Her Parents Hated Her But A Powerful Duchess Adopted Her And Now She Lives Like A Princess

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hi guys today we'll be recapping a story called The Monster Duchess and contract princess please like the video and subscribe to the channel it helps us a lot enjoy it's tiring to live for others but that's how it always is for Leslie she lives her life through pain and suffering just to appease her sister Ellie even now as people are throwing her into the fire she hears them cheer for her death as a sacrifice to her sister as Leslie cries and pleads for her life her family stares down at her with contempt how dare she try to fight her own fate an opportunity presents itself to Leslie when the servant takes pity on her he cannot bear to push a young child into the Embers of a burning structure but hope quickly vanishes when Leslie's father takes matters into his own hands with a strong push of his Cane Leslie's father shoves his own daughter to her death he watches as the Flames swallow her petite frame but from within in the fire Spirits offer Leslie a helping hand you must live they shout Through the flames one after another spiritual hands emerge from the Thick Smoke they rest their palms on Leslie's back readying themselves to push her out of the fire soon enough they shove her out of the window breaking the glass and plummeting her into a long fall over the cliff side as Leslie is falling memories of her family's maltreatment resurface in her thoughts her mother is always calling her out for the littlest mistakes her father is always defending Ellie Ellie herself despises her Leslie's mother continually enforces Perfection and Beauty upon her it is almost as if they only see her worth when she acts perfect a grim face of her childhood self reappears before her mind her mother is standing with her but she only looks at Leslie with contempt tears Escape Leslie's eyes as she continues to fall there is truly nobody who loves and cherishes her slowly Leslie loses Consciousness but as she drifts off her thoughts remain only for wanting to live no matter what pain in her past lingers she still wants to continue living Leslie awakes with a throbbing pain in her hands she didn't think she would survive that fall sitting up now Leslie recalls a traumatic event that transpired how cruel can her family be that they forsake their own flesh and blood they watch her burn and fall with no remorse for their actions Leslie admits to herself that she's scared but this time she won't allow herself to succumb to despair she promises that this time will be different amidst her new resolve Leslie shifts her attention towards her hands when she looks down a black cloud of magic envelops her fingers a flashback that unfolds the history of black magic and her family turns out long ago in the Empire of rarus noble families possess unique powers of magic her family line the spado family secretly possesses the most powerful magic of controlling the darkness however the family is facing a decline in Black Magic users ultimately lead leading to a decline in the Duke's line when she walks away from her rickety old bed a dark cloud of magic beckons her she simply looks back at it and assures that she'll be all right while sneaking around the home Leslie hears voices from a room nearby when she checks it out to her surprise it's her own family what she's still being held captive even after they tried to kill her listening in on their conversation Leslie finds out that Ellie has awakened the black magic within herself as well however Ellie does not know how to properly use her powers a blank and horrified expression overtakes Leslie's face as she hears what her family is plotting to her horror they still plan to use Leslie as a sacrifice to fully awaken Ellie's black magic Leslie's family believes that her only purpose is to propel Ellie's own abilities she then laments in agony remembering that every miserable moment she had to endure was only for the sake of her sister Ellie however this time she has decided to end it all the next morning Leslie sets off to venture somewhere outside the premises of her abusive home her father marqueis spado intercepts her before she could leave but when she does not entertain his verbal demeaning he lashes out at her the Marquees scolds Leslie calling her out for not wanting to help her own family for not wanting to be a sacrifice for Ellie Leslie responds that he should be the one to sacrifice himself if it means so much to him add a girl Leslie wait a bite back hearing this her father motions to grab her but a dark force repels his attempt he tries to move again but this time he finds himself being enveloped and blinded by the dark magic Leslie pays no mind to the darkness that causes him not to abuse her again she makes herself scarce and when she reaches the entryway Leslie demands that the carriage take her to the temple after a few violent protests from the servants Leslie asserts herself for instance slapping one of them surprisingly enough for the servant to follow her orders Leslie's officially in her can't mess with me era in the carriage her thoughts drift to Duchess Salvatore the Salvatore family is well known for their unsurpassable power thus earning them the title of monsters towns folks say that the duchess Salvatore herself possesses a strength distinctively stronger than any of the noble houses an idea rings in her head Leslie wonders if she'd be able to persuade The Duchess to help her upon arriving at the temple Leslie finds out that the duchess did not make an appearance today it's common knowledge that The Duchess avoids accepting guests so it isn't all that unusual that her Presence at the temple is Miss if Leslie wants to meet her then her only chance is the annual Dei meeting the yearly Dei meeting happening in a mere month or two's time is one event that The Duchess never misses if the next sacrifice isn't in half a year then that's plenty of time for Leslie to meet with the duchess despite not meeting The Duchess Leslie still wishes to make her visit at the temple productive so she tries to ask for a copy of the spado family's records thinking if she studies it then perhaps she's bound to come across answers as to why they want to sacrifice her so badly Leslie approaches the temple saff to relay her request to her dismay they do not easily hand out copies of family records unless their identity is verified Leslie feels uneasy about the situation how could she prove she belongs to the spado family when she looked nothing like a noble her dress looks like rags and her shoes aren't fancy at all she didn't even possess a simple identity card with her family sigil think think think Leslie you can't give up so soon suddenly an idea Springs it self from her thoughts Leslie decides to prove her spado affiliation by showing the carriage she came in upon seeing the carriage with the spado crest the temple sta immediately believed Leslie there's only one goal that Leslie wishes to achieve right now she wants to trace back all the family records of early deaths to find other children who were sacrificed throughout the years as she scans she recognizes a pattern for those who became a sacrifice all those poor children they never got to live to adulthood Leslie's breath hitches in her throat as she realizes how more morbid these records are none of them deserve what they were put through horrified and disgusted Leslie vows to avenge all the sacrificed children not wanting to read any more of their death she