Here’s why Poland takes in millions of migrants... just not Muslim ones

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[Music] poland's government has long been proud of its strong stance against migration while other european nations welcomed in hundreds of thousands of people who fled war poland stood firm with its borders firmly closed warsaw has resisted taking in refugees from syria afghanistan and eritrea among others but then the government realized the country had a problem a massive labor shortage so their solution oversee the largest influx of migrant workers the country has seen in recent history over the last few years more than two million foreigners have arrived in poland they're mostly christian from neighboring ukraine so are migrants okay so long as they're not muslim well to answer that we're joined by polish mp dominic tarczynski from the ruling law and justice party he's also the vice president of the european conservatives group in the council of europe dominic is that it two million ukrainians are okay but not one muslim because that's just how you guys feel about it good evening imran uh thank you for having me it has nothing to do with religion it has nothing to do with islamophobia it's all about safety as i said previously everyone is allowed to apply everyone is allowed to submit the documents ask for your permission ask for a visa and then our entire minister will decide if he's needed for our society the difference between immigration and refugees as a legal difference you are mixing um words it's very important because the difference is is quite quite big first of all refugee is the person who flees the first safe country by the international law immigrant especially illegal immigrant is not welcome in poland this is what we promised and these words will be kept basically we are not talking about people who are in need we are not talking about muslims we are talking about a law international law and polish law we don't want any illegal migration in poland this is what we promised this is why our government was elected and not even one muslim illegal migrant will come to port ever what do you mean by safety why is safety connected to muslim explain that to me first of all okay first of all that's very very clear very simple in germany over 200 000 of so-called refugees just vanished disappeared nobody knows who are they where are they and what are they going to do nobody knows 200 000 people can you imagine how how many people is that it's it's just crazy so this quarter system which was offered by germany failed as we know and this is against our safety in europe this is very uh very huge uh issue first of all i'm talking about the terrorist attacks uh committed by radical islamists i couldn't hear very strong words from imams who would condemn this kind of attacks that's number one rapes in sweden hidden for 13 months i'm talking about the youth festival where girls were raped by illegal muslim migration immigrants you're saying it has nothing to do with muslims but then you're saying muslims are terrorists where people were raped as well and that was hidden okay but again you're saying it has nothing to do with muslims but muslims are rapists but these cases right but this it's true okay it's true but these cases are committed by illegal muslim migration which was proven by by the police in sweden in france in many other countries okay so dominic let me take your logic then and if i have to look at the biggest terrorist attack that has captured the international imagination in recent times the christchurch mosque attack or mosque attacks right carried out by someone calling himself a terrorist a christian right and the difference is between us okay so is the western world this attack okay so certainly so is there then a safety problem with christian migrants such as the ukrainians because of that mosque attack no first of all the man in christchurch was not a migrant i think he he should spend his whole life in jail and as i said the whole world western world condemned that i couldn't hear from the nation from the uh saudi arabia or other sharia law states after many many terrorist attacks in sweden where we have malmo and other places where police is afraid to get in so i'm talking about the scale and the reaction the scale is completely different and the reaction from our side as a christians and as a western civilization compare it with the saudis with iran where people are hanged for the homosexuality you're talking about saudi arabia and you're talking about this is completely different but these are places that are not affected by migration right what i'm asking you dominic right has poland had a history of problems with muslims yes or no no okay no not how many muslims are not at all we've got who are in poland for 700 years one percent maybe it's less than 0.1 but what i'm trying to say i'm trying to say that we've got we we want to have we want to have peaceful people it has nothing to do with a religion it has nothing to do with it as i said who are so peaceful who fought you just said you won't have one because they're related to terrorism and rape right radical imran listen to me listen to me i'm talking about the wave right of illegal migration which started in 2015. not about religion but it's linked to the to the religion and radical islamists but if i have to look at this history if i have to look at poland's wave and about this madness by germany certainly dominic historically poland has far have had far more problems with christians than they have had with muslims haven't they have muslims been involved in partitions death camps no invasions in poland no no no no we've got we've got we as you as you know our king sobyeski stopped muslims by um in vienna so that's the very uh huge achievement in the history of polish history in the 18th century three times powers you know what means and i'm saying you want to talk about vienna what i'm saying is okay if we want to go to history poland was put partitioned three times was it done by muslim powers dominic no what i'm saying what i'm saying is this war of civilization okay as i call it it's just a fact okay okay i'm not going to i'm not going those are the words of the shooting saudi arabia i'm not going to iran the the shooter in christchurch in his manifesto said he's fighting this war of civilization condemn against muslims that are all against i know okay but how many how many terror attacks how many terror attacks were committed by christians in the name of the religion how many were them we're shouting christ is the lord none zero and every single committed by the muslim is followed by allah akbar that's just the fact okay the difference between criminals the association you're making is that they are not committing in the name of the faith can i go back to your agreements with brussels or you're being a part of the club right so as an outsider looking in as poland being a member of the european union union when it came to the quotas so the european union said okay guys we're all in the same club together as a refugee crisis right and we need to have quotas we need to share the burden from me from the outside looking in it looked as if with poland it was as if everybody had agreed to go out to dinner and split the bill everybody went out to dinner everybody ate but at the end at the end of the day at the end poland said okay at the end poland said at the end poland said oh no i'm not paying because i took my other friend out for lunch earlier and i paid i brought in ukrainian uh migrants i brought in two million so i don't want to be a part of this burden why do you guys stay a part of this club if you so fundamentally disagree with the germans and the others on absolutely everything why do you bother because germany and russians they want to drink don perigno and they want us to drink water that is the difference so if they want us to have a lunch together and split the bill they have to eat the same thing and they drink the same thing the club means that we are equal we have the same rights and the same duties but it doesn't work this way germany asked for a deal with russians i'm talking about nordstrom 2 french they are selling mistrals to russia they are making a business they don't care about our safety and then they want us to p to pay the bill it doesn't work this way it's not going to work this way we will never agree for the deals with the russians and not saying anything so if they want solidarity if they want to have this club with us as a partners they have to behave like a partners mistrust from france and nordstrom 2 are the symbols obviously there is much more to to be given as a as an example so first of all it's not us who started this madness it's germany who started right angle america was looking for cheap labor so she find out that they want to work that they want to contribute to the society by the taxes they don't want to learn language and then she decided okay so let's spread them around let's say that this is our responsibility not mine and then we're gonna get rid of this problem no no we're not gonna take any of those it's not our war it's not our colony we never had any colonies in our history so we want to be a partner we want to be equal partner with the same rights and the same duties that's why i keep repeating not even one illegal will come to poland ever dominic it's been really great getting into the mind of the current polish government and good to have you on the program thanks for joining us [Music] you
Channel: The Newsmakers
Views: 5,326,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dominik Tarczynski, Polands Parliament, Poland's Government, Articles, Politics, Syria, Social Issues, Global Workforce, Immigration, Political Ideologies, Human Migration, Migrant Workers, Law and Justice Party, Jarosław Kaczyński, Islamophobia, Anti Islam, Poland Muslims, Poland Vs Muslims, Why Poland Is Not Accepting Muslims, Poland Migration, Ukrainians in Poland, Anti Immigration, Poland, Migrant Workers in Poland, TRT, TRT World, TRT News
Id: TYSX2vI7oPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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