Here’s How Much TIME & MONEY It Costs to Drive The New EV Ford Lightning Cross Country! Part 2 of 2

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give it a little bit of beans andre oh there go my glasses now comes the interesting part which is seeing just how much range we get two miles per kilowatt hour is what it's showing right now not good yeah yeah it's a little confusing for the app we don't know if we're being charged that or not so come back and join us next time when we do the long bit which is from chicago all the way to colorado show you tell you exactly how how much energy we got right how much money we spend [Music] hey guys welcome to iowa and as you know we just purchased this ford f-150 lightning and here comes andre hey andre hey uh and if you've been following this video series you know that uh we drove here last night we got here at three in the morning it took us like a half hour to check in and then what happened andre and then they accidentally walked into your room because the attendant i guess booked both of us in the same room for some reason that was interesting but anyway let's do a quick recap as to what happened in the last video we left you in chicago but now we're in iowa exactly so we got the truck obviously in dearborn right it was fully charged we drove it here into iowa about 500 miles 496 miles we topped it off once right you already saw that that was about 12 dollars then we charged it quite a bit during dinner that was about 43 44 near chicago and then we topped it off at well we charged a little bit at uh i-80 truck stop right yeah how much did we put in there so that was about what about 15 or 10 dollars so what about uh we're gonna round this up we're at about uh 12 plus 43 plus 10 so about 60 bucks in charging so far going 500 miles exactly with a full charge but we'll give you the exact numbers at the end of this video so that you can see how much we actually spend so you want to load your luggage andre yeah the cool thing about the lightning is this of course look at that now we picked this hotel because uh we wanted to charge up overnight so we got here last night and we had about uh 30 miles of range left right yeah well actually i think we were close to 27 okay and i i'm a bit disappointed ramen yeah we picked this hotel because of this so-called level two charger and whenever you see a cable like this you know the level two is a big question mark so uh here let me show you really fast yeah so we started last night at 27 percent and 63 miles left in in the truck and after five hours five to six hours after five hours and 49 minutes we got 33 kilowatt hours so that's that's slower charging than at my house that's about six kilowatt of charging dude yeah it's pretty lame uh you know if you guys are gonna be putting chargers in hotels this is a uh best western uh then don't tease us with these little straws you know especially now that people have big lightnings with you know 130 kilowatt hour batteries uh and you know what we have to do now andre but here you get to do this oh thank you as you guys know this video series is part of our new series where we're going to drive the lightning all the way up to pluto band alaska so every state we're going through we are putting up a sticker for the state and being in the uh hawkeye state we get to put up the hawkeye state sticker on the windows yeah so we're four states now andre exciting yeah so 500 miles already four states that's pretty impressive we still have a couple more to go to get back home to colorado uh let's do iowa and nice nice so i like these badges these are cool these are like badges of honor we might be uh one of the first lightnings to go uh through four states and i love that we're trying to be first on all this stuff uh because well we want to take you along for the experience and to help you do that we're doing this we are geocaching a t-shirt uh a really cool belt buckle along the way so in this video when we find a cool place to stop we're gonna geocache it and then you guys uh can go and pick it up whoever is the first to pick it up uh you get the swag how cool is that andre yeah that's very cool and uh we also uh uh this series is being brought to you by our friends at magna and magna actually built components and technologies in many vehicles including the ford f-150 lightning right yeah didn't they build the battery box for this truck yeah it's all aluminum fully welded of course it was a pretty high-tech piece of componentry but they also do driver assistance technologies electric motors and some other vehicles basically any vehicle you see on the road yeah well especially the g-wagon because they build that anyway guys if you're interested in magnet please click on the link below and check out their youtube channel we are now going to hit the road uh we've got another 800 miles to go andre uh 760ish okay seven yeah and we need juice so what's the plan well uh my plan was kind of broken yesterday okay but my next plan is to go about 25 miles there is a level three charger fast one dc yep let's really get up to about 85 percent there and then just start screaming home all right well unplug the straw and uh um let's keep going you know the one uh interesting fact about cross-country driving in an electric vehicle is that both your front and your windshield are covered in bugs because you really never stop at a gas station and there are no there's no little oh where's the squeegee where's the squeegee so so best western if you're watching this put up a real charger please or partner with somebody with a real charger and maybe a little squeegee thing here how cool would that be all right andre hit the road all right