runs back to the carriage in tears suddenly she loses her balance as she makes haste and she slips on the temple floor with a loud thud to her surprise a young adolescent man with silver hair helps her up Leslie gazes into his eyes as he reminds her to be careful this is probably one of the rare times Leslie had someone Express genuine concern for her who Could That Man be when Leslie arrives back home the strangest thing befalls her as soon as she exits the carriage her sister Ellie came running towards her as she reaches Leslie Ellie envelops her in a big Embrace this was enough to perplex Leslie on the spot so many questions plag Leslie's mind at the moment turns out the Alando Emperor's son the prince is currently visiting the spado mansion He and a crowd of nobles watch as Ellie puts an infection display on in front of them Slither like the snake you are Ellie it sickens Leslie to see Ellie act so fake she scowls at Ellie visibly while still remaining in her Embrace with a violent push Leslie shoves Ellie away forcing her to the ground Leslie's retaliation does not bother Ellie as she uses it to her Advantage Ellie twists Leslie's words making Leslie sound like a cruel younger sister has no regard for her older sister's concern this is exactly how Ellie wants it to go never try to out talk of girl with a silver tongue Leslie Leslie mischievously grins at Ellie's fake crying stunt she loudly questions how genuine her sister's concern truly is hearing Leslie talk back to her Ellie could only Harbor more contempt towards her younger sister trying to perpetuate her affectionate display Ellie caresses Leslie in front of the prince and the Nobles Leslie does not recoil instead she chooses to one up Ellie by reminding her of watching idly by as Leslie Burns in the Flames hearing this Ellie quickly tells her to sh shut up for fear being heard suddenly a fearful look displays itself on Ellie's face as she recognizes the dark force that surrounded Leslie how was it possible for Leslie to possess that much dark power Leslie finally had enough of Ellie's little spectacle she moves to enter the Mansion but Ellie grabs her arm to stop her in doing so the sleeves on Leslie's clothes rip revealing her burn marks see people stare at her Burns Leslie announces that it was Ellie who gave her those later that evening a servant bared merges into Leslie's attic she hastily grabs Leslie saying that she must be punished for the lies she told that afternoon what lies are you talking about girl definitely no lies there Leslie angers at the maid's words and soon a dark force once again emerges from behind her resembling the Flames that once burned her angrily and in tears Leslie yells that it is the whole spado household who hurt her Ria the household Nanny holds great pride in raising Ellie to be the prim and proper lady she is now hearing Leslie speak ill about Ellie she threatens to tell the Maris about Leslie's Behavior the audacity of this little girl huh Ria is absolutely enraged already Leslie pays no mind as Ria blabbers on with her threats of punishment she tells Ria to do it tell the Maris or his wife or whoever it is all Leslie wants is to not be bothered while she slumbered at this point Ria loses her composure and dashes at Leslie with all the intention of punishing her physically as she nears Leslie a dark cloud of M Magic from under the bed wraps itself around Ria's legs when Ria falls to the ground she quietly blurts out that she was hurting suddenly Ellie enters Leslie's Attic in the foulest mood possible she shouts at Ria to get out she does not show any concern for Ria's hurt legs as she tells her to crawl away if she cannot muster any strength to walk this girl is something else really Ellie closes the door with a loud thud angrily she accuses Leslie of stealing the power that was rightfully hers hearing this Leslie questions how and why all this power was rightfully Ellie's Beauty and popularity May Grace Ellie but Leslie could see through her true colors she openly discusss how Ellie and the spado family could take such great pride in their wealth and honor when it was built upon the blood of innocent children's sacrifices having enough of Ellie Leslie threatens to show the Maris her own raw power Ellie's face scrunches and frustration as she realizes that the mares might cast her aside once he finds out that Leslie possesses great power as Ellie exits the Attic Leslie quickly tucks herself in bed all this drama is too much for a child after all the next day Leslie indulges herself in a decent meal for the first time she disregards the servant's odd looks at her when her own mother comes to insult her eating habits Leslie grins when Ellie herself tries to rid her mother from the dining room what a life she could get used to this being served being feared who needed love anyway later that day Leslie pays a visit to The Duchess Salvatore's household when the servant warns her of how Danger dous The Duchess is her resolve does not waver from her estate The Duchess Salvatore eyes Leslie's petite frame she Converses with her Butler Jenna Dantes about her family status until today The Duchess did not know a second daughter being born into the spado family Jenna verifies that Leslie is indeed a member of the spado household as she recognizes her from the accompiant visit with the Imperial prince in meeting his betro lady Ellie The Duchess continues to eye Leslie from afar but she does not make a move to welcome her into the estate a flashback Graces the duchess's thoughts as she recalls how the spados have always put Ellie on a pedestal there is little to no mention of their second daughter h a bit strange isn't it after a while The Duchess finally tells Jenna to leave Leslie be she will soon grow tired and cold ultimately forcing her to leave the estate's premises hence no need to even utter a formal decline as Leslie Waits outside the estate's gates her hands begin to tremble from the cold soon after the carriage driver urges her to go back home for fear the Duke's wrath hearing this Leslie tells the driver to go back without her after a little convincing the driver left Leslie alone to wait at the duchess's estate despite the cold Leslie did not abandon her post of waiting for the duchess she already came this far she might as well push through with it after a tiring working session The Duchess finally got up from her desk to retreat when she passes by her window she is shocked to see that Leslie is still waiting for her albe it freezing and alone Leslie's resolve softens the the duchess's expression when Jenna calls The Duchess for dinner The Duchess expresses her desire to welcome Leslie as a guest Jenna complies with the duchess's wishes and fetches Leslie from where she waits Jenna leads Leslie to a common area and she showers her with hospitality Leslie unac customed to being treated nicely does not know how to calm herself at being presented with kind gestures when The Duchess enters the common area Leslie gapes in awe at her towering figure The Duchess sits opposite of Leslie and quickly gets down to business reciprocating the duchess's direct demeanor Leslie openly tells the duchess her proposal of wanting to be adopted a profound look of disbelief presents itself in the duchess's expression at hearing Leslie's request she has never heard of someone asking for such a thing usually ladies across the land would offer their hand in marriage to her sons just to be part of the Salvatore family but adoption this was something new getting invested into this whole