Helena — Women’s Individual Test 6 — 2023 NOBULL CrossFit Games

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day number two of competition for the individuals  rolls on here [Music] up next for test number   six thanks for being with us everybody the whole  gang is here I'm Sean Woodland with Chase Ingram   and Stacy Tovar and we got Nikki Frazier and Mike  arsino down on the competition floor your overall   leader no shock here as Laura horlath comes  in with 399 points after winning the prior   test ski bag it's your second test win of the  competition only has one finish lower than ninth let the momentum carry on boys have rare emotion as she absolutely blitzed   ski bag the prior test but it is close behind  her only 62 points separate second from Seven   that's Emma Lawson from Emma tall test number  six is Helena plastic Benchmark three rounds for   time starts with a 400 meter run 12 Bar muscle  ups 21 alternating dumbbell snatches 35 pounds   recipe for success is delivered by Trifecta  Stacy what are you watching here you gotta   run like you stole it just go for it hold  nothing back and burn the boats blow them up   let's go the quote Apollo  Creed there is no tomorrow   let's send it down the competition floor for  Nikki brazier well Helen is a classic CrossFit   Benchmark athletes all over the world are used  to doing it in their affiliates with running   pull-ups and kettlebell swings but down here  on the competition floor the athletes will be   on the pull-up are behind me doing bar muscle  up a higher level gymnastics skill and instead   of kettlebell swings they will be doing single  arm dumbbell snatches with a 35 pound dumbbell   and for more on the Run let's send it out  to Mike Arsenault thank you very much Nikki   the last time athletes ran outside the Coliseum  was back in 2021 there are two tweaks two years   later first the course is pretty practically  doubled in size and there are a couple hundred   fans lining the course to cheer these athletes on  and then they'll be feeding off that crowd energy   especially the first couple of Heats because  the athletes will have to be Full Throttle the   entire way through with the cut to 30 athletes  looming after this test here's your start list seven athletes in this opening heat Abigail  dolman right now sits in 33rd Place overall   she's one of the athletes trying to get  herself on the right side of that cut line   she's right on the cusp Sean and you know what  she has worked on her mindset and her mentality   this entire off-season so she's one I'm looking  for just because of what's happening between the   ears she knows what she needs to do to get  in the top 30 at the end of this test yeah that Arc start so the distance on  the Run evens out throughout the test   when you look at Abigail right  off the bat athletic background   gymnastics cheerleading track and  field pretty good combo for this test woman who's out front on this first 400 meter run  [Applause] she's also one of the taller though the pack there in the run because the cycle  time on the bar muscle ups because of those   long limbs are going to be a little bit slower  than someone's uh shorter and likewise on the   dumbbell so by the time you get from the floor to  overhead on someone taller versus someone shorter   she's looking a little bit more time on that demo  there saw that play out with the men [Applause]   as will more at most notably was able to make  a comeback on that portion of the test and he said and Abigail domit called by   budebs and Carolyn Stanley now the 12 Bar muscle  ups 102 total scored repetitions in this test for their first set of 21 dumbbell snatches at  the 35 pound 15 kilo dumbbells [Applause] [Music] so they cannot Glide and just kind of lock  it up at the top of the bar there [Music] and Carolyn Stanley are the lead and budaps at  the top of your screen it's gonna be the first   one of the dumbbell sets had to adjust her grips  okay this is a test where really every second   matters and that's going to cost her some time  they actually just got a no rep so that's going   to double it up I know that feeling that exact  same thing happened to me last night on the floor [Music] Abigail doing with Carolyn Sanders  and now all past the hot new steps for the   lead coming all the way from Dubai trained out of  Massachusetts for a little while her coach just   happened to be the third place finisher and the  third fittest in the 35-39 division who is second someone I may know meter run followed by Stanley and Doman  first of five beats for the women here [Applause]   it's the best feeling though three rounds for time [Applause] I just have one more round to go  you did the classic version of Helen earlier   this week and we talked during the minute  the challenge of the second of three runs you just have to keep the same pace which is  fast which is unbroken which is really hard   and that's when the mentality kind of  comes in you know it's like okay just   get through this second round just knowing  you have just one more round left [Applause]   a little bit but there is you know burn the  boats there is no speed other than just gold   engines is your leader and this might not be the  only International competition that she competes   in in the next year she's a Belgian champion in  weightlifting at the 69 kilo classic she's trying   to make the Olympics in 2024. [Applause] this is  her first appearance here at the CrossFit Games like it is Gilman and Stanley   your