HELP ME CONTOUR | Teach Me How To Beauty Tour EP3 ft. Nicol Concilio

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okay so the only thing here is we got a little situation here guys my face hello everyone hallo it's me Christine again welcome to the third episode of the teach me how to beauty tour I'm so excited to be here I'm excited to be beautiful today I'm here with Nicole Concilio she's a beautiful person you may have seen her beautiful face if you've ever been to a Sephora so in the first episode of the teach me how to beauty torah with tatty i learned for the first time about creme makeup okay she taught me a bit about cream blush and I just had no idea that these things existed you are known for using a lot of cream and foundation and contour cream I love so you guys have pointed out more than once that I don't know how to contour it is true that I look like a dirty potato so I would call you a contour expert oh that's what I would say if you've ever seen her pictures on Instagram they're amazing her face is always what's the word they use cut cut we're gonna go for the challenge today which is cream contour okay wet wet contouring okay powder if you want to learn how to do actually great makeup tips I'm going to check out in a cold channel in the coal Concilio on YouTube don't forget to subscribe to oh thank you he's a real booty guru alright so should we get into it I'm putting my primer on this is know who does that like spread it I thought it was a technique for like wake up um so what foundation do you have what we'll just go with it so this is my foundation stick not contour stick right but they're the same they're just different names just marketing yeah pretty much really okay so I don't I've been on a lot girl so my I'm sure I'm gonna put on a lot to come I got a you know Stephanie I want a Beauty Blender what's wrong with this what about a few minor marbling oh my god it's a water marble blender oh my god I hate it so I'm just gonna start by just you know applying my foundation it's so satisfying to is it [Music] why should I just put this everywhere well yeah I mean then I take my Beauty Blender blendy blendy Wendy look at you blend in you're doing great you're doing great sweetie now I look less dead okay I wouldn't say you were dead before but you do look even I'm just dead inside my gosh I hate to say you're not the tart girl take not sponsored no no where's my cotton I feel like I should put more on I do this like a little triangle II kind of thing upside down triangle thing on the top there just to kind of highlight I always wondered does that sound like Illuminati thing in the beauty Club everyone does triangles and I'm here just like putting blobs can I get a little bit on the Cupid's bow too but then now I have no lips so just going in with the beam under and kind of doing a light hand do you use a light hand to make yourself look fast Sheena are you ready for the contours yes for the contours I'm ready for the contours would you like to use Fenty Beauty RiRi guru go color oh my god that is dog can I test it sure do you mind okay so I'm gonna teach you baby steps okay all right so here's the thing all right so let's start with the forehead first okay so usually when you want a contour is like right here it's a matchstick what if you light it on fire I know I don't understand them so like where my scar is character don't go over it anymore guys I just did my eyebrows what do you think perfect feel where your cheekbone is the hollows of my cheek exactly just go like that perfect stop go back and forth yeah perfect oh it does really burn see I told you girl we - Wow go for your forehead you want to blend down but for you cheeks you want to blend up like this that's why your followers will say yeah wait they've known this whole time you're supposed to blend up and they didn't tell me savages that's why they want you to fail Christy show me how to blend up so just kind of go like this with it just blend up like that yeah perfect and then okay wait a second you're getting a little happy you don't really want to wipe so like you were like I was waiting right so we're just gonna dab it a little bit just like you're doing my nails are you doing a gradient I'm doing a gradient so you guys can see like it's a very subtle contour but oh yeah girl will you do that oh okay I would use something that was more cool toned on you but since I don't really have that like Kim Kardashian this is like cool and warm as well oh that's the one what's like nothing in it would you guide me wait now it's a day now it's an a just be serious no I just need to see the Sarge so do you want to contour your nose yes I would like to learn I think I am already know but I don't like this so that's a highlight or weird where do you feel like you want it I mean I don't know you guys tell me what's wrong with my house maybe we can make it a little perfect yeah all right you're just so much closer because my nose is bigger and then I can just kind of like square off the bottom like a chipmunk exactly just kind of square it off we're gonna do a line right here [Music] perfect stop perfect oh I love this drawing shapes in life you like it yeah and then this summons the imagine yeah it definitely needs blending at the deep in all fairness I did give her a little dark shade guys but I don't have a lot of light that's ironic and all fairness now I get it I think you're ready to move on to the other side so now we got to get the know I'm a little bit concerned what's wrong up and down like this okay not bad blend a little more so now the only thing left to do is just to kind of set the face I have Laura Mercier yeah okay and then do you have a fluffy brush on you this fluffy and that is fluffy what do you use that brush for my face okay she has like slight powder in there just dunk your brush in there set your whole face of it so are you always good at makeup no let me find a photo I feel like I could pull one up for you I'll find some you want we can add some powder what do you mean I'd powder you mean oh I'd powder contour yeah so wait you can do cream contour and then put powder contour on top let's do it let's do it all I'll kind of brush your oh okay it says contour tap off the excess that's my favorite part fill okay making music work in little circular motions I'm touching my cheek so lightly yeah perfect beautiful that looks really pretty feel like you're just done so you need a brush that looks like this like your eyeshadow this is what I have those a7 brushes in hand perfect bring it up a little bit more yeah bring it up so this is like giving yourself a nose job yeah pretty much does a little harsh you kind of blend it no no my god she's never gonna make it do you have a sand brush I have an air conditioner cheese glue what about like the button on the tip here okay I'm so happy you asked that because I'm gonna show you okay so I just take my finger and I dip in tip just the tip just the tip oh oh look at that highlight it's so pretty so I thought I didn't try this eyeshadow palette are you part of it I love the hallo on the packaging I'm gonna watch simply face logicals trick this I learned from Tati where you get it in a crease yeah where you apply it on your eyes you look like a bronze goddess Lee thank you alright guys what do you think what do you think me look oh my god it's wet wait we gotta do the mandatory narcissistic montage oh okay [Music] it would be like an egg I really do so snatched yeah look at that careful you know and they like smashing I was like yeah I got you know careful got you know even though I did have to help a little bit it's normal because you're just you're learning I'm a baby yeah you're just about to film a collab for her channel she's gonna turn me into a hollow something I don't know what it is yet Halloweeny so make sure you go check it out the link is down below in the video description yeah I had so much fun thanks man alright everyone hope you learned something hope you're beautiful just like me and thanks so much for watching and I'll see y'all later ah I can't reach the camera why are they so far did you beautiful rooms [Music]
Channel: Simply Nailogical
Views: 3,825,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nails, nail art, nail tutorial, beauty tutorial, nail art tutorial, diy nails, easy nail art, diy nail art, cute nail art, simply nailogical, nicol concilio, beauty guru, teach me how to beauty, beauty tour, makeup lesson, makeup tutorial, contour, how to contour, contouring 101, contour and highlight, cream contour, mua, contour tutorial, makeup parody, beauty, simplyfacelogical, simplynailogical makeup
Id: KGb5yAdkcFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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