Herbie Hancock - Watermelon Man
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Channel: path0610
Views: 2,288,280
Rating: 4.8917646 out of 5
Keywords: Jazz, Herbie Hancock, Mongo Santamaria
Id: RzPZvKSdN7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Damn that bass player is fuckin gettin it on the headhunters version
from takin' off and headhunters.
Ugh I love Herbie so much. A living legend. What I wouldn't give to study jazz under him...
*explains to Elvis Costello.
I get to see him live for the first time next week! Can't wait.
There's an entire history of the progression of modern jazz in that man. I hope he lives forever. He will, through his music.
Can't get too much Herbie. Thanks!
Thanks for posting. I love the background. Also, Donald Byrd was a sweet guy.
He's about 70 in this, looks 50.