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okay so you just purchased your first lever action rifle and you take it to the range just shoot it and you'll love it you say to yourself well how do I create it now you know there is Creek to it well if you want a Henry there's not much trick to it all is libel to life thanks for joining me today and as you all know I just purchased this Henry lets you long ago and so today I'm going to show you guys how to feed it and care for it so we're gonna need a few accouterments cleaning rod your favorite gun and cleaning oil lubricants toothbrush scissors and an old t-shirt for kind of like patches and you want to place your firearm on a nice soft little table like a little blank how I have here all right so let's do the first thing make sure we're empty and we are nothing in the chamber and we're going to take our screwdriver make sure it's a flathead screwdriver and if it's in the slots without marring up the gun and you're going to take your lever just like this big and lay it just like so and what you're going to do is you're going to take the screwdriver you're going to release the tension off the lever go out on the bolster place it to the side like so then what you do is right here in the back you're going to pull down the hammer a little bit and pull out the bolts thanks come on select this okay and you'll see your extractor your firing pin hole and what you're going to do is you're going to inspect the bolt for any kind of marring high-pressure signs any defects from the factory and show the springs work properly all right this is pretty much how far you need to go when it comes out to clean the boat and it said that's the site so now what you have you also have the extractor in here it comes up just like that there's a small notch here and just goes back in the opposite way place back in sight so what you should have is this okay now you can put your rod in the rear to the front so now we're going to do we're going to take the piece of our cleaning cloth I might use an old brush like an old 22 brush and I kind of like roll around a little bit and then dip a little solvent on the patch depending on how dirty your gun is or how many runs you fired or what type of rifle fired right you want to start from there reach the front all right just like so what you do is you take your finger like this what's the brush comes out pick your finger like that and you just go back and forth and that's your stopping point there all right got your Borel soak that with hops number nine all your favorite bore cleaner okay and your barrel she looking plops it looks like that looks pretty dirty from here you can scrub the inside out on the chamber make sure your your equipment is not soiled so if he's a hair on this one here drop a little bit down the receiver end pick another cloth to cap your clip until you don't spill it $6 those tacks for per bottle and it will last you a long time all right kind of go in there with your fingers back it down a little bit and you're both same thing kind of scrub it with toothbrush so you're going to get your parts of dust and while they're soaking you can look on your door I take at this side and we'll clean our extractors we'll protector same thing it looks like and then we'll put it up on the for all right so you take that dry patch do the same thing you and the fill apart make sure your cut your patches on the side you want you type them burrow you my damage the cleaning rug too much tension down there alright then the normal four weeks you come out I lick your finger right here and you go back and forth I rather use the chemical cleaning versus a brush is a running metal on metal oh yeah I don't think it's heat on before you probably can't though because here the camera che but it is pretty great right down there I also forgot to mention to you to remove your reservoir here okay so another run another dry pass down the bore that's here convinced or - it's clean to your satisfaction all right q-tips work great take q-tips and you can put them right inside the areas whether there's tightest in the elevator all right looks good let's take a look at that barrel I don't know if you can see well yeah it's pretty clean down there all right over here next we run clean the loading tube and the breast tube okay for cleaning the brass tube there are a couple of ways I used to do it I have a product called Flitz polish excellent metal polish that works for any kind of chrome brass and you that will polish easily or I use a LED cleaning cloth and this does wonders on copper stainless steel and brass so we'll go with the Flitz method here and what I do is I'll take a little dab flits and you just dab it on the on the brass brush then you take a regular toothbrush and you just sort of run it back and forth and it's actually agitating the breast givin it a nice polished look to it and you do this like every month or so kind of keep up the looks on the brass you get a member to your fingerprints have oil your fingers have oil on and when you put your fingerprints on brass or copper the acids from your hand will actually etch into the breast itself and you'll have basically a rusty looking and right here in this little slot here you want to get in that good to you know so the more often you do this the less dresses you have to be with the polishing method all right so once you've done that take a piece of cloth or or napkin on some sort of light one run it back and forth make sure you got your gloves on remember anything you're using cleaning solvents want to make sure another stuff gets in your mouth or any open wounds and you want to avoid any blood-borne pathogen issues alright do you think huh very bright and shiny because you don't member what you're firing this gun you're loading it you're going to be touching this quite often let's wearing gloves but see is still putting it down on on a tape dirty table or there's something that will cause corrosion water things like that all right one important place to clean is also the raus raus channel right in here okay water gets in there moisture gets in there and you can start rusting out your channel so you have to protect that as well so another cleaning brush and some hops number nine should do the trick alright alright that should be good enough you can run it down like so nothing down here you're not the robot one if we're not the crown of your gun you want another pest through it again [Music] the best thing uses a Jag I use a regular old we're not going to brush [Music] down again you're all that old oil comes out of their storage model not too bad it's a Tallulah a patina looking a little down there [Music] all right so don't be afraid to loot use a little number nine down that channel here once you got to clean wooden and put another recruit over number nine on it as a rust inhibitor all right let's go on this end and it's that simple folks it's not that difficult so let's go ahead and put our lever back together again so on the ejector you're going to have a little hole right here and that's where the support goes in right there all right so now take q-tips a little oil there you go don't soak it too much just a little oil and what you want to do with this is you're going to run this through the channels of the BLA the the bolt area roommates contract all right okay let's laser bolt in so you have a channel here this is where the ejector is going to run a little oil in that just like so brittle in there and you have just like that now you take your liver just like that take the screw put it in thusly start tightening it down not too tight just one snug and there you have it folks just that simple so there you have it put back together clean look at it just smooth back anyways with proper maintenance and care the way I just showed you these go Landers the last four lifetime from the oldest to the youngest they passed on generation to generation anyways it's Lesbos for life thanks for joining me today as you careful erections as much as I do you'll take care of the way I just showed you and like I said they'll give you good service and years and years of pleasure anyway thanks for going on my channel today you take care we'll see you at the next video
Channel: lead bullets 4 life
Views: 115,701
Rating: 4.6663647 out of 5
Id: lY2bBIo-wL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2017
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