Helium hotspot: how much HNT will you earn at your location?

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hi everyone and welcome to a new video in this video we're going to take another look at the helium network and i'm going to answer the most important question that all of you guys have and that is how much will you make if you buy a hotspot right now and use it on your own location if you like the sound of that be sure to hit that like button and do not forget to subscribe at the end of the video so very important in this video i'm not going to explain what the helium network is if you want to find out more just take a look at my other videos one of them will pop up in the top right corner of this video right now so if you know what helium is and you're ready to invest in one of those iot miners then this is probably the next video that you should watch in my last video i used the combination of the helium explorer helium place an rf modeling tool and then combine it all together to see if it was a good idea to place a hotspot in your location yes or no but today i have got some really great news on the website hotspot rf.com you can actually find a tool that combines all of the different tools that i used in my last video so this is really easy and the best news is right now you can still sign up for free and you'll get 10 credits to try out the tool and usually if you're just looking to place one or two hotspots 10 credits is definitely enough so the first thing you do is sign up for free then you make up a username fill in your email address fill in a password and then click on the confirmation link that you get by email that's it once you are logged in you go to portal and you can start using the tool so right now we are in the us right next to san francisco over here as you can see it is very crowded so first thing you do is go to your location you can type it in here or you can even type in the name of a specific hotspot if you want to jump to the hotspot that you already have or that you are looking to connect with so in this case we'll just stay right here so you click on the map i'll click here which is the middle of oakland as you guys probably know i am not from the us so it is uh very interesting to try different terrain once you click on your location it is time to fill in your settings so the first thing we do is frequency right now we're in the us so we'll take this one next thing is we fill in the gain of the antenna then we have cable loss if you're using the stock antenna this will always be zero and if you're just using one or two meter cables you can also leave this at zero then we fill in the height this of course is very important as we'll see in just a second and then we have to guess what kind of terrain that we have i think for most of us it will be urban or suburbs if you're really certain that you can actually from the position you're going to put the hotspot c the other hotspot which means you'll have clear line of sight you can take this one but i think most of us will use either one of these now i know if you are not into the whole helium thing yet some of this might sound like chinese and thankfully the guys of hotspot rf made a setup guide it is very easy to use just click here and that will take you to this five minute or maybe three minute article so quickly go over it so the frequency just choose the location that you're in if you're still not certain with this very easy to use guide you can go to the thingsnetwork.org and go to the article of frequency plans by country and just look up your country and then you find all the frequencies for the iot network as usual i'll put a link to this page in the description of this video next up is our antenna again they made it super easy for us just take a look at which one you bought rec nebra synchro bit bobcat and then you'll find the exact value right here so you can just simply copy and paste it then the cable loss we talked about it if you're using the stock antenna it will be zero the next thing we have is height and because the tool is developed in the us we have the imperial system not the metric system but normally next month they will also add the metric system so for now you don't even have to do any calculations just use these values if it's on the first floor use five second floor 15 and so forth then we're talking about terrain and basically it sums up what i just told you guys but if you're in doubt just read this little part and you are good to go that's it this is all you need to know to fill in your configuration so once we've filled everything in and let's just say we're in the suburbs sadly i don't know this location so i'm just guessing next thing you do is click simulate location boom that is everything that you need to do so right now what you see here this color map is basically the radio frequency map and everything that is in the colored zone should be a hotspot that you can reach of course this is not an exact science but it will give you a really good idea of what is possible so at this point you can make a very easy conclusion so you can either see that you can reach different hotspots which is very good news you're ready and good to go or you can't reach any other hotspots if you can't reach any other hotspots but there is a hotspot pretty close to you let's just say within 15 kilometers then you can try and change some things change the height change the antenna and so forth we'll give a few examples in this video but let's just assume there is nobody around you are the first one in your city and there are no other hotspots this leaves you with two options you either buy a hotspot and you just use one this will give you very poor rewards personally i would never do this so that leaves us with the only second option which is you have to buy two or more hotspots you can either buy them yourself or you can try to convince friends and family to also buy a hotspot and then build the helium network locally together alright then it's time for some examples so in the first one we will change for example the height and we'll move from the roof to the ground level and we'll change 25 in to 1 and everything else will leave the same so let's click on simulate and we'll see what happens to our reach as you can see the reach has gone down significantly so let's just assume that we didn't have any hot spots here and that we want to try and reach this hotspot so again there are two things that you can do you can either change the height which usually is the cheapest so right now we're at the ground floor just put it next to a bedroom window and