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this radiator is a san jose late 1966 would be an early 67 four-speed radiator which would have been originally for this car wow this radiator date code correlates with every other panel all the springs every other component we can find that's original ford in this car all has the same date code within a month three weeks [Music] first coffee walk of 4022 i'm not sure what that is like the third or the fourth whatever is it tuesday or wednesday uh tuesday well i'm just killing it so it's tuesday we're about to head to love field in chicago o'hare to rescue one of my favorite cars on the planet a shelby it is a one-off shelby i think you guys are going to love the history i'm going to be doing a whole lot more listening on this trip than i am talking so grab your cup of joe and let's go to the airport so we're on our way into the airport we don't know what's going to happen and they cancel between three and four thousand flights a day lots of them are flights going to chicago but this is the only time here we have to get this car opportunity's knocking we gotta go so we took off 20 minutes late no big deal got in the chicago o'hare area it was a massive pulling pad of the air which wasn't bad either just got to see everything then when we landed we sat on the tarmac for an hour and 10 minutes before we got the gate so we're gonna have to rush to the by we're a little behind okay we navigated through the airport i think we're about two hours two hours 20 minutes late so far it hasn't gone swimmingly so hopefully we'll be swimming downstream now instead of upstream but we did get a jeep wrangler so here we go to the bottom [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] there's sean p the road warrior so that's a pretty good sign we brought the truck in the trailer we're probably gonna buy this we haven't yet are you sean p i'm doing better you're not usually living the tree so you're not be positive today oh i'm be positive what's the problem are you tired it's cold it's cold i'm tired well you wanna go have a good dinner get this deal done yes i'm ready is it that building or that building or that building that one all right we'll see you over there yeah i want you to jump in absolutely all right so we're at detroit engineering and design you've arrived at your destination i've seen some stuff these guys do in the past they do some cool stuff it looks like they're into ford stuff in a quarter of a mile that's what we're here for oh okay that makes sense right a little bit you've arrived at your destination this is a killer way to start out the year you're gonna love this it's the fourth right you left it's the fourth oh yeah january fourth yeah that's our first coffee walk of the year boom hurry up you made it we did make it finally better late than never right hey sign up though that's all right how are you sir good good to meet you awesome hot tub cool we met prior at the wickson performance boat center okay you look familiar yeah chris i said this bag wow you guys got some incredibly cool stuff i've seen it in the background i'll let chris walk you through all right chris we're following you sir dennis i'd stop for a coffee lost a beach in person fine nice to meet you sean sean peter ford zach gorgeous on camera yep the whole crew i see the coffee walks so i unders i understand uh actually i just don't get a coffee our day was just did not go as planned at all so we're here so i don't know how you know i mean tell me how this all goes but these are my buddies hey guys how are y'all my son tyler you got chris haller in the back uh garrett chris urich his son donnie well thank you guys for being here thanks for having us no we've been waiting so what i what my thought process is and we told the viewers that before we left is you spent a tremendous amount of time researching this car so i would like for you to tell me what you know and what you think and then i will tell you what i think and what i know okay which is not going to be as much as you you're watching so i'm not going to put you on the spot yeah for sure but i would like to talk about i think you guys know more than i do about the difference between afx fxx gassers street freaks um i think that's kind of a genre that's really cool but a lot of people don't understand the difference and that was a big shake up between 67 and 68 when this car was built so as you'll see you know you can tell race cars looking underneath the rubber up under the quarter panels and things like that this car obviously was never race there's no rubber up under the quarter panels but it's a straight axle tube chassis from the firewall forward it was being built to be a pretty high competition car there's a lot of real high-end rare parts on the car and it's exactly the way it was sitting since 1969 well the picture you sent me is one of the coolest pictures i've gotten in a long time it's i'm just like man i gotta own that car i've already thrown my car to the table so i love the way that car photographs in the stands it's just a cool car it is it really is and like i said we're a lot of us are into the old school race cars the x race cars to kind of put them back on the street and that was our intentions originally uh to do that with that car because you know we'll go through the whole story