top three right now now into round two  of the bar muscle ups 12 reps they have to   complete at the 47 rep Mark they'll start their  second round they'll be 21 dumbbells [Applause] the dolman in the middle now  with five reps remaining Ken   Stanley trading the lead here hanging  days just about to run behind fourth followed by Emily Abigail domic  in the lead here's Carolyn Stanley getting to work on round number  two and now head on hanging a [Applause]   cycle speed a bit slower than agones  and Stanley and it looked like her   rip is getting a little fatigued  on those last 12 Bar muscle ups [Music] thank you 68 red park is what they're looking to hit I  don't know why their grips are tired would they   have done the last five tests [Music] will  be the first woman to get along [Applause] that second round of dumbbell snatches [Applause] it's an 11 minute time cap here shouldn't  be a problem for any of these athletes   left shoulder and sees Carolyn Stanley  now Abigail Dolan rounding the corner he cut down to 30 athletes after this he  has 100 34. she needs a strong result here   the LeapFrog fight over athletes  and give herself inside the cut line and it's coming around this final curve here where  we see the athletes speeding up a little bit it's   all downhill at this point and into the Coliseum  [Music] Abigail David has managed to catch up and   now Pass Maryland moving to second place behind  that old engine is she needs to do this her   transition to the Polo Bar once she gets into  the Coliseum has been very fast but then again   her cycle time on the snatch just slows her down a  little bit so she just used to remember that this   is the third and final round transition quickly to  the bar no time for chalk jump up you look great   and just rip and grip on that dumbbell snatch 35  pounds for these individual women it's not that   they haven't seen before depending on that grip  the other thing too is you think about classic   Helen can you hang on to those last 12 pull-ups  they just happening for our muscle ups right here   in the middle true Abigail dohert the first woman  to get to work on her final seven 12 Bar muscle   up 81 reps she's only nine away from that Agnes  and Stanley right behind her they're the only 300   right now on their final set of bar Boston left  three minutes left before we hit the time count yeah [Music] [Applause] he fights in first  place in this first of five Heats in test   number six the halfway point over 20-23 and  over acrossful games and now Billman off of   the dumbbell and here comes Stanley and then  the fastest on this portion [Applause] [Music] [Applause] three 102 that's the mark they gotta hit to close  this thing out and it's Gilman and Stanley   neck and neck is about three reps behind and  now Stanley has taken the lead [Applause]   six reps to go for her [Applause] father rep this is going to come down to a  foot race it's going to be careless Stanley   who takes off first Abigail domet is going to  be second in Menon anganez will finish third 907.14 seconds for Carol Stanley at  least shahad budevs is the leader on   the floor right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the United Arab Emirates this is her third  career appearance in the cross again second   as an individual the 2021 she was here on the  team they finished 35th also here in 2019 and   she is across and Emily deroy is in please  [Applause] [Music] that's Victoria compass [Music] is going to come across these Michelle bass met out there  on the floor [Music] 37th Place   overall so she had a lot of ground  to make up against this could be it oh yeah [Applause] 20 seconds before  we hit the target that's going to get   inside that that's the final round  and Heat number one is in the bush 907.14 seconds apparel and Stanley is your  top time with four Heats remaining [Applause]   Stacy had a great battle for the top  spot they did it was a battle back and   forth but I tell you what Abigail used  that back half of the run that downhill   slowed to trying to catch up with the pack the  transition over to the bar was a lot faster I don't know Maryland Stanley doing some great work on the  dumbbell 907.14 seconds Abigail Bowman out by   two seconds and it's been on agones who rounds out  the top three followed by shahad through deaths   D2 coming up next we'll be joined in the booth  by Brooke Wells stay with us everybody [Music] [Music]   thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] things out in day number two inside the Coliseum  here at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison   Wisconsin at Women's test number six the halfway  point of the 2023 Noble across the games Brooke   Wells is an eight-time Crossing games athlete  she has competed here at the cross the game's   finished fifth in 2020 has won three events in  her career and she's been nice enough to join us   here in the booth I know this is a little bit of a  different experience for you as a fan but you are   here watching your sister what has that experience  been like for you cheering her on it's obviously   been really different being like a spectator not  being on the competition floor but I'm just kind   of like living through her trying to help her as  much as I can and just supporting her I've watched   her work so hard all season so getting to see  her show that has been a really cool experience [Music] I kind of took a little bit of a break  after Sammy's like rehabbing some injuries but yes   we do train