Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 15, Episode 4 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen now let's go the chef's communication skills were put to the test as they had to correctly relay recipes that were printed on the back of their chef jackets so think our penomet okay but on the red team Kristen's spanakopita it looks [ __ ] disgusting who was reading that I was chef nice point and Mendes Morita is not a burrito its taquito Danny did not tell me it was [ __ ] taquito point the butene sunk the red team congratulations the women had to endure a disgusting punishment lunch and a teammate they found revolting Oh what the [ __ ] things like dirty [ __ ] Jackie is deep gusting sorry top me at dinner service haasan's leadership are we ready to go let's go let's go oh [ __ ] my wall even for Wellington's on your right and Jared's cooking vegetarian huffily cooks way to go down gave the blue team their strongest service yet that's the best tuna I think I've ever had we're on top of the world right now but in the red kitchen an untimely memory lapse cool back the order to what's wrong would buy poor performances by manda on garnish can we have the colonists I'm sorry chef and meat on meat roots I don't know what was going through my mind we put more food in the trash can then we have in the dining room Ted out the red team fight over who to nominate my mom is we're ready to [ __ ] go the whole [ __ ] time you got your [ __ ] mind is now finally up for elimination Amanda I win question by Chef Ramsay Ariel went rogue nominating niece and Vanessa and it was Vanessa who said goodbye to her dream of becoming head chef at BLT Steak at Bally's in Las Vegas and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen [Music] get out of it I'm sorry are we cooking in the same kitchen at this point I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on with everyone what the [ __ ] happened you're really refreshing Wow and trust you Ariel hood up Vanessa but we agreed as a team to put up Meese Amanda that wasn't a decision the team decided that vanessa was the weakest chef is am i incorrect did I decide never told you that okay I'll put up my school I put up okay me he's heard well then everybody besides you felt that vanessa was the weakest chef and who is making the team even deny you the president asked me I gave an answer for the team don't come back afterwards and be in my face let you stand up there with your [ __ ] heart pounding and you make that [ __ ] judgment call everybody I'll raise my voice I'm asserting my moto to voicemail you talk I answered your question then is done you learn to answer your question Danny the conversation is now over if you want to continue to talk I will continue to raise my voice the conversation is over be well that didn't take long for the claws come out act like an adult [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning good morning guys oh hell now is way too early for this [ __ ] today Chef Ramsay's waiting for you let's put these on and you got to get up front yeah I've been hunting by my father's side since I was eight so when I see the camouflage in your arms and like who I get to kill something I get to kill something hopefully I'll have blood on these hands before the days over [Music] let's go guys I know please let's go I don't know what is going on right now but it's definitely think there's some people here that should not have guns in their head Jack you should never have a gun well you guys have been sleeping marina and I have been enjoying the great outdoors how many of you have gone duck hunting before Wow one two three of you mmm it seems like most of you I'm all comfortable hunting ducks like this then duck where's my bloody shotgun right today each of you gonna be cooking a stunning duck dish I'm gonna put one person from each team in a single canoe it'll be up to you to gather the five ingredients that you're both going to be cooking with from this lake you'll find the name of ingredients written on the bottom of our rubber ducks when you get back to Hell's Kitchen your dishes will be battling against each other yeah yeah sure let's get some ducks in the water please more dogs you don't know boy where's the rest of the dogs come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] putting my Agri poles of rubber Ducky's coming out of that guy ten minutes tops for the first part of today's challenge each pair of opponents will gather five rubber ducks which will each list one ingredient both chefs must use all five ingredients to create duck dishes that will go head-to-head back in Hell's Kitchen yes sriracha no we're cooking against each other and re-open absolutely sabotage me man play to her strength so I'm being firm with her on the ingredients for sudo practice bacon how about you know black garlic nah kolento you want to do polenta I don't want I mean I want to go back to this patch or what Oh babies to