Hello Counselor - Kai and Lay of EXO, IU, K.Will! (2013.10.28)
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Keywords: KBS, KBSWorld, Hello Counselor, 안녕하세요, 고민 상담, 이영자, 신동엽, 컬투, Shin Dongyeop, Jeong Chanwu, Kim Taegyun, 김태균, 정찬우, 20131028 hello counselor, 131028 hello counselor, 20131028 안녕하세요, 131028 안녕하세요, 20131014 hello counselor, 131014 hello counselor, 20131014 안녕하세요, 131014 안녕하세요, IU (Musical Artist), K.Will (Musical Artist), EXO, EXO HELLO COUNSELOR, EXO 안녕하세요, 엑소 안녕하세요, 카이 안녕하세요, 레이 안녕하세요, KAI HELLO COUNSELOR, lay hello counselor, iu 안녕하세요, 아이유 안녕하세요, 케이윌 안녕하세요, kwill hello counselor
Id: ytrW4Ta-yfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 25sec (4705 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2013
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