dude let's uh power up as they say and i put in the route already and i i'm doing this because the truck needs to know like what chargers we need so maybe it will prepare itself better so right now it's saying we're gonna arrive at home at 10 25 pm yeah if everything goes beautifully at your house 778 miles yes yeah all right and there was another message when i was um putting this in that said that we need to take an unpaved road really i didn't know you lived uh at the end of the road i did i do not live at the end of a dirt road actually in suburbia uh so i'm not sure why the lightning wants to go off-road maybe it just does all right so you know we're there's like three things we're using to try to get back uh efficiently through so we're using the trucks navigation system which should plot courses and charging points we're also using google maps which seems to be much better at telling us like when there's traffic jams right and we're using uh a better route planner uh and i'm already lost roman you're already in a parking lot lost none of this has helped us navigate to the highway um but uh you know we've owned three teslas andre yeah so i would say um you know this is the part where tesla exceeds right i think ford builds a really good truck uh but tesla for all you tesla fans out there watching this does technology really well it's seamless it integrates as you if you've been watching the series you know we've been struggling a little bit getting the charging network to work with our truck and i shouldn't say struggling right i would i would say it's not as intuitive as it should be right yeah it's a new owner thing right yeah yeah as if we were a brand new owner which we are yeah yeah but when you buy tesla basically you input all your information into the app and then everything from there is pretty seamless including uh route planning right uh and and here we're finding that it's not so seamless uh you have to do a little bit more work and i guess that's great if you're like into tech but if you're like me and you're um you know tech uh adjacent adjacent i like that jason then it becomes frustrating okay there you have it all right so let's get to that fast charger and and hopefully get a lot of juice what kind of what kind of charger is it it's a 150 kilowatt uh electrify america yeah which means we can still use our free charging that ford offered us as a new owner okay yeah all right and so far i gotta say uh the charging has not been uh as big of a issue as i thought it would be it's pretty much we stopped like i say a couple times but we would have stopped anyway at these gas stations sam's club just to stretch our feet right and get a drink and then over dinner we got basically up to 82 which we were gone for about an hour yeah and and so we saw fast charging speeds yeah uh up to about 145 kilowatts at um in near chicago so so far the truck is um is able to charge well yeah another thing about road tripping um i think there's no better vehicle than a truck to do it andre you just feel like you know you're sitting on top of the world you're looking over cars uh it um it's just a great vehicle it's roomy it's got a lot of cupholders uh it's comfortable and what makes this one even more comfortable and more roomy is that it weighs 7 000 pounds so my sense when driving it is it feels really solid on the highway i mean it's like like a steam roller right it's it's on the rails yeah it's horrible it's a train it's a it's a train and any more cliches we can come up with and it's and it's just so quick like what oh there we go look at that yeah i know i just blew by a few uh you know traffic right here so yeah it's quick it is quick uh and it's a hoot you know uh we've been reading the comments that you guys have uh left thank you very much and they come to kind of two different categories right those who are excited by electric trucks and those who will say that they'll never ever own one and that the things are gonna you know fall flat on their face uh and the truth may be somewhere in between wouldn't you say andre i think so uh i definitely we need more fast chargers yeah right yeah so you know the world is still in this transition period i i wouldn't say hey we're done let's all drive electric vehicles now no that's not the case uh but it's getting better every time yeah and we've never had to wait for a charger no we've never had a really good experience with it uh and uh you know we've been charting the price of fuel and gas has been right around five dollars and diesel has been more like 585 so almost a dollar more expensive and i'm willing to bet that at the end of this trip i will do the numbers for you guys at the end of this trip we would have spent about half as much money in this lightning as we would have been a you know internally combustion engine powered vehicle that's but but we also probably will get there a little bit later rightly apparently 10 25 and if i know how this well 10 26 now if i know how this works you know by the time we stop and have lunch and figure out it's going to be midnight by the time it'll be midnight by the way we're still uploading videos yes so it's not it's not just it's just driving yeah and if you guys guys want a closer uh look at some of the uh side notes from this trip check out uh all tfl because we're also uploading videos to tfl now and tflev all right andre next stop um is this electrified america yeah electrify america all right let's uh let's get there and uh see how that experience goes we already have a conflict uh truck says we should stop uh in 92 miles but you're using the better route planner what does better route platter say well there's a closer station yeah so and