go purple sweet potatoes I usually work I don't I do all right purple sweet potatoes is kind of the curveball but I'm not gonna argue it they're [ __ ] potatoes I'm sure I can figure it out we need one more man white beans okay fine I feel confident going up against Frankie he's a good chef but I'm a good chef too so I'm definitely gonna cook a better than Frank back in Hell's Kitchen the chefs will have just 40 minutes and their five selected ingredients to create a unique and delicious dish featuring duck I'm just worried about overcooking my duck because I've never ever cooked with duck breasts this ginormous before I mean they're like Ashley's boob job make sure this shit's not bland today honey they're humongous why Amanda gets a feel for the duck breast his fourth yeah I didn't season all over in the blue kitchen Eddie works passionately to make sure his duck fits the bill I put in the duck person in the loop it's been a few years since I worked with duck but it's kind of like driving a manual transmission for the first time yeah you might stall out a couple times but once you get in your rhythm and you're smooth sailing 20 minutes to go no idea what I'm gonna do with these purple sweet potatoes while the blue team gets familiar with their ingredients no ducking around back in the red kitchen Jackie let's see how this puree is doing a little experimenting because I am doing a wax bean puree that I've never ever done before and then it's not thick enough at all but I have a plan and a [ __ ] mission love this focus lady what do you say boys what do you say boys I need another minute I have not worked with duck before and duck isn't something you know that you could just walk into the kitchen and just finesse come on 30 seconds to go come on guys all right Frank a little over she's cut right please come back all right blue team good job ladies listen joining me to judge today's duck challenge is a highly acclaimed chef who holds two Michelin stars he's a chef and owner of Malisse restaurant in Santa Monica please welcome chef Josiah Citrin I want right now I'm so honored to have Chef citron taste my dish right first up man De Angelis could be in this dog challenge Chef Ramsay and chef Citroen will each judge the dishes on a scale of one to four as their scores will be combined the maximum a dish can score is eight points hi chef good afternoon how you doing the first pair of chefs to face off is manda and Joe he is duck dish features bok choy and a bust my advice tamale kind of tomorrow yes it looks like a spring roll then it tamale yeah chewy role exactly tamale really brawl like really this actually tastes pretty good but it's not Mexican no chef let's get that right I'm gonna go with three I love the flavors three for me dr. chef it would be so much better had you not mention that word tamale Joe what the hell are you thank you come on wake up Amanda very overcooked the Dutch you know the coach money the poke yeah that's very mealy oh this is not good I hate disappointing Chef Ramsay well everything's off way overcooked one yeah one as well Amanda tell red team what a shame let it boy Joe Thatta boy while the men celebrate an early lead Ariel I'm Chad please let's go Chad puts up his duck breast with pomegranate juice looks clumsy the flavors are good I'll give this one a 3 2 for me against Ariel's duck breast with pomegranate glaze leaves us one two three or four yeah I'm to five each underwhelming what a shame Jackie I'm Frank please let's go with the men's still in the lead Jackie's attempt at a wax bean puree there's no finesse on this at all scores just five points while Frank's wax bean risotto impresses very nice bit of a chef's dream I have to go for here sprinkling salt at 7:00 an understanding of how to cook Hobart right next up Donnie and Allen out with the women trailing by six points Danny hopes to close the gap with her duck and sautéed collard greens love this color Grayson three for me if i overcook the duck i will give this one a two against Ellen's deep fried collard greens this greasy is bland and swimming in water there's nothing exciting so I will just give this one I wanted like great with the women still trailing Meese is looking to get a leg up I don't understand using a duck leg without the proper time to cook it not when you have a beautiful breast with her unconventional choice of cut I'm gonna give it it - Donna - while Hassan has high hopes for his duck breast with cabbage ragout I know it looks visually appalling but I think the flavors would be good I'm stalking a one agree a one Thank You chef man 22 Red Team 21 with the women catching up and only two rounds left edgy Ashley let's go Eddie has pulled out all the stops with his pan-seared duck breast tossed with a garlic Cipollini onion so dear we would be shut down and lose your stars credit way what customers actually choke on bra white fat that damn it we would get shut down if we were to send they dug