Helicopter MOM RUINS Her Own DAUGHTER'S DATE | Dhar Mann Bonus!

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oh excuse me oh no Mom what are you doing here what am I doing my job as a parent young lady Tyler I'm so sorry I will be right back where do you think you're going young lady away from you I can't believe you were spying on my date I was just trying to keep you safe safe yes and I'm glad that I did because that cve was about to take advantage of you you do not know what you're talking about Tyler is the sweetest boy I've ever met and he was just putting his arm around me yeah well that's how it starts you're impossible you know what you can be mad at me all you want but you're the one who lied to me today young lady you said you were going to Jessica's because I knew what you have said if I told you I was going on date darn right you do I would have reminded you of my number one rule no dating until you're 25 or have a college degree H okay back up how did you even know I was here I tracked your phone like any good mother would that is such a violation of my privacy sweetheart I am just trying to protect you no you're smothering me I'm 18 and sooner or later you're going to have to start trusting me to make my own choices trust you once again you lied to me because I knew you'd overreact that does not make this right Jasmine Jasmine I'm in a bail I'm sorry uh no Tyler please don't go look Jasmine I like you a lot but your mom's crazy bye see what you did yeah I did you a favor he wasn't right for you anyway he's perfect mom and you just ruined it just like you're ruining my life come on let's go but no where I am taking you to Grandma's house because after the stunt you just pulled I am not going to risk leaving you home alone while I go out on my date seriously I don't need a babysitter I am legally an adult not while you're still living under my roof you're not come on Chop Chop let's go oh there she is the world's best granddaughter what's got into her you know how teenagers can be ah would you like something to eat oh no I can't Jackson's taking me to dinner tonight and I hate to drop her and run but I really have to get back and get dressed before he picks me up oh it sounds like things are getting kind of serious with this Jackson go oh Mom he is so wonderful literally the most perfect man I have ever met and I don't want to jinx it but I think he might be the one so lovely dear you go ahead then don't keep him waiting thanks Mom [Music] sweetie what's wrong my mother's ruining my life that's what's wrong no no that can't be true is so she spies on me and humiliates me in public do you know what she did tonight she wru my date with Tyler Grandma he's the most amazing guy that I ever met and now he thinks I'm a freak cuz my mom is crazy I do everything right I get good grades I got into a great college and I never get into any trouble but she still doesn't trust me it's not fair sweetie she just loves you I know she loves me but she's suffocating me and I can't take it anymore what should I do [Music] well we could give her a taste of her own medicine Jackson you crack me up good because I love that smile of yours a to think I was giving up on finding the perfect man then I found you trust me I feel the same way Karen you are incredible keep your grubby little hands off my daughter mother what are you doing here my job is apparent I was worried about you and so I decided to size up this date of yours with my own eyes and I'm so glad that I got here when I did because this weirdo was just about to take advantage of you what don't be crazy Jackson has been nothing but a gentleman Jackson I apologize please excuse me for a moment mother mother I do not know what's gotten into you but you need to leave before you ruin my chances with Jackson I'm not leaving I'm staying for dinner what no you are not this is a public place you cannot stop me I'm going to have a lovely meal and I'm going to keep an eye on you to make sure that you are safe I'd like a table please for one absolutely right this way oh excuse me I want to sit over there yes ma'am thank [Music] you Jackson I am so sorry yeah what was that that was my mother and apparently she too is having dinner here tonight but I hope she didn't scare you off too badly well I'm still here aren't I good look I know she can come across as quite overbearing but she means well why don't we just ignore her just pretend like she's not here and then I know we can salvage this date okay I'm always up for a challenge so yeah okay [Laughter] I'd say we did more than Salvage that date we sure did he you still up to coming over to my place watch a movie tonight absolutely I told you he was a weirdo mom you know what this isn't working for Me Karen you are wonderful but I can't handle this Jackson please no wait I'm sorry mom what was that about I'm not going to apologize you're trying to keep you safe who knows what that man would have done if I didn't show up safe mother I am a grown woman I can take care of myself I disagree and that's why I'm going to keep a stronger eye on you as we move forward what has gotten into you why can't you just trust me gee I don't know why can't you just trust me what is going on here we're just giving you a little taste of your own medicine guys this isn't a game you just made me lose my chances with Jackson and he was perfect and Tyler was perfect too but you spied on me embarrassed me and then chased him off all because you don't trust me which is crazy because in the 18 years of being your daughter I have never once given you a reason not to she's right Karen at some point you have to let go and just trust that you've raised a beautiful intelligent responsible young woman who's going to make the right choices just like I needed to when you were her age mom you're so right sweetheart I'm sorry oh I don't know why I was such a horrible mother no you're a great mother I know you love me I just need you to have a little faith in me that's all I do I have so much faith in you my perfect little girl and I promise from here forward I am going to trust you oh this is really nice it is how about we go outside for a walk sounds perfect to me than [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Bonus
Views: 810,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dhar mann, behind the scenes, motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, self improvement, happiness, kindness, dhar mann studios, dhar mann behind the scenes, dhar mann actors
Id: C4chhk9V45w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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