conversation The Duchess asks Leslie why she would adopt her Leslie quickly replies that by doing so the D just would obtain what she has always wanted and additionally she would possess whatever power Leslie currently had mustering all her might Leslie shows the dutches her magical abilities to prove her point with one stretch of Leslie's arm a cloud of Darkness overpowers the entire estate The Duchess alarms herself at Leslie's raw power but she is quick to catch on to her amusement unfaced and sitting laidback The Duchess exclaims her awe at Leslie being a black saint despite her interest in Leslie The Duchess still has much to find out about her she asks Leslie of the intentions of her request being honest to her fullest extent Leslie admits that she wants protection away from a life of abuse hearing this The Duchess sympathizes with Leslie but she is not entirely convinced hearing The Duchess demand more to her reasoning Leslie finally comes clean of wanting to destroy this spado family unbothered by Leslie's confession The Duchess continues to interrogate Leslie throughout their meeting The Duchess is taking a liking to Leslie already as she fits the qualifications of someone she could rely on and train however her wit and power isn't enough to sway The Duchess she needs to put her to the test a test that for The Duchess truly measured a person's resolve the duchess asks Leslie to tell her what she knows of her to this Leslie replies with the common sayings that her strength is unmatched and that half of her face is coated in Scales The Duchess laughs at this and proceeds to take off her mask as The Duchess takes off her mask she anticipates a recoiled fearful and horrified reaction from Leslie however she is soon taking taking back when Leslie's reaction is that of genuine concern for her the scar that covers half of the duchess's face Leslie is all too familiar with it their interaction is soon interrupted when the duchess's son enters the room a genuine look of curiosity reflects itself onto the duchess's son with no further Ado he asks his mother of the little girl Leslie in the room with them without a second thought the duess answers her son by saying that she is her daughter hearing this Leslie partially chokes on her food and looks at The Duchess in disbelief The Duchess soon asks for her son to introduce himself to Leslie granting his mother's wishes beron Leen Salvatore briefly introduces himself to Leslie as the Len night orders Commander even though he radiates a fearsome Aura his name still becomes babied when his mother calls him Beth with Beth's serious introduction the servants expect Leslie to cry at any moment however they are soon proven wrong when Leslie gracefully introduces herself in response to Beth I mean she's been through so so many more terrifying experiences the servants watch in awe as Leslie and Beth interacted to break the ice soon after The Duchess mentions that later on Leslie would be introduced to her second son ente that night for the first time Leslie feels at ease with being around people to her all of this feels like a dream it feels surreal to experience genuine kindness after years of torment and abuse at the hands of her real family a flashback to older times unfolds from memory a thousand years after the empire was formed a group called The ET was formed a woman Knight who closely resembled The Duchess is seen picking up bodies from destroyed Villages she carries the bodies and asks her fellow Knights to bury them before moving on to the next site the memory Fades and the morning sun rises in the salvatora state Leslie wakes up in a good mood after spending a night at the Salvatore estate a servant helps to prepare Leslie before she joins The Duchess for breakfast she treats Leslie with so much kindness that Leslie's heart warms at her kind gestures when Leslie joins The Duchess she asks of Beth Ron's whereabouts perhaps she found it odd that no one else is joining her and The Duchess for breakfast The Duchess compels Leslie to continue eating as Beth probably would not join them that morning while at breakfast The Duchess discusses matters relating to Leslie's adoption she expresses that the process would be difficult as Leslie is from another Noble family nevertheless she should trust The Duchess and give her about a month to settle her adoption The Duchess also makes it known to Leslie that she should keep her power hidden from everyone else aside from Ellie and the Duchess nobody else must know of the power she possesses for fear that they may want to acquire it for their own gain despite Leslie's great faith in The Duchess she still Grims her face upon realizing the severity of her situation seeing Leslie react that way the duchess reassures her not to worry after all Leslie has her now right that in itself should make a difference as Leslie gets inside the carriage to go home The Duchess watches her momentarily The Duchess notices Beth Ron's presence he finishes his training quite late for a morning practice as she instructs him to get closer to Leslie since she will be his sister soon she reminisces back to when saigh was thrilled with her first pregnancy wishing it was a girl moreover they already decided to name their baby Elizabeth and even decorated the room back then presently The Duchess explains to her son that the spado Maris already knew that she sent people out to the orphanage before but thanks to that she was able to meet Leslie the Maris is probably not aware that the daughter he abandoned is so calm and mature and has already planned out things in her little head Beth Ron then takes responsibility for taking care of things meanwhile Ellie catches Leslie who just arrived back from the spado maris's house she welcomes her with a lecture which causes him to fight shortly their mother interrupts them and immediately sides with Ellie the favorite daughter without knowing the whole story because of Leslie's attitude her mother punishes her she has never been treated as their child since she was born which means that she is just an object however she doesn't want to be their daughter either I mean who would want to be a daughter of such horrible people G truthfully Leslie wants her monstrous family to be devoured by the darkness but she restrains herself because the spados deserve a greater punishment she must endure it a little more she then proceeds to go inside her room to escape from her mother and she cries in her bed as she thinks about getting revenge oh poor baby oh on the other hand Dariel complains to the Maris about her attitude both of them dislike Leslie because they only think of her as a sacrificial lamb also she mentions her using magic which makes him curious actually the spado family members have this Destiny wherein the children born with golden hair and green eyes are destined to stand on top and are powerful while the next child born with silver hair is a sacrificial lamb their power can be transferred to the firstborn however after the Maris finds out that Leslie's Powers have been awakened he gets happy thinking about the benefits he could get from that he is certain that the second Darkness user has awakened the next day Leslie finds it weird that the servants are now being nice to her she notices that the Maris has been strict with the servants explaining their Sudden Change of treatment towards her with that she then decides to eat together with her family to investigate what is happening shortly Ellie arrives at the dining table with Leslie taking her seat which makes her furious just