Hell Hath No Fury - Mechwarrior Online

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new Target Target spotted enemy base is being captured Target spotted person critical damage new Target k [Music] reactor online sensors Online weapons online all systems [Music] phenomenal p over5 right na time I'm allarg [Music] Spott Target [Music] spotted Target destroyed Target apped Target spotted Target acquired [Music] Target acquired we got three units side Echo six Echo 7 on EO turn around turn around wol behind us ACO Target spotted Target spotted [Music] we got one coming behind on E I'll deal with him enemy base is being captured got two coming behind Echo 7 I'm dead Target spotted new Target enemy base is being captured Target spotted Target spotted Target spotted Target spotted affirmative new Target Target spotted enemy is captured Target spotted level Spott affirmative Target Spott shut down isar [Music] acquired critical damage override shutdown new Target AC enemy base is being captured new Target Target spotted enemy base is being captured Target spotted person critical damage new Target Target spotted Target spotted enemy base is being captur need assistance Target spotted [Music] [Music] Target spotted Target [Music] spotted Target destroyed [Music]
Channel: Capt Cav3man
Views: 201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0yyXrI0ZF0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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