you'll probably be good to go so let's just move it up to 15 feet which according to the guide should be the second floor window and click simulate so right now it's still not exactly in the zone but there is still a good chance that we might reach this one again it is not an exact science but as you can see simply by putting it on a higher location the difference is really huge so let's go back to one feet and see what happens if we change the antenna there you go and now we'll upgrade the stock antenna and we'll buy a 5.8 dbi antenna and then we'll see what happens as you can see the antenna did help our area has grown definitely bigger than before but this example really shows you how important it is that you put your hotspot or at least your antenna on a higher location so it's a lot cheaper to move up your antenna one floor than to buy a more powerful antenna so again this is the number one conclusion that you have to make the positioning of your hotspot is really crucial if you can't change the positioning of your hotspot you can still invest into a better antenna but again the best results will be given not by a stronger antenna but simply by finding a better location now as i said before i was assuming that we are in the suburbs but again i don't know this terrain so if you want to have a really cool tool you can use this little button right here it's download kmz so it will download a file next we jump over to google earth we click launch earth next we click projects open import kml file from computer there you go then it actually loads the map that we just created and it also puts the overlay for our frequency range as you can see now the really cool part is is when we start zooming in you can actually of course thanks to google earth see the buildings and then when you click the middle mouse button you can always go into street view and it looks like i chose the wrong terrain so this is definitely not the suburb we see a lot of tall buildings that are able to block our surroundings so i'll have to adjust the simulation and change from suburb to urban now if it still would not be completely clear then you can use this little button right here and actually go to uh google street view straight from here and then you can see the actual surroundings so this is the ultimate way to verify your surroundings and choose the right terrain now to prove how important terrain is we'll do one more simulation and we'll say that we're in the urban location click simulate and as you can see even with a 5.8 dbi antenna if you're in the middle of a big city with a lot of tall buildings you're basically screwed if you put it on the ground floor let's assume that we can move it to the third floor and that is of course a lot better already even with a 2.3 dbi stock antenna you'll see that the situation again is a lot better simply by moving up in height so please keep in mind if you are using the free version you only have 10 credits so be a bit careful because right now of course i'm clicking and simulating like crazy to make this video but you guys only have 10 credits and after that you'll have to pay the next thing of course is what will be the rewards thankfully i can make that part really short and the only thing you have to do is look here which is simulation output so you see your reward scale and then right now i sadly can't show it but i think in about two weeks you'll be able to see here the daily rewards that you can expect so yes hotspot rf will be i think the first tool to actually calculate the rewards for you and the only thing you have to do is simulate your situation as correctly as possible and then you'll get your estimated rewards right now the thing that you can do is click on the neighboring hotspots and see how much they are earning so this guy is earning about three hnt rewards in a week or 0.34 daily this one is doing a lot better he's earning about 12 hmt per day this one is earning five this one is earning four so my suggestion is if you have a lot of hotspots close to you click on all of them and then just calculate the average and it will be more or less the h t rewards that you will get or just wait two weeks and then you'll be able to see it right here now for the next part of this video i'm going to dive a little bit deeper in how the rewards work how the reward scale works and how you can actually help and improve the network and improve the situation for everybody around you to start off i'll give you a little example on how important it is to choose a good location so in this case we see that it's pretty crowded downtown and let's just assume that we live here but we have a friend over here so we can either choose to put it here or we can put it here so let's just click here we keep the situation exactly the same and then we click simulate location and yes you are seeing this correctly suddenly all of these orange and yellow hotspots they turn into light blue ones this means that their reward skill went up significantly simply because i put a hotspot right here yes this means that you can actually influence the reward scale by choosing the right positioning of your hotspot and actually improving the network and this is exactly the goal of the whole helium protocol so right now we are focused on building the network so if you are actually helping to improve the network then the rewards will go up if you decide to put 10 hotspots in one room then of course the rewards will go down because you're not helping to grow the network now in order to understand the situation even better we click on map options then we click on hexagon resolution and we'll take a look at the resolution 8 and resolution 7. so 8 is about the size of your own little dead zone so all the hot spots that would be in this little area right here just around our own hotspot those are usually hot spots you will not be able to reach so no it doesn't mean that if you have a hotspot right next to you that it doesn't work it simply means that you will not be helping each other with any rewards when we scroll up a little bit we see that we have two hotspots next to each other right here and they're kind of isolated definitely on a resolution eight because this one is not really connecting to this one and we only have three hotspots here and a whole bunch of hotspots right here and on top of that we have two of them very closely to each other so let's take a look at the reward scale right now it's zero point three this guy is still getting pretty good rewards if you ask me so it's seven in seven days i also propose to always look at the seven day rewards not 24 because then