HEMI Engine Unboxed - Brand New MOPAR Legend

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foreign [Music] over the decades Nick has built and rebuilt more engines than he can count Mopars Forts and Chevys in all kinds of disrepair come to this shop to be brought back to factory spec or better [Music] Nick will remachine parts that need it and replace others with new pieces [Music] but this week Nick has been asked to do something he's never done before build a big horsepower Hemi engine completely from brand new parts [Music] foreign [Music] is supported by Atlas equipment and K tool International hi I'm Nick and welcome to my shop you know I've been known for building a lot of 426 hemis and you know something different came in today someone wanted to build a Hemi for a 1970s super B that's getting fully restored and this gentleman which brought in the project for me because she's also working on the car his name is Richard brought all these new pieces and I'm talking about every piece brand new for a second generation Hemi is it going to be a 426 well not really he wants to build out a bit of a stroker but anyways I'm going to go to little details as we unpackage all these pieces you know I've built a lot of hemis with a few used parts a few new parts and today lately you cannot buy a crate engine that's fully assembled from Chrysler no longer a lot of places are sold out no longer available discontinued whatever so today either you buy a used engine or you build one from scratch that we are going to do right here and of course you know you got to buy a brand new blocks like we've got one here College started making them lately this is a brand new block but you know what we're going to save it for the end so we're gonna open it up to show you what a brand new second generation Hemi looks like you know I've built uh quite a few hemis in my past you know I used to own a Hemi Cuda I built a red Hemi Challenger I build a convertible I build a lot of hemis I build a lot of hemis for customers we're still racing projects for racing sometimes tuning them up yes my hands have been involved with a lot of second generation hemis yes I've done some third generation I've done some first generation but the one I touched most common is the second generation which I have right here in front of us building an engine from scratch there's a lot of pieces so now my customers brought it in this morning and I want to go through it and unbox every piece to make sure we've got everything the only thing we don't have apparently is the carburetors and the push rods but because you know I got to assemble the engine three-quarter assembly to get the length of the push rod but that will be later on but the basics of the engine it should all be here I've never built an engine from scratch with all brand new pieces you know I had engines with used blocks brand new cylinder heads of course stroker kits connector rods pistons and rings but to start with every bolt nut clip retainer bushing bearing and whatever never this is the first time from A to Z so what came in today is another region and this is going to be a stroker kit which is going to be uh more than a 426 it's going to be more like a 541 cubic inch much bigger than my 528 so my job here today is right now that it's come here I need to unbox it with you guys and see if we've got everything and if we got the correct Parts you know what I like about this today we're going to start building with a brand new block because some of my customers come with blocks you know without being welded cut decked and you know I've seen a lot of huge teams that come here you know some engines would be decked so much that we have to put 150 180 thousand head gaskets some of them have to be welded from one end to the others some of them were so thin polished or filled with cement nothing to be for a nice perfect street car like we're building here on this one here but you know what I'm going to start with a fresh brand new block it should be easier to build it and it should go good all I have to do is make sure everything lines up bolts in together make all my measurements make a nice finish board on the Block and then we'll take it from there hey I know a lot of you guys are watching but you're not subscribed so come on you guys hit that button and press the like button also come on subscribe it doesn't cost anything [Music] so let's get started all right let me get my glasses on all right let's start with the crankshaft this is a heavy piece here we go [Music] now this crankshaft is brand new and it's a made by eagle and if you guys will take a good look Hemi okay it's a hemi crankshaft 4.250 now this crank with a block with a bore of four and a half inch bore and a soak of a 4.250 equals about 541 cubic inches this is what we are building here for this customer and if you guys want to know what a 426 is a 426 is a four and a quarter inch bore with a 3.750 stroke which equals 426. so matter of fact this is a big board Block it's got a big short crank so we're going to 541 that's what my customer wants that's what he's gonna get and you know what he's looking for around easy 600 horsepower on pump gas with lots of vacuum for power brakes okay let's see what we got let's start