Henry’s lever action .410 shotgun is sweet!

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guys I know usually whenever we're talking about a Henry repeating arms firearm we're usually talking about the rifle cartridges in fact we're almost always talking about a rifle cartridge when it comes to Henry repeating arms like this 22 today we've got something pretty cool today we're gonna be talking about yes a shotgun a 410 shotgun from Henry repeating arms guys meet the Henry H Oh 18-4 10r this is a sweet piece the weight of this thing is 7.3 three panels just 40 and a half inches long very nice I like the bluing on this this is a bluing it has the appearance of somewhat of a parkerized finish because it's got that matte finish but that is a bluing finish very rugged look to it looks like it's gonna be very lasting I don't think finger prints are gonna be an issue usually whenever you take guns like this out a lot of times where we're leery to put our hands on it like some of the golden boys by Henry and all that because you're afraid to get fingerprints on here they're just gonna not make it look good cuz you're gonna want to wipe all that all this real rugged finished to me is nice because you don't you're not sidetracked by trying to clean all the fingerprints off all day long it's 20 inch barrel comes with a cylinder bore choke which is simply a tapered constriction of the gun barrels bore at the muzzle in the sights are pretty nice it's got a brass bead on the front and an adjustable semi buck horn on the back this is a nice rear sight I like the fact that both of these sights sit up pretty high you don't have to get down real low on the right side whenever you're aiming you can set up it more of a comfortable level whether an adult is shooting it or a kid it comes with a black ventilated rubber recoil pad that's pretty cool in the event you have a child shooting it or an over person or a female so it's got some versatility to it but the length of pull is at 14 inches so it's certainly going to be comfortable for an adult to shoot as well of course it's lever action it does take two and a half inch shells it takes five rounds in the tube it's got an MSRP of 893 it's got some American walnut American walnut stock on this thing I mean the wood grain on this thing is impeccable I love the checkering that it has on it it's got the checker on the pistol grip and the fore end it's even got checkering on the bottom side of the fore end I think that's a really nice touch there you'll notice that the checkering is not some little bootleg checkering either it's got the diamond cuts in it very clean crisp diamond cuts if you get in close you can see that it's not just you know hammered down this these things are nice very well cut but they not only cut those but they cut these little I guess you could say decorations in the middle of it separating them the little groups of diamonds and then they outline the whole thing with an additional cut man that's that's putting a little bit more attention to detail more than you probably need to put into a 410 lever-action gun that's the way Henry rolls man they don't play around it's got all your standard feeding naturally you're gonna put your shells in just like all your Henry's do on the magazine too again this thing holds five you can put one of the pipe if you like but this is a really really cool setup and I absolutely cannot wait to shoot this thing so let's shoot this thing alright guys it's raining again out here Louisiana as I load this thing up first off I'm gonna be shooting several things today I've got Winchester Super X right now this is pretty much just a game load and I just want to kind of hit these targets and get familiar with the gun I have not ever fired this thing before so again as I said earlier it just pretty much loads in the tube here five rounds in the tube my first round in there let's get some up close first now all the Cowboy Action guys are probably laughing at me because they're like come on dude you got a cycle faster than that I know I do I'm certainly no cowboy action shooter but as you can see this thing here is I mean it's the the point and I shoot is so easy so effortless on this thing it just feels so good whenever you aim it cycle cycling it I can tell you and it may be because we're dealing with a much larger round and stay to 22 and some of the other rifle cartridges with the Henry's it's a little more clunky and again we're not broken but most of your attendees don't require much of a break-in period but nothing's polished in here anything I know the Cowboy Action guys do a lot of work on their internals many times but um again not bad I'm just saying it's clunky like right here and a little bit right here so as I'm pulling the ejecting the spent casing out and pulling the other one in it just seems to have a little bit more of a speed bump so to speak I do think that's gonna clear up a little bit I'm gonna shoot some more rounds because this thing is actually pretty fun to shoot okay in most cases whenever we use a 410 we're probably going to be using it if it's not a you shooting it it's more of a varmint type gun around the house you know you can kill some coyotes with it possums rabbits whatever anything that might be a nuisance around the house it's also good for a self-defense gun so what I'm going to do is I'm going to try some different rounds what I've tried originally that was a game load a bird it performed very well if you noticed I had targets that were set up here oh I don't know about five six yards and then I had some other ones set up about ten yards you know ten yards away it was was easy easy peasy I mean a nice spread on with that game load all right now I've got Remington slugs looks like one one out one and a half ounce slugs again these are by Remington so pick green here the slugs ought to be pretty cool I mean that's something that I could see definitely using if you take a child hunting or something like that probably not as much of a self-defense type round as anything else but definitely something that if you wanted to get a youth bag in his first little small game animal or something like that might be kind of cool to use this round all right guys here we go this is a rifle slug no recoil none whatsoever no recoil at all on that alright Diskin balls front left we had an issue with this ammo earlier believe that camera roll you guys see what's going on here round