I lack the feelings of a man for I am neither wood nor stone but my mind is so averse to marriage because I daily expect the death decreed to the heretic Luther's prints and protector Electra Frederick the wise died on May 5 1525 after having received the Lord's Supper in both forms and declining the last rites of the Catholic Church he was the first German Prince who at death rested in faith in Christ alone and not upon the mediatory Offices of the church though he never personally met Luther he was a prudent protector of the bold month then just a little over one month after Frederick's death on June 13 1525 without consulting anyone and in the presence of only a few of his most intimate friends Luther married Catarina fond Bora if I had not married her quickly and quietly only a few friends knowing it would have prevented it or even my best friends cried not this one but someone else the news of the marriage spread rapidly because sensation everywhere many of his friends were shocked and grieved melanchthon who did not attend the marriage ceremony poured out his heart in a long letter in the Greek language this man of God was roped in by some shrewd nun his intimate friend the lawyer chef exclaimed if this monk takes a wife the whole world even the devil will laugh and his whole work will come to naught but Luther saw it differently the angels will rejoice and the devil shall weep to his Catholic opponents Luther's marriage was the very evidence of his disgrace and shamelessness King Henry the Eighth called his marriage a crime one Catholic writer lamented what a pity Catherine a poor fallen woman has passed from the cloistered holy religion into a damnable shameful life another opponent gleefully exclaimed now at last the true character of the monk has come to light his whole opposition against the church sprang from impure personal motives his controlling passion was lust he was carnal fell in love and wanted to have a wife that was the whole secret of it but according to Luther both he and begged God earnestly for grace and guidance before they married Luther wrote to his friend Nicholas honesty I hope to live a short time yet to gratify my father who asked me to marry and leave him descendants and moreover so that I would confirm by my example what I have taught God has willed and caused my act for I neither love my wife nor burn for her but esteem her [Music] in the wake of the Reformation the Augustinian monastery was dissolved amethyst stayed there is the last monk as a wedding present the elector donated the monastery to Luther and exempted it from all taxes the monastery was no cozy home was built as a cloister for men consisting of rows of small cells but Luther's buoyant wife eagerly transformed the dismal monastery into a cheerful home though there had not been much romance in Luther's courtship his married life proved to be very happy she you have a man who loves you as the years passed by that love grew stronger and deeper I would not surrender my Katy for France and Venice together Katharina reciprocated these feelings in her gift of this special entryway in their wedding anniversary in 1540 Luther called it Catarina's portal enjoying mutual respect they lived out an effective partnership if in a marriage the husband shows no forbearance toward his wife and the wife none toward her husband then the marriage state will soon become a tyranny and everything she ran the house managed the finances looked after the children and brewed the beer while her husband preached work wrote books travelled throughout Germany and drank the beer though overburdened with the ministry and other responsibilities he insisted on working with his wife at domestic tasks it was a right and proper part of the Christian faith for a man to join his wife at the washtub and wash the swaddling clothes Luther made all important decisions jointly with her he referred to her in his letters with a mixture of respect and amusement as mine hair CAFTA meaning my lord Katie I have an inferior Lord she the superior I am Aaron she is my Moses with good humor before her criticism of his poor business instincts if I can survive the wrath of the devil in my sinful conscience I can withstand the anger of Catherine fandora Luther was fond of teasing Katarina in his letters because her all kinds of pet names his favorite kitty my rib he also dubbed her the Morningstar Vinton Berg as her day began at 4:00 in the morning Luther also acknowledged his respect for Katy's abilities in his last will and testament the German practice was to appoint a male trustee to administer a deceased husband's estate for his widow and children but Luther directly designated her heir to everything thus he acknowledged that to him once everything this life has nothing more lovely and delightful and a woman who loves her husband [Music] On June 7 15:26 the Luthor's were fruitful their firstborn was johannes also known as Hunt's my Catherine is fulfilling Genesis 1:28 from that most gracious woman I have received a little son ah these are the joys of marriage of which the Pope is not worthy when they were blessed with a daughter Elizabeth Martin Luther wrote to her godmother dear lady God has produced from me and my wife Katie a little heathen we hope you will be willing to become her spiritual mother and helped make her a Christian unfortunately Elizabeth died in less than a year my little daughter Elizabeth is dead it is marvelous that how sick at heart that is left so much do I grieve for her I would never have believed that a father's heart would be so tender for his job pray the Lord on May 4 1529 another infant girl brightened their home they