on where you know how we got it and what what had happened um but it got to the point where we're just you know we did a ton of research on this guy yeah i know yeah and it's just like you you hit brick walls here you hit your goals there you know as as these cars get older people pass away their stories are going with them you know we've been chasing the story on the 67 vietnam fastback for going on two years now yeah we saw that uh we're getting close we've got to the second owner which is really neat trying to prove what the first owner was but to have that car in the vietnam fastback together absolutely as 67's i think it's pretty holy grailish if you will yeah for sure let's go see i'm dying to see a person here what we'll do we'll get it uncovered i'll walk you through what i know when we first acquired the car okay i actually was the original buyer of the car okay cool and chris is my cousin so we built a lot of cars together over the years we've got a quick what you and richard do right was the dana camaro sitting with this car when you bought it you know which car i'm referring to there was a several cars this guy had in his uh questions actually was in a uh an estate sale i heard about this yeah the old owner had he had 427 galaxies he had this car and i guess where i'll start is how i acquired the car uh christopher chris knows that i collect pretty rare old cars so christopher called me and he said hey i've got a buddy that's got this black mustang for sale it's an old drag car you know are you looking for another project i live on detroit which you know everything on the street something unique like this would really stand out so chris sent me pictures and started looking at it um it was obviously a high-res camera i started blowing things up okay so this is where it gets real interesting i started looking i had a picture like this looking at the windshield and i zoomed in on the towel and i've got all this documentation pictures to send you go to the car okay you can see where the black paint didn't get painted very well and i could see white white blue blue blue back to white back to blue again on the sides of the vent from the way that picture was taken so that kind of inspired me a little bit i'm like okay what are we looking at so we got to the rest of the picture started going through it and the next key indicator to me was the roll bar shelby's got a very unique robot sure that's one of a kind they're the original welds on this roll bar taken to the floor pans it's got the tabs for the center up in there right now it's got covers on it but it's it's the shelby roll bars yeah it's awesome you know if you want to take this cushion out there what we were gonna do is we're just gonna put it back on the street until we realize that hey look okay this is a sh this is actually a shelby mustang that was turned into this thing and that's when all of a sudden all the our our research you know for months and months of research trying to figure out okay well what number shelby is this thing right um and well let's pop it let's lift this sure let's show you a little bit more happy car speaks for itself but there's a lot of things that you guys are leaning towards this is an ffx not an afx well yeah so you're going to you're leaning more than this would be a factory experimental car not an altar the only reason it says ffx on the we i had changed the gl this was this was lex on glass here it was blue wasn't it the blue in the background here in the front blue in the back that is really cool check that out blue light sand and this us-30 decal was on the original front windshield that was lexan unfortunately the lexan broke in half okay but it was it was still marked with a faded ffx on 69. very cool yeah okay well that answers that question for me i wasn't doubting now it's just how you guys came up with that so in 69 this was on the windshield and it may have been in uh from some of the old timers we've spoken to i believe this was an old ihra designation for the drag racing i don't think it was an nhra yet it depends what this us 30 was at the time what their affiliation was from us 30 it's a local drag strip i believe in this area well that will help for sure so you generally have to pull it out by the bottom because there's pins here okay [Music] so i think the rules back in the day was 10 back right right it looks like more than 10 percent to me it does what got complicated from what i understood about the rules was as this car was being built around that time frame all the big blocks were coming out and dominating everything so the class where these used to really stand out they dumped these cars in with i believe some of the altered wheelbase cars and they just couldn't compete well but they they could it depending on what track you're at who was running the rules because some of the rules said it was cubic inches versus weight okay so that's how they change that's how they break the class yeah so if you came up with a big block car a 428 car or whatever against this you know 289 or 306 whatever you want to call it and versus the weight of the car i think you're in a different class yeah some of the old guys said these would if you built them right they would contend but i think something must there's something in the rules probably about where this engine runs my desk so i went