i would rather do that i would rather stop sooner and maybe by that time the truck will agree with us right so uh but but there's already these you know little tiny planning differences yeah people might be wondering why are our hands off the wheel and that's because we are using uh blue crews uh which is actually uh when it works is really good yeah and sometimes well it's watching me right i need to pay attention i need to still keep looking um at the road ahead there's a camera infrared camera watching me uh but yeah when it works it works uh quite nicely yeah we're becoming friends with it uh in the last video i said it was like a nanny just you know always correcting you which it does uh and when you get into like road construction it kind of decides to give up at some time so you do really have to pay attention but it works like now you got foot off the accelerator hands off the wheel you can just sit back and listen to i would listen to a podcast like uh talking trucks yes cfl talk or tfl talk yeah to help pass the time but that's just me you know there are other good podcasts out there uh but uh yeah you know the other reason we want to probably listen to better out planner versus this is we need to get some breakfast so we're already a little grumpy because we didn't sleep very long right yeah exactly so so is there a potential breakfast spot i can google that let me google that yeah i i think there is actually like a convenience store okay that's not a breakfast spot how about like a restaurant convenience store that's the whole trip roman we need to get home by midnight we can't like sit at restaurants and here's the crux of the problem right if this was a gas powered truck we could stop at the local whatever cracker barrel or you know ihop right wherever we found it here we got to go and hope that there's some place to eat around near the charger charger yeah and so it does take a little bit more time and it takes a little bit more work uh it makes the trip a little bit more stressful i would say a lot more stressful what would you say yeah quite a well first of all this is like our first trip in the lightning too yeah so everything is new it's a little bit it's a little bit stressful right now because you slept for four and a half hours and you walked into me last night while i was trying to get changed for bed yes that yeah all right andre i just found another issue uh with um charging you know those charging stations yeah they never have roofs unlike gas stations well sometimes don't they don't they have like solar roofs once in a while caribbean has something that has like solar panels on jeep yeah but not not on the highway not not these major ones unlike a gas station so uh because it's raining we're gonna get wet and i forgot to bring a jacket i don't have a jacket either dude yeah that was kind of stupid um so um let's do this uh luckily we're here by um the outlet malls but i don't know if they're open no they're not open look there's nobody there so no one at the outlet mall so let's at least go through the drive-in at a mcdonald's so we can have some breakfast while we're charging what do you think yeah because because the gas station that we're going to right is over there it's casey's and it's across the street from mcdonald's and normally i wouldn't mind running across the street but in the rain it doesn't sound that great so we'll do a drive-through and then we can have breakfast while we're charging get some more power yeah totally let's do it aha we are connected all right connecting the vehicle i'm curious to see how quick we can get and you know how how much juice you're getting and has a lot of variables not just a charger so just because it says 350 kilowatts doesn't mean that you can get 350 kilowatts because this is right up to what 150 ish or so yeah it also depends on the temperature of the battery and on you know the placement of the moon there's so many variables you never know i'm being a little flea being a little uh funny but it's true so here we go i found it within the fourth pass out um and it says it's in network okay and that we have 148 kilowatt hours of free charging left it's actually not a ton no it's not really and this is station number two correct uh the question is yeah right here there's one and there's two i know this this number okay so that number is number two okay okay we're good are we charging no oh okay we're gonna do a separate video about this oh no just started it's okay okay started yeah oh it just turned red it's blinking why i don't know it's not happy that that does not look like a happy blink to me [Music] unplug it let's plug it in again did not like that making the vehicle maybe we waited too long maybe it's bluish it's like the wild west andre when it comes to charging still connecting yeah [Music] i don't know what that we should if you guys know what that little red spinning uh light indicator means all right see if you can just uh start charging processing okay initiating charge come on did you usually hear this thing power up power up you can see the fan charging activated let's get some energy all right i hit continue and then no receipt okay i'm learning ramen and now it should tell us there you can hear it two kilowatts this is the exciting number right there it should grow hopefully sorry well it should grow a lot roman it should be like 140. whoa 160 wow we just that that it was like 168 i know that's mind-blowing 165 166. the truck is happy he wants power all right andre uh before we have some breakfast let's kind of show them where all our energy went yeah so this is another screen um you can access kind of from the home page yep you click up there you