Mining Helium ($HNT) - Is It Worth It? How Much Do You Make A Month? (Answering Your Questions)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everybody welcome back to japanese promo and today i wanted to answer your questions around helium and helium hotspot miners so recently i uploaded a video where i was setting up and showing you how my helium hotspot miner has done when it was all by itself no other hotspots around just recently within the last two weeks i've set up my second hotspot miner close to here and it's made a drastic improvement now if mine was to be set somewhere downtown kansas city then it would be performing way better so in that video in on instagram and twitter i've been getting a lot of questions about you know how much does it cost to get a miner which miner is the best how much can you make it a month how long does it take to pay off the miner should i get one if i'm all by myself and really in general how does it work how much can you make and things like that how can you sell the tokens that you earn by mining as rewards and so i'm going to answer all of those questions today um all of the questions are actually listed just right here so this is what we're going to be going over in today's video so the very first question is how much for helium miner now the cost of the helium miner is all right around three hundred and fifty dollars and it really doesn't matter which one you get but it sometimes does matter where you get it from so for example we are right here on and when you click on mine uh what you're gonna do is you're gonna scroll down and these are some of those hot spots that you can purchase so what i'll be doing is i'll be placing a few links below the video taking you directly into where you can get these hot spots if you do get the rack hot spot miner from cal chip you'll be able to get a five percent discount with my code which is jimmy five um and also too i'll be placing a link below the video on the preferred antenna that i use there's two antennas that i have one is a three bi or three 3dbi the other one is 9dbi and i'll explain the difference between different antennas and when to use those so we're really going over everything today so first off for as you scroll down you can take a look at the map so we do have that helium explorer map right here which we'll take a look at in just a minute uh but when it comes down to some of these miners you have the uh indoor and outdoor miner from nebra now i don't have mine yet so i've i've purchased two nebras and i have one that's already been ordered a while ago that should be coming in in a couple weeks so i'll be shooting a video and setting that up and how it performs at the location i put it so you can get it either for outdoor or indoor most people look at the indoor one and you can see here that it's around a 300 price point here now as you scroll through this website the one thing i do want to let you know as you can see that i believe this is euros right there 300 and as you scroll down you take a look you can order from parlay labs so it says uh we we ship worldwide from uk you may want to order from one of our distributors based in north america so if you live in the united states click on parley labs and this is where i purchased my nebra hotspots for 350 dollars which is the same price here just make sure your frequency is sitting there um as the us option which since you hit parley labs it's already going to be u.s anyways and so this is where you can purchase your uh your nebra miner so let's just go right back over into this website here and what you'll also notice with a bunch of these hot spots is that they'll say that they're in pre-order or they're out of stock and that's just because the demand of these has boomed up it used to be where these things would come in march and then they said april now some of them say may and one of them says summer which is probably going to be more like june so you really want to take a look at that and right now is the time to purchase these because you want to buy a helium hotspot miner now before helium halves in august so again then you look at the bobcat miner when you take a look at this website here it just takes you to their site you can purchase it so again all of these are going to be if you go to order now all of these are going to be right around 350 except for this bobcat miner this is one that i'm also going to purchase soon and this one is 430 now the one thing that you can also keep in mind is a lot of these are you know created out of plastic which is really good to have when yours is connected to your wi-fi wirelessly so when it's connected wirelessly you want them to be made out of plastic so it can penetrate and then send off the signal of the 915 frequency through the antenna the rack hotspot miner this is one that i do highly suggest this is the one that i have at my neighbor's house and this one i do have it plugged in through the ethernet in the back just because of where his wifi is located and which room we placed it in it was better just to actually move it connected to ethernet and it has a really good connection so this one right here this is one of the the links that i have below the video where you can save five percent now it says again here that the shipping notice if you order the rack hotspot miner version two now shipments starting summer 2021 which means you better get on this thing now before it's going to say winter so really to answer this question i really want to talk about that how much for helium hotspot miner they're mostly right around 350 and you might see some all the way up to 420 but they're all going to pay off in a very short while which you'll see here in today's video then i kind of answered the same question or i answered the second question with the first one which was which one is best so they're really all the exact same thing i explained using plastic versus a metal brick so they're all going to perform pretty much the exact same unless if you know that where your hotspot is going to be if it's far away just kind of get ready to see if you want to buy plastic which is going to be bobcat or nebra versus getting the rack hotspot the rack hotspot does a really good job if you know that you're pretty close to the router and modem and everything else uh you know if you're going to do it wirelessly so it says right here it says it's not in stock so we actually covered that as well too so we're going through these questions pretty quick some of these state that they're not in stock maybe they're just pre-orders and it's only because they are manufacturing these as the orders come in so once you see something that's like it's out of order place your pre-order things like that they're all going to be the exact same thing and so they're really technically not you know out of uh inventory they're just don't have the inventory as they are actually making everything and then they get shipped off pretty quick so don't let that scare you don't let that stop you uh once you place an order it will actually come in so here's a good question how much helium a day so let's take a look at the helium