together every single day on like a  normal daily basis that's so cool what an awesome   experience yes test number six is Helena it's  a spin on a crossword classic Stacy it is being   the 20th anniversary of art classic Benchmark  Helen we have Helena three rounds for time 400   meter run 12 Bar muscle ups 21 dumbbell snatches  35 pound dumbbells eight women will be on the   floor including Brook's sister Sydney now Sydney  right now Brooke comes in in 27th Place overall   on the right side of the cut line what advice  if any did you give her coming into this test   um she likes to kind of like send it I feel  like in most workouts so I'm kind of like be a   little bit conservative in the beginning and then  whatever you have at the end that's when you're   really good at your all and whatever you have left  so I'm excited to watch her she's an incredible   Runner and I think this would be a really good  workout for her [Applause] Step Up [Music]   heat two of five is underway Carolyn Stanley  has a tough time at nine minutes seven point   one four seconds and we'll start with that 400  meter run you've been in this environment in   the Coliseum what kind of effect is the crowd  here sometimes have on you as far as your plan   is concerned oh the community is everything I  feel like when you are like hurting really bad a big extra push that you need it is the best  feeling coming into the Coliseum or hearing your   name we talked about that earlier today you know  you hear Brooke well yeah I believe that momentum   and then the Roar of the crowd just like gives  you that extra boost you need yeah it's so much it's very helpful when you need it well  I know obviously semifinals didn't go the   way you wanted but what do you take out of that  experience that you can build on now [Applause]   I definitely learned that there's  like never it was so like just get   points wherever you can and I mean  my fire is like lit I'm so ready to   get back that's the main thing is just  kind of feeling the fire this weekend [Applause] Shelby wheels up there as well Matilda guards  there Kaya and Kelly Baker so now 12 Bar muscle   ups 102 total score repetitions in this  test 34 reps per round [Applause] [Music]   athletes do have to pass through that dip portion  of the bar muscle up I didn't see Matilda Garns   there in the middle of your screen Lane five  get a no rep for not passing through the dip now so she was just you know ready to get going there  but slowing things down with that zip Kelly Baker   now Sydney Wells are on to the dumbbell 35  pounds 15 kilos 21 snatches here at the 34   rep Mark they will be done with round number  one how would you attack this and this workout   honestly looks brutal but it is very obvious you  either try to go unbroken on the barn bus Lots um I would push the run but not too much  where you're too tired and I'll try to   make sure I had enough energy in the end and  really push the laugh to them they are kind   of right side of your screen she's trying  to hold off the left side of your screen is Kelly Baker once you win today there's two people on the way out that's what  you expect from a college All-Star right four   years running track at the University  of Missouri there the authors there but   running is one thing you don't have to worry  about with her [Applause] yeah she might be a   little bit slower on the bar muscles and picking  the dumbbell on and off the floor but if she's   got to make it brown and she's strong Runner  that's where she's got to do it so we expect   her to kind of make her way back up towards  the pack well City Wells right now has moved   into third place in this run behind Sarah Kaya  Andrea Rooney is looking like she's gonna pass I remember this back half of the 400 is the  downhill portion of the run so the first two   are a slight uphill it's not much but these  athletes legs are tired and they're gonna fill   every impact every step as they run up and down  stay or Kyle leads the way and Wells right behind   huracaya making her second career appearance  of the crashes game she was here last year   she finished 29th overall so Brooke I hear your mom crossfits out of  a local gym and your dad crossfits out of   his garage yes that's pretty rad yeah I  mean it's a family affair for sure it's   really cool my dad actually got me started  in CrossFit so I'll credit to him and then   my mom kind of started to after like my  first two draws that game she's like I   want to see what you do so she started and  so that's our Hood that's so great there is   Sydney Wells right now this is a tie for third  place and Shelby Mia Hallelujah your top two for 21 more reps with the 68 rep marks  she will be done top of your screen is   and now Cindy Wells is off the line with  Shelby Neal and piece agape Kelly Baker   bottom of your screen and the long black pants  is under her second set a 21 dumbbell snatches [Applause] on the right in late age she's your leader on the  left you got Ella Shelby Neal and Sydney Wells [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Shelby Neal has moved into second he's done Kelly Baker's done and now City  Wells to close it out he'll try to left   and this is a well picked up a ton of ground  in the last 400 meters she's off at a Sprint   I'm so jealous of her cutting form like  it is just beautiful looking at her just [Applause] in third spread out here in the second heat  the top time is 907.14 seconds Carolyn Stanley and he number one here Kaya just needs to hang on to this run   of our muscle up she doesn't look fatigued at  all her transition is very fast and very smooth   and we know what she can do on that dumbbell so  if she can just hold this hold the place here she's looking at the uh Here Comes  Sayer Kyle and now Shelby deal and Sydney Wells passes up Bella  Rune on that run [Applause] [Music] right side of your screen has got to get to the  81 rep Mark before she gets to move back to the   dumbbell and Shelby Neil down there in lane two  she is in the 29th Place so she could not afford   to lose any points knowing that that cut takes  place after this test individual women to 30.   