Hellsing Ultimate Abridged Episode 7 Reaction

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foreign definitive I'm Ken and I'm Bethany and we're just a hellacious couple in love that loves reacting to some Hellsing Ultimate Abridged because we love Alucard yeah we love Alucard we want some more Alucard hopefully he shows out more in this episode uh this is episode seven if you want all of our Helsing ultimate Bridge reactions check out the description of this video we got a playlist there for you we have some place for Dragon Ball Z abridged that's how we got into uh Team Four Stars stuff and then we started uh Helsing ultimate Bridge are you ready I'm ready [Music] [Applause] oh the Carnage are they bad people it's a matter of perspective really fair I think we kind of tipped that Jenga Tower by being Nazis in the first place so plants secretary I'm set for some salt God damn it we're already coming up with all these one-liners if they're all dead when I say 'em [Music] it's a matter of perspective really nice let me bring it back oh oh God you've been fisted up to the Elbow before you man just saw a man's face get eaten one bite like that [ __ ] owl with a [ __ ] Tootsie Pop man I'm not gonna pull my men are dead or die oh yeah no what what well I mean can you a [ __ ] course not was it was it [ __ ] would I see don't you [ __ ] give me that millionaire falls back and make it naked oh no it's it's ruined well so is what's coming next let's nine [Laughter] what the hell [ __ ] [Music] no not my daughter no seriously I got a vasectomy right out of high school I'm an only child Sonic with a boner I've been waiting for you Miller oh my God huh real quick oh franchise by Sega okay but why did it have a foot long erection base is diverse it's a matter of perspective really no one nice little three fine iron yeah yeah yep it was [ __ ] hilarious like there's something missing hey we're doing pretty okay without him it's our time to shine yes grab some knee pads a stiff drink and Gobble his [ __ ] go ahead and you're made into the world's warniest lunchable oh oh the girl comes first anything about all the sexual harassment yeah you think Alum called was the worst Defender police girl what's up Kansas out oh oh [Music] and so few Germans can't be funny give us some warning because they pull it out and blow it all over our back this wood is going to give me a limp bring it over here oh oh [ __ ] how's it look exactly how it feels imagining crushed raspberries yeah my brother you [ __ ] suck at picking our contracts it's me it's me one of us make mix it out of here alive please let it be me it's Tony's friend Andy [ __ ] Tony yes [ __ ] them [Music] you jammed oh this is embarrassing oh hell yeah nice all your hands up gentlemen [Music] you're right I do but there's so much more find it find it the sister here says you stabbed the boy in the eye with a pencil oh how do you expect to be adopted if you continue this Behavior I don't want to be adopted oh what's your mother's kind and better let's just dig into those repressed batteries and perhaps [Music] oh this needs context now look what you've gone and done you skipped the process what process the standard process the breaking the measurement don't mean nothing of course it does now we can't rape her all right beg to differ Molly's still warm come on now mate oh I know we're shooting the raping but necrophilia's a step too far if you start your bugger First Step too far to perform a five-point room scan hmm oh way to go kid oh my God it's the five foot room scan and I'll get to the raping steady on ah help you take some of the fish you're not even a decent guard dog oh my God a stupid [ __ ] girl oh it's a matter perspective really no that's the fourth time it's friends [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] off you One Foot In Front of the other you've got to go and get killed you've got the way how does this living happen yeah there's no way we're getting out of there alive dude um body in the wall noise oh blind so I could really use it it's not like me to leave a girl unsatisfied it happens to guys all the time [Music] that's sweet [Laughter] tooth anyway foreign [Music] with the cigarette and everything that was good Jesus how much can I put this poor girl through I know right you're right pasta [ __ ] you're right you should really get on that everything is my fault apparently ate the last spot of dick pudding in the fridge my fault unknowingly shot Archduke Ferdinand and blamed it on some other guy oh my God are you sad God made the wrong choice because I don't make wrong choices best wins huh listen to me draculita check you later I saw something I lost long ago the wheel stop running from who you are confront it embrace it or it's [ __ ] throat yeah real [ __ ] vampire thank you how come you look at me like that [ __ ] you that's out you ain't the queen vampire [ __ ] yeah oh yeah Brits always say gold don't what I don't know God Save the Queen oh God say the queen she's the queen in that castle that makes sense she's like a [ __ ] blender turning my pen into Pace hell yeah she is fighting anyone do proper reconnaissance oh oh she put the [ __ ] fist off [Applause] oh and don't you [ __ ] forget it damn hell yeah mic drop okay so you know how in our Friday Night Live stream it was talking about like I can't remember what came out we were talking about the Pink Floyd guy and then offending the knife oh Roger Waters yeah yeah yeah Bridge so that's the kind of offending the Nazis I am totally on board for that was freaking awesome yeah uh Sarah uh right you know don't want do I say police girl piss her off uh that was amazing um you know I mean she had some cool moments before but that was [ __ ] awesome and uh you know we said we want our card and was it was nice you know getting out card in there um and have that like speech with him and it's just like you know you you have what I had lost a long time ago like the will to live um there's a lot of great uh stuff in this but like man seeing her just like unleash and go crazy and [ __ ] [ __ ] up was awesome on like a broader outside of Palestine ultimate Bridge levels um sometimes all we need is that one person to believe in us and for Sarah it was Alucard you know and he was saying you are so much stronger than you think you are you can do this you've got this and boy did she when she finally went for it and then separate from that I am kind of curious as to why our our time with Alucard has been so limited over the past couple episodes um I'm wondering if that's specific to The Abridged world if that is because of something that was going on within the show and maybe that actor had less availability I mean I don't go wrong I love that we're getting to know all the other characters but it seems quite early to take your main character and therefore your main draw out of the mix well someone uh had mentioned the fact that like you know it is prevalent in anime not just an anime but like in other mediums too like to have like main character like leave for a little bit but like I that made me think of uh Goku