breast caked in fat buy that out no one needs it when it's like they're wolf fat come on that is raw fat and when you're in Hell's Kitchen you can't be that dumb mmm shaming spicy delicious yeah flavor good love that flavor I feel like a bipolar just damn it I will give this to mama to will never happen again chef I hope not Ashley the sauce is blueberry infused with VP and shed of fat and the hash is infused with the duck fat presentation-wise it looks clumsy but duck season beautiful dark seasoned honestly it flavor was nice I'll give this one a three yeah chef Ashley good job last pairing Kristin and jarred all my fingers crossed praying for Jared just hoping that he can bring it home for us Joe I have a celery puree with poached mushrooms and braised purple potatoes it looks clumsy the second I put that sauce on the plate and it started running I knew I was gonna get knocked for it the good news is the ducks cooked beautifully but yeah the duck is definitely the best cook duck so far today Thank You chef I'm gonna give this one at 3:00 it's a solid way good job thank you Kristen describes this place to the chef I have a leek and celery root puree he pans her duck and a purple sweet potato chip come on Kristen help us out make it [ __ ] happen bro either pretty crispy potato delicious these will be great my doctor cook there unfortunately it's very buttery or oily like leave it coating on your mouth five points to tie for me it's a two sculpture I feel I just wanted to be a one for me I just don't I don't I don't get it I'm at a loss and it just sucks like there's no excuse for that ultimate embarrassment congratulations man guess what red team winner winner ducky dinner Josh good job join me in thanking chef Josiah John Blue team you all are in for a spectacular day in a privately chartered luxury yachts you'll spend the entire afternoon sipping champagne and riding the waves after that you're then going to make a trip to the most amazing penthouse restaurant for dinner and there's a few more surprises as well now get out of it well [Applause] ladies I can assure you that your day a punishment is one of the worst in fact it's somewhat foul we're going to be receiving a large shipment of duck and this time it's real duck they need to be broken down and prepares or an appetizer here in Hell's Kitchen you have a long grueling wretched day get out of here I don't know what's happening with my team I thought we were doing good and it's like we're getting worse so [ __ ] sick of losing oh my god really you've got to be kidding me looks like a voodoo shed or something all right get started on this this is a little disturbing actually this is a breakfast I'm gonna cut the bones off because we don't know how to follow directions that's why we're [ __ ] here while the red team guts out another punishment the blue team is off for another adventure oh my god we were on the biggest yacht on the water it was absolutely divine you know you could not beat it I guess you could say you know size matters let's just not get shellfish I'm basically double fisting oysters okay I wouldn't be surprised if I end up week out by the end of this trip while the men cruise towards their five-star restaurant back in Hell's Kitchen dinner who's waiting for you on the patio the red team is sitting down to some three toe cuisine is it duck team this is just nasty stank skin and feet and toenails of nasty cartilage it's really bad I can't what is with you ball I mean um [Music] you just break that hot stuff right now I'm sorry [Music] don't my plate champion up the world [Applause] Jackie's at jokes she doesn't take this seriously at all she is a shame face for this team while the women watch Jackie's eating with disgust the men are enjoying an amazing view from the penthouse restaurant in Santa Monica that's gorgeous is he gonna really go to join us you're really gonna sing oh hi guys awesome right any questions over the worst cuts you have in the kitchen so you have some like so that was the service I never in my life expected to be sitting at a dining table with chef Gordon Ramsay the other night I went in showered broken and went straight through and then came out through there and then bang I don't think anything will really be able to touch us for the rest of my life one more question shop when this is all over can I use you as a reference on my resume No [Music] it's a new day in Hell's Kitchen and ahead of tonight's dinner service the blue team is riding high from yesterday's challenge victory we got an upper hand on the girls let's keep it like that meanwhile determined to put their losses behind them the women are trying to get organized with some help from a former Hell's Kitchen winner their sous chef Christina your top get set make a list of everything you don't need got it every kitchen has a prep list normally we don't title the list we just know it's the list okay this is the West I'm gonna put the [ __ ] list