and she knows that she can hear the crowd she  can hear the announcer's there on the floor Kai is the first woman to dump the bottom  of your screen there's the cut line   he's doing well here in this he does only one  point back with Kelly Baker they are both in   this heat and to hear Kai has two points out from  that cut she's 32 right now we dropped to 30.   Sydney Wells is the third woman to the dumbbell  here that's good for her and now Kelly Baker and   those long black pants they started her dumbbell  snatches 102 total wrestle Sarah Kyle only has   now one more and Sarah Kaya is going to take  the Heat and she will have a new tough time at 8 55.34 seconds there goes Shelby Neal  that's good for her as she looks to stay alive Kelly Baker making up some ground her  judges hand is in the air she only has   a couple reps left so Baker putting on  a charge here in the back half of the   test and see we'll get across him  here comes Sydney Wells [Applause]   is it 90 seconds now Alexia Williams has finished up that  leaves Matilda guards as the last woman   out of the floor and she is done so  everybody getting well inside that   11 minute time cap but it's Sayer Kyle  with the new top time at 8 55.34 Seconds she executed that perfectly [Applause]  it started out with our girl Sydney had that cycle time just a little bit  faster a little bit shorter athlete ran   hard went right to the bar Muscle Up Bar got  right to work [Applause] really I came out 855.34 seconds from Sarah Kyle your top time  Shelby Neal finishes in second that's going   to be good enough for the second best time that  is Kelly Baker in third Brooks thank you so much   for doing this we really appreciate it best of  luck looking forward to seeing you back thank   you for having me and thank you you I plan  to be back here next year I have no doubt   that will happen yeah either two Heats down  three remain here for the women in test six [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]   thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Energy Center we are glad you're with us  everybody I'm Sean Whitman alongside the   second fittest woman in the 35 to 39 year old  division station is down on the competition   floor test number six might look familiar some  people we gotta amp it up a little bit here for   these games athletes yeah why not 20th anniversary  of our classic Benchmark workout Helen so Helen   up three rounds for time 400 meter run 12 Bar  muscle ups 21 dumbbell snatches 35 pound dumbbell   recipe for success is delivered by Trifecta where  do you got run like you stole it cold out there   and get it burn the boats there is no retreat  here Adrian bondsman composition director told us   you've got to have the guts race [Applause] eight  women will be on the competition floor for this   third Heat [Music] and it  Lanes 7-8 Bailey Rail and   McCary right now safe as far as the cutting's  concerned but trying to move themselves closer   to a spot inside Bailey rail  two top ten finishes horrible um [Applause] she has bounced back shown us  that she just here to do it no   matter what it takes Samantha out  going up on the ferry followed by foreign [Music] [Applause] and much like regular Helen benchmarkella  and Sean you know it's just a pace it's an   uncomfortable case it's an unbroken fast pace  and it all starts with that run and it's about   maintaining that high heart rate throughout the  Ellie Turner is in this heat but she is way too   hot a sheep after the prior test looks like  she might be having some sort of main issue   as Paige semenza Elise Juliano and Emma carrier  are the first three women too to burn muscle   to keep our eye out for Ellie Turner and there  she is I also noticed she has some tape on her   low back I didn't get a good angle there but I'm  wondering if she's not having uh maybe a low back well I talked to Adrian Conway earlier he's  been talking about he said he watched Ellie   warm up for the prior test the ski bag and  then she was just using a 25 pound rate but it is Emma carry it at least impuliano  right now who are in the lead Here Comes   Paige semenza followed by Bailey rail Emma  Carey's looking for another great finish here fall turns at the earlier start  of this uh weekend but 16th in   the sand a ski bag so I expected  a better finish from her this test Carrie who is hoping to make an appearance here   at the concert games as an individual  last year but her season got derailed she's a former teenage champion  finishing first in the 14-15 year   old division in 2019 so I have a carry  on Elise back out on the Run [Applause]   she's not holding that I like to see that coming  from her whoever Kerry had an aggressive Pace to   start earlier in the day with alpaca and then ran  into a wall on the second round [Applause] here   to heat through a test number six for the  win