can look at trip energy um and this is one view i i wish they would have graphs yeah you know what that's showing us i love graphs and like data so but this is cool 10 2 percent went to external temperature is that maybe what does that mean like like shooting up the batteries or something else two percent to accessories 95 to driving and one percent to climate that's not bad uh and then we've got this little button here what does that do so that's neutral really and ford says well technically you're not supposed to flat tow okay uh maybe for warranty reasons etc but this is if you go into like a conveyor belt and the car wash truck wash uh you push this uh we'll demonstrate it later and when we actually use it but that's kind of a neutral all right and then there's this yeah that's our breakfast table okay enablement uh so here take this okay i'll take my coke take that uh and then got a table look at that this is a great thing like i said about trucks they're great roasted vehicles you got an apple you're being healthy andre there you go all right and then the other thing we found out is what numbers is the truck showing us in there so uh it will estimate uh when what when we will get to 90 charge which is 10 14 a.m and it's right now 9 44 am yeah so you know we could probably get half an hour yeah we can probably get close to 80 before we hit the road again right yeah totally we still need to eat let's eat andrew i figured out something interesting what's that either we're on an uncharted highway which i doubt or blue cruise doesn't work when there's too much rain uh because i'm not getting the option to go to blue cruise okay and your lane keep um is on and you're trying to do adaptive cruise yep yep so i just got regular adaptive crews going right now but the truck will not enable uh blue crews which is hands-off driving so maybe it has to do with the fact that it can't see because there's a lot of rain uh but you know that's the thing about autonomy so there's five levels and people think it's gonna be easy to get to level five which is basically hands off no driver at the wheel but weather is the big determining factor because if the different sensors and cameras can't see what's ahead of the truck it can't turn itself on and that's gonna realistically mean we're you know decades away from full-on autonomy you don't believe it no i'm sorry i mean basically autonomy would be like me and you sitting in the back seat versus sitting in the front and taking a nap and taking it out no so here's i i have both sides of the story okay um so yes first of all i i agree with you because look at my hair dude autonomy is hard we were in the rain dude i know you should have told me i look like a fever i'm not gonna call you a beaver okay but on the flip side dude autonomy uses long range rider radar lidar cameras so it has a lot more well we have like our bottom meters we have smell we have vision so humans are really good uh drivers but yeah i don't know what are you getting at there andre i was hoping to say that technology can be better than a human but i think it's gonna be decades i have a more interesting question for all of you out there what's a hawkeye uh i don't know yeah is this the hawkeye state yes what's a hawkeye iowa right isn't it isn't it like a black colonel is it of corn i don't know i'm not from iowa i'm not either yeah so let us know in the comments below i'm sure i'm sure that's a very obvious question but somebody grew up in illinois and then moved to colorado is it hawkeye or buckeye it's buckeye isn't it one of those eyes what guy hawkeye what's it what's on the sticker there hawkeye is it hawkeye okay all right well let us know thanks oh so look i may have been wrong andre i just went too hands-free so watch through sorry so maybe all that all that crap i said about you know the weather is is not true maybe just wasn't charted the truck once again proves me wrong and here i am back in uh hands-free driving all right so uh the hardest part of uh this trip so far andre is it's kind of like planning a mission to mars we're using four apps to actually try to figure out our charging stops no you know what it's like yeah you know i'm not a pilot right but i imagine i fly a lot and i imagine the flight pre-checklist that pilots do yeah uh that's what this feels like yeah so here's our conundrum uh the next stop is council bluffs for us that's where we want to stop and it's 130 miles away but we've got about 130 miles of range so we probably can't make that so the idea is that we would just stop and top off at the next uh closest charging station the problem is that the ford app is taking us to some unknown uh charging area where we don't know what the charger is and then we use plug share to figure out what the charger was what's it doing now oh it says i'm gonna have to take unpaved roads roman oh that's great to your house huh yes hey good thing you live in the middle of suburbia yes so that's so anyway so this was taking us to a charger that's not really high you know it's dc but not 350. and it's it's not in the network yeah it's not in the electrify so we have to pay for it yeah and there's only two chargers there and we had to use plug share to figure that out yeah so you think this would take you to chargers where actually you know it's covered with the forward one pass right so so i then i double checked it with google as far as directions yes that was correct then uh plug share and then electrify america app and then finally fourth pass app uh so we found another station yeah because the one that this was taking us to was you know potentially slow and potentially not in network yeah and uh just you know not very smart