as she is about to pull her hair their father arrives he scolds Ellie for being rude to her sister all of a sudden the Marquee starts being nice to her he apologizes for all the terrible things he did to her before and tells her that he deeply regrets them it's his duty as her father to make sure she's happy however she doesn't have any plans to forgive him just recently he hurt her so she doesn't believe any of his attempts to be nice to her that's right Les they don't deserve forgiveness honey she then walks away even before they are able to eat darkness is very discreet it's not flashy and it lurks quietly like it doesn't exist Leslie concludes that he already found out about her secret which is why he's being nice to her if she doesn't use her power no one will know if she has it or not although those who have the same power can sense it not long after Ellie follows her and makes an attempt to attack her but the dark magic hinders her meanwhile The Marquees starts to throw Tantrums because of Leslie's arrogant attitude he then orders the servants to talk well to her actually the servant notices that Leslie is afraid of fire which makes him smirk it seems seems like he is planning something oh what now the Maris plans to set Leslie on fire he is certain that she will definitely use her power to try and survive he can then confirm how strong her powers are and how much she is worth however he doesn't know how to do it on top of that Leslie has been very cautious recently shortly a butler arrives to pass a message from the marest the marquest wants him to come with her to the temple the next day but he refuses momentarily he retracts his answer as he realizes he can use it to proceed with his plan the next day the servant tells Leslie that they will be going to the temple that day and miraculously she agrees quickly for her she doesn't care wherever she goes as long as it is not in the mansion with that she will be able to breathe without worry later that day she was riding alone in the carriage it's a bit suspicious but she feels really comfortable that her family is not around moreover it's only been a few days but she wants to hurry back to The Duchess already meanwhile the rest of the spado's family is riding together inside the carriage they have a quick stop because the mares passes something to the men with axes after that he orders them to go back home never mind going to the temple the marquest starts to get tired of him because of his unreasonable acts lately however he assures her that everything will go well and he's doing it for her and Ellie in addition the axes are just preventative measures in case of a fire momentarily Ellie concludes what her father's plan is on the other hand Leslie's Carriage suddenly stops in the middle of nowhere she tries to get out but she's trapped inside suddenly The Carriage is on fire she then finds out that her father organized the whole thing to confirm her powers just when she starts to accept her death Beth Ron comes to save her how Despicable that her own father tried to kill her what a monster on the other hand actually it was Ellie who informed him earlier about the incident anonymously after bethon saved Leslie from the fire a group of men with axes arrived and tried to take her however he threatens those men for what they did to the child and for insulting him in his nights after they find out Beth Ran's identity they all run away quickly he then lets him go away since Leslie's safety is more important one of the knights notices that he seems to know the child so he tells him that she is his sister later that night Leslie wakes up from a bad dream The Duchess immediately comes near her she gives her something to drink so she can sleep better Leslie is afraid to go to sleep because then the same dream might appear again she then mentions that their contract relationship a promise that The Duchess has to keep in accordance with her contract The Duchess assures her that she will always be by her side shortly Leslie feels reassured knowing that the duchess will stay by her side until she falls asleep not long after Beth Ron calls his mother the priest had already checked his Burns earlier and healed them instantly The Duchess expresses her frustration toward the Maris barado she never thought that he would be capable of lighting a carriage on fire especially with his own daughter inside recalling what her grandparents said for the second child of the spado family typically passes away unusually early in the past moreover there is no need for them to care about other people's Family Matters however Leslie's desperation stuck with her The Duchess then decides to pay the Maris a visit right away meanwhile the Maris is very Furious and is destroying the house he scolds his men for losing Leslie while the Ruckus is ongoing Ellie Witnesses everything Ellie finds out that Leslie is with the salvator and a part of her doesn't want Leslie to come back after a while The Duchess salvator arrives at their place Ellie then goes to her formally to greet her out of the blue The Duchess asks about Ellie's age she thinks that the eldest spado daughter is quite big for her age that's maybe because she isn't your daughter Maris spado immediately apologizes for making The Duchess wait they begin to talk about the incident with her daughter shortly he tries to make excuses for what happened but she doesn't believe him she then asks him without hesitation if Leslie is really his daughter while waiting for the Maris to show up earlier Ellie tored her around their mansion she notices at their house seems like everything is for one child only which is Ellie there is nothing for Leslie around the Mansion like she didn't even exist The Duchess finds it weird so she starts to doubt the Maris momentarily she mentions that her grandfather told her before about all the second Children of the spado family who died at an early age after what she said the maris's reaction proves that he is guilty admittedly she doesn't know much however she is certain that he only raised Leslie for something else other than a daughter and that he attempted to kill her countless times before the Marquee starts to get defensive so he keeps spouting nonsense he then threatens The Duchess with a duel if she doesn't bring Leslie back to him but she doesn't feel threatened at all in fact she is looking forward to that day as she tells him that she will break his bones with her bare hands with that the Maris decides to put her on trial yes now that's Queen Behavior meanwhile back at Salvatore's house Leslie wakes up thinking that everything was just a bad dream momentarily she immediately pretends to be asleep as she hears Beth Ron's voice from outside the room he then comes inside the room to check on her along with his father she then hears an unfamiliar voice so she Peaks to see who it is when the old man's face comes into sight she feels startled so she swiftly runs to bethon shortly he assures Leslie that she is safe because the man is his father afterward she introduces herself actually she's not scared of him rather she's just not used to a grown man trying to please her Serene delpa Salvatore a c Salvatore's husband tries to be friendly with her so she feels a bit relaxed now after introducing himself to Leslie s r welcomes her to their home later on the three of them ate together s r and bethon are just watching her enjoy the food s offers her more food however bethon restrains him although his intentions are good since he wants Leslie to eat good food after being