in the halfway point to them here at   the 2023 Noble prosecutes he cut down to 30  athletes after the second day of competition [Applause] at least I hope so if you've been  around the CrossFit world for a little while   your grip gets hairy thing you know like  reps 9 10 11 12 those last four or five reps   you feel it so a nice relaxed grip when you're  running will set you up for some success there   on the ball in first place to start round  number two [Applause] you'll notice she's   gonna actually pass Ellie Turner here as she's  making her way back into the stadium and Ellie   making her way back out to start round three  well Ellie Turner is a 19th Place overall with   200 24 total toys right now very safe as far  as the cut is concerned [Applause] [Music] she has some insurance but she definitely wants  to avoid the last place finish but that looks   like that might be inevitable at this point but  Emma Kerry is your leader five reps now four   reps to go at the 47 Mark she will move back to  the dumbbells for those 21 snatches at 35 pounds and that's helping her keep pushing  that pace Harry's the first woman to   her dumbbell snatches and now Alicia puliano  the left side your screen is second [Music] [Music] 855.34 seconds from the prior Heat you'll  see all these athletes muscle snatching the this   dumbbell 35 pounds not a problem however you would  be able to power snatch this if you would like but   it's just so much faster to cycle just by kind of  pulling that off the floor and using your powerful   hips to lock it out over the top that'll carry  is way out in front here in Heat number three   during the ocean Lisa fuliano will  be the second woman out on the Run [Music] [Applause]   now Ellie Turner is just making her way back  into the stadium here as you see Emma Carey putting up a lead here on his  third and final 400 meter run s back 400 looking over her shoulder she's  feeling the heat but she's not slowing down a little Terry's best finish so far in this  competition was in test number two the big chipper   she took fourth place in that test but after that  she took a 17th of 39th and then a 16th in ski bag   so looking to get back on track here and the time  to beat in previous Heats is 8 55 907 after that it will matter in this test and we saw that with  the men were 11 seconds was the difference between   about 10 or 12 spots on the leaderboards  it comes down to the third and final round   keep the transitions fast pick up the pace  actually if you can get right on that bar and look Gary is now back to the  bar Muffler she is all by herself   when she gets to the 81 rep marks you'll head to  the dumbbell for the final time [Applause] [Music]   Lee peculiano is now back inside  the Alliance Energy Center [Music]   and Emma knows there's still two  more Heats after this left to go so for Reps for Emma carry for the final times he's got a minute to beat  Sarah Kaya's time no problem [Music] both   heads of the dumbbell need to touch the floor  showing control and lockout at the Top Cycle   time down is just a quick flash across the face  switching hands it's the fastest you can these   are the right here is the perfect example of  moving the dumbbell as quickly as you possibly canceled directly over here he's been perfect  so far final two Reps for her and Emma Carey's   going to set your new top time she gets herself  across the Finish Line with plenty of time to   spare Emma Carey your new Top Mark at 8 38.61  seconds Lisa puliano is now your leader on the   floor she's towards the bottom of your screen  in the dark shorts and now she is done to put   this in perspective Sean about a two minute  and 15 seconds Pace per round [Applause] there goes Paige semenza now Bailey  rail is it daily rail 22nd Place overall they're gonna get some more breathing  room as far as the cut line is concerned   Rebecca venison also came across  the Finish Line at 917.19 seconds   right now that's 10th place in the test  for medicine and it's only three second   difference between Bailey rail I've  heard there so that was a close races is now done [Music]   Ellie Turner is the only woman left  out there and she has a minute to go   and as you mentioned Stacy that back is  heavily taped yeah she also looks like   she might be limping on that right  side a little bit so so unfortunate the crowd getting behind her  what's the best feeling ever   you can see she's fighting back tears  as she makes her way back to the bar best community around she also knows to 30 athletes [Applause] and that's Ellie Turner's family on the right she  takes a spill on that crosstalk and you can tell ER is just not her usual self and we  hope that she is okay and admire the   gutsy effort that you just put  forth here [Music] oh [Applause]   he belongs to Emma Carey eight thirty  four six one seconds set the top tie Lisa fully auto is going to finish in second right  now that time good enough for third place in the   test and it's Paige semenza followed by Rail and  venison rounded out the top five E4 coming up next all right foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] he's remain here for the women as we close out the  second day of competition at the 2023 Noble across   with wings we're going to be inside and outside  the Coliseum at the Alliance Energy Center for   test six thanks for being with us everybody I'm  Sean Goodman with Stacy Tovar we got a Nicky razor   down on the competition floor test number six is  Helena it probably looks familiar