jakiro the acting list Mike why would you write that the [ __ ] list so respect for it what are you thinking Jackie disrespect like that does not fly anywhere is this you it's disrespectful is what it is never again I swear to god everyone shut up she did not think that was very funny if any of this happens in this kitchen again the [ __ ] list whoever writes it will be finishing the [ __ ] list it wasn't dishes I'm better than you you just interrupted me take a seat have a seat and sit out just sit out never again it's a professional [ __ ] kitchen you would be fired if you if you work for me you want to have it oh you don't care no you don't care [Music] this is your teammates find the cancer in your team of work around it [Music] Jackie brought our whole morale depth she has to go I'm done done with her go have lunch on a person that were like a joke joke joke and then BOOM jump in the service of get [ __ ] done but he's more on don't see that Jackie you can't talk back to her listen I'm not gonna let her disrespect you she's our boss dude and you need some get back in her good graces before we start service every staff that I've ever rolled my eyes at I am totally sorry because karma is a [ __ ] and her name is Jackie chef can I talk to you yeah I mean all right I feel horrible right and that [ __ ] on the list was [ __ ] up I mean I realized that now you know you have to understand that I'm in the position I am because Chef Ramsay put me I know I mean I don't want you to think I'm not in a really serious about this and sure me I will okay I'm not an idiot I knew I had apologized as soon as I realized how pissed chef foreseen it was what I mean this is a cooking competition not a personality competition make sure the gas is on we all got this come on line up guys let's go let's go ladies line up tonight there will be some very special guests sat on our unique chef's tables in your kitchens in the red kitchen and you're cooking for a major starve keeping up with the kardashians which Jenna is joining you tonight Jenna she's like Oprah huge I don't even know it's a blue team tonight you'll be cooking for the queen of burlesque Dita Von Teese I'm beside myself you know fan dances and you know you know the old calendars with the pin-up girls if that's Dita Von Teese I want both chef's tables to experience a dinner that they will never forget for all the right reasons guys good get on your stations let's go Morini oh gee chef open up Hell's Kitchen please let's go the dining room is filling up with hungry customers and VIP diners eager to sample Chef Ramsay's classic menu tonight they'll also be traded to a special duck confit appetizer a little bit on this c13 negative to be served tableside by danny for the red kitchen and frank for the blue and that's it all right let's go paul covers table 32 one special tableside one capellini two kale salad yes coupling is easy yes talk all the time yes kept the waters not boiling gas is off ladies the gas is off again you dumb [ __ ] are you serious you've done this twice now [ __ ] Wow come on I really want to kick her in her [ __ ] shins we got it so I'm gonna start again with my shellfish while Ashley tries cooking with heat over in the blue kitchen it's getting hotter by the minute you guys we have guests in the kitchen as world famous burlesque star Dita Von Teese is seated at the chef's table you're like I just had a beef wellington that's Peter van tease if just like hey come here chef Kevin's arrived welcome them in and out 30 seconds in you get the [ __ ] out of that let's go good evening ladies welcome tonight how are you my name is Eddie I will be waiting on you tonight oh my god she's beautiful I got this I must say that the risotto and the capellini are probably two of the best appetizer Eddie I said 30 seconds II don't get that phone number let's go unbelievable don't spook them I've got ladies here lamb to the pasture as the blue team starts to burn their way through appetizers very good it's out of this world the red team is slipping behind three team on their fourth table of appetizers and we've got fuck-all out and as their VIP guest is violin ladies I guess the rival chef's table keeping up with the appetizers it takes on a whole new meaning Kris Jenner to a fabulous first shoes everything everything or shoes ladies welcome how are you my darling thank you looks amazing gee I was totally blinded by kris Jenner's smile just that well yes yes yeah an adulterer one pizza one lamb yes chef I'll start the risotto risotto I got it let's go I'm not even looking up because right now she is the only person I care about Ashley walk with it [Music] hey hey all of you come here this is a risotto for cristiano taste it all of you it takes that I've got nowhere to go now I swear to God a young lady is this a stitch-up you taste that risotto yes young lady are you serious so you don't care Kris Jenner has just bought out a [ __ ] coke book if you don't care