opening it up [Music] now this is a forged steel crankshaft brand new and of course you know after we get the pieces together the Pistons the rods the crank the Rings I gotta send that out with the harmonic balancer and have the engine balanced they're neutral so this thing is so heavy I'm just going to roll it out like so here we go anyways I need to get it opened up just to show our viewers what a crankshaft is because after all I need to get it balanced I want to show you what a brand new crank looks like right over here you guys take a good look so crankshaft it's part of the rotating assembly in an engine and of course what goes with that is the connector rod and the Pistons so let's pull out those boxes and see what we've got now to the crankshaft you have a set of connector rods which connects the crankshaft to the piston wow here we go these are special connector rods they're H beam also forged steel if you take a look here that's an age beam so if you look at it this way it's the letter H these are extreme heavy duty they're free floating you can see it's got a brush bushing here that's where the Piston pin goes this is where the crankshaft Journal goes with the bearing which attaches right here and again this is part of the rotating assembly so these are the connector rods for a 541 cubic inch we need a 7.100 7 inch 100 thou Center Center connector up to build this engine on this stroker application okay now let's get to the Pistons and we got a set of diamond Pistons here also Forge them aluminum these are four and a half inch bore Pistons with a very small Dome because it's a big bore there they are these are Hemi Pistons one side is the exhaust valve one side is intake valve then you got a wrist pin that goes through here that goes through the connector rod and this is what if you have a small Dome a big dome considers what kind of compression ratio you're going to have now what this one's going to be I don't know I didn't do my calculations yet but just to let you know and you know this business don't need to be drilled for The Wristband because the oil that's picked up in the oil ring drains right on The Wristband if you take a good look right in there so the wristbanders are good there they are called free floating okay all hemis come from the factory free floating and we need the bearings to go between the uh connector rod and the crankshaft which I believe is right here made by King and of course the crank is not undersized because it's a brand new crank we are going to go with standard bearings like so these are the bearings for the connector rod [Music] of course Wheels put brand new bearings every time we rebuilt an engine you know right here we just got practically all new and then again we got the new main bearings the main bearings sit right here where it sits on the Block where the main caps go here is the main bearings which are much larger of course standard size you know when you have a used crank and it's worn out you cut it down and that's called undersized you might cut the crank ten thousand twenty thou with Thirty thou whatever so whatever it is you buy that bearing with the undersized of 10 20 or 30 000 to make up for the use Crank that you cut down and in this case everything is brand new we go with the standard bearings it really is nice to have all brand new parts and of course now having the Pistons and the batteries and the connector rods we need a set of piston rings we're ready here we are okay made by Hastings here it is it's a 4.500 bore as everybody knows you know where the Rings go away there you go brand new all the pictures go into the Piston Ring Groove like so right here then we got the fishing Rings which we have the top Groove second Groove third Groove With The Oil ring and these are the rings that are set up for this application let me see now if it's an oversized ring you know like this one here for example it's an exactly 4.500 so in other words is that standard ring for 4.500 board so we don't need to Gap the Rings but we're gonna have to check them because you know the Gap depends on if you're going nitrous if you're going a supercharged or if you know if you're going with hyperutetic piston but in this case it's gonna be a basic ring gap of a forged piston naturally aspirated okay so we got our rotating assembly connector rods bearings and crankshaft all right now let's go further up into the engine now this is one very important item right here you guys it's still the head why they call it a Hemi it's because of a hemispherical chamber let's open it up let's see what we got we're going to do any porting on these heads I don't think so they're brand new we're not going to touch them they already are with the valves and everything these are made by Edelbrock for Street Hemi they're made out of aluminum here we go lightweight you know if you pick up a cast iron cylinder head it is so heavy here you go this is why they call it a hemispherical chamber one valve against each other they're not side by side like a wedge engine this is a brand new cylinder head it's got the valve springs then again we have to make sure that we got the right correct file spring with the camshaft application which again it didn't go through it I just got these parts