Helldivers 2 - Autocannon Is Crazy (Sickle + Autocannon) (Solo Helldive)

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hey guys in this video I'm going to be attempting a solo hell dive against the automatons and I'm going to be using the load out that I talked about in my previous video so if you have not seen that one you should check it out oh and immediately I hate how fast they that's ridiculous they bot drop that fast supp I need to get my autoc Cannon called in this is an emergency evacuation Mission so hopefully I can make this work because this is not the best start never want to have a bot drop in the first two how are you not dead yet come on my aim's just getting thrown off yeah come on guys give me one minute to get settled here all right I did it and I managed to not die I'll take it really need to stop missing all my shots though or this is not going to go well jeez no more bot drops please hello normally they die F the Walkers die faster than that I'm just I don't know why the taking like four shots to kill huh I even talked about how you could like one-hot them in their heavy armor cuz that usually works for me but not this Mission I guess all right let's get this done probably the most chaotic stud I've had in a while see what's going on so there's detector tower that way a legal broadcast over there that I'll snipe with my canon in a second once I get closer get my SSD here see come on trying to go too fast okay I think now I'll go ahead and handle that illegal broadcast just cuz I can shoot it from far away I would like let me get some extra stems first so I have more than two I think yeah there extra box is over here all right too late they see me that's unlucky oh come on why are there two patrols just walking this way glad I can one shot the hulks that air strike should pretty much kill all those guys demy no don't you do that that is not cool all right just going to re my Eagle so I can get those air strikes back and let's get out of here so it's very foggy on this Mission hopefully it doesn't look too bad in the video but once I can actually see it I can just snipe the illegal broadcast with my auto Cannon yeah I can barely see two feet in front of me there it is uh let's see if that kills it I will say the fact that you can kill them that easily is amazing cuz hopefully here I can actually avoid the spot drop if I can just get pH enough away and I do need need to head down that way oh what are you guys doing over here got a massive Patrol of light Bots here what is going on there we go I think I'm going go g to go ahead and toss my uh UB 380 into that base over here just see how much damage it can do hope not yet though he's I'm going to wait the 30 seconds get my uh air strike and just deal with them that way oh maybe not not if they come to me oh looks like I'm fighting them returns Lo always got to watch out for the rocket Devastators one left it's like know where they're going okay got the super samples over here go get that in a second let me first uh see what's the middle of this base okay it's right over here sometimes you can get lucky and the 380 will just clue like the whole base so I'm just going to toss it in there and let it do whatever it can let's see okay get that in there and have fun orbital 380 see how much he can do that does look like a tank in there so I'm just going to run I forgot about the Canon turret hello oh this is the fake one oh no it isn't look like it for a second that bot drop should be over there so I should be good unfortunately my 380 did not seem to do a whole lot but that's okay wasn't really expecting it to this fog is awful I can fatally see these guys oh now you're going to get one shot that would have been nice earlier that's what I was talking about you shoot them right in the face and they just get one shot I don't know why the on at the beginning didn't location guess it's just a bit inconsistent AV okay I'm going to clear out these guys cuz they will call in a bot drop later if I'm not careful I don't feel like dealing with that is that all of you all right let's get this activated deploying equipment page all right let's get this taken care of all right let's get this done all right perfect now I just got to get over there to get the main objective done I think I saw detector tower that way I'm just going to clear this spot really fasty all right perfect see the tower so it's looking that way right now Mission at 30 minutes remaining see if I can get up close to the tower where I can crawl in a hell bomb next to it so I'm going to try to avoid getting scammed oh this is going to be interesting though CU it's got that's the front there maybe I can get around the back how do you see me enemy tal asset within threat range uh the botone they'll like investigating mode they know I'm around here somewhere should get it what you can do I'm actually so it's looking this way but you can actually hide below the tower cuz it only scams way out there this is the easiest way to destroy them that I found now I just need to not die on my own hell bomb and that would be really cool going to try not to get scanned here come on don't see me okay perfect going to head to that radar station now tomaton facility destroyed see what's going on over there these guys are going to see me very fast oh maybe not you guys are blind no you're not you're not blind I'm sorry that bot drop might actually be over at that base which would be amazing but I can't actually tell oh why is there a shield guy hiding [Music] here it was perfect that is actually really helpful they may walk over here but we'll see equipage I got to wait 30 seconds now for this thing to get raised this will be good though cuz it'll tell me where the other two um side objectives are this will be this is the third one I've gotten the broadcast and the detector Tower so far and then I just got to get over there and then that there my extract and I know I'm kind of ignoring the bot Outpost right now I might get a few like near the extract point maybe get those light ones but uh I'm going to go ahead and fight these guys just get an air strike on them make it easier democracy bad stun grenade that might K all of them yeah perfect that's why I love the a strike and stuns let me align the tower really fast just got to listen for that noise there we go okay so we got another detector Tower and then a gunship facility great oh yeah I saw that earlier I forgot about that I guess I'll go for the gunship facility next kind of on my way to finish the main objective and there is a light Outpost up here might be a medium one actually oh this fog is ridiculous see I'm going to try to