on the part of the system it just saw that there was a charger there and didn't consider any of the criteria so now we're just going to stop at the next one get a little bit of juice and then go all the way to council bluffs so that hopefully we can then do a full charge and keep going but like like you said it's like being an airline pilot uh are the flaps working is the landing gear okay yeah i know it's uh it's a little uh it's a little confusing and you know what i don't mind stopping the top off a little bit because i got to use the bathroom anyway that's not the problem the charging is the problem the problem is just like having any faith that any of these apps you know know what is best for us in terms of what our goals are versus whatever the algorithm thinks is you know the goal uh and the two are very different apparently 145 uh kilowatts yeah yeah it's just almost the maximum rate yeah so we just stopped here just to get a little bit of a top off right andre uh and uh you know just get a little bit a little bit more juice in the in the truck so we can make the council bluffs and more importantly i got a piece so i'm gonna give you the camera all right dude quick stop and then keep going so andre um i'm empty and the truck is uh almost 65 full so 10 minutes that was a stop basically to get a iced tea and to use the restroom you know i'm not using a pattern pretty much a dollar a minute yeah that is kind of what it's like if we were paying full rate right yeah uh which we're not we're still using that free charge but once again it's confusing because it's charging it's like you can't really compare it to gas per gallon right because it varies based on the network you're on and very if you're a member of the station for example what what utility you're on which is you know a little bit more confusing once again speed is still good it was between 150 and 115 so that was pretty good i'm gonna stop it so we get get on the road yeah let's get the council bluffs that's our next stop and you know what i i don't mind driving for like 100 miles a couple hours and stopping it's actually good for me uh because um you know you don't want to be sitting for that long i know some people have this uh need and i used to be one of them where like it's all about not the trip but the destination you want to get there as much as possible so you try to push through but this is more about enjoying the trip and in this case uh figuring out what app does what all right let's go council bluff next up andre let's do it let's do it okay we made it to council bluffs iowa right roman yeah and actually uh we plugged in uh and it is it is lightning fast andre lightning fast exactly look how many kilowatts we're getting 159 160 160 let me let me show 161 whoa it still is climbing dude that should be enough uh speed for us to go get some lunch huh yeah we're here at the walmart i think we're spending a lot of time on walmart's or is it santa that's walmart and gas over there is 446 or 451 depending on diesel or regular gasoline and how much are we paying here you see well nothing right now because if we're still using fords once again 43 cents but it's again 43 cents per kilowatt hour so we'll calculate that once again for you yeah we'll try to get up to 80 or so uh over lunch time yeah uh so it's hot so um since you've spent so much time at these charging stations i've got some suggestions for you mayor uh electrify america first how about a roof yeah yeah with solar panels just thinking out loud okay uh it may be like some uh i don't know air conditioning how about the game of cornhole or something to do i like that andre one of those little kiddie pools well maybe not that far i i jump in right about now okay okay we're from colorado and this is like 100 humidity so i'm feeling it right now all right let's get some lunch oh there's a long john silvers how exciting oh whoa all right andre i'm back for lunch we are at uh 38.27 86 that should be good enough to get us to the next uh stop and the speed is now 40 41 kilowatts so it's still charging yeah you know what we'll do next but we're gonna have to uh stop somewhere fun and do a little bit of geocaching with our t-shirt and our belt buckle uh so uh let's kind of look along the way and see if we can find someplace cool where we could hide this for you guys so you can come along and be part of the trip but uh we've got a long way to code you i think we're only halfway all right let's get on the road it's hot and buggy uh and uh i just want to go home at this point yeah we're at that point of the trip all right let's hit the road your turn to drive andre can you tell what country we're in oh i know what country we're in america dude do you know what state we're in uh i would say we are in nebraska well you're right yeah we have another badge to put on the truck all right one more i'm so happy we're getting close to home as well what do you think up here still yeah next to it make sure it's kind of you know the same place bam the corn husker stayed on yep yeah i don't know you know how i don't know uh what iowa is the hawkeye state what's a cornhusker is a person who eats a lot of corn i think they're the ones who actually take and peel the corn wouldn't that be husking i'm guessing at that but yes i mean you know i think i ate a lot of corn but i'm not a husker well you look at me all right now that we're in uh nebraska we only got one more state to go before back in colorado let's hit the road again let's go all right andre we are here in grand island nebraska and uh we've got news yes uh so a couple things harleys are cool that's enough thing number one thing number two you think they'll make a harley edition