but my job is to see if we got all the correct parts to work with each other all right I just want to measure the intake valve I believe it's bigger than two and a quarter wow it's a big valve in there I'm just looking at it quick it could be it's you know the factory valve intake valve is a two and a quarter inch diameter apparently this one is I'm just looking at it quick quick it'll be you know being a stroker a bigger intake valve would help and this is a 2.300 50 thought bigger than the original valve so that looks pretty good that has the potential for power on the uh on a stroker engine which is like way above 426 cubic inch so this is a good candidate to build for 541. then you know we got more Hardware you know we got to look into the uh rocker shaft assembly then we need studs for the Evolve cover then we need head bolts but let's keep looking and see if we got everything foreign a cast iron heavy head onto the block on the engine style they are so heavy because my brother's got to hit me with the cast iron heads and I've got another one from Toronto and you know they're so heavy you know you pick them up putting them on and as you get older they get heavier but anyways just to let you guys know this is Hemi number five in my shop okay so we gotta seal the head let me just put on the side here all right and let's keep unboxing all right what do we got here okay this is made by CVR what do we got here [Music] okay heck could be a lightweight motor okay there we go we got aluminum water pump housing this is where the water pump bolts on thermostat goes on this and then this bolts onto the block and this is you know many times from the factory they are always cast iron but in this case after market we're going with aluminum which is pretty cool it's gonna make my job easier picking up less weight there we go and you know sometimes when you buy something that's lighter it's more expensive okay let's put this down here next all right we got the cylinder head and of course we've got gaskets we need uh valve cover gaskets there are 10 bolts they're humongous they're the size of an oil pan so these are the revolved cover gaskets then we got intake gasket for the intake manifold which are made by felpro which are right here which I use very common and very often I should say and of course you've got special head gaskets for the aluminum heads we are not going with the 20 thousand steel shim because it is after all aluminum edge so we got to go with this philpo gasket then we got dual oil pan gaskets the reason why is because you got an oil pan and a winter straight and the block and for that reason we need two oil pan gaskets like a sandwich and here they are we've got the gaskets let's find the oil pan to the gaskets I believe we bought a factory oil pan made by miladin [Music] it's a six U.S quart oil pan it does say start camera replacement six quarts is more than enough for a cruising engine on this on a street it's more than enough this is the engine oil pan I use all the time there it is and it fits most b-bodies and all e-bodies and what's good about them is they're not a deep pan and they're not very wide so it won't get interference with the headers and also you have a lot more ground clearance with this Factory oil pad because there's some oil pads are white and when they're white and you got headers makes the job more difficult for installation and now that I got the fan here it's a factory pan let's see what works with it here we go of course you need a strainer you need the oil to go from the base of the oil pan up to the block which runs through the oil pump so you need a strainer and this is a strainer which also called a oil pickup and now let me show you a window straight this is also made by melodyne because Melody makes the oil pan it's a strainer or oil pickup and windy straight to work together which is a nice Spike at you guys and also let me just tell you guys when you have a window straight there's a factory window tray and there's also a window straight for a stroker but don't forget when it's a stroke or crank the throws are much longer so it gets closer deeper into the pan for that reason you need a winter straight that's further down like this one here this one was made designed for stroker engine if you take a good look here it is here we go this is what's called a new window straight the reason for it is to prevent oil Splash from hitting the crankshaft to slow down the crank at a high speed so for this reason it gains horsepower at a higher RPM now if you had a factory crankshaft with a stock Factory stroker 3750 this would be like a half inch drop but in this case because it's a stroke of 4.250 which is a big stroke and that crank goes up and down in a very tall very high into the block and very low you need a very deep window straight like so and of course the oil change is going to work with it and this is our oil pan setup now we need a lot of accessories while riding okay we got the gaskets we've got a lot of hardware okay we've got an oil pump Drive of course you need an oil pump drives this is a brass gear because it's going to be a roller camshaft from what I see so we got a Gear Drive that goes from the camshaft right down to the oil pump which gets driven