got started looking deeper into the car i saw the roll bar i saw it was never out of the car um saw the um uh the stripes that were underneath the black paint because it was like a spray bomb black so i'm like okay i'll buy the car i called the guy directly i said what's going to take me to buy this car i bought the car um didn't want to hesitate you know jump yeah i would have either ran from detroit grabbed the trailer and within an hour i was on the road i came here went to the shop picked up the car and i got the car out of my trailer started looking at it and the first thing i saw when you come up is inside these side screens here uh the original hole is cut inside the inner fender and the original uh tubing for the brake cooler yeah you sent me some good pictures yeah all that's still in there it looks correct to me absolutely you can tell here too let's see how they did that oh this is you can see down inside there this is the the all the factory mounting plastic right right against the fender there yep that's all shelby original stuff there's part numbers on all that you can see the roll bar too yeah and you can see it's all original welds oh look at that pretty neat huh oh yeah it's pretty unique underneath too the other thing is i don't know how i know you're pretty familiar with shelby's but ford was absolutely eccentric about marking panels marking part numbers and shelby's were very exclusive to what parts they used on these cars the springs are unique to a 67 shelby built in san jose they have the right correct numbers on all the springs yeah these were all built so if you look underneath they've never been apart they've never been off this car it's got the shelby axle with the center oil fill in the back right um inside the on all the panels in this car the fiberglass doors which are i don't know where you ever find another set of these early door panels too yeah if you look it's like a 66 all the door strikers this is the original white paint under here uh the door strikers are marked january of uh uh 67 all the body panels all correlate with the part number dearborn third shift um i want to say february 17th okay so all every you know every ford part's got a part stamping on it and they all correlate to shelby it's got the early deck lid i'm not sure if you know this but the first 267 first 200 1967 shelbys had the st uh chris how do you have this trunk held down so what this is is it's a fiberglass hat inside right right and it's it's a 67 it's just like the 66 hoods work yeah yeah so so that's all i mean you'll see that you know what your lips are and this is one of the reasons we're listening to these two guys how much how long have you ever fished this car hundreds of hours no i mean but like two years three years three years they spent research in this car and you know we've had a lot of help from the shelby community a lot of guys are really willing to help but there was a lot of stonewalling too right because everybody's afraid of devaluing cars and i get it you know that's acceptable but we're really thankful for a lot of guys that helped us and i often thought about keeping the car because i would really love to have this car it's very unique right but my thing is you have guys like uh you know you got carol shelby um jack roush steve celine bob lutz all these older guys are getting older now right some of them are passing away so like chris was saying the stories are going away the knowledge but their legacy are these cars and knowing that this car is part of carroll's legacy it's one of the unknown shelbys that haven't been found yet right and it's one of those things that's it's gonna you can take it to the next level you know you have the horsepower i'm out of the horsepower game with this guy i think again so i'm sure the viewers right now are like why don't they just look at the shelby tackle why don't they look at the ford hidden vin numbers because they're not there yeah and we can show you why so that's why they've done so much research on this car yes and if you can do the right guy i'm sure it's like a kevin marty or somebody like that by taking the dates off these panels comparing every date on this car because this car has not been apart from this far back it's all everything's 100 original by taking all the date codes off the body panels by taking the date codes off the springs the suspension the door locks all the different parts in this car the two holes are in the dash from the old shelby emblem that's missing right things like that these can correlate with another car that was built before and after this car there's those shelbys were built in groups i thought they had a group number and you know i've got a lot of research that shows what day i think this car was built where in line it was built um well that'll help us a lot so what we're gonna try to do is get out there and do some crowd sourcing and hopefully find some photographs and some maybe eight millimeter this thing on the track detroit driveway maybe a lot of the stuff is vintage this old hillborn injection system the mechanical float uh what's the day code on the injection system i believe it's uh june of 69 this is when this car is put together so okay if the car was sold august of uh we believe it was sold in august of 67 at uh jack often jack loftus ford right here in town okay