Everyday Life In A Type IV Civilization | Unveiled

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The Kardashev Scale imagines all kinds of advanced  and futuristic civilizations. It’s a popular way   to think about everything from technological  progress… to the search for extraterrestrials.   What’s perhaps a little disappointing, though,  is that it’s generally agreed that we humans   rank at just 0.7 on the Scale, only. We’re  still a long way from reaching even Type One,   the next level above our own. But, today,  we’re not just envisaging the next step up,   we’re soaring to the very top. This is Unveiled,   and today we’re exploring what everyday life  would be like in a Type Four civilization. Do you need the big questions answered? Are you  constantly curious? Then why not subscribe to   Unveiled for more clips like this one? And ring  the bell for more thought-provoking content!   When the Kardashev Scale was created by the  Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev in 1964,   it was originally built around three Types or  levels, known as Types One, Two, and Three. These   are markers, of sorts, indicating the level  of technological complexity and advancement   of any given civilization, based on the amount  of energy it can use. A Type One civilization   can harness all of its own planet’s energy; a Type  Two can harness the energy in its own star system;   and a Type Three can capture (and use)  the energy content of its entire galaxy.   At the time, it’s said that Kardashev himself  thought that was the limit. Held back,   as we are by such physical constants as the speed  of light, a Type Four - with the energy potential   of the universe - should be impossible. In the  time since Kardashev’s day, however, Type Four has   become a widely accepted concept, and something  of a “bonus level” to the original model. Still, the first thing we can say for today’s  video, is that living in a Type Four civilization   would generally mean living in a world that’s  far beyond our current physical understanding.   Among the presently impossible inventions  and abilities available to a Type Four are;   a means of breaking the speed of light (possibly  via wormhole technology), and a means of time   travel. As we’ve found in previous videos, time  travel isn’t technically impossible… and traveling   into the future (at least) is theoretically  quite easy, although there is danger posed   by various paradoxes. A Type Four civilization  would have to learn to live with those paradoxes,   but it’s perhaps a fair price to pay given the  trade-off that they’d also be able to bend the   universe pretty much to their will. Everyday  life might involve, for example, moving from   planet to planet (or even galaxy to galaxy)  in the name of work or leisure. And all while   potentially moving up and down your own timeline,  too. But, significantly, a Type Four being   would probably take for granted their ability to  do all of that, much as we’ve grown accustomed to   our modes of transport, like cars and planes. So, what would actually happen at such a   heightened level? A Type Four society will’ve  naturally discovered all that the universe has to   hold, so where do they go from there? Would they  still have a purpose to work towards? Living at   such an advanced time might sound like it’d be  a blast, but would that truly be the reality?   Jobs are almost impossible to predict for a  future this far away, but some are perhaps more   likely than others. Most jobs as we currently  understand them will have been automated.   Taken on by machines that may (or may not) be  fully conscious. But one industry that’s sure   to be booming is energy. With a universe’s worth  of energy to manage, there’d be plenty of roles   available. Automated or not, energy workers  would be much like power plant workers today,   except they’d be gathering energy from  the universe’s most violent events.   Draining quasars, absorbing supernovae, and  filtering dark energy from the rest of the void   would be just some examples of the  employment that might be available.   All across the universe there’d be engineers and  mechanics tapping energy, as well as those charged   with storing it in reserves and distributing  it to the rest of the cosmos. Although, again,   it’s difficult to imagine organic humans  (as we are now) taking up the task. Instead,   workers would be full or perhaps partly robotic. Organic humans in general could well be a thing of   the past at this point. A cyborg revolution  is so often predicted for us in the future,   but for a Type Four being it will’ve happened long  ago… in their ancient past. First, they’ll have   embraced artificial body enhancements, as part of  their earlier rise through the Kardashev Scale…   equipping themselves with purpose-built,  replaceable parts, designed to be as tough,   reliable, and efficient as possible. Bodily  functions would be out, too, with workarounds   devised so that things like sleeping, eating, and  going to the bathroom simply aren’t necessary.   But, what’s more, by the time of Type Four, the  changes will’ve most likely turned to the brain,   as well… transforming a Type Four being’s  thoughts, as a hive mind replaces the individual.   