three rounds for   time 400 meter run 12 Bar muscle ups 21 dumbbell  snatches 35 pounds NFL the recipe for success is   delivered by Trifecta run like you stole it  get out of here burn the boats blow them up   there's only one speed and that is full speed  for this test here are the eight women who   will be on the competition floor one of them in  Lane number four is Jamie Simmons she sits in   Ninth Place overall when there's Emily evolve  he's trying to get into the top 10 11th Place talk about Emily Ross engine based  workouts per Jam she's licking her   chops over this thing and then Jamie  Simmons mentioned her down Lane four   right next to Emily Ross Ninth Place  overall solid Runner great at gymnastics   movements like our muscles making her  first individual appearances 2020. thank you E4 is underway you only have one heat  remaining after this the top time evening is 38.61 seconds [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] hiding right behind Emily Rolf there we're  off in the lead Simmons in second as this   group is all on the same pace heading back  into the Coliseum for their 12 Bar muscles it's an uncomfortable place out of Bethany Flores Jamie Simmons and  Emily Ross looking to get to the pull-up   bar at the same time and they do and now  12 one of us left 34 a couple reps three   each round destroying half of the top  [Applause] left side the number in the   white box will indicates how many repetitions  that athlete has included the number in the   white box next to everyone else's name  and see how many repetitions they Trail foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]  [Applause] [Music] [Applause] muscle ups and kind of Trot to the dumbbell  and she did she went there it's like just   pulled it off the floor and started working  that's the pace you need to make a move she's   sitting right there nine I think she wants  more than just nine well Simmons is done [Applause] Powers Danielle Brandon Karen freyova  and Catherine Davidson building [Applause] use a little bit of a taller athlete  so her cycle time on the bar and on the dumbbell   maybe just slightly slow we talked about it  earlier Heats you know you do have to play   to your strength so if you're a good runner but  you also you gotta transition fast and you have   to just get right to work on the dumbbell is  it Jamie Simmons fifth individual appearance   at the CrossFit Games she's never finished lower  than 12 and the suit on the podium before in 2019   she finishing third she's been here  on a team that was back in 2016 she   was on the podium across but yes  [Applause] in that competition just had a little bit of experience  underneath the lights then Sean powers and Bethany Flores are the next two  followed by Daniel Brandon and Emily walks uh 22   times half Catherine Davis [Applause] [Music] for  round number two of the 12 Bar muscles [Applause] nice smooth transition right up  on that pull-up bar athletes must   pass through the dip position they cannot  just extend up and over the bar and again [Music] five reps to go here on this second set  47 rep markers are done with this portion of   this round Bethany Flores is flying with  Paige Powers the second Daniel Brandon [Applause] [Applause] now Danielle Brandon is in four Here Comes Captain  Davis in the blue on the right side of your screen   she [Applause] [Applause] seconds later the Bethany Flores and Paige powers are done at  the same time like we saw in round number one Daniel Brandon stays in fourth and now Colleen and   Catherine Davis Auto are done and  Emily Ross has finished as well a lot of real estate between her and the women  chasing her here in this fourth of five Heats for Jamie Simmons but we still have a heat to go   but Simmons cannot let off the gas  here [Applause] [Music] [Applause]   looking strong [Applause]   using that back 400 which has a slight  downhill slope to correct advantage with the final time Jamie Simmons  Works your way inside the Coliseum [Applause] 21 on the dumbbell and she is running like  she stole it she sure is that right there   was about a 90-second 400 meter run here comes  Bethany Flores a little bit of distance between   herself and Paige powers and it's Danielle  Brandon who will be in fourth place Florida [Applause] just like classic Benchmark it's those last few  wrecks on the Polar bar that just sting that much   more Simmons now for 21 reps on the dumbbell 8  38.61 that's your top time Anna cherry and Jamie   Simmons looking to beat that here she's got to get  to the 102 rep marks so 12 remaining here for her [Applause] Simmons that was six left  picking up speed you can see that   cycle time just picking up a little bit  more with each and every rep final rep   for Jamie Simmons and Jamie Simmons will set  the new time to beat with one heat remaining 8 27.12 seconds for Simmons and now the fight  for second in the heat between Bethany Flores   and Paige Powers floors right now is getting  the best of that and she is done Juarez is   in she'll take second place in the heat  that time right now good enough for third   place in the test as Paige Powers has made it  across the finish line Daniel Brandon is in running Crayola will be the next woman across  followed by Emily Rolf [Applause] [Music] is in that Olivia curse Setter the youngest  athlete in the competition in just 17 years   old [Music] that's a closeout her  test with 21 dumbbell snatches degrees first enter a former two-time  teenage Champion first in the 14-15   