right the car i bought the car here in this area and this car has never left this area it went to detroit with me okay and then we brought it back to so chris could do some more work on and do some more research he's great at doing research and he's good at putting the mechanicals together well i listened intently to what chris had to say and wrote everything down that i don't know how it could be anything but the car from jack loffler yeah if you look right here realistically what you what you got here this is what the car looked like when tommy started wiping off the reason i'm asking about that dana 427 camaro they had done the same thing to it no kidding and i'm pretty sure with this car at the same time because there were there's like five significant drag cars there was there yeah yeah the story is they do a whole bunch of stuff in the dumpster away that's right like really significant stuff have you heard that story just before i got it and and then in fact we actually uh the guy we got it from actually was digging in the dumpster to to actually remove the hillborn velocity stacks that were still in the dumpster along with there was multiple what he told us is there's multiple 427s in there the family was just cleaning it all out because they wanted to sell the house he passed away and it happened and so they were just cleaning everything out and so basically the the injection was it was still in the trunk of the car and we were able to because of the records that uh that the hillborn has for their for their we were able to actually pull up the actual wow here's the actual record for when this was purchased for this car they're individually numbered 69. that's too bad that certainly the car went on yeah right uh do you think this is a holy moody front clip uh who do you think it is we've had a couple guys from we're friends with arne the farmer beswick big pontiac drag racer um i showed him the pictures of the car he says he believes that the car was also assembled at uh ron pellegrini's shop in chicago illinois he's the guy that uses the corvette steering components and stuff but not corvette corvair yeah yeah because he said i already said his car is are set up just exactly the same way look at the steering in there it's wild yeah sean that's that's corvair stuff i don't know why he did that but i guess it works really well and some other yep some other yeah back to that who do you think made the front clip um i i believe ron pellegrini made that he owned a company called fiberglass limited out of chicago illinois okay um he also he also was trying to produce he was trying to become a home and moody type sponsored ford guy and ford pulled the pulled the uh uh they wouldn't give him the sponsorship that they gave home and moody uh because he wanted to run tube chassis in this stuff to lighten everything up you know i've actually seen this front clip on the 67 gt500s right and that's why i asked but i wouldn't be surprised if somebody else popped it but it's just very very similar in a holy moody one looks like but you can also i mean because it was one piece in the front right right and and i believe it had a like a cal customs actual grill in the front you know but i mean that's where we kind of stem back to where we think the car was and now correctly wrong we were talking on the phone it does have a shelby transmission in it right okay but it's three numbers off of the car that you think it is or i don't know if it's three numbers off it's a we tried to research it that way but the ford vents on that transmission is on that shelby transmission and that is to a green shelby gt350 delivered to new york 1967. but what we also found out what i found out through research is that when these things were in shelby's shop they tore interiors apart through on shelves they tore transmissions and engines out and put them on different shelves and worked on different areas because they put different synchros in and did different things they said it's very common that different interior panels went into different cars different transmissions ended up in different cars all kinds of different components because they were a production facility they weren't really looking to make everything members match they didn't care right they were just trying to get a race car out the door so i think i mean you guys have obviously tried i understand the shelby community they've got to hold those numbers tight i get it but i i think this card needs to be proven absolutely what card is another thing also that we found out in this car is this is the one of the original that's a ship bilge pump from alep from 1968 those are what all the ford lightweight uh drag race cars had the exact same pump same part number and this radiator also corresponds to a 1967 shelby uh it's it's really it's yes and this is we've only built was it really san jose i believe i'll say those yeah this radiator is a san jose late 1966 would be an early 67 four-speed radiator which would have been originally for this car wow this radiator date code correlates with every other panel all the springs every other component we can find that's original ford in this car all has the same date code within a month three weeks you guys have done a tremendous amount of research on this i've done out of cars in the past i just don't have that time but