off the camshaft so this is an oil pump Drive also made by miladin and of course we got a timing chain made by Comp Cams double roller also triple bolt you know all Factory hemis came with a double roller and a three bolt and you could agree the cam in any way you wish so when you got a lower gear you can advance it two degrees four degrees six degrees or any way you wish depends on the preference what a customer wants or what the engine wants to do so this is a nice roller timing chain made by Comp Cams which of course we're going to install into this heavy there you go here's the timing chain and also I guess these are oil pan stud kit you know there's you could put oil pan bolts or you could put studs from the oil pan when just straight all the gaskets bolted to the block and I believe these people wanting somebody ask me what it is these are the springs that go on the locker shaft but now there's a lot of pieces to the rocker shaft we've got the stands the shafts the Rockers and the Springs so now let's see if we got everything okay let me look uh here we got let's see what I got here [Music] you know this is all high quality stuff this customer has brought us here all the good stuff I believe these are the head bolts or head studs to put the cylinder heads to attach it to the block there there they are okay so these are the head studs they're going to bolt the heads to the cylinder block so we got the heads head bolts next inner Valley Pan stud kit I like unboxings like Christmas here okay this is the inner stud kit and these studs go through the lifter Valley where underneath the intake manifold so the studs go through the cylinder block and they're attached and torqued down with nuts on the back side where the lifters are okay now uh here what's this here oh this is a big box what's this here [Music] oh wow cast the aluminum valve covers check that out you guys are these big or what okay these are aluminum valve covers written Hemi on it okay look how humongous they are that's gonna be something hey that's beautiful looking golf covers they're cast aluminum they're not like sheet metal from the street Amy but what we need is the Breather Tower which goes right here you see that because the valve cover needs to breather or PCB valve or whatever there's your oil cap so we need breathers for this so I don't know if we have them let's keep on boxing and find out and see what we got we still have a long way to go got a brand new timing chain cover okay so that's brand new also next Comp Cam yeah I believe this is a roller cam and it's come with lifters let's see what we got camera lifters work together these are lifters have wheels on it look at that and these go up and down on the can do not slot tap it and this is what you call Hot Wheels this is cool man and these are not cheap let me tell you so we got a roller hydraulic cam so it's gonna be a pretty well uh a nice engine from what I see there's the camshaft I'm not going to take it out but anyways it's made by comp here it is it's got a nice bricks to it we'll get into that detail if we do build the engine of course or should I say if we do make a video on that let's see what else we got okay what's in here oh this is very heavy okay let's see what this is in all right this is heavy maybe this is our Walker shaft assembly okay [Music] all right here we are here we go here's lockers intake rocker I believe there are 1.5 ratio I'm not so sure I gotta look into it these are intake Walkers are much shorter and these are the exhaust Walkers which are much longer and then of course on this you have the lockers assembled on the shafts hardening Chrome Molly shafts you can see it takes four rockers per shaft four and four which is eight lockers eight valves per cylinder head so we'll put this down here and they're all held in place with five Walker arm stands per side like so and these are made out of aluminum Billet aluminum so this is where the shafts go through the Springs which I had much earlier here they are so we got the whole kit now all I need is to make sure if we have the bolts to the kit so we got the aluminum stands we got the shafts and of course there's the okay here's the exhaust walkers and of course all the hardware to attach the stands to the locker shafts is pretty cool so far we got everything we need we got the cylinder heads assembled with the valve springs the valves and then you got the valve assembly right here for the rocker assembly that works with the uh of course on top of the cylinder the only thing we don't have is the push wash because I need to measure them once I assemble the engine all together you know in case we take the block or we get a different uh uh deck height I'm not so sure but that would be last what else do we got okay then we got the hardware that belongs to the block okay here we go these are the core plugs that go to the side of the block doorman made in China okay you know I prefer to look for brass core plugs which I'm going to look into it I'm not going to put these on and this is the hardware for the uh there's also the distributor bushing that presses into the block to put the oil pump Drive shaft which is this one here goes in there into the block so it could be a brass bushing that's another