lightning wouldn't that be cool yeah they used to have a four trucks with harley harley uh and they could partner with the uh what's your electric flight called the harley uh live wire yeah yes there you go that's a free one for you but what's the news we're out of free charging are we uh we have to pay now to charge so we used up all of our 250 kilowatt hours that ford gave us also the first station we went up to did not work so we're using this one actually second one also doesn't work look this is uh kind of what we've come to expect sometimes both are unavailable uh that one when we plugged it in this little red light would just go red once again i don't know what that means but let us know in the comments so but the third one worked and we didn't have to resort to chat emote because that would have been embarrassing so and not functional so we're going to pick up um hopefully a good bit of charge fast how fast is it going let's go look wanna touch your turn 163 man yeah this thing has been rocking it huh yeah it's been rocking pretty good all right well we still have how many miles we got probably another we have like 350 left three something so we've gone almost 950 miles yeah we're getting that point of the road trip where uh we just want to get there you know yeah so you know what that means you got to buy some jerky that's a jerky part and also some water use the restroom too all right let's let's go do that andre yeah uh and we still have to geocache our little oh i thought about hiding it here but there's no place for you to put it here right maybe next stop yeah i'll try next stop yeah maybe we'll get a little farther down the road all right let us keep on uh trucking chucking yeah trucking all right hey andre so yeah a couple of things we've learned since we started this trip um first l m's are a great road trip food are these for me what'd you get i got some nuts i got some nuts yes what are you nuts i've got almonds i got almonds sorry about that a bad bad joke um first thing that we learned uh is that this is the first time we've actually stopped where we didn't have to have like a break or uh lunch or dinner so we're just sitting here charging it's first time the whole trip right and we are yeah we are like how many miles into it now uh like 900 900 miles yeah that's pretty good huh yeah yeah so second thing we figured out is this actually will tell you the charging station uh when you uh like previewing yeah previewing it so let's see where it's gonna take us next continue so here's what i want to try dude let's see what thing is next first let's see can we see let's preview it uh this way it's not telling us though how long we need to charge oh it's showing us how far we can go oh yeah so oh it's so it's saying there may be another station here but that's kind of short distance dude yeah uh or there yeah so we need to expand this circle to get to that oh there look it just expanded how cool is that yeah it just went boom it just got bigger from like the b to the e in nebraska well it needs to move faster i mean we're still charging at the good rate 130s for uh about 130 kilowatts so that's a pretty good speed but i also wanted to pick so how do we know what's the next station can i click on this you should yeah let's see if it tells you oh that didn't work sorry click on it oh it's a walmart yeah so now it's showing us previews yeah now so that's what i'm saying it does show you previews what's that one another walmart you know i think i selected only uh electrified americas at some point in this i think i figured out how to do only electrify america you that's another one yeah see okay so i wanted to check one more so it's telling us 20 minutes to 41 i don't get what is that telling us because they're all different when you click on them see 35 minutes to 65 percent i think it's trying to estimate like how much we're gonna pause for but how does it know what's gonna happen in the future is it predicting the future well if it were if this were a tesla system that would mean how long you would have to stop and to what percentage you'd be going but we don't know what from what percentage where we're starting from yeah like well like this oh that doesn't go to the next one there you go look at that so it's got ultra fast uh chargers i selected that ford network plug and charge so we are able to select the ford network plug and charge and the ultra fast chargers it only took us 900 miles to figure that out and look it even gives you the cost yes 1920 per hour uh 90 to 150 kilowatt capable vehicles lectured by yada yada now let's go back to the map because i'm curious did our circle expand to the point where to the point where we can go to the next one oh not yet we're at the end now andre we're at the end of nebraska so we want to we want to get it maybe to like colorado just to be on the safe side all right so a few more minutes yeah we're at 59 percent okay so we're still you know i mean i think we want to go to like 80 right so we need to wait another like 10 minutes yeah hang out have some nuts let's go that's guys take a look so we've been here about 32 minutes we're almost at 80 percent and it's actually cheaper roman now so it's about ten dollars for 30 minutes about 32 cents per minute it says free tax though what does that mean what what is the taxes on i don't want to know there's so much we don't know andre sorry guys we're we're learning like i said as we go along and also uh i want to mention this this is the delivered energy yeah but there's always some losses between the you know when the cable heats up um are you are you serious actually it's pretty warm yeah sometimes are liquid cool actually yeah so there's