asleep for 4 days she's only allowed to eat nutritious ones she couldn't believe that she'd been asleep for that long moreover she finds out what the Maris did to get her back after say rainy accidentally says a curse word in front of her just like a normal child she is curious about a lot of things especially what she hears from adults Beth Rand kicks out his father outside the dining hall it's a punishment for being careless in front of the child after saying foul words even though he didn't mean to Leslie then starts asking a lot of questions so bethan decides to explain everything from the the start oh he is such husband I mean older brother material recently the spado mares came to Salvador's place to get Leslie back after the duchess's visit to the mares he was convinced that he wouldn't be able to get Leslie back thus he caused a Ruckus at the front door yelling to give back his daughter they came when The Duchess was home alone so they got overconfident but they chose the wrong opponent The Duchess was able to defeat all of them by herself Les thinks that the scary mares is nothing now that she left their horrible house before she heads back to rest bethon gives her medicine first afterward leslia taken to her own room which she will be using from now on she gets excited as it is obvious that she loves the room shortly medell who will be taking care of her from now on introduces herself later that night saney Pampers his wife after she had a long day dealing with odd people The Duchess listens to him be excited about Leslie he wants her to be their daughter however making Leslie their legal daughter may bring some trouble in addition the Maris is quickly erasing all evidence that he ever abused Leslie since the evidence is within their house The Duchess can't do much he's probably doing all that while preparing to send the duchess to trial with that say Rainey gets mad momentarily The Duchess gives a fair warning to her husband to be careful of the words he says in front of Leslie the next morning the salvator family including Leslie ate breakfast together it seems like they have to buy another chair for her because she can't quite reach the table however there is no need for that since she will make sure to grow up quickly Leslie is spoiled by the Salvatore couple as they decide to buy things for her shortly she requests to go downtown since she hasn't been there before with that The Duchess even encourages her to go sightseeing with bethon later that day bethan and Leslie observe rente their second brother talking to Conrad alpe Altera the second eldest son of Duke Altera when Leslie sees Conrad's golden eye she instantly remembers meeting him before based on what Leslie knows the salvors and the alteras the Empire's most influential forces are on bad terms however bethon corrects her moreover he informs her that Conrad is actually a paladin after a short while ruent and Conrad head to where bethon and Leslie are ruent has no idea who Leslie is so he asks who she is without even greeting her first bethan then scolds him for his lack of manners momentarily Conrad and Leslie introduce themselves to each other she didn't mention her last name since she didn't like it moreover she wants to call herself Leslie Salvatore Conrad is not staying for too long because he still has some work to do so he excuses himself shortly now the three salvator siblings are left alone rente then asks again about Leslie so bethon introduces her to him as their little sister which leaves him surprised Leslie is eating pancakes alone at the dining table it's her first time seeing how pretty looking pancakes are so she's really happy however she feels kind of lonely bethan had worked that day so he wasn't able to be with her but he promises that he will take her down downtown the next day Leslie restrains herself from feeling lonely especially because she has yet to be officially adopted as a Salvatore on top of that she is just a girl who is there because of a contract she shrugs her thoughts off as rente arrives shortly he greets her quite aggressively but Leslie stays calm while explaining the reason for her Presence at Salvador's Place ruent notices that she seems to be used to dealing with aggressive emotions momentarily she leaves him alone in the dining room he couldn't believe what's happening especially with a spado member being a part of the their family later that night Leslie looked outside her room window she then asks Mell about hooking fingers when making a promise and how it's different from a contract earlier Beth Ron hooked their pinkies when he made a promise to her Mel then enlightens her as she answers Leslie's questions later on Leslie requests to look outside a bit more when Mell is about to close the windows up since it's getting cold with that she offers to get her some hot chocolate to warm her up on the way to get a drink The Duchess runs into medell so she asks her about Leslie since she is her personal maid Mel then shares her observations about how Leslie has more knowledge of adult matters than things of her age on top of acting strange Leslie seems too mature for her age The Duchess just tells Mell that she has her own reasons so she should treat her well Leslie is already sleeping when Dell comes back with her hot drink she then carried her to bed so she could sleep well the next morning Leslie wakes up very early because she's too excited to go downtown that day she finishes preparing shortly with Mel's help bethan is already waiting for as she runs toward him in a fur ball coat she's so squishy I want to hug her the coat is a big hit for her since it's ruenes from when he was young she is actually that small which makes her really cute Leslie wants to grow tall like The Duchess so bethan assures her that she will eventually grow when she's old enough on the way downtown Mell notices how much Leslie enjoys the outdoors as she looks out the window with a huge smile for her every time she looks outside it is less suffocating Mell then remembers the conversation she had with the other maid last night they notice Leslie's strange Behavior since she is too mature for a little kid moreover The Duchess ordered them to treat her well presently they're almost there and Leslie is feeling a bit hungry so they decide to eat first before going shopping afterward they are now shopping for clothes for Leslie Mel enumerates the orders for the shopkeeper she mentions a lot but Leslie likes the Blue Dress the most which fits her perfectly while Mell and bethan scroll through the catalog to choose more clothes for Leslie she decides to go to the washroom she asks someone to guide her along the way just when she's about to go inside Ellie grabs her out of the blue is she stalking our Leslie Ellie drags Leslie inside the washroom she pushes her to the wall as she expresses her anger and frustration with her little sister's presence in her favorite store the reason she's so angry is because someone like Leslie dares to come to the same store as her back when she was still living in the spado Mansion Ellie never allowed her to walk anywhere near near her room it seems like the Marquess is not doing well since Ellie is shopping by herself early in the morning normally they shop together and spend the rest of the day at leisure now that the rumors about the spado family have already spread things are different Leslie concludes that Ellie decided to come home early in the morning so that no one was around with that she accuses her of planning everything including breaking their