Here’s What a Type 7 Alien Civilization Looks Like. We are only at Level 0.72

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ever wondered how far we've come with technology artificial intelligence a 3D printing robot produce mere ideas a few decades ago but what if I tell you that we're still way behind the extraterrestrial life present outside our galaxy here a question arises could we match the technological advancements of these extraterrestrial beings in the upcoming years to understand where we stand in terms of technological advancement let's have a look at the Kardashian scale in simple terms the card dash of scale is a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement based on the amount of energy it is able to use it was first proposed in 1964 by Soviet astronomer Nikolai kardashev the scala's purely hypothetical and regards energy consumption on a cosmic scale a divides civilizations into three main civilizations one two and three however various extensions of this scale have also been proposed the take it to 4 5 6 and even seven now let's discuss what each civilization is and the amount of energy it harvests type 1 civilization is the civilization of species that are able to harness all the energy coming their way from their parents star sadly humans haven't reached the first type of civilization as we haven't been able to harness the full energy of the sun coming our way to become a type 1 civilization we have to utilize about 10 16 watts of solar energy and we are currently consuming 10 13 Watts if we calculate this then we're currently standing at type 0.73 civilization this might look like a relatively small difference but in order to reach type 1 civilization humans would need at least 100 to 200 years if somehow we managed to reach Taiwan civilization then we will be able to harness all the energy present on Earth and use it for our needs we would finally shift from fossil fuels to a much powerful and sustainable source of energy like sunlight wind and water with these energy sources being so feasible we wouldn't have to pay these huge bills we'll also reach a point where we can Harvest the energy from natural disasters and use them to our advantage not to mention we could also control weather with the help of technology and use it according to our needs this would help in stopping global warming and controlling temperature we could also prevent natural disasters and live in places that we've never imagined in simple words if we manage to reach the Taiwan civilizations we'll eliminate all the problems we're facing at the moment now you must be thinking if Taiwan civilization is this much technologically advanced then what's in store for type 2 and 3. I'm glad you asked type 2 civilization takes it one step further as here we can harvest the full energy of the parent star in our case it would be the sun in this stage we could use the energy from the Sun not only on Earth but also throughout the solar system this level of energy would allow humans to travel too and terraform Mars and even planets like Neptune if humans can live longer to reach the civilization then we could finally travel faster than light type 3 civilization this is where things go from planets and stars to galaxies if the human race somehow manages to reach type 3 civilization they can harvest the energy of the entire solar system it is also the stage where humans will become capable of Intergalactic travel via wormholes Intergalactic communication via Subspace Galactic engineering and Galaxy scale influence by the time humans reach this state of the scale he can be very hard for them to go extinct as the saying too big to fail starts to apply here from now onwards all the civilizations are added on by multiple scientists and researchers as Nikolai kardashev only proposed these three civilizations Type 4 is where civilization moves from harvesting one Galaxy to harvesting multiple galaxies to fulfill their energy needs theoretically to become a tie for civilization one has to harvest all the energy available in not just one Galaxy but in multiple galaxies type 5 civilization from now things are starting to get crazy if we can somehow reach the type 5 civilization then the humans will be able to escape their Universe of origin and explore the Multiverse yeah you've heard it right scientists believe that the Multiverse exists and there are multiple universes where life is present type 5 civilization would have mastered technology to a point where humans could stimulate or build a custom Universe with its help you might think it is unbelievable but wait till you know what type 6 has in store for us we've tied six civilization and we'll be entering into the megaverse this civilization will be capable of creating and maintaining the fundamental laws of universes type 6 civilization extracts all the energy present in the megaverse which is basically multiple multiverses this is where traveling faster than the speed of light would be possible in this civilization life forms can travel back in time and alter the events you might think that it is the absolute point and that no one can go past controlling the megaverse well you might have to hear what's next type 7 is where we shift from multiverses omegaverse to a single Omniverse it is often referred to as a god-like civilization as it would be capable of harnessing the power of the entire Omniverse which is the collection of every single Universe Multiverse Mega 11d Dimension and first realm to put that into perspective a type 7 civilization would be one billion times more advanced than the type 6 civilization which would already be unimaginably Advanced however the idea behind a type 7 civilization is purely theoretical and is merely impossible it is based on the assumption that there is an infinite amount of energy in the universe and that a civilization or individual could eventually harness all of it if we relate type 7 civilization to a comic character then they can be DC's the presence or Marvel Comics the one above all even if somehow a Time 7 civilization was possible it is unclear whether humans could ever reach that level of advancement and when this is nearly impossible as humans are currently standing at Time Zero civilization and to reach even type one it would take us over 100 to 200 years but what's stopping us from reaching time 7 civilization let's discuss one of the primary challenges in reaching the time 7 civilization is the amount of energy required to do so one would have to develop new technologies that are beyond our imagination if somehow we can manage to harness the energy sustainability is the next challenge to reach a Time 7 civilization a civilization should be able to sustain itself for a longer period of time perhaps even billions of years this would have required developing new forms of energy that are sustainable over the long term the final challenge is resource allocation as the civilization becomes more advanced the demand for resources will increase leading to difficulty in allocating resources this should be catered properly as this could lead to conflicts and social unrest which could ultimately hinder progress towards a Time VII civilization if we can somehow overcome these obstacles what would the future look like for humans in a Time 7 civilization first and foremost humans would become unimaginably Advanced and capable of harnessing the power of the entire universe and manipulating energy on a scale that is difficult to comprehend secondly that achieves some form of immortality to reach this far they could manipulate energy on a cosmic scale and transferred their Consciousness into new bodies and live billions or trillions of years another possibility is that humans would transform into cyborgs a mix of humans and Technology of virtual entities this will give them unimaginable power to shape the universe and to explore the cosmos this level of advancement would allow humans to new laws of physics and discover the secrets of the Multiverse All In All Humans in the type 7 will be unstoppable and at that stage nothing will be impossible for them so where do we stand right now in terms of the development leading to type 7 civilization in recent times humans have discovered some new technologies that can help us move up the car dash of scale one of these Technologies is quantum Computing which is basically a new type of computing that uses Quantum bits to perform calculations this has a revolutionized many fields as of now and is a key source of unlocking the secrets of the universe another one is fusion power which is a type of energy generated by fusing Atomic nuclear together this has the potential of producing higher amounts of energy needed to reach technological advancements another key Discovery is augmented reality this technology has been around for years but in recent times it has been developed to the point that it can be used in moving up the scale lastly space research scientists are constantly exploring different parts of the space and coming up with different ways of making space travel possible this is also a key resource in helping humans move up the car dashif scale that's all for today I hope you enjoyed today's video of motec if you did then don't forget to like this video and share it with your friends and family to let them know what's in store for them in the future
Channel: Motech
Views: 28,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star trek, what if we become a type 7 civilization? reaction, Kardashev Type 2, Kardashev Type 7, star trek voyager, star trek the next generation, star trek into darkness, ridddle, The Kardashev Scale, multiple universes, Immortality, Type 3 civilization, Type 4 civilization, Type Ω civilization, Type 1 civilization, Alien Civilisation, humans, humans humanity, forever, aliens, what if, Universe, Nikolai Kardashev, Civilization, Motech
Id: IQzfuwfVDpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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