Henry Fonda winning Best Actor

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when I was growing up in Texas Academy Award night was the biggest night of the year my whole family would line up in front of the television with a big bowl of popcorn our eyes were as wide as saucers watching all those wonderful movie stars well it's still that way for me and it's an honor for me to be here tonight the five nominees for best performance by an actor in a leading role are Warren batty Henry Ponda BT Lancaster de Mo and Paul Newman this is going to be a tough one and the winner is Henry fond on gold accepting the award for Mr Henry Golden Pond is his daughter Jane Fonda oh Dad I'm so happy and proud for you my father didn't really believe that this was going to happen but he told me a while back that if it did he wanted his wife shirely to accept the award for him but surley wanted to be with him tonight as is her way and so I'm here and first and foremost I want to thank on behalf of my father the members of The Academy who voted to give him this award I know that he's watching right now and I know that he's very very honored and very happy and surprised and I'll bet when he heard it just now I bet he said hey ain't I lucky as though luck had anything to do with it I know also that he has tremendous respect for the other actors that were nominated and has always felt a little strange about these things these competitions because it's like comparing apples and oranges and he feels very proud to have been among such a wonderful group and I know that he feels that he would never have won this if it hadn't been for Katherine hurn and if On Golden Pond is one of the highlights of his life one of the main main reasons is because of her having a chance to work with her and to become her friend and I know that one of the other reasons that he feels the film was so special is because of the quality of the crew every one of them many of whose talents have been recognized tonight in the nominations and the wonderful cast douge mcken Dabney Coleman Bill lanto me he's a proud father the man who pulled us all together our producer Bruce Gilbert he is my father is so happy he feels so fortunate to have been able to play the role of Norman theer a character that he loves a lot and understands very well and for this he'd like to thank the sensitive man who wrote the words who's already been honored tonight Ernest Thompson and for the tremendous talent and guidance of our director mark ryell he's very very grateful we all became like a family during the filming and uh we sort of stayed together since people call him up and stay in touch and come to visit him and so it's like we've stayed a family and it's made my father very very happy and he wants to thank Marble Arch and Universal for their support of the movie On Golden Pond he also feels very lucky to have been able to spend a summer in such a beautiful part of our country Northern New Hampshire and he wants to thank all the people there who were so friendly and and welcoming to us and he was very happy and and so was I and are we to have had our two families together the Hayden and the fondas on the beautiful shores of that of that lake so that we could get to know each other even more he wishes my brother Peter were here tonight but Peter is somewhere in the jungle of the Philippines in front of a camera right now like a good Fonda and I know that lastly but really first he is thanking Shirley Fonda who has been his loving support for 17 years who he calls his Rock of Gibralter I think she's his Ethel faer dad me and all the grandchildren are coming over with it right away thank you
Channel: Oscars
Views: 688,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oscars, Academy, Awards, 1982, Henry, Fonda, Jane, Sissy, Spacek, On, Golden, Pond, Katharine, Hepburn, Warren, Beatty, Burt, Lancaster, Dudley, Moore, Paul, Newman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2010
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