named her Magdalena Luther's affection for her was deep but by her 14th birthday his heart was broken a second time for the loss of a child two conflicting passions shocked Luther's heart to its very depth submission to God and love for his daughter it's Magdalena lay very ill Luther pray I love her very much but dear God if it be thy will to take her I submit to thee and as she lay on her deathbed Luther said to her Magdalena my little daughter would you like to stay with your father here or would you willingly go to your father in heaven Magdalena answered yes dear father God then she died in his arms as he laid her in the coffin he said beloved Lina you will rise and shine like a star yay like the Sun her time even prayer could not stop his burning tears so strong is natural affection that we must sob and groan in heart under the oppression of killing grief even the death of Christ is unable to take all this away as it should there are other 4 children survived to adulthood haunts became a law student after his father's death and accepted a government position Martin studied theology but did not enter the ministry he died at the age of 39 Paul studied medicine and became a great physician Margaretta married a wealthy nobleman Luther provided a model for Protestant family life children must be trained to obedience in their own homes where there is no good route there can grow neither good tree nor fruit Luther replaced the priestly celibacy with an exalted view of the option of marriage as part of ministry the late 1520's saw a major turning point in martin luther's life and career luthor never set out no desire to organize a new church the Catholic Church had a finally developed organization at first all that Luther worked for was a reformation of the existing church and establishing the Bible as supreme authority instead of the Pope quite against his will Luther became a center of the Reformation a large part of the Protestant movement the center of the Catholic worship is the mass the priest by virtue of his office does what no layman can do mainly he changes the elements of the Eucharist into the very body and blood of Christ as a sacrifice Luther retained the name of mass it came from the Latin mission to send but he used this term to designate the principle Sunday worship service concluding with the communion Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation was rejected everything else was made subservient to preaching and thus the whole service was intended for the instruction and edification of the congregation the use of the Latin language was abolished and the common language was introduced besides the stated Sunday services Luther encouraged the earnest Christians even smaller gurus for the purpose of reading the Bible together he preached the universal priesthood of all believers Luther did not even consider ordination as absolutely necessary in order to preach he repeatedly urged Mullane and to preach and Wittenberg although the Lakeland was not officially ordained by any church to serve at the altar ordination of priests by bishops was considered unnecessary the candidates for the ministry were ordained before the assembled congregation by the laying on of hands by the elders meanwhile the Emperor as well as the Pope were kept busy with greater political schemes Charles v needed the goodwill and the assistance of the German princes so for years the edict of worms against Luther was not enforced in 1526 however Charles v defeated his most dangerous enemy the King of France in the decisive battle of Pavia and intended to coerce the dissenting German princes who conformed to the Roman Catholic Church he summoned them to the city of spire for an imperial dilt before the day it could open Pope Clement the seventh formed an unsuccessful alliance with the French King against Charles the pit whose troops stormed into Rome in main 1527 Luther wrote triumphantly role is miserably devastated Christ reigns the Emperor while persecuting Luther to please the Pope is compelled by vanquishing the Pope - please Luther everything must serve Christ in favor of his own and against his enemies however the victory of charles v do not improve the prospects of the reformation he called the second date of spire and gave notice i saved no pains in order to oppose the pestilence of luther and to bring back the erring members into the folds of the church the evangelical princes went to the deity of spire they were hopelessly outnumbered the deity enjoined all execute the Edict of one's against Luther the Catholics were preparing to crush the evangelicals evangelical party protested in matters pertaining to God's honor and our soul salvation everyone must stand and give an account of himself before God they presented these articles of protestation on April 20 15 29 henceforth they were called Protestants while the Catholics were generally agreed the evangelicals were split into various groups politically it was vital but the Protestants stand together but their passion for doctrinal purity divided them as Luther once wrote of radical reformer Thomas Mills I am not so much offended by the unfruitful nough sup the spirit of Monson as I am by his lying in his attempt to establish other doctrines Luther's clashes with the other reformers began early with Andres coughs dog who was Luther's senior in both age and tenure as professor the University of Wittenberg he had promoted referred to the doctors in 1512 and later collaborated with Luther and Philip Melanchthon in reforming of it in Berg's curriculum in 1518 Houston was summoned along with Luther collection for the famous disputations against a