that go home I'm gonna make it awesome this time all right oh my god like I'm just so stupid I can't believe I didn't season my risotto stupid yummy it was on the food we're gonna taste it that's exciting thank you with the chef's table finally receiving its appetizers there's a bathing the red team is back on track [Music] meanwhile in the blue kitchen 12 - Chinna - chicken yes Chef Ramsay is firing the first entrees of the night [Music] one minute Jeff why are you talking to your team don't even count me down he's not even with it you got your sauce you know get your sauce on the boat come on fast fast fast my main focus on tonight's dinner service is to make sure that Kevin had everything under control on me I got two thoughts going to the path it's all about working as a team keep communicating keep working with Hassan driving the blue team remember on your right chef we're doing great so far the men are sending a steady stream of entrees out to their diners tables magic yes meanwhile the women have hit their stride on appetizers and are ready to move on first entree two chicken two Wellington chicken and Wellington cook at the same time your chicken down romi poach it now yeah as soon as the order comes in if you put in a Wellington and the chicken on order drop the chicken at the same time she is not worried how long do you take finish up you need rest time for the chicken if you think about it better - oh yeah I got you meat is it's not that hot walk-in with chicken nice walk with the garnish chef yeah check your shop go pink [ __ ] chicken all of you come here all of you pink [ __ ] chicken oh my for guys who slice that I did and you can't see that pink very slightly pink listen what I really sold that chicken gets it back in the lobby staring that's it Jackie's not as good as a cook as she thinks and there is no place for her in Chef Ramsay's Kitchen and I'll tell you that right now her days are numbered we're retiring everything with the red team completely stalled by Jackie's pink chicken in the blue kitchen on trice you suck the chef's table let's go Dita Von Teese is ready for Eddy go crazy over this tuna some of the best I've ever had in my life I'm the pole with the sole I'm the man with the plan I brought the food and on that cool dude what can I say this is who I am this is what I do ladies enjoy your dinner I may not be able to read words or do math but you know I can read body language very well and I was able to please miss bond TVs then yes to me this was technically somewhat of a date as Eddy enjoys his interpretation of an evening of romance over in the red kitchen okay chicken ready yes Wow Jacky's refire chicken has made its way to the dining room jump to a chef's table please two tuna one Wellington yes minute reckon these how long for the well er garnish just giving you time use it is very hard to run the garnish station when you do not communicate garnish talk to me walking with Wellington right walk-in my tuna where's the calmness I don't know chef what's she doing the Wellington garnish is up in it Mitch get controller station what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing I don't want my guests eating on an installment plan he did not just say that where's the bar they're right here chef you can leave them in the pot you leave them in the pot who put it on the trailer please hey hey hey Chris I'm so sorry I all of you come here come here get it I'm done grounded we have a chef's table in there tonight sat a meter away and look how I get the mash it's dumped on a [ __ ] tray I've been inside prison and they serve food better than this [ __ ] we've thought like we can't do this hey blue team - and deserts the rest of you jump into the red team and help a finish now now who's on fish I'll help one where you got working that's already reduced in here right yeah couldn't mean that this [ __ ] happen it's [ __ ] burn throw it out these boys just like bomb rushed our kitchen kamikaze style like [ __ ] poop soon as those two tunas they're ready we'll go to the past why are you screaming I'm not screaming this is our talk - no going to the window on your left - fish good Achilles cut first stick it out team love the teamwork guys with a very vocal Hassan leading the charge the men have taken over the red kitchen and have you thought delivering entrees to the chef's table and grateful customers in the dining room last table now - arctic char full Wellington yes let's go guys I'm walking tar hurt she's got the willies service please all right guys let's clear it down please thank the gentleman for finishing your service two nights in a row thank you guys no problem pathetic as [ __ ] nasty worst team ever [Music] line up ladies quitting lineup first of all I definitely did not expect to be in this position again with you we're [ __ ] embarrassment get up to the door and start thinking about two people that your team would be better off without am i clear yes and