map so in general what i'm going to mostly mention is that the the amount of helium that is being mined per month is 5 million so helium is allotting 5 million hnts to be mined per month now as more and more hot spots comes in that means that some of these hot spots are going to slowly kind of go down just a little bit just because of how many hot spots are being now connected but in general as of right now everybody's getting about five heliums a day but there is a few that are just you know all by themselves so this way they're not going to get that much and so then it's going to go to all the rest of the other hot spots out there that have multiples near them so we're going to zoom in on kansas city here we're going to go into a spot that is called westport so let's say that we click on this hotspot right there and we just want to see how this one's performing and so as you as you scroll on down you can see that this one has done 10 heliums in the last 24 hours and 459 in the last month so each day there's one that's like 20 uh 10 9 10 13 12 12 13 12. so i mean this one's getting right around 13 and 12 on average every single day which brought it up to 459 in the in the month then you just have to take 459 times whatever it's worth right now which is close to about nine dollars and that is how much you can make in a month now i'm gonna say on average you're gonna probably make about five heliums a day and that's just something that's conservative that's something that you know is gonna be you know also pretty accurate as well so to going back to this question over here how much helium a day i'm going to say on average five but it really depends on how many hot spots are near you so on that one there's about eight or nine other hotspots next to it i highly suggest heading over to the coverage map which is and when you head there just go to your spot head to your area and take a look at how many hot spots are you know near you then you'll be able to see how well you can do so the next question is how safe is it and how much energy does it use so the amount of energy it uses is very small it's similar to a five watt light bulb so you're not even going to see it if you live in apartment or house whatever the case may be um you're not going to see your your your electric bill move or change anything really it's just a small little light bulb it's kind of how much it kind of takes in and is it safe yes it is it's decentralized you know it's using your your wi-fi to push off a different type of frequency so instead of you pushing out wi-fi and people using your wi-fi it's actually just using wi-fi to send you data back to your application but also sending very small data packages in the form of 915 megahertz frequency so it's more of a radio signal that's used for the internet of things so basically the things that we'll be connecting to it is going to be if there is smart you know tracking dog collars if there is uh in your home the smart sensors for humidity temperature uh things like that also water as well if there's like those lime scooters going all around the city and it's going to send very small data packages so you're really you know helium is creating a network um you know think of it like a t where it's it's a network that people can connect to and helium is pushing one out that is all across the country and going into other countries as well where the internet of things is able to connect to it and then it's able to expand in the future to something else maybe something beyond just the internet of things but also the internet of things itself is an infancy stage there's so many different products that's being created that is needing to be connected to the internet of things and helium network is able to do that so you know is it safe yes it's safe nobody is getting anything uh just like anything with bitcoin and all that stuff everything is done on a blockchain decentralized none of your data is like out there it's super cool super safe and um again it's not using much energy at all now when it comes down to the third party antennas or using the stock antenna the stock antenna on these are either 3 dbi or 4 dbi and what the 3 dbi and 4 dbi does is it basically kind of creates an umbrella so when you think about where you live you want it to go over buildings over houses over hills and so you're going to want to use a 3dbi which is actually one that i have connected now i placed it below the video inside the description and it's one that is an umbrella going out and it's basically going up and out getting a better network going over houses and hills then if you want to buy one that's a 9 dbi which i can place a link for that below again 9 dbi is one that is a horizontal frequency so it's pushing out the frequency horizontally meaning if you're in a spot where you're on top of a hill and you want to go for as far out as you can then you can do a 9 dbi antenna because it's a horizontal push out the 3 dbi is umbrella it's up and then out going over hills buildings so if you live in a big city a really hilly area make sure you stay with the stock antenna or you can buy a little external antenna that you can put on top of your of your roof or next to a window and things like that so that's how mine is set up is with my three dbi because there's a lot of hills a lot of hills a lot of houses in my area how does it work or what is it doing so we kind of answered that you're pushing off a 915 megahertz spectrum a little frequency radio signal for these small internet of things to connect to so it can send data packages you know where it's located and where it's going back to you know things like that and and that's pretty much how it works and uh and and where it's about to go is something beyond that maybe some type of 4g something or other and then the rewards will probably change after that but right now internet of things uh and so far collars uh scooters things like that is able to connect and soon i'll have a smart mouse trap so it'll send package like data package to the the helium hotspot miner back to my cell phone letting me know that there is a mouse that i need to get out of the trap so this way you don't have to manually set one up manually always walk down to see if it's been used or not so you can get a notification stating if something is trapped or not how long does it take to pay itself off so on the bottom down here let's just say that you get five helium a day right now it's worth right around we'll just say nine dollars that means that daily you're getting 45 dollars so if you're getting 45 daily that means that it can take seven days to pay it off um now depending if you don't hit five helium every single day maybe it's a little above maybe a little below so i'm gonna say five to ten days so as of today's market and the price point um as long as you have maybe just one more helium hotspot next to you it will take five to ten days now if you are all by your lonesome then you're gonna have a long time to pay it off maybe about six months to pay it off if there's nobody around you but i always highly suggest always get two of these things and placing them about 300 