tree at the Christmas Day mass of 1521 Carsten took the radical step of offering both the bread and wine to the faithful and the next day he announced his decision to get married a scandal in an age of celibate clergy he called for the removal of all images in the churches in 1522 when Luther returned to Wittenberg from his exile in watt bog he confronted coughs Tut's radicalism under pressure coughs taught resigned from the University but continued to invents his ideas for reform and anticipated many Anabaptist and Baptist ideas of the 1500s and 1600s hallstatt rejected infant baptism and viewed the Lord's Supper as a memorial service in 1524 Luther used his political influence to have Khalsa banished from electoral Saxony however a year later and coughs taht was fleeing the peasant war and needed refuge Luther sheltered him in his home Khalsa met swing Glee and leaders of the Reformation in Switzerland eventually being one to their cause in 1534 he was appointed professor at Basel where he would later die of the plague in 1541 swingley joined college stock in the war of words against Luther the verbal combat between the Lutheran's and swing wins concerned the German lay leaders of Protestantism especially Prince Philip professor he was by far the most able statesman among the evangelicals Philip wanted unity for political reasons and called Luther and Zwingli to meet at his castle in Marburg in 1529 the delegates arrived from Wittenberg and Zurich if they would reach agreement it would mean not only religious harmony but also a United political party extending from the coast of the Baltic Sea the outs of Switzerland but Philip of HESA underestimated the radical difference in the characters of the two men especially the strength of dogmatic stubbornness of Luther though Luther rejected the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation he still believed in the real presence of the body and blood of Christ along with the bread and wine he taught that with under and in the elements of the Eucharist Christ was literally present and was bodily received by the Faith Lutheran sista this is my body liver Atem and verbatim his position was called consubstantiation swingley agreed with the more radical position of couch time that the bread and wine signified the body and blood which were not actually physically present he saw in the Eucharist a confession of the church to the risen Christ and a memorial of his death swingley said this means my body symbolically as a remembrance at which the presence of Christ was nevertheless spiritually real Luther wrote with Chuck on the table before him the words focused purpose Meilin and to those words he clung he insisted the truth was on his side and though willing to hear the opposite opinions he would not budge an inch from the letter of God's word for three days the disputation continued in this hall then it was clear even to Philip they had reached an impasse upon his request 14 articles with drana on which all agreed the 15 stated the difference in opinion and was worded very carefully both sides agreed that in the Holy Communion the faithful should receive both bread and wine and both sides denied the Roman Catholic doctrine of the mass as a sacrifice but on the question of the nature of the real presence they differed ironically although they agreed on 14 of 15 points they parted ways on the Lord's Supper that which Jesus had given as the sign of the unity of his followers when parting singly assured Luther that he wanted his friendship and wished it now he held out his hand to him Luther refused to shake hands you have a different spirit ask God that he may convert you hearing this answer another Swiss reformer lost his patience and said you had better ask him also for you needed just as much as we do thus they parted preached in the ranks of evangelicals [Music] Luther had given to his people the Bible the catechism an order of worship but they still had no hymns which could be sung by the congregation the old church hymns were read or chanted by the clergy alone and were not adapted to congregational singing Luther desired to fill this need but his efforts met with stiff resistance from other reformers although Bingley was a trained musician he band playing of organs during church service some of his followers even destroyed organs in their churches John Calvin though he considered music a gift of God permitted only unison singing of the Psalms and disallowed harmonies he considered instrumental music to be senseless and absurd for both of them music was too worldly too closely associated with dancing and other general enjoyments not so for Martin Luther he wanted a singing church as part of church service he accepted music whether songs are played whether arranged for one voice for several I am NOT of the opinion that all arts are to be cast down and destroyed on account of the Gospel as some fanatics protest on the other hand I would gladly see all arts especially music in the service of him who has given and created them why should the devil have all the good music thus congregational music during worship owes its origins to Martin Luther in 1522 Luther urged valeton and others to compose sacred hymns especially to transcribe the Old Testament Psalms in German verse he advised them to speak as plainly as possible use the simplest and most common words preserve the pure teaching of God's Word and keep the meaning as close to the Psalms as possible Thomas minsu had already produced German services and hymns [Music] shelter his people from minsu's errors Luther decided to write hymns of his own the year 1524 may be called the birth year of