that's why it's so interesting authentic shelby front grill there's there's so many parts that are absolute i don't think it could be i just i sat down for a long time and i called a couple guys i'm not gonna name drop i'm like look here's what i've come up with they're like it has to be that car yes it's almost like it'd be easier to argue that than try to to disagree with it exactly and 10 points that point to this car i agree hard points it is i mean and crazy enough with all this you know lift in the floor and all this modification that was done back in this car and whether it was 67 68 or you know when that actually happened um the the actual dash original dashes the original back plate is still in there and the holes which were shelby only are still if you look in here inside here the holes are still there where we pop the new shelby emblem that's the original holes that the the aftermarket emblem fit right in the holes look at that very cool and there's probably more dentists that we don't know you know some of these historians have a lot of secrets yes they do which is and i get it it's a good thing right it adds to the brain but they may be old the right person looking at this car especially if you look underneath you're familiar with the pinion snubbers sure guess what they're there and they're never been removed they've never been replaced they still have the surface rust on the bolts i asked chris they were there and the rubber is not corroded and it's not damaged you guys have done so much research i'm not gonna crawl around it you can tell you work out the early model nine inch uh with the drain plug in the bottom still right you know i mean we really didn't know what we were getting into when we first we put you know like i said we like the whole high rise the old race car like put them back on the street what would you guys like to see happen in this car we would like to see i would like to personally see this car and this is why we kind of think we'll get a hold of you and get this whole thing uh going rolling with you because we'd like to see this car brought back to it's it's what it was built to be as a as i don't think it's gonna be that difficult what do you think sean everything's here this car pulled me into it i wouldn't pay anything just like it is could you imagine this car pulling into a shelby event there is no other shelby that is like a car like this i agree it is built correctly it's built period correctly it is everything we've ever wanted in a hot rod but it needs to go to the next level and like i said my reasoning behind it we have no uh draw on the financial end of this thing i have no idea this car is because it's a carroll shelby car it deserves to have a legacy this car has never been seen this car needs to get out there and people know that this car exists and i think just the picture like i said i've already said this three times but just that picture you sent me i was already hooked you could tell whoever built this car knew what they were doing it sits right the stance is right it's got the right parts on it there's no i mean this is what it is yeah i mean when i started climbing underneath this car just kind of seeing how they'd set everything up and i mean the bars and everything was chrome plated even the driveshaft safety loop so i just tried to to mimic without blowing this thing apart and sending this out to chrome and that's how to play this mimic this is just one of them a lot of the stuff that i saw underneath was ihra stuff i'm not so sure this was an nhra car yeah that's why i was looking at the irish art photography i think it's i think this is an ihra car nevertheless there's got i don't know how often this car could have run because i couldn't find anything there's no rubber under the quarter panel so we don't think it would have run but um if you look under it it's all ford motorsports 1968 69 performance parts that are under the car well i think that's been modified with magnesium spindle mount rims magnesium rear rims nine inch in the back i mean it's it's all period exact correct i think it rained well that's what a lot of guys say they believe i ran too but i think pellegrino said he saw it run right i got some old guys said they saw it run okay um but without pictures and without video exactly that's right that's why i say i don't think because i've never seen it but let's just say it was a street car what a nasty street car yeah it has its rear i'm in it's got rear disc brakes tiny ones little aerospace rear disc brakes really period correct yeah and it also has uh i don't know if he's got you have them on there no the brakes all the brakes are in the truck these actually these wheels got them in the trunk when we bought the car these wheels these magnesium wheels were on the front and the back actually had like a keystone wheel okay where we had located another set of magnesium wheels and we got at that point we just got into the thing where we didn't want to bring it back to what it was did you obviously you scuffed all the black off did you try to polish one spot or you just get all the black at one point but then after i shipped it back here i let chris take it over but it was original white paint from the firewall i wouldn't touch it i love the way it looks incredible oh something else to show you here dennis too you can