take this out going to stun him try to avoid the bot drop hopefully that kills most of them 15 I'm okay with that my Eagle so I can have three strikes again see may as well take out that other small one too actually I'll come back it's right my my extraction point I can get that later okay so now we got the gunship facility got a patrol there that does not see me that is good hopefully there aren't too many in this facility oh come on that's yep you can actually twoot them if you don't whip like I did there so that makes them incredibly easy to take out Auto Cannon is a very good weapon for them and what's just a machine thought it was a shield of Devastator come on they just kill you please see what that B drop call in uh not too many I can like barely okay now I can kind of see better jeez and there's that Patrol don't have my Eagle yet I'm just going have to fight them only one stun [Music] okay thankfully it wasn't too big no more gunships yet where did you come from I do not like the spot I'm very stuck here and you're going to make it RSE perfect see yeah you need to die okay I'm going to see if I can uh push up now and get this taken care of OB in your vicinity keep an eye on that cannon turret there so we got one more shielded guy who looks like he's stuck that's kind of funny love it when that happens request get our hell bomb tuck in this corner all right let's get this done come on [Music] just got to get out of here now and there's my main objective perfect spot for it have Patrol down there yeah there it is honestly they might miss me if I can just kind of head down here mission is progressing so that leaves one side objective and it's way up there though actually I'm not too far away see how many enemies are at this uh area see got a couple light enemies we got a Hulk up there uh see if I can take some of these guys out oh he's almost dead unlucky that not a head shot there we go are you not dead okay you are dead oh come on now you're dead see what else is over here your position just going to have to fight this oh not too many please oh and it's a I have rocket pods it'll be fine think going call an air strike here and stun back up a bit so I don't die to my own air strike I got the oh perfect got the tank too didn't even think it would see we clear now something shooting at me oh you oh one more I will say this is a pretty good objective here cuz I I have really good cover up on this spot and I should have to press so each do I just do it five times that'll uh be enough see I he one more bot hiding over in this corner there you are only unlucky part here is the doors are pretty far Po and I'm going to use like this one ramp to get there so it's going to take a minute if I get lucky there won't be too many patrols but I'm expecting at least a few three more buttons on each door okay there's the patrol I don't know what they're scanning right now I think what I'll do here get that air strike stun them and that'll be easy I love Eagle one so much trying to re I know something so satisfying about watching just 10 Devastators fall at the same time and I hear another group is that a p uh that is okay they're way over they probably come over here I knew I was getting too lucky with only one Patrol see there's a chance they just kind of like head around the edge there which I can just deal with this button if I have to let see what they do going to attempt to hit that button one more time but let's see I'm like completely surrounded right now another group back that way somewhere hellers are here get out of there so a group that way oh I think it do you see the people you oh that's what they're scanning they scan them as they run in actually I'm going to go ahead and start heading for the detector Tower because I think those people will make if they die that's unlucky but back in business I think they should make it so now I'm going to see if I can sneak through here without getting seen all right perfect you have accomplished Liberty's will extracted your discretion and that is the main objective done there goes that shuttle all right I'm going to ignore that base for now just because I don't feel I mean 15 minutes I might toss like a 380 and as I leave I'm going to get the tower first though what I'll probably do though I'll definitely grab up these two bases and then I might just leave these two honestly yeah cuz my extractions way down there I think if I head over this way and then try to walk up they might not you leaving the mission are edge of the map okay yeah so it's going that way come on warning you are leaving the mission area I will say the bugs are a lot more blind than the Bots are the Bots are at least slightly aware of what's going on around around them except when you crawl I guess I don't think that turret will see me I hope oh that's the entrance don't no one look this way I got a patrol there no way you see me I will say stealth in this game is a little bit inconsistent but when it works it is very fun I got I don't know what you're scanning see where is it I think I have to call it in here and I I think yeah doesn't get closer to the Rocks this will probably my attention on we'll see though yeah they heard that that called in and I'm just going to run away I don't no don't you shoot that yeah call that in I'm already gone okay so that's all the side objectives done one two three four okay perfect go ahead and take out that bot base just cuz why not get the extra points from it and I got plenty of time I'm not in any hurry to get to extraction is do I toss a 380 in there just for fun yeah I'll do it why not so it looks like there's two Fabricators there I could just shoot them but I'd have to go to the other side and I did just notice I have not died yet and it would be nice to get a deathless uh solo held dive so let's do thatal inom stand if I get lucky I get lucky there's one see please don't see me fortunately I do not think I got lucky what did it Miss proceed to extraction when ready you know what I'm my I'm going go back and finish it might regret this but so the cannon turret is still active this might be fine cuz that Patrol missed me I'm going to go ahead and clear out this spot here just so they don't come and shoot me in the back you guys just not hear me right behind you all right easy enough I want to know where the other fabricator is on there I don't see any I'm going to clear this spot too no don't see me yet no that of course it's you calls it in the one guy I can't see it's unlucky is that the oh it's like way up there okay what are you calling out on me let's see it payload what did you Dr oh a single Hulk okay that's cool there we go you may