some losses actually in the energy transfer it could be about five percent even or a little bit more so so yeah if you feel we uh call it uh good yeah we're we're good and we're going to colorado check it are we in colorado let's see does the circle take us to colorado [Music] oh yeah yeah just barely look at that andre just barely into colorado yeah that's good enough we have enough cushion there to get to the next station i think so all right we're at 78 it's slowing down right that last 20 would take a long long time yeah i don't want to wait all right let's let's let's hit the road again keep on trucking all right it's that time in the video where we are about to go stash our little goodie tupperware container it's got a northern lighting t-shirt it has you can see it kind of there a tfl belt buckle some other swag uh and i'm giving you a hint to where it's at so i'm not saying where but that's a big hint and that's a big hint right there that guy uh but it's not going to be in there or by there those are just hints uh should we go stash it andre yeah more stashing and then the final hint comes at the end yeah one more hit as we walk over there so obviously by the highway here so let's walk this way toward that bridge here's another hint the bridge yes we are crossing a bridge andre i'm going to call this uh the bridge to the future swag bridge flag drag bridge yeah yeah it's nice it's actually cooled off it's longer as hot as it was or um muggy as it was in iowa all right here's another hint right there we're gonna make this pretty easy we want somebody to find this and if you find this uh northern lightning goody box uh just uh there's an email address in there and take a picture of yourself with the shirt so that we know that it has been found we can post it to our social media so that other people don't come here looking for so andre you want to take over yes here we go uh kind of going that don't be worried the the ticks aren't too bad here in nebraska and lyme disease it's it's curable it's okay after many years of antibiotic treatments it'll go away i've lived long enough i'm not scared okay how about you put it in the crook of the tree there yeah like in between uh other way other one to the right there you go yeah yeah there you go nobody will ever find this no this is never going to get recovered and how appropriate the buffalo well uh we're cu buffaloes i mean i i graduated from university of colorado yeah and i want to see you as well that's not as sturdy as uh sorry all right yeah all right and uh you feel any ticks no no so be safe guys maybe go around the tree uh it's a little bit more clear over there all right all right well let's finish up this road trip i'm getting tired yes andre why are we why are we free here charging costs zero um do you think jim farley saw our videos and he's giving us some juice you think thank you jim we love you by the way jim is the ceo of ford in case you're wondering no i don't think that's happening but but this is strange oh we just said something session fee in charging that just gives you what it does no that's that's well that's nice if it's free let's stay here all day yeah a lovely walmart i gotta say andre uh driving an electric car across country is a tour of every walmart in every small town you become very very accustomed to it yeah yeah hey andre yo this has been bugging me the whole time we're almost in colorado we just had dinner it's eight o'clock yeah um you know not only is this thing ugly but i bet you it's causing us a lot more uh are you making the truck more aerodynamic yeah yeah a lot more usage of electricity so does it look better it already looks cleaner yeah right now yeah i mean we're not listening to radio we're listening to podcasts anybody listen to radio anymore i mean seriously right who wants to listen to all those commercials hey so let's see how much power we put in wow dude it's still hauling so we started at 17 we are up to 78 we're still hauling at 100 kilowatts 36 minutes and 11 and 50 cents so not cheaper it got cheaper and faster yeah nebraska is good i like you nebraska thank you nebraska i'm gonna put this in the back hey is there space under the seat yeah do we have storage look oh yeah look at that look at all the storage nice perfect dude why do these screens sometimes don't work let's try this button i guess there electric huge andre on you were doing so well do we turn it off is it off no it's not off it won't it won't turn out it won't stop charging is that more red now hold on oh there it goes stop come on turn off it's okay okay it'll turn off in a second there it goes there it goes wow it's just did it unclick itself can we undo it hold on let's see if it could breathe no it's still locked in place right now all right there it goes yeah it just it just liked our truck just really liked it always something andre we were living in a brave new world well how many more miles we have you think we can make it home yeah we got like 220 miles of range or more and we have 200 miles left so your house is next yeah all right let's see if we can make it well you got to go behind your house i got to go to my house too which is another 20 miles well that's your issue we have one more sticker andre colorado sticker hey where are there all these boats here this is a lake mcconaughey area dude can we go boating maybe next time yeah andre we've got 215 miles of range yeah uh with like 85 percent of the battery that's not great no dude and should be getting 320 and 1.9 miles per kilowatt hour is our average overall i think it's high speed driving 75 miles an hour is not kind to this uh vehicle yeah so i mean we should be getting 320 so realistically even