the evangelical church hymn in that year Luther's first hymnal was published he contained only eight hammers four of them Luther's own compositions he published two more hymnals in the course of the same year the last one the guys to the ship's Kazan book contained 32 hymns of which 24 were written by Luther himself he would go on to write a dozen more in addition to putting the old Latin text to German he also adapted their melodies to the German style of speaking and singing he took great pain and selecting appropriate tools for his hymns he chose the best of the existing tools both sacred and secular occasionally the melodies were like popular dance tunes but he ensured that they were dignified and elevated there were some genuine folk songs these were soon taken up by composers and further developed thirty-seven hymns Luther wrote are still printed in modern hymn books they include the well-known Christmas carol from heaven above to earth icon the best known of all his hymns is his grand ein feste burg missed one sir got a mighty fortress is our God in the him he feeds upon psalm 46 god is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble [Music] Oh [Music] this him became the war cry in the triumphal song of the Reformation today the first line of this hymn and circles the tower of the castle Church in Wittenberg this him along with others was soon known by heart and sung everywhere becoming an effective means of spreading the gospel Luther's opponents complained that people simply sang themselves into the new faith [Music] the holy roman emperor charles v summoned the dissident protestant princes and leaders to the meeting at Augsburg on April 6 1513 elector John called Luther and other reformers to formulate articles of faith which might be presented to the deity these articles formed the first draft of the constitution of the Lutheran Church accompanied by his councillors and his theologians the elector proceeded to Augsburg still being under the ban of the Emperor Luther was left at Coburg Castle not very far from Augsburg melanchthon presented a document in defense of their beliefs this written defense was known as the apology afterward his name was changed more appropriately to confessor an enduring summary of the evangelical faith the out spoke confession the confession was meant to approach the Roman Catholic position as closely as possible without surrendering any crucial issue it summed up the Lutheran position in 21 articles and then listed Catholic practices that needed to be changed these included prohibiting clergy to marry and withholding the eucharist cup milady the confession of the evangelical faith who is read before the highest of you know in the end butter in Coburg castle wilson expressed his joy i am exceedingly glad to have lived to this hour in which Christ was preached in so glorious a confession the Roman theologians presented a rebuttal known as the confetti he of Angelica's declined to accept the confrontation and tired of the fruitless efforts some of them returned home final decision of the deer was the renewed command to carry out the Edict of forms against Luther fearing war in the immediate future evangelical estates form the League of Shmuel Culloden the elector invited Luther to draw up a series of articles which must be asserted and from which no departure should be made under any circumstances Luther wrote the first draft of the so-called small Culloden articles Pope Paul 3rd after long delay called a council to mantua in Italy the Council of Mantua did not materialize in its place hunson Trent was later held in 1545 [Music] Creed was set forth in contradistinction to the Lutheran confessions but the albergue confession had made its impression and it was a lasting one the albergue confession became the standard for Lutheran theology and still defines Lutheran Christianity he carries the weight the Declaration of Independence [Music] it is true that Luther stands symbolically as perhaps the greatest single agent in increasing the value of the individual this has made democratic government possible it is also true that Luther earned for the Protestant churches the privilege of congregational singing that they now take for granted yet Luther's lasting legacy of Sola scriptura Sola fidei Sola Gracia is best recalled in his own words scripture alone must be regarded as the infallible guide into all truth concerning Christian faith and life and not reason including my own not church fathers not Church councils or even the Pope's Christ the sinless son of God died in the place of man he was made a curse for men bore man's punishment and guilt Christ's righteousness is imputed given as free gift to the believer without works and only through faith we are made wholly safe and secure so that we shall not be condemned not because of our own holiness or purity but because of Christ because through faith alone we do cleave to him as our mercy seat sure that in him no wrath remains but only love pardon and forgiveness [Music] Oh Oh spree Bailey for stay for us [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 36,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Films, Movies, Entertainment, Feature Films, Martin Luther, Protestant, Protestantism, Documentary, Documentaries, Wink Martindale, T.N. Mohan, Here I Stand: The Life and Legacy of Martin Luther 2002 Full Movie, Biography, protestant reformation, martin luther, Lathika International Film and Entertainment Inc, Maverick Film PR
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 23sec (7763 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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