own father's arm in the end The Unwanted daughter gets blamed again for the things she didn't do She's So Mean to her little sister momentarily Leslie realizes that if it weren't for Ellie she might have spent her entire life in this SP family yearning for their love she is quite thankful for her because of that when she's about to walk away Ellie stops her the spado family did nothing but caused Leslie a lot of trauma moreover Ellie is only concerned about herself but she is putting all the blame on her sister shortly after Leslie finally walks away and returns to Beth Ron when she gets back Beth Ron apologizes for what renti did to her in the D dining room even though she was threatened by him she didn't feel scared at all for her if he truly hates Leslie the look in his eyes would have been hostile so she doesn't make it a big deal after that they decide to go look around other stores while they finish measuring her clothes they proceed to go to a toy shop which makes Leslie excited bethon tells her to choose anything she wants but she is hesitant if she doesn't choose a one then he doesn't have any choice but to buy her everything he's indeed a good brother to Leslie how sweet attempting to coax Leslie into making a purchase bethran suggests buying everything hinting that salvator's Financial standing might become the town's gossip if she doesn't it's giving sugar daddy I mean brother Vibes Leslie shilly points at the Black Bunny next up pastries watching Leslie enjoy her food with Bright Smiles Beth Ron wonders what exactly the spado marquest did to Leslie that such simple things made this young child this happy Mell Leslie's maid suggests that Leslie tried the cookie with the hot chocolate instead of Dipping or sipping in the hot chocolate the maid finds Leslie putting the snowman-shaped cookie floating in the hot chocolate Leslie finds it pretty so excitedly shows it to bethon only to find it in Ruins cracked and sinking nightfalls and Leslie remains embarrassed by the cookie mishap the image of the cookie sinking in such a depressing way flashes back at her she makes medell promise to keep what happened a secret after Mell left the room Leslie slowly got got out of bed carrying her newly bought bunny she talks to the darkness saying that it looks like her bunny as they are both black Leslie thinks that what a relief that she was born with the power of Darkness she promises that the end of the spat marquest shall be a present for those who helped her the next day The Duchess announces that renti will be teaching Leslie a rather displeased face is seen in renti ruen may not look like it but he's a rather famous magician Leslie will learn the basics of wielding a sword but she needs to gain more stamina first and then move on to learn proper etiquette dance and other minor things after the meal desserts are served a new addition to the salvator's routine bethon gazes at the hot chocolate and cookie dessert a reminder of the embarrassing incident Mell tells Leslie to try putting the cookie on top again just like how she did leaving bethon and Leslie awkward Leslie attempts once more to place the cookie on the hot chocolate expecting it to sink just like the previous day she hesitates nearly giving up but to her surprise the Snowman shaped cookie rests at top the liquid it's as if the Snowman is riding a boat little did Leslie know Mell the chef and other servants collaborated to create this beautifully adorned hot chocolate their meticulous efforts involved 64 attempts and 20 cups of hot chocolate to provide Miss Leslie with a perfect moment these servants are MVP so sweet of them amidst the Praises for Leslie ruen perceives the entire situation as Madness thinking everyone has gone crazy these last few days ruent appears in front of Leslie as he'll be teaching Leslie about magic he tries to act indifferent towards her telling Leslie he doesn't have a choice to teach her because it's his mother's task to him the Mysteries surrounding the power of Darkness remain veiled concealed by the spados for almost a millennium rente hints at the similarity between Leslie's power and Regular Magic suggesting that the methods of controlling should be similar intent on challenging Leslie ruent presents her with a stack of books some rarely mentioned even in the upper levels of the academy from archaic language to the continent's history he labels this as Basics rend's treatment of Leslie stems from spado's joining their family just thinking about the disgusting things the spados did to hold them back infuriates ruent but it's just like the others completely forgot about it and are all excited even his brother well if you just open your eyes and look at Leslie's cute eyes you'd understand why anticipating complaints from Leslie rente is surprised to find her more well- read than most adults having devoured every book he mentioned while telling her extensive knowledge to rente Leslie glances at him nervous gripping into her own dress thinking she must still be lacking she remembers the reason why she's read all those books the slap the pain and the heartbreaks her tutor gives every time a question goes unanswered she is told that her ignorance will be her sister's ignorance which will bring shame to the spado family her past life was dictated by familial expectations although this isn't the spado mansion and rente isn't that tutor Leslie came can't shake off her worries rent's indifferent demeanor shifts to admiration as he Marvels at how a 12-year-old could comprehend naira's theories he seeks validation asking for her favorite passage verifying her grasp of nyoka's work an underrated philosopher theories known to few rente is so captivated by her knowledge at her age she knows archaic and holy language and even history up to the birth of the fourth Empire and if she knows this much there's no doubt people will brand her as a prodigy ruent is very excited as he envisions the potential of such a prodigious child but a sudden realization brings him back to his guarded self despite Leslie's undeniable charm she's a spado a fact he sternly reminds himself of he cannot afford to be swayed by her innocence like others as he considers himself the sharpest Salvatore tasked with safeguarding their home however her preference for niria series frustrates ruent he finds himself agreeing with every Point she presents challenging his own principles let's tells him she's very happy to have met ruent and that she has never talked to anyone about niria before like this looking forward to be taught by him since Lesley already knows about theories ruent wants to move on to some real practice ruent asks Leslie to use her power like how she used it the first time she spoke with the duchess but this time instead of the whole mansion only the room they're in in an instant flick Leslie covers the room with her powers amazing ruent and realizes this is the powers that helped maintain the spado family for thousands of years impressed ruent acknowledges Leslie's capabilities understanding why his mother The Duchess adopted her he challenges her to master power control emphasizing the potential repercussions of mishandling any power Leslie struggles with power control a common issue among individuals with formidable abilities ruent patiently explains while gently patting Leslie's Hair guiding her through their training Leslie concentrates on mastering One log out of six halting her efforts ruent observes Leslie having conquered four out of six logs an accomplishment that even an average magician might