proceed to extraction when ready there you there you are I really hope that's the last one and that gets it that would be amazing right now oh come on Mission at 10 minutes remain when when rocket pods work they're amazing and unfortunately sometimes they just do not go to what you want them to oh there's one there too I think it there we go took two shots but I made it work need to take out this Hulk here I to not sh you oh bad angle I'm going to take cover for a second here I have no stuns I just get that one rocket pot off I could finish it buto oh come on unlucky on the that's the thing with those Shield of Devastators you try to sim and they just like knock your arm out of place oh there's a lot of them too that's why oh come on I'm going to die again oh come on I just wanted to destroy your one base all I'm committing to to it at this point readying payload okay how many more of you are there way too many rocket guys just sniping me from way back there what's that Hulk at there you are [Music] I love staggering those guys so much are you dead Noe you're not dead I can't even see him there we go okay I only got one stem and one stun that is maybe I have another okay good supply box over there oh Two Perfect okay that makes this a lot better all right I'm getting this base destroyed I don't care this this base is going to die I see it please that should be perfect I think that would destroy it that would be so helpful oh [ __ ] and there's one more I guess what is hitting me let me get up what the are the what is hitting me what I didn't see any mines there refor I'm going to to go back and watch that the mine's like just not showing up that was really weird okay where's the slot fabricator this is getting annoying it's like around the back oh come on there it is please go for the fabric not the Bots okay you know what I'll take itag got it getting away is going to be the fun Pro here if I'm lucky that bot drop might ignore me once I get far enough away okay you're alreadying good oh of all the times to have a patrol come on don't see me dude what minutes why are you dropping a factory on me like come on guys there is no need for that get me out of here all my stamina is going away over there send I really need stems I'm just going to wait here for a second no this is not good okay there we go got SNS oh come on get up I should not have survived there think still chasing me I'm still going to take out that base okay you know was it worth it to get the heavy base honestly I have no idea but at least I got it I'm just going to Rocket pod this make it easy I really hope that gets uh I might have maybe I should have got closer coming in come on Rocket pods don't mess up perfect hopefully okay I think the factory Strat might have lost me oh but you didn't jeez this fog is really making this difficult cuz I can't see things totally right on top of me hello dude swear if I get knocked over by one more of these like those gas pod things no resupply yet just going to have to live with no stems oh maybe those stems down there nope why am I getting samples right now I really don't I don't have time for this but may as well so I might just rely on the auto extraction ship and just uh wait the two minutes out and let it come down that way I don't have to like clear the point until last second I'm going to take out that Cannon turet too Pro to exraction when ready get me Supply in 25 seconds go and take that out here comes the Cavalry it's got a few pops on it hopefully not too many down here oh of all the Bots Devastator oh it's got Snips though means I don't have to wait wait for resupply now see if I can avoid that Patrol cuz what I can do now is when the ship comes down it'll automatically leave in 20 seconds so I have to run up there last second and that should be good okay I you here's what we going to do here air strike going stun him do again oh on stop shooting me like that one minute left Destroyer preparing to lead going to call a resupply here so I have it okay so I'm going to lose my Eagle here in a second oh you got to be kidding me there's a factory try to blocking oh come on okay that's going to change things I don't have time to kill it at this point I think what I might have to do here avilable it's just wait till that sh gets down and last second hope I can sneak up and get into it cuz yeah I lose all my Eagles in 5 seconds and that's really my only chance of killing it Super Destroyer leaving low orbit emergency extraction shuttle deployed see I'm pretty sure it only scans from the front so if I can sneak in like around to the left here oh why are you moving why a factory Strat is even allowed to be at the extraction Point like automatically that's ridiculous ETA tus 1 minute 30 seconds no way you see me yeah I really need to actually this is good if it please go that way cuz if I can just run in from the back here as much as I would like to get that small base over there I'm don't think it's worth it I'd rather get the extract let's see I don't have my Eagle I'd have to go all the way around to the front shoot it with my autoc Cannon this is probably a really exciting gaml okay so here's the plan when that shuttle lands I just last second run up 30 seconds I wonder actually if there's a ramp behind it that'd be even better but I don't think there is can I get up anywhere over here I think I can climb this oh no this is perfecta Zone come on shuttle this is Pelican 1 I have visual on the extraction Zone come save me Pelican one this is pelic one preparing for Touchdown once that thing lands I'm going to run up here oh don't hit me please it's like on oh come on please don't hit me with your engine toart go go go all righte that actually went a lot better than I thought it would I really thought that factory thought was going to turn around and start shooting me well if you made it this R in the video thank you for watching uh the whole thing I hope you uh found the gameplay interesting and fun to watch uh let's see how I did here I actually have no idea how many of the bases I actually managed to get all right so I know I got the main down all the side that's not bad two out of three Smalls and one of the heavy ones I'll take it he so yeah once again thank you for watching uh please like and sub to my channel if you enjoyed the video and yeah thank you
Channel: Mute
Views: 11,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, stratagem, tier list, helldive, automaton, terminid, bot, bug, eruptor, amr, solo helldive, loadout, sickle, quasar cannon, autocannon
Id: xiVmmXcqq4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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