Hardware piece we also have a brand new set of cam bearings right here cam bearings five journals they're pressed into the block of course a brand new block only comes bare which we're gonna get to it at the end so stay tuned don't run away and we got some more Hardware we have the rear core plug where the cam is then we got a few bolts so we got everything that we need for the block here's the dowel pins there's the plugs for the Iowa galleries so far so good okay let's put this on the side next he's also got the oil to break in which that's something very simple and of course one of my favorites I know a pump like everybody uses from mulling this is a high volume pump it's also high pressure high volume pump made by melting I've used them very often and of course this is bolted on the outside of the block [Music] let's open it up make sure we got the white one this is a high volume pump made by melling and if you look at the body here this is a high volume pump it's much longer if it was a high pressure pump only it would be a quarter inch more narrow it would be a much smaller pump on the the body where the rotors are but this is a high volume pump it's a much bigger pump but a high pressure it's a smaller body but still gives you the same pressure but it still does the job anyways but in this case we got a high volume pump it'll do the job okay I could put this away and let's see what we've got here oh fun timing chain cover gasket cover gasket front seal and of course the bolts to the timing cover okay so we don't have to buy the front end gasket kit it's all here and what do we got here MSD what's this here wire set Sierra Hemi 8.5 millimeter block cable set for the distributor you know what I just realized I don't think we have a distributor anyways I'm gonna make a list I want to take a look at this now is the wire set okay custom-made wiring there's a lot of pieces here for the wires yeah look you know this is something uh we're gonna have to fabricate you know you got to put the sleeves on this is a lot of work to put this all together I thought it was much more simple but in this case we got a lot of homework okay these are the boots to go into the valve cover the sleeves and of course the terminals all in this kit and what's in here any tubes oh okay you know when you've got him evolve covers you need the tubes to go down the uh where the wiring goes where the spark plug goes through the let me just show you guys there we go disco chair you're gonna have an O-ring that goes over here goes in there and then the spark plug goes right down dead center of the cylinder head and of course holds together and then it stores the cables that you saw earlier from MSD are going to be wired up to the spark plug to the distributor there's the old range between the tube and the valve cover so we have no oil leaks so that's good next oh yes high flow aluminum water pump okay of course this is the water pump that bolts onto the aluminum water pump housing here's the gaskets here's the bolts so we got that too all right this goes over here and of course your harmonic balancer here we go everything's brand new you guys there's nothing used here and this is a high revving harmonic balancer neutral balance which is going to be assembled there's the Hub and of course it's like a seven and a quarter inch diameter there it is super damper and of course you have your six bolts to put your pooling for your belts for the alternator and your power steering if you do have neat very neat brand new looking good and let's see what else we got and here we go with some Hardware stuff okay what do we got here okay so we got the rear seal which is the one I use all the time from Cell Pro that's a rear crankshaft seal then we got the harmonic balancer bolt got the damper I just pulled out from ATI that holds it in place for the crankshaft yeah these are bolts for the intake manifold which I'm going to get to that in a minute okay here's some more the longer bolts they're short bolts and they're longer bolts on the intake thermostat housing all in Chrome it's got also these spark plugs right here made by NGK he's got a Wix oil filter 551 515r for racing that's the correct one of course engine braking more bolts for the intake manifold and Chrysler Hemi orange paint to paint the block everything's brand new here so what are we missing I do not know yet I'll keep going through it but anyways now let me show you the intake manifold that works with the Hemi and they're always known to be known for two four barrels here it is this is made by Chrysler it's a reproduction of a factory street Hemi there it is made out of aluminum it's got all the bolts throughout doesn't have the bolts the bolts are by a or P supplied by Richard and this is anything else that's going to go on that Hemi now it might be two full bottle fuel injected two throttle bodies fuel injected I'm not so sure or it might go to Carter uh or should I say it might go to elderbach carburetors I'm not sure so as you're going fuel injection or carburetor I do not know but that didn't take mindful anyways brand new also nothing is huge there from what you can see nothing is used and that's brand new from Chrysler I'm going to change the core plugs he's got the