year old division in 2021 first in the 16 to  17 year old division in 2022 and this is her   individual debut here at the CrossFit  Games [Applause] The Future Is Right yeah Olivia kurstetter is done and she is  in but it's Jamie Simmons who takes the   Heat and now has the best time we've seen  so far at eight minutes 27.12 seconds and   Stacy this one was not even close she ran  away with it literally burned the boats   okay Simmons 8 27.12 followed by Flores  and then Paige Powers rounds out the top   three followed by Danielle Brandon and  Karine Crayola finals up next [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]   foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]   Energy Center we are at the halfway point of the  2023 the noble Crossing games I'm Sean Woodley   with Chase Ingram and Stacy Tovar we got Nikki  brazer and Mike arsino down on the competition   floor you're Tommy Marquez mentioned that we're  going to emulate this test in the gym it ain't   gonna look anything like these women are about to  make it look here your overall standings coming in   as Laura Harbaugh hanging on to a 10-point lead  over Emma Watson and it's Alex gazanol lead up   seven points on former overall leader Alexis  raptis test number six looks familiar to a lot   of classic enthusiasts but we're going to amp  it up here for these athletes three rounds per   time 400 meter run 12 Bar hustle UPS 21 dumbbell  snatches 35 pound dumbbell recipe for success is   delivered by Trifecta there is only one speed  here run like you stole it get out of here and   burn the boats blow them up let's set it down  to Nikki brazer on the competition floor well   you guys said it Helen is a benchmark workout  that Affiliates all over the world know how   to do with running pull-ups and kettlebell swings  but down here on the competition floor for Helena   the athletes will be doing bar muscle ups on that  rig behind me a higher level gymnastics kill and   they will be doing single arm dumbbell snatches  instead of those kettlebell swings for more on   the Run let's send it out to Mike Arsenault when  you hear a 400 meter run you probably think of   one lap around the actual running track Discord  athletes will be much more difficult I'm still   fairly significant so you need to find these  athletes left to navigate on the other side of   this High School Crosby from Rochester Minnesota  there's a current corresponding Decline and then   sharp turns on this course as well nevertheless  the athletes regardless of the difficulty will   have to push the pace because in the immortal  words of Sheryl Crow The First Cut is the Deepest well played Mr arseneau here are your eight women  in this Fifth and final heat your overall leader   Laura Horvath will be right in the middle of  the floor this is the first time she's worn   the leaders jersey since her rookie year in  2018. from an emerging star to the first star   Annie forrest's daughter a former two-time  Champion the only woman to compete with the   classic games in three different decades and she  is with a Striking Distance of a Podium spot here and Sean Adrian Conway   was talking about the question from Adrian Bosman  that I took these athletes too much well I hope   you like your athletes well done because they  are going to be cooked thoroughly after this test okay [Applause] on the outside G-Shock is giving you the chance to win a new  G-Shock watch across it level one seminar and more   than 400 across the Swagbucks you can scan the QR  code on your screen throws and conditions applied   the pace right out of the gate is so uncomfortable  it is fast it is unbroken it is just all out but   that is the right pace an uncomfortable Pace  if you feel like you're going too fast you   have chosen the right pace for this test yabby  mcgawa leads the way back into the Coliseum here and now the women will complete  12 they're gonna have to go from   a hang to a supportive position and they  have to pass through a dip at the top   weird now the score he had on the top of your  screen the leader in the heat would be on the   far left side and the number of repetitions that  athlete has completed will be in the white box the   number in the white box next to the athletes  behind the leader will indicate the number of   reps by which they Trail the person in first place  there are 102 total four repetitions in this test   34 per round so at the 13 rep Mark that's when it  will move on to the dumbbell the 35 pound dumbbell   for the 21 snatches and Laura Horvath is their  first fall closely by the entire field the time   to be set by Jamie Simmons in the previous heat of  8 27 her split time after the first round is 235. 