Here’s how these local villages contribute to Vietnam’s economy. #economy #vietnam #localgoods

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some craft Villages are part of a government program called one commune one product which promotes locally made Goods at the beginning of every year this Vietnamese Village turns into a sea of pink factories crank out 50 000 incense sticks every single day in preparation for tet the Lunar New Year nearly everyone here makes their living from this craft it's not just crafts that are made in these Villages across Vietnam Xiang Tuan Vu is a third generation dong Tao chicken farmer the dramatic look of dong Tao chickens means that they've been important gifts for years while many of the birds are sold off around the holidays for their meat the really high value chickens are often kept by the farmers and entered into Beauty contests when preparing the chickens for sale or competition a lot of work goes into looking after them and roughly a month before they're fed a special high protein diet and their legs are washed gently in a mixture of tea and salt the longer the chickens live the larger their features and so grade a dong Tao chicken could live for six or seven years
Channel: Business Insider
Views: 3,390,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Business Insider, Business News
Id: EdTxrf-xlwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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