try for the first time working as a [ __ ] team that get out it's time to make a huge change and honestly I don't know if I can take another night of Jackie but chef Christina called her the cancer of our team it's the most pathetic [ __ ] [ __ ] level I don't want to be in the team with someone like that okay well who's the weakest person hot apps just sunk [Music] yeah I [ __ ] up with the water but you know what at the end of the day nice got really behind on garnish then I went to help her and got out for our tables worth of garnish on fleek I wasn't that brushed up on garnish because I figured the garnish was easy this is disgusting and pathetic thought you were the shining star bro but it means like you can't handle [ __ ] a couple tables and you handle a couple of [ __ ] tables who look like you [ __ ] up couple [ __ ] tables I [ __ ] up one chicken which was a hair [ __ ] under Jackie you didn't realize that the chicken was a little bit pink it was a little bit pink so why did you tell somebody I think my chicken I'm gonna serve that normally any [ __ ] way that we can't have someone on our team that thinks it's okay to serve raw chicken breasts listen shut the [ __ ] up heard it's not just that situation Jackie you've embarrassed our team all [ __ ] day whatever L I nominate Jackie this has everything to do with what happened in prep but I talked to chef Christina so if chef Christina is cool why does Tweedledum and tweedledumber and tweedle [ __ ] face a problem with it this whole voting system is [ __ ] up this old team morale is [ __ ] up everything is [ __ ] up on this [ __ ] team everything after a dinner service in which the men were forced to take over the red kitchen Chef Ramsay tasked the women with nominating two of their own for elimination [Music] manda first nominee and why our first nomination is Jackie her attitude has been less than desirable and she doesn't take accountability for the mistakes that she does make second nominee and why our second nominee is Me's chef she's not talking during service chef Jackie me step forward please what is the view in service that you just draw into this silence I don't know chef you don't know I think I should stay in Hell's Kitchen because I can do this and I can cook and I can learn better communication skills and I have the heart in this I do Jackie tell me why you think should stay in Hell's Kitchen because I have the passion I am a team player I believe I could be a very good leader you seem to be an outsider it's a personal thing chef I mean in service I'm extremely focused during the day you're not I mean I you know I joke around during the day I mean that's just my personality like I said it's a personality thing Amanda you're shaking your head what does that mean I think Jackie is a distraction and I think that when she does disrespectful towards Authority it makes our entire team look bad tough call the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is [Music] nice take off a jacket you are just not ready young lady thank you good night [Music] I've never been through anything this hard in my life I was so disappointed in myself I was fighting to make a better life for my family cuz I blew it Jackie stay where you are because I am not done yet awesome stand next to Jackie hussam not only do you step up tonight you're the most vocal the most confident and you led your team now want you to do exactly the same in the red kitchen yes chef Botha back in line all of you get together with hustle to find out what the men are doing and the ladies aren't doing but do it quick now get out of here passing as a new member of the red team I like to welcome you to hell because these switches are crazy I still think the blue team's strong but Hassan might be the catalyst to get the red team rolling again so here it is guys game Oh on the women are not communicating now I have to try to get them to all work together this is definitely gonna be my greatest challenge yet after being nominated three times in a row due to the lack of communication Meese may want to consider changing her name to Mouse [Music] next time on Hell's Kitchen the red team's newest member yeah thinks he's king of the jungle early yeah really my [ __ ] lionesses over here okay and I'm gonna [ __ ] cheetah but when some members of his team reject his leadership what I need you to do is take a back seat will he find a way to show them who's boss my prediction for Danny Payne 1 New York on your lap Danny there's a new trip where's your the tuna Danny I'm go [ __ ] Knights perfect get ready for my pathetic embarrassing ending sonic time you in a moment to myself Hell's Kitchen [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 450,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Id: TbC2pmmwAxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 31sec (2491 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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