struggle with after a year or two of practice rente reassures Leslie of her exceptional progress affectionately caressing her with a tender gaze the source of all Leslie's problems is her stamina whether she eats and sleeps right to improve her training meanwhile in a basement somewhere The Duchess with bethon is interrogating a servant who leaked information about The Duchess eyeing the orphanage after a while of threatening the servant tries to tell them about spado when suddenly his mouth M spills blood causing him to die oh no Jenna the butler imagines that parlon might have been promised nobility in exchange for his betrayal of the Salvatore family convinced that his moral compass is distorted and lacking sharpness Jenna believes parlon fell victim to manipulation without realizing it despite his suffering he never sought medical help a testament to his optimism that he'd attained nobility a night raises suspicions about Maris barado's involvement after Aron's mention of the name however Beth dismisses the notion affirming that someone stronger than Maris spado is behind the incident meanwhile rente and Leslie are getting closer Leslie asks him why the Royals and Duchess Salvadore get along rente explains to Leslie that the Salvadore family existed long before the empire was established the royal family thinks that the Salvatore family might be superior to them so they didn't like them the Royal Family's crests have a snake with two heads one head has the sun in its mouth while the other head holds the moon the Sun and Moon represents the sky which means that the royal family is the sky they are arrogant enough to call themselves The Sky the personalities don't exactly help either especially his mother who's not the type of person who easily bows to other people a realization shocks Leslie the rumors about the Salvatore being monsters were spread by the Salvatore family themselves rente jokes about their supposed monstrous traits Leslie disagrees emphasizing the family's kindness to her rente playfully teases saying they're only kind to her their chat is interrupted by the duchess's summon ruent notices Leslie still addressing him formally despite her upcoming status as a Salvatore he asks her to call him something else prompting Leslie to playfully call him brother rente as they head to the duchess's office ruent informs Leslie about The Duchess inviting Conrad a member of the royal family due to Leslie's power rente arrives at the office of The Duchess he tells his mother how Leslie is very intelligent a genius rather similar to the seniors at the Academy a true genius in philosophy but lacking in other subjects and her etiquette is quite particular she does what a maid would do sometimes she has no common sense and lacks so much pride that it is evident that she's been mistreated her entire life hey easy with the insult rente tells the duchess how he wants Conrad to protect her concerned about how and when her powers will run rampant or not or the power is too strong but the owner is too fragile Divine powers can heal wounds but can also soothe poers that are rampant even ruent and The Duchess can't do it would be hard to stay calm knowing how powerful Leslie's power is they could even be on the same skill level as comrade on the other hand The Duchess tells Leslie that the Marquee spado will be taking her to court saying The Duchess kidnapped Leslie to learn more about their family's power and other accusations towards the Duchess in order to get Leslie back using Leslie as a witness is not possible because the Marquees spread the rumors that Leslie is mentally challenged a weak child who's lived in Her Imagination since she she was young seriously he's getting worse and worse also according to the law every child must be under a guardian makes Leslie tremble in fear knowing that if that is the case she will be back in that disgusting place but the duchess puts her at ease as she assures her she will give her the Salvatore name and that the only thing Leslie's going to worry about is what kind of bed and Furniture Leslie's going to put in her new room and what cookie she's going to put in her hot cocoa tomorrow but then the duchess gently asks her for a confirmation if the early deaths of all the second and third children in the spado family and Maris spado's intent to kill Leslie are related that's when Leslie bursts into tears revealing the truth that she was born to be a sacrifice Leslie reveals why marqueis spado attempted to kill her and the underlying cause behind the premature deaths of the second and third children in the spado family she believes that the Departed children's Souls bestowed their powers upon her for the purpose of seeking Revenge the agony she felt when exposed to fire she assumes might have been exponential eventually greater for those children however The Duchess raises doubts about whether these deceased children truly desired Leslie to wield this power for vengence meanwhile The Duchess took the liberty of arranging an etiquette teacher shella Avon tiam that's a wild name right there The Duchess informs them that Conrad Altera will be instructing Leslie in theology prompting objections from duke seren and Beth though they hold no Sway in the decision ruent meanwhile will serve as her tutor for all other subjects calling ruent a brother causes a stir at the table Duke s and Beth are too jealous of the intimat Leslie regardless of being hesitant to call them brother father and most importantly mother even before having their name Leslie tries going back and forth but she can't do it with the duchess later that day Conrad came for their theology session over tea and sweets why does this look more like a date calm yourself Leslie Leslie doesn't know what to say and how she should talk talk to Conrad afraid of making the slightest mistake Conrad eases her nervousness by telling her they're just exchanging greetings with each other he compliments her like how rente Praises her for her knowledge and for a 12-year-old the Praises are truly deserved what a talker Leslie's blushing and quite frankly she isn't the only one they share how niria contributed to their friendship with rente Conrad introduces Leslie to an underrated history writer am Maria poorly evaluated she's female and a commoner the conversation turned into admiring how kind the salvors are very far from how Society sees them as monsters the Duke gives off a strong and scary Aura but he's actually very kind Beth looks Stern but in reality he's very gentle ruent is very knowledgeable and The Duchess Salvatore is an amazing person Leslie requests that they have their classes in the estate if that's not uncomfortable for him speaking of uncomfortable Conrad is just about to ask Leslie if they could change the destination of their class glasses somewhere maybe out from someone's dagger stairs like now Conrad describes her as a very joyful person who doesn't match the Salvadore family being polite pale and harmless like a pure bunny amongst dark ferocious beasts OMG really but he's literally a priest God conran asked the butler to bring him some of am Maria's books and to make a list of all the stores that sell desserts a request the butler doesn't expect because he doesn't enjoy sweet things Conrad thinks that she has her own predicaments the first time he saw her in the temple she was crying and wearing clothes that were out of season and didn't fit with the hallways the noble looking people despite that he still wants to get closer to her wondering what expression she will give