This would be a key development in the  bid toward collective consciousness…   a seemingly inevitable step for any  civilization with universal power. As such, would a Type Four being have a home to  speak of? If we’re imagining humans advancing to   this point, then we’d most likely have forgotten  Earth long ago. Even if it was somehow saved from   a red giant sun, we’ll have moved on… and might  not even be based in the Milky Way galaxy, at all.   Thanks to our Type Four enhancements,  surviving anywhere would be so simple   that we’d probably never even consider that it  had at one time been so difficult. Home, then,   would be everywhere, with the universe connected  as succinctly as the continents of Earth are now.   One moment you’re chilling on Venus or in the  Kuiper Belt, then you’re in a whole new star   system like Nu Scorpii (a distant place with  seven suns), and then you’re skirting the edges   of a supermassive black hole somewhere, without  a care in the world (or universe)… because by now   even black holes are under your control. Rather than an endless mystery (as it is now) the   universe is your playground. Every star, planet  and object is known about. Every creature is   discovered, cataloged, and part of the collective…  which, again, is all powered by boundless energy.   In one version of Type Four, it could be that  new stars, planets and creatures are continually   created by Type Four beings, as well. So  absolute is their control over all things.   Or perhaps even the task of creation has been  offloaded onto automated machines by now.   Regardless, in our minds, a day in the life of a  Type Four is essentially a day in the life of a   god. And even something as massive as the universe  becomes more like an ongoing project… something to   work at and balance, but also to enjoy and  explore. The less advanced creatures within   the universe would certainly have an opinion  of the Type Four power watching over them,   for better or worse. But, what’s doubly strange  and perhaps a little unnerving is that there may   still be other forces that are equal to (or even  above) this level of advancement. If the universe   is actually but one part of the multiverse - as  some theories claim it is - then there should be   other Type Fours out there, presiding over  their own realities. Perhaps there’s a physical   space between them that neither can breach, or a  temporal one as part of the possible invention of   time travel. Either way, it could mean that even  Type Fours would be striving for improvement…   with their eyes set on becoming a Type Five. Here, there would still at least be one shared   purpose, continuing to drive civilization  forwards. But, in most other aspects, it   would seem that a Type Four existence would be one  that’s wholly fulfilled, from our point of view.   Today, in the real world, we grapple with  such here-and-now problems as climate change,   space travel, population growth, and  the general pursuit of happiness…   but a Type Four being doesn’t bother itself with  such trifling concerns. And, if there is only one   universe, then it really has achieved the absolute  maximum that any group can ever hope to achieve.   The potential downside is clear to see, however.  And the question “where do they go from there?”   remains. Through the lens of human history, after  exploring one continent we took to the seas to   find more. Upon exploring one planet, we’ve looked  to the skies in search of other worlds. But,   when a Type Four looks at the whole universe, it  sees something that’s totally known and thoroughly   tamed. If reality were a game, then it’s one that  a Type Four has completed, with every trophy won   and every side mission navigated. You might imagine that an overriding   sense of boredom, listlessness and  perhaps even hopelessness would set in,   with the rest of time stretching out before  them… but, then again, in this inorganic,   robotic, relentlessly efficient version of life,  an advanced enough being could probably just reach   inside themselves and turn those negative  emotions off with the flick of a switch…   before jetting off to another corner of  their universe in search of something new.   So, it’s not all bad. And that’s what everyday  life in a type four civilization would be like. What do you think? Is there anything we missed?  Let us know in the comments, check out these other   clips from Unveiled, and make sure you subscribe  and ring the bell for our latest content.
Channel: Unveiled
Views: 39,908
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Keywords: Advanced Civilizations, Dyson Spheres, Everyday Life In a Type 4 Civilization, Everyday Life In a Type IV Civilization, Future, Future Civilizations, Future Energy, Future Society, Future Technology, Kardashev, Kardashev Energy, Kardashev Scale, Life in Future, Multiverse, Sci-Fi, Science, Science Fiction, Science Videos, Space, The Future, Type 4 Civilization, Type IV Civilization, Universe, Unveiled, Unveiled Science, Unveiled Space, What If, future technology predictions
Id: 74ESogdMNgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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