that can fluctuate a lot this one is getting 42 so he's doing really well so if our little theory is correct and we would put a hotspot right here then we can assume that we are definitely not helping the network this is a very small area there are not a lot of hotspots and if we then put them all together really close to each other you can imagine that we won't be doing the network any favors so let's click simulate as you can see our reward scale went down from 1 to 0.25 and we were able to drag the reward scale of all the others around us down as well so they were at 0.3 and now they're at 0.25 so as you can see by positioning your hotspot you don't only have influence on your own rewards but you actually influence the entire network around you you can do this in a negative way as we've done here or you can do it in a positive way as we did in the first example the next question is how important is the reward scale for this we jump to the github of the hip 15 proposal we scroll down because i know nobody likes all the math and we just jump to this very nice graph it may look a little bit complex but it's uh it's pretty easy so as you can see the yellow orange one is the tx tx stands for transmitter this is the hotspot sending out the beacon and then the blue ones those are the witnesses so on the first one we have one witness and that is the rx which is the receiver so they will be getting the blue rewards this immediately brings us to the situation as to why it is important that you connect to another hotspot because if you are the only hotspot in town then you simply can't get any witness or proof of coverage rewards so basically you would be here if you are the only hotspot which is zero you won't be getting any real rewards there is one reward that you will be getting which is the challenge reward but it is really low and for that reason if you're not able to connect to any other hotspots i would not do the investment or i would consider buying a second hotspot and then you will start in this situation right here so all of these scales are assuming that you have a reward score of one so as soon as you have a reward score less than one then you'll simply be reducing the rewards that you could have gotten by that reward score so if you would normally have one but our reward score is 0.25 then we would not get one reward unit but we would actually get 0.25 reward units this brings us of course to the next question which reward score are we going to use well basically the reward score being used in this formula is the one of the hotspot sending out the beacon so even if your own reward score is low and you're witnessing a hotspot that is a high reward score then you're still able to get a really nice reward to put that in human language let's go back to the map right now we have a reward scale of 0.25 but if we are able to witness these green guys then our rewards will still be good and our rewards will be even better than witnessing one of these guys so that is how it works if one of these guys witnesses this one or this one then he'll get the full rewards if this one is witnessing me then of course he will be kind of punished by my poor reward skill so the final conclusion even if you are in the middle of this if you are on a high location you will be able to reach all of these green hotspots and then you'll still get really great rewards so as a final example to really make it clear just take a look at this one so this guy has 50 hnt in one week which is pretty good so i assume we can reach some of these hotspots the green ones let's take a look at this one yeah he's doing pretty similar 45. let's take a look at this one as you can see even though he has the same reward scale as all the others he's doing not so good he's only getting seven so i assume he is at a lower height and he can't reach as many other hotspots let's take a look at the green one let's say this one tada so this one has a reward scale of one even though he is green he's only getting 16 h t probably because of how many other hotspots he can reach so this little collar doesn't mean anything so even if you have a red one it doesn't mean you're not getting any rewards good one final piece i want to touch on that is this little line right here so basically it means that the optimal situation is that if you have one hotspot sending out a beacon and you have four other hotspots being able to witness this beacon that puts you in the optimal situation so everybody will get some nice rewards equal in size assuming that everybody has a green reward skill as soon as it gets a little bit more crowded you'll be sharing the rewards with that extra person and then it just continues that way and then the rewards for each individual of course will go down when the number of witnesses goes up so yes that means that if you're in a location that has no hotspots whatsoever and you're the person pioneering in your country or your city that the best way to start is for example you buy a hotspot and then you can try and convince four other of your friends to buy a hotspot as well and then hopefully you can all connect to each other and then you'll be in the perfect situation to start with a helium network in your local region all right that's it for this video i hope everything is a little bit more clear for you guys at least this way you know what you are getting into keep in mind for now we all have 10 free credits i hope they will continue this plan and maybe just maybe if all you guys would post a comment and say we love hotspots rf or something similar hopefully they will see it and they will be motivated to continue with that free plan all right that's it if you enjoyed it and you made it all the way to the end don't forget to hit that like button subscribe hit that notification bell and of course post a comment and help us push this video in the youtube algorithm thanks again for watching and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Investor Bren
Views: 130,080
Rating: 4.9623179 out of 5
Keywords: helium hotspot, helium mining, hnt token, hnt coin, crypto mining, iot mining, bitcoin, cryptocurrency, helium hotspot roi, helium hotspot profitability, helium token, helium blockchain, crypto, helium hotspot earnings, helium hotspot mining, helium iot, helium token price, helium crypto, helium hnt, iot projects, helium cryptocurrency, blockchain, helium coin, helium network, altcoins, how to mine helium, altcoin, hnt cryptocurrency, mining cryptocurrency, helium hotspots
Id: mRu_u3gt3EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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