him the next time they meet a grumpy Duke hands a letter he found to The Duchess seemingly still pissed off with the idea of Conrad Altera being the teacher of Leslie The Duchess explains why they need someone who can calm her power a power not innate from birth but due to an unfortunate event that made this mere 12-year-old seek revenge for the children of spados for thousands thousands of years big flaming power Duke sereni instills his dislike of the Altera as having been acting suspiciously lately while listening The Duchess entrusts the newly stamped letter to the Duke for him to deliver it to the important person for the upcoming trial as soon as possible I wonder who it is the Duke cutely accepts the letter submitting to his wife Smiles how to tame roughl looking guys 101 before he leaves he tells the duchess how he wants Leslie to be able to look back can only remember the Happy Times a dad of the Year award please meanwhile marqueis spado is seen by Rabon seemingly worried about the arms of the Maris injured during their Encounter With The Duchess Salvatore it doesn't sound as if Rabon is particularly worried in the maris's ears rbon bid his Farewell leaving Maris swinging his Cane everywhere because of anger thinking of the faces that caused all of this humiliation The Duchess and Leslie angers him more he believes that a daughter should listen to her father 's words as if they were God's words if things had gone as he had planned Leslie would have been married to a poor mercenary and starved for the rest of her miserable life like are you insane are you hearing yourself the thing that the Maris is still holding on to is the child protection Clause to win the trial as well as Ellie's fiance the prince he sees there's no way that he can lose if he just plays his card right it could even result in the downfall of the salvors in order to come up with a plan for disciplining Leslie going forward Maris examined a book he made a chain not a perfect solution but the chain can supposedly restrain the darkness if he wraps Lesley's body with this then she won't be able to use her powers such morbid ideas how can he call himself a father his evil thoughts were interrupted by a call for him informing that her majesty the queen Dowager was waiting for his arrival Queen dower media seems to like the Maris honestly I don't know why either to that she offers to do something in return for always lifting her spirits mares took the chance to plead a noble trial the story of how the duchess salvator kidnapped the maris's second daughter we hope this man is on top of the FBI's most wanted list such a manipulator the Maris successfully persuades the queen Dowager to initiate a noble trial for Duchess Salvatore a noble trial in the Empire of rarus necessitates The Emperor's written decree known as the death sentence of Honor should one transgression surface during this trial one risks losing their esteemed Rank and being reduced to commoner status the salvator a prestigious family might Escape complete rank deprivation yet a fall from such a lofty position would be profoundly humiliating the impending familial tie between the queen Dowager and Maris spado compels her involvement in the plight of an in-law despite Leslie enduring far greater hardships Shameless people just Shameless when the Maris leaves thrilled that his wish has been realized the queen Dowager hides her crucial part in the beginning of this Mayhem Queen Dowager was the one who leaked some of the information so that the Maris of spado could disrupt the Salvador Duchess but his daughter was stolen instead she did not know he was this stupid at least we can agree on that media mocking the egotistical Maris who only cares about his family can't seem to understand his proposition and believes he can overcome the salvator Her Majesty now worries that she might have chosen the wrong fiance for Orlando but is relieve knowing that engagements can easily be broken she tells the maid to tell his majesty that she wishes to have breakfast with him tomorrow even if he does hate the queen Dowager he is still the emperor and must show courtesy so for his mother he will at the very least open a noble trial the Majesty is curious who this child the two families are fighting over she asks for her name and after knowing she feels bad to give that child name Leslie meaning a happy and peaceful family opposite to what is happening right right now is saddening Her Majesty is excited about what will happen for the Salvatore Duchess to choose her it must mean she is special meanwhile in the Salvatore State Leslie begins etiquette lessons with her teacher shuel Avon tyam though Leslie gracefully bows in typical fashion a gesture reserved for those of higher rank her habit stems from enduring years of inhumane treatment by count as teram acknowledges as Leslie's significance in the Empire mentioning that only four ladies wield more power than she does as Leslie's tutoring progresses another teacher becomes enamored with her by the session's end after an extensive etiquette class Leslie receives a fluffy pink cotton momentarily mistaking it for the pink hair of her eccentric teacher only to realize it's actually a cotton candy intrigued by this rare sight in ricardus Leslie is captivated by the melted sugar treat so cute as the day concludes peacefully Leslie contemplates the unusual Tranquility amidst the upcoming trial questioning whether such moments should exist days passed without updates from The Duchess regarding the trial leaving Leslie concerned in a conversation with ruent she recalls her struggles to address the duchess as mother the previous day worrying it may have disappointed her ruent clarifies that Leslie's deep respect for The Duchess hindered her from addressing her comfortably recognizing the duchess's role in rescuing her from a troubled past warding off the mares and safeguarding her under the salvator name rente assures Leslie that the duchess understands Leslie vows to address everyone comfortably once she officially becomes a Salvatore sealing it with a pinky swear known as The Shield The Duchess is a crucial guardian of the Empire and Leslie too will step into a significant role amidst her thoughts Leslie connects the dots realizing the Duke San's absence and The Dutch's departure for the palace are likely tied to the impending trial feeling a tinge of guilt for potentially causing them trouble and worrying for The Duchess Leslie grapples with her emotions Che Leslie The Duchess won't be easily taken down so guys what do you think of this story so far Please Subscribe and turn on notifications for updates on this and all our other stories so you can be the first to find out when they're out thank you 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Channel: πŸ’– Romantic Fangirl Recaps πŸ’–
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Keywords: manhwa, manhwa recap, romance, romance webtoon, romance manhwa, romantic fangirl, manwha, romance manhwa recap, manhwa love, anime recap, romance anime recap, manga recap, romance manga recap, romance manwha recommendations, manwha top 10, duke, prince, manwha edit, best romance manhwa, romance manga, love story, love story recap, romance story recap, romance manhua, monster duchess and the contract princess, monster duchess, top 10 romance manhwa, strong female lead
Id: n3r_1CdWDd8
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Length: 56min 16sec (3376 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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