steel plugs and core plugs as you say and I'm going to put the I'm going to find a set of brass plugs I want to use on it and of course we don't have the distributor yet we don't also have this Slinger for the timing chain which I have all that stuff he has to get a distributor also and uh all the little accessory from outside from the major parts from what I see he's got everything now let's go to the major part right over here the most important piece is right here now this was probably manufactured lately because this has been discontinued for many many years this is a brand new block officially licensed product by uh Chrysler made by kalis there's the brand new Hemi block it's also designed if you want to use an external oil pickup it's a high performance high-tech block made out of cast iron it's a four ball main on this is the same thing as my 528 which I want to pull out in a minute you know you know what let me pull it out right now so I could give you guys some detail on this here we go let me pull it out let me pull it out of the box I want to make sure it's in good shape like I said I just got everything this morning let's take this out you guys want to see what a brand new block looks like let's take a look I'm going to use my new engine crane made by K tool which I got to thank them for supporting me with this and this screen is way too strong for my purpose but anyways it does anything it wants it picks up all the weight you wanted to [Music] there we go now let me just move this box out of the way there it is I have it upside down but it doesn't matter that's where the core plugs go in that's where the fuel pump bolts on we need a push rod for mechanical fuel pump if he's going with a mechanical Factory fuel pump or if it's going to let you fuel pump he won't need that push rod for the fuel pump it's got a four and a half inch bore and it's a rough finish if you guys take a look it's a rough finish you can finish it through any way you want so we're gonna have this block board out to four and a half with a nice Stone finish to go with the Molly piston rings and I'm just gonna drop it a little bit I want to show you guys the main caps [Music] [Music] and here we go if you guys take a good look there's your main caps and it's a four bull main on all front four main caps here's a four ball main one two three four and on the original 426 Hemi only the three Center capsule football made now with this new modern Hemi block which is also I can still a second generation Amy the first four main caps from football main so is the first one right here see there's a main cap for bolt also on the first step on the original Hemi there's none it was only a two bolt Main and this is the Billet aluminum rear retainer we're going to use coming through the block there's work to be done you know we're gonna bore it out that's a neat decade I'm not sure yet I'm going to do some measurements I'll take it from there and this is what you call a brand new block you guys I'm not going to worry about any cracks where it's been decked or if it's being bored or if it's been welded and this is the best part about it it's a brand new block like I've had many customers bring me in blocks that they bought from eBay and they were bad shape they had welding marks shaving filled with cement they've been decked to hell and I don't know but to work with a brand new Hemi like this is a pleasure thanks for staying with me and watching me unboxing one of the most cleanest semis thanks for coming to my shop everything brand new and it's rare and it's the first time and it's gonna be a pleasure when it gets onto the dyno we're hoping to make 600 plus horsepower after all it's gonna be a simple Hemi pump gas and it should be uh it's gonna be a hydraulic roller cam and we're gonna weigh I don't know maybe uh just over 600 650 horsepower but you know we are going to put on the dyno and of course we're going to put it on YouTube for all you viewers to watch it so thanks for watching me here on boxing a brand new Hemi that came in pieces which would be a future project here to be done in my shop and you guys thanks for watching and I love you all thank you [Music] oh and you guys if you look down below the video we have a whole bunch of merchandise that you guys can buy so whatever you like buy it love it wear it and enjoy it and help spread the word of Vic's garage and if you have some time check out our patreon page we have extra content and you guys can watch it and take it from there and we'll see you next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Nick's Garage
Views: 155,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hemi, Nick Panaritis, Nick's Garage, Indy Auto, Engine Builder, Dynamometer, 440, six pack, mopar, Chrysler, plymouth, dodge, classic car, muscle car, charger, Carburetor, Dyno room, hemi, MOPAR, Big Block, Road Runner, 1969, Drag Racing, Chevy, Bow tie, Classic, Antique, Big three, Father, Son, 426, heads, valves, valve job, horsepower, Chevrolet, Dual Quad, Tune, Dream Car, Long ram, 300J, Letter series, torque monster, Shaker, Rocker noise, Plymouth, K Tool, Atlas Equipment, unboxing, unbox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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