still see the original stripes in the original shelby stripes around the door jambs over here you get that zach on here these are original the sticker the original stickers and the only reason those are still there this door was locked shut we couldn't get it open so whenever they spray bomb this car black they didn't get the stripe off because they couldn't get the door open because the door jams were still white but the rest of it i think the balloon like that's got to go back in it it's beautiful that is really cool it's door slammer too yeah fiberglass doors wow so jack loftus had 65 and 66 altered cars didn't he chris found out some very information regarding jack loftus and this car okay so i'll let him walk you through it it's really interesting information so all our you know we've been researching this thing and you know without name dropping who we've been talking to and this and that uh we believe this car so this car came from the burbank illinois area okay and it's supposedly been in that burbank illinois area and in store in and out of a storage facility since like 1970. it hasn't seen the light of day but it's been pushed in and out and uh not to interrupt but that would make sense because as you said the rules drastically changed in 68 and this car was dead in the water at 69. you almost couldn't run it in any class you could go i mean it would be a show just for show but you wouldn't be able to compete anymore just kind of and that's why we think it stopped where it was right wow well i'm not going to hide the number though i believe this is but i'm going to let you guys tell the number because y'all did an incredible amount of work on this thing so what car number do you think this is we believe it's car 1444. and i agree with that and 1444 is missing nobody's seen it since 7 67 august of 67. and what ties this car back basically with that 1444 cars the location of the car sure i mean you got you know these guys are 15 minutes from that dealership you know basically where this car came out of a storage unit where it hadn't seen the light day since 1970. you know it's awesome and and the crazy thing is is you know when me and tommy got the car you know it was just all black and then wiping it down you realize okay it was a it was maybe a shelby then you start pulling off the scoops and you can pull the scoops off you can see the the shelby roll cage all well in there it's got the the little spouts where you know they would put that extended bar back you know you guys hit me up that i knew it was real that's not a really cool thing i talked to uh i wish i could remember the gentleman's name he's out of new jersey and he's been the head restorer as far as i know from these super stock or the uh the lightweight drag mustangs from dearborn stealing tube guys restored three or four of them i sent him pictures of this roll bar he looked at it and he said that's a really rare competition roll bar because it actually has the two tabs that stick out at the back of the roll bar that would have continued back to the trunk on a competition scca car gotcha but this one the car the quarter panel is covered so whether they had a shortage of shelby or whatever the car use a race cage right and what you're going to find in the trunk along with what's inside the car so we had gathered up some parts to try and you know bring it back to its status as a race car uh for sure but we also the things that were in the car we bagged up whether it was just the the the missing like parts of the seat belts you know that we're selling oh that's all correct we bagged it all up it's all you know labeled it's in the trunk you know we just wanted to make sure we didn't throw anything out that could have been you know help identify who built the car correct and it just so happens when we first spoke to you i believe we've been working on this deal for about six months now so i happened to be on vacation and was able to locate a date coated 289 hypo block and uh service heads that go with the car it's got to crank the pistons in the whole deal so there's a lot of really date coated period correct parts that go with the car so that's incredible let's lower the hood down so we get some cool fix sure let's uh i'll let you watch this side actually i'll show you explain to you how to do it here because you have to be real gentle it's still pretty old glass here sean you grab that side i'll grab this side i want to spread the bottom out just wide enough to get past this point okay and the same time with him at the same time and dennis we put heavier cables on the front there because when we got the car it was just a really light thin cable and tilt it here for the tilt front end and like i said we want to go down in history as being the ones that did the right thing we found the car we identified what it was what we believe it is we found out that you know we believe it's 1444 as a shelby but we also want to make sure that we did the right thing with it by giving it to the next person that's got the knowledge base that that we don't have well i appreciate that i mean i've been around these cars my whole life and we trust you we appreciate that we don't need the money it's not about the money this is a very very special car i bought a whole bag full of money you know oh yeah of course we want your money to do that it's