meters apart or farther um so that is this this question here how long does it take to pay it off and then how far apart to put them and find out what you know find out about your city so we talked about that too so how far apart 300 meters apart minimum if you have them too close they're not going to talk to each other they're not really creating a network they're they're both in basically the same area where it's pushing off a signal so if they're in the same area they're not going to talk to each other really so again make sure they're 300 meters apart or further they can go all the way up to 10 miles if you are in a clear open area or you're on the tippy top of a hill i'll probably more than likely say easily one to three miles and that's a very conservative number depending on how many houses and hills and buildings are next to you so about one to three miles is how far it can go but make sure that they're 300 meters apart and how you can find out you know about your city just go to that to check out everything around you um how do you sell the melium the the helium that you mine so how you sell the helium is you make sure you have a helium wallet so what i did was i went to because i live in the united states i went to so once i go to i basically make sure everything is all set up i've already had the account there it's connected to a bank account things like that basically just put in you know 30 bucks 50 bucks 100 bucks put it into wherever you can purchase helium so once you buy helium itself when you buy the token helium that is what creates your wallet now that you have the wallet you basically go into your helium application which i guess i can just show you really fast so when you go inside of the helium application what you're going to notice on the very top uh let's see here so you're going to see a little send button it's like a little blue button a little blue guy on the side when you tap on the blue guy that means that you're going to send it somewhere and so when you send it somewhere you just have to put in the address of your helium wallet so once you put in your helium wallet address right in here you put in how much helium or how much money you would like to send then it's probably going to take about two to five minutes and then you're gonna see that helium just sitting in that wallet that you just sent it to um and it's actually pretty cool and for me it took about two minutes to send it but it can always change between like two minutes five minutes things like that uh how much can you make in a day or a month so we kind of talked about that earlier if you only do five helium in a day which you can technically do more but if you do five helium in a day and if they're trading right now at nine dollars which soon they'll be at 10 then they'll be at 15 then they'll easily be at 25 in the future so right now you'll probably daily pull in about 45 dollars as long as there is another hotspot next to you again that can always be more if there's more hot spots and everybody is talking to each other in in monthly if you're only getting five helium in a day they're selling at um or they're trading at nine dollars then you're going to make 1 350 so basically 1300 you can get in a month just by having coverage so basically why are you getting this money this is not a question here this is just me adding in for me to close out the video which is like why are you getting rewarded helium so what happens is helium put out a coverage map they're they're having all of us make a coverage throughout the whole you know united states and countries and things like that and so what we get rewarded with is hnt we're getting rewarded off the blockchain for having our network up so when you think about other companies like let's say like at t they hire electricians technicians they hire anybody who can go to a spot make sure that the antennas make sure that the radio things are working they're taking a look at everything and they're super expensive they're putting up uh big towers and signals everywhere and for us just because we are putting up their coverage for helium we're getting rewarded helium each time that there is like a proof of coverage so the hot spot that's about 500 meters away from the house will be putting up a proof of coverage and i'm gonna witness it and because i witnessed that they are online then we get rewarded helium for making sure that there is a coverage and there is a network for things to connect to so that's really what's happening that is why we get rewarded just for putting it up so we are the ones who connect it to our electricity we connect it to our wi-fi uh you know we are the ones watching it making sure it's always connected there is no red light you know that we're always online instead of them having to hire out a bunch of people to run across the country making sure that this stuff works like all the other big carriers do so that's why we get rewarded i really hope that this has helped you guys out you know these are a lot of the questions that's been asked if you guys have any other questions write a comment below the video um and that's really pretty much about it uh stay tuned i will be having a video coming up very shortly maybe in the next either seven to ten days where i'm going to show you exactly how well i've done with two i've already showed up a video where i connected the og helium hotspot i have the rack hot spot that's been connected for about 10 to 11 days it's made a massive difference going from you know 0.2 or 0.3 helium in a day now i'm getting between 5 and 15 a day with the two of them combined so it's made a drastic change and that's how i can tell you for sure how much you can make with one helium hotspot versus two if you're the sole only one in your area you'll get about 0.2 or 0.3 helium a day if there's only you and one other person and i happen to own both of them then i'm getting a massive increase of you know between five and 15 a day so that is how you'll be able to get it paid off in about five to ten days again if you're your sole only one in your area it's going to take about six months to pay it off unless if the price goes up to 25 bucks then it's gonna be closer to three months uh to pay it off but if you guys appreciated this video please subscribe to the channel hit that thumbs up write any other questions you guys have below the video inside the description or in the comment section and i'll see you guys on the next one you
Channel: Jimmy is Promo
Views: 392,311
Rating: 4.9419608 out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy Promo, helium token, helium hotspot, how to mine hnt, how to mine helium, hnt token, helium blockchain, helium hotspot review, helium hotspot roi, mine hnt, what is hnt, helium hnt, helium network, helium hotspot miner, how to mine hnt token, helium crypto, mine helium, bobcat miner, rak hotspot miner, nebra, nebra helium miner, helium crypto mining, helium crypto review, helium crypto miner, helium crypto explained, which helium, which helium miner is best
Id: NH-s3blUcDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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