Goku's gone for a lot of times in Dragon Ball Z true you know they like they make a joke about it but like how he how he's gone for for so long like healing comes in at the end to kind of seal the deal and seal the win but yeah it's a little bit more prevalent and here's this like 10 episodes or whatever yeah so Goku was gone for as well a long time as well it's a really good point um maybe the reason I'm feeling it in this one I didn't necessarily feel it in Dragon Ball Z is because The Supporting Cast around Goku is so strong I mean yeah yeah Gohan Vegeta Mr Piccolo like there is a very ripe cast of characters to play with um and it feels like in this one when we don't have Alucard we get a little bit of police girl we get a little bit of Integra thank you I I always want to say Allegra because I'm thinking of the allergies which I told myself think of the allergy medicine would make me remember her name but clearly it is not working that way yeah you get a little bit of Sarah a little bit of Integra and like they are both really cool characters yeah but I never feel like we get enough of them to get me as an audience to develop the same relationship with them that I had with Mr Piccolo and Vegeta and Gohan and maybe that's just because the the villain gets a lot more stage time in this show compared yeah yeah in Dragon Ball Z a bridge where it's like we introduce the villain the villain's a dick okay you get the villain now we're going back to our main characters um and this one it it's a conspiracy and it's the Nazis and it's vast and it's impacting the Vatican and like all these things are happening that they can't really be like okay here here's the villain it's a dick okay moving on like like they have to establish a little bit of the um the politics of the conspiracy that is spreading throughout that's making this such a formidable opposition but I mean in some ways it paid off because this episode was so good for like effective and like I don't know if you could do it in one episode as far as uh this whole Arc with a police girl Sarah um maybe they could have and uh and trimmed up a little bit and tightened it up a little bit and gotten us uh more Alucard but uh the reason we say I think is because like yeah like I felt like for the first you know few episodes at least like you know yeah for most of the series like the Alucard really was the main draw for me and like hooked me in like it wasn't for Alucard like you know I wouldn't really like necessarily like it whereas with Dragon Ball Z that is true where like Goku isn't necessarily my favorite character on the show I mean I love Goku but you know like like Vegeta yeah but she does Vegeta is my favorite and like krillin's great and everything and so um yeah so and this one like Alucard is such a big draw and so like just kind of cast a shadow over everyone else maybe that's why they had to take him away this was like they're like a la carte's too [ __ ] cool that No One's Gonna care about anybody else unless we like take Alucard out of the out of the equation kind of true yeah because I was even sitting here thinking and I'm like God I'm always so on board with the strong female leads and like I should be freaking loving Sarah and loving Integra and I do I really really do but they just I don't I don't have enough with them I don't have enough of a relationship with them um and maybe that's because police girl has been kind of like alucard's lap dog in a lot of ways so she hasn't had the spotlight on her own to show us enough of her personality I mean really right now we know about her is she's had a traumatizing past yeah um oh God yeah she should have died in Alucard saved her and when she flips the switch she can be pretty badass but I don't really know her personality Integra I know is like the ultimate boss [ __ ] who I have so much respect for um and she even has some sassy one-liners so I think I think I could build a relationship with her probably a bit quicker just because I've seen a little bit more personality out of her but our segments with her are so small and so limited that it makes it a lot tougher when Alucard comes on the scene like he just he has the humor he has the badassery so so he doesn't even need a huge length of time for us to be like oh this guy is incredible I almost kind of think of like Doc Holiday and wide ARP yeah um like done wrong Kurt Russell is wider was a perfectly fine and lovely wide herb I don't care about Wyatt Earp Doc Holiday is a [ __ ] badass he has 10 seconds on screen in his first scene I'm like who the hell is this guy I want to know more yeah I've had 15 minutes with wider but at least at this point and I'm just like okay yeah Wyatt Earp whatever Doc Holiday is 10 minutes on screen or 10 seconds on screen and I'm mesmerized um I think Alucard has that same effect yeah um also it like feels like we rented a puppy just because of the one scene where like they're talking about raping and like necrophilia and everything like that and then there's this puppy I mean like that's like here we go all this like crazy like you know dark [ __ ] is going on uh you know here's a puppy just in case you can't handle it um because it's like a feel-good channel yeah exactly um and also I think it's uh interesting that like you know I mean like like you said like you know you love uh a strong female character I may think that but I guess deep down you just like a guy that talks dirty we were all comment on that I love that one anything else I I'm really hoping we get Alucard in the next episode with some significance only because at this point it's like three or four episodes with him being a pretty kind of like absentee media father for us so like he needs to come back on screen we just we just need a little bit of time well I have heard that uh in the comments that wait till episode eight episode eight is supposed to be good okay there we go yeah that's what I'm waiting for mainly because it Rhymes let us know what you thought about this down below in the comments and uh if you want early ad free access to our Helsing ultimate Bridge reactions check out the description of this video we got a link to our patreon as well as a link for our playlist so you can check out all of our YouTube reactions here thanks so much for checking out our reaction for Helsing alternate Abridged Episode 7 which keep in mind that our reaction is definitely not definitive
Channel: Definitely Not Definitive
Views: 30,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hellsing ultimate abridged episode 7 reaction, hellsing ultimate abridged reaction, hellsing ultimate abridged, definitely not definitive hellsing, definitely not definitive reaction, hellsing ultimate, hellsing abridged, hellsing abridged reaction, hellsing abridged episode 7, hellsing abridged episode 7 reaction, first time watching hellsing, non anime fan reaction, first time watching anime reaction, reacting to hellsing ultimate abridged, hellsing volume 7, reaction video
Id: m3iAOgcJDSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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