one of those things you may not want the money but but yeah it's one of those things that it's it feels really good no one's going to the right place and it's going to be done the right way i just love it i think it's killer that's the definition of patina right there i love it really cool all right we got a deal obviously not going to grind you on the price thanks let's get you paid yeah these are the actual there's only four of them though okay um but that's like this four is better than two the orig the drive shaft that they built that then is short and drive shaft is all still there wow i mean all this stuff we bagged up everything that it comes with the car even down to uh on the front on the front end what are on the back end actually they had the shelby tail lights we we got these selfie tail lights just sitting here but we had to put a shelby panel back on the back because what they had was they had a steel plate back here with uh i think it was 1964 buick just lights to have at the drag strip you know just just enough to get to the car attach the parachute so then they had a bar here and you can still see the where the where the uh the uh underneath here where the their wheelie bars were were mounted very cool of course we called it and as you probably know i like that and as you probably know then it's something that's unique to shelby's where these tail light boxes in the back there's original light boxes in there there and if i remember correctly on this car um the original wiring harnesses are still in this car right and i bag i think i bagged them up and i mean i i believe i i just wanted to keep everything together what's the date go to the wiring horse i didn't look at that but i did what i think i did see on there is it has that pigtail that comes off that comes up to the lights that would have been on the side i'm not sure about that i'm pretty sure that's what that's okay so it's an export car exactly yeah uh or an early car the early cars had it too i believe i've seen those so this is a cool license plate i like that well that's what we call it because you know i mean i think that's fair basically been drunk eleanor this is the helena she's been hard there's no doubt i think this car was written pretty hard if it got put up made just been for a short while but i'm confident this thing was on on the drag strip we're going to get that out there very cool well let's get some b-roll get you guys paid we're coming sean you ready low turn what where's my car we can put it if i push that part we probably push it that far right do you want to put the motor in first or last first cut good there you go that's good wow it is so cold okay in there sir one two three all right i got a couple yeah absolutely thank you guys thank you guys for being a caretaker so last question favorite place to eat locally uh there's an italian place five minutes down the road and what's it called salamals well it's on me whoever wants to go so anybody want to know anybody in the building all right we got to go all right all right so we'll meet you guys down there i guess okay so these are salad it's called salamos it's in cherry valley which is one little half town over here go five minutes from here just look at this good out here take a left and we'll be there okay okay we'll strap this down to meet you there [Music] okay we're in downtown belvedere it looks like they accepted our invitation for dinner which i always like these guys are super knowledgeable car guys which would be fun so we're at solomon's an italian restaurant in belvedere here we go see any macaroni and cheese candy he only eats macaroni and cheese do you have it that's not true we don't it's almost true it's almost 50 of the time so come on down here and i'll tell you how to do this all right we're going to do the all-in on the special appetizers and the regular appetizers and just run them around the table everything yes we are okay okay and i'm kathy if you need anything i'll be taking good care of you guys all right all right thank you well tell me what you're in the mood for are you in the mood for like a pasta are you in the mood for in thing on your menu yes seafood fettuccine is my favorite pasta okay but the most popular is this tour of italy because you get like a little bit of beach and the lasagna people rave about i'll do the tour of it like so yeah and then super salad and our soups chicken noodles homemade salad okay french ranch italian balsamic our balsamic and ranch is made here it's amazing i'll do that okay i'll trust you i want to bolt so you can try on the side okay [Music] [Music] sure all right [Music] that's all i need [Music] taking zach's knife parmesan deal chicken parmesan fettuccine off right now can i do it too much fettuccine is super rich the red sauce is great i love meal i heard chicken parmesan salad those are mini cannolis so are you running out of real cannolis no we don't have that but you ran out canola cake yeah okay all right not a problem [Music] here you go hollywood can you do it no i actually can't i don't know proper italian food here see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Dennis Collins
Views: 1,020,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aIj4-HGI6Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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