if this thing was charged up to like uh let's say 100 percent would be like a 250 not a 320 wouldn't you say yeah yeah this is not the most aerodynamic vehicle but now that i've removed the antenna andre oh now it's going to improve that 1.9 is going to go up to like 3.0 why didn't you do that sooner does it look better without it there like would be annoying yes all right let's get to colorado huh two and a half hours of fly to detroit like 25 hours to drive back yes how much does people complain about airplanes airplanes are nice yeah and by the way at the end of this video we will do the math i'll let you know kind of the difference but right now we're looking at about 370 in gas we did a little bit of math yeah uh and depending on how much you're paying per kilowatt anywhere from 100 bucks to maybe 250 bucks so depending on how much you're paying you could save anywhere 100 so you know we're saving maybe 100 to as much as 250 dollars and that that's just a rough estimate and we'll get you better numbers at the end of this video but in case you're curious uh that's the difference um you know which is the price of an airplane ticket absolutely and look at all the extra stuff we can bring andre we got a lot more stuff we don't have to just get two tiny bags and stuff them in the overhead we can bring 1600 pounds of stuff with us or a trailer there's a sunset ooh nebraska sunset are we there yet oh we're in fort morgan huh we're so clear in colorado dude yeah i smell pot musty colorado oh wow another walmart another charger this is our last time charging so we've killed about the equivalent of four billion bugs how long have we been driving look at this i know uh we've been driving for like 20 hours does it say yeah yeah we can we can you can you could look at the dash yeah i'll take a look i won't take a look oh no it has charging status right now here you want to put this on yeah we're going to put on the last sticker the most important one of course for us colorado ones where should we put it in line yeah just plain line it's mine oh they're i love the colorado flag well i'm biased yeah so are we we're both guys okay so i've been here for 30 years okay colorado colorado here we go bang bang all right okay so we've gone through one two three four five six states so far we've got a lot more to go in this truck it's just the beginning yeah we are a bit tired you can probably tell i'm tired and uh let's calculate our usage and close this thing down so this is the end of it but we're not home yet we gotta get you home so okay we're still an hour and a half away yeah and then i gotta go home too so uh we've learned a lot yes important lessons uh first and foremost it's a rock-solid truck yes it works great uh and it's very uh fun to drive i would say i think so we also learned that at highway speeds that's very hungry for electricity you're not gonna get 300 miles of range now we've been getting 1.9 miles per kilowatt hour uh which is last one that what i expected but still uh it charges we learn the charges fast yeah and electric america for the most part works yes even though it's clunky and uh and not friendly for towing yeah and it does the plug-in charge also works yes yeah we haven't seen any like drive-through just pulling here towing and uh like roman said in the previous segment uh if we would have taken an f-150 gas truck we could have spent home by now well we've been home by now we would have spent about 340 350 we'll do all the math exactly uh or 200 in this potentially yeah so we'll do all the math we'll give it right because you took pictures of everything yes uh and then of course coming up on uh more than lightning we're gonna do a lot more we're gonna be towing with it we'll be putting a camper on it and of course we're going to be uh drag racing it and taking it up to alaska so to be continued andre yes all right let's get home i'm tired all right let's go all right see you guys next time ciao that's my pot here good god we're one of the first to legalize it and now we've become the home of uh of it winner winner chicken dinner and here are all the numbers we promised you we stopped a total of 11 times to charge that including also sleeping for five hours at the hotel that also included of course our meals and the rest of it we gained a total of 589.43 kilowatt hours after 11 stops and oftentimes we got kind of topped off a little bit in the middle of the battery sometimes we would get 17 of battery sometimes 21 and a lot of the times uh well we got a big chunk of charge total mileage gained while stopping 11 times is 1225 miles and considering that we stopped for almost six hours to sleep total stoppage time was 663 minutes which is about 11 hours so 11 minus six hours to sleep that's about five hours of charging time on a trip from dearborn back to boulder colorado and as always guys come back to for everything automotive and specifically our long-term f-150 lightning truck thanks bye
Channel: The Fast Lane Truck
Views: 513,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TFLtruck, ford f-150 lightning, ford lightning, 2022 ford f-150 lightning, ford f-150 lightning electric, ford f-150 lightning 2022, ford f150 lightning, 2022 ford f-150 lightning review, ford lightning f-150, f-150 lightning, ford f-150 lightning review, ford lightning 2022, 2022 ford f150 lightning, 2022 ford lightning, new ford f-150 lightning, ford f-150, 2022 ford f-150 lightning price, f150 lightning, 2022 f-150 lightning, ford, ford f-150 lightning test drive
Id: AYfeFjbUIP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 30sec (3090 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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