34 is the number that Horvath is  looking to hit to get back out   on the course for round number two in that  second 400 meter run Ariel Lowe and Alex   gazan are fighting with Alexis take a look at  Gabby mcgawa well it is leaders jersey foreign [Applause] [Applause] right before this [Applause] one time he's only good  through August 9th 2023 get so well hold up we're gonna get more points here  100 points goes to the winner of a test 97   in second place and then that total decreases  as you work your way down the results and she   has a 10 point lead is going to hold off over  Emma Watson who is in third place on this way now Laura Horvath had the  fastest splits on the bar muscles   of all the athletes in their seats the only  one that drank 30 seconds what about Lawson   and low in two to pull up bar essentially the  same time robot got about one rep in before   Lawson and Logan started 47 is the number they  got a hit to get back to that 35 pound dumbbell   classic CrossFit triplet right three movements  fast uncomfortable that's where we see the magic   happen we have a mono structural movement a run  we have the gymnastics with the pole and the bar   muscle up and then we finally have that weight  lifting element with that kettlebell no one in   Watson's done at the same time and out of the  gumbo and again it's more rapid one rep so George   Washington get started Rossi just got hit with  a mill rep the dumbbell has to hit the ground and you don't have to be fully extended arms  the beach repetition and that's the challenge   here with that dumbbell but these athletes 35  it's not heavy so they all have to move quick   both heads of that dumbbell you talk about  precision and accuracy it's easy for just   one head to kind of Bobble and hit both sides  of that dumbbell head and need to touch the   floor Ariel lowen is now in the lead it looks  like according to the scoring hat she looks to   be the first woman back to the Run for the  final time right side of your screen and   now in no record about and that's going  to open the door for low and then Lawson come on let's go hold up now is improved  with Alex gazam behind her and Alexis wrapped   this [Applause] is [Applause] well these are  your leaders here in this final heat time to   beat his eight minutes 27.12 seconds I've seen  shaking out of the arms you're seeing relaxed grip a little uphill on the  front part of this 400 meter   but on the back side you do have that  downhill taking him into the Coliseum appearance here at the Crosley game for third  straight appearance he gave birth in 2019 to two   years off and then qualified for the classic games  in 2021 she finished 14. last year she was 11. we're lost in closing the Gap behind her   and our leader I'm a loss in another  former teenage competitor who finished   first in the 16 to 17 year old division in  2021 last year she made her individual debut   and finished in sixth place overall and  with the overall reading of that losses [Applause] nobody's going to separate  themselves on the ball but lowen has   the two fastest Sprints of any Athlete on  the dumbbell here come Lawson and lowen   a raptis has pulled even though that raptis from  the all-blue now just starting her bar muscle ups   12 reps here gotta get to the 81 rep Mark to  move back to the dumbbell for the final time so it's blowing on the right side of your screen  can stay within a rep of Lawson center lane all   blue she has a shot to pass her on the last 21  reps low and that was one rep remaining and she'll   be the first woman in the dumbbell Falls closely  by Alexis Rafters and Emma Watson so rapist   gaining ground here as well hold that is now  struggling on the pull-up bar Alex gazan in the   blacktop and blue shorts in the middle has passed  Horvath to Laura's running into some trouble here   she now gets to the dumbbell she only had a  10-point cushion on Emma Lawson here [Applause]   oh Rowan is on the right and she has a frantic  Pace going here she's got to get to 102 left to the Finish raptis is off first and what a comeback  for Alexis raptis as Ariel alone is in   followed by Emma Watson now how is Kazan  looks to be the next woman to finish   and she is in now let's keep in mind the time  for the prior Heats that good factor in here [Applause]   is in [Applause] she's gonna take  fifth place in the heat but that's   15th in the test so Emma Lawson may  have a race daughter comes across now Gabby McGowan is here for Lexus raptis   wins her heat she's going to finish  third of the test and pick up 94 points foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause]   overall results here from the five-piece Jamie  Simmons is gonna pick up the win it's a second   of her career Emma Carey finishes second and  that's Alexis raptis with a great effort at   the end to finish in third place and she is with  Nikki Brazier Alexis when you are going rep for   rep with the women on your left and right how do  you find the energy after at the end of a grueling   test like this to pull ahead oh my gosh I mean  I'm like okay they're going through it too so I   could do it too and I just think about that and I  don't want to leave anything on the table I want   to make myself proud then I did that something  really special happens here in the Coliseum with   this crowd how does that affect your mentality  as an athlete I love competing in the Coliseum   it is magical like seriously magical thank you  guys help so much now you've been through a lot   but there is still so much to come here what are  you most looking forward to um I'm excited for   tomorrow I'm excited to run fast and try and lift  pretty heavy congratulations thank you thank you Alexa okay he's hungry he says I ain't leaving   anything on that table we're having  it all for the event win here tonight
Channel: CrossFit Games
Views: 181,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2023 CrossFit Games, CrossFit, CrossFit Benchmark Helen, CrossFit Games, CrossFit Helen, CrossFit Motivation, Dumbbell Snatches, Fitness, Functional Fitness, Helen, Muscle-ups, Running, Sports, Weightlifting, Workouts
Id: dR8Greiidxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 45sec (4485 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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