is not wanting to come out of here the next round this last round that I just tried to shoot come down here and it did not seem like it wanted to load from the magazine - that's why you always want to test yourself defense rounds before you actually utilize them let's see if it loads here I'm not sure if you guys are gonna be able to see this let's see if it loads in there yeah if the lifter picked it up you see the round in there there it is right there but I could not get that thing I'm gonna load five more in there alright let's give this in another shot and see uh see we got not sure I mean it's always a chance that anything is operator error but I believe I cycled the action on this thing properly and oh by the way I forgot my regular glasses my reading glasses that I usually use to shoot I'm not trying to be ultra cool by wear my sunglasses I just need our protection I don't have my glasses with me alright here we go again let's try just like that one loaded in there it could be me pussyfooting around and not loading it right so let's see loaded good it's possible that it's me like I said earlier right now it feels like this thing needs to be broken in a little bit because I'm not an avid shooter of lever action it's a very good chance just like whenever you shark stroke a pump shotgun oh you can do the same thing if you don't engage the action all the way and you only go partially and then you try to get back in there it may throw that spin casing out the way it's supposed to but it may not always bring that next one in properly because you haven't given it a full cycle of the action I'm sure that's my issue so all right let's move on to the next one I've got something pretty cool here this is I'm always happy to use and excited to use anything by Hornady now horny doesn't mess around they have this critical defense this critical defense has that same that FTX that red tip on the bullet the actual projectile and it's just very very popular and they put that in here along with two round balls let's see how this one does this one I'm excited about this one would be an outstanding home defense round to you that feels good very nice I like that round I want to see if I can hit my 35 yard target out there with one of these Horn of these let's load it up with five of them and see I'm not going to be able to see if I'm missing and if I am missing I'm not gonna be able to see where I'm missing at all so again if you look up there I'm right above my square target let's see here oh yeah it's hitting it easily our spot yards I think that first one hit with the actual projectile that second shot I believe was one of the little ball bearings that's the projectile I don't think that was a ball bearing I was a pretty solid hit yeah that's a cool round so guys I got to tell you I had a lot of fun today shooting this this Henry 410 a sweet little gun I mean as you see operator error can always creep into your shooting no matter how much you shoot now again I am NOT I'm not making excuses here it's all on me but I'm not an avid lever gun guy so you know if I'm going to short stroke this thing and not go all the way forward I'm sure that was the issue and you know certainly can't pin that on on Henry and again the main reason why is because my experience with Henry repeating rifles the past is a hundred percent success I cannot imagine they missed it on this so again we're gonna talk that up to operator error which is usually the case with me guys look a lot of people out there I'm gonna tell you I'll be real honest with you typically when you have guys sending guns in they very rarely give the gunsmith or the manufacturer that they're sending the gun back in with the full truth that I mean that and you guys know what I'm talking about especially those of you that have not given the full truth usually when a gun breaks malfunctions misfires whatever there's a human being that caused that it's not usually the gun it's usually not using the gun now I understand that some guns may be complicated and just like I might have demonstrated here that there's a certain way to use them and if you don't use them right then it could make them malfunction but I'm a firm believer that if you do what you're supposed to do most of the guns are going to do what they're supposed to do as well so again this is a lot of fun I like shooting this gun I like the way it handles the other version is a longer barrel I like the smaller one I like the fact that you can maneuver this thing pretty fast and pretty effortlessly it's just got such a cool little setup it's very compact it's heavy they mean the 7 plus pounds that it has makes it very will double you know you definitely can can move this thing without feeling like you're overshooting your target but at the same time again that weight is going to assist you and taming that recoil a little bit along with that recoil path I would be totally happy and totally confident letting a younger person shoot this thing obviously with adult supervision but I think this would be a great entry-level gun you know obviously you have your 22 Henri's that are unbelievable guns for training a new shooter on how to shoot this would be a logical next step up for them you know not only to have a heavier caliber and you know more meaty gun to shoot but obviously one that they can hunt with at that point you know take them squirrel hunting whatever I mean there's some things you can do with this so I could see this being a great gun for a young person I also see this being a great gun for maybe on your four-wheeler something like that around the ranch around the forum you know this is gonna be something that you don't need a 12-page whenever you're you know go and shoot some kind of varmint or something like that in your form so this could be a very useful gun in my opinion I see Henry selling a lot of these I'm glad I got my hands on one earlier because I do feel like once the word gets out how cool these things are because not going to be a whole lot on the behalf [Music]
Channel: Legally Armed America
Views: 855,307
Rating: 4.849596 out of 5
Keywords: legally armed america, paul glasco, henry, 410, .410, shotgun, lever, action, repeating, rifle, cowboy, shooting, sass, competition, .22, 22, golden, boy, gun, range, winchester, hornady, ammunition, ammo, shell
Id: ufgjTIR_r5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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