Hecarim RAMPING KING (#1 Snowballing Jungler) How to Play Hecarim & Carry for Beginners Season 14

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yo what's going on guys we're playing a better version of rangar heum is essentially Rengar cuz your e Speed up/ Dash can go over walls but you don't need a bush to use it that's a big downside to Champions like rangar so heum is I'd say a top 10 snowball character to plays a jungler regardless of where he is in the given meta now I know he's roughly top 20 depending on your El and region he can be top 12 to top 25 but as a whole he's great for snowballing first item Rush is always eclipse for the gold value pound-for-pound the ability haste Shield uh the burst damage the max Health damage on it being the burst plus the shield it's so freaking good so freaking good as a jungler cuz the main thing you need jungler is damage to have successful ganks because you're not going to get focused early game anyways then you're going to go Black Cleaver third item is purely situational so uh Don't Force It if someone on your team can carry third item you normally go zekes but you don't really know if that's going to be the case you can wrap red kug gank level three that probably would have been good here I don't know if they're going to push so we're just going to full clear full clearing off a blue buff is solid because it gives you infinite Mana essentially so much Mana regen that you won't run out otherwise heam can actually funnily enough at least he used to back before they changed his Mana a little bit things would get kind of tight on him got our W now lots of good damage in healing it also gives you armor and Magic resist so against lethality characters or Sor Sho characters AKA Devin jungle hecm W's disproportionately strong against them it's these flat penetrations cuz no one else for the most part is going to be rushing down a armor or uh Magic resist item first but heum kind of has that baked in we do want to try to keep our Three Stacks up hecr Mains do a pretty good job of this me not being a hecr main I do it well enough ah son of a gun so here I'm just going to get i'll yeah I'm just going to get a point in E so I don't mess it up getting a point in E does make it easier because you can hop on over plus if the enemy jungler invades you having a point in E is better than just having two points in Q once you truly Master it you can just run two points in Q and it's technically faster but there are so many potential downsides if you get invaded if you had a ward at this point or vision of that we could just hop right on over with our e we'll just finish him off with one more cute not bad doing a full clear leous on hecm somebody who has it semi optimized but not optimized to the absolute Max is a heum one trick I'm able to do a we'll see I'd say 319 319 full health really no potion needed I'm happy with that I'm pop my ghost use my e Boop got it that's actually so important that we get the kill there I'm going to try not to steal these last hits just get them low for her it'll piss off your car will try to take your camps we just need XP to hit a timely level six and snowball this game for sideen back if you can afford it Lucid otherwise you're going to grab as much of your Eclipse as possible you go ghost cuz your passive gives you more ad the faster you're moving plus ghost is still technically a shorter cool down although recently they have up the made the longer cool down and they took away 5 Seconds used to be 15 seconds so ghost is quite a bit weaker than it's been in a very probably three years hasn't been quite this weak so it's been a while still he's best Keystone you'd only go flash up against like a jarvin vgar some kind of cage character but you have to keep in mind your AR can get you out of those situations we're going to go into the gank with triple stack Q if your Q's triple stack techum is above average character if it's not then he's not we're just grinding him up with Max stack cute we don't necessarily want to take these last hits Darius needs to take those he needs to reset he really should not be staying that was bad so I don't have my Q stacked here but I do I want to fight a high HP a coli do am I going to kill her with my current item set probably not uh now if my Q is full stack running off a Scuttle I would go for it I'm not going to run out of raw dog zero Q Stacks no point back at three every stack more damage and lower cool down you can use q without canceling Autos which is nice and obviously you can keep moving full blast with it so you can walk with someone and still do sign damage against them most characters don't have that option the main one I can think of in terms of a truly spammable ability heum and Syra Syra with her q's and heum with his Q's there's plenty of abilities in leag you don't have to stand still at the cast but they're not like the character's primary source of damage output necessarily we're going to pull this out go back in O It's warded sucks op against that jungle I didn't realize all right she's in the thing qw we get her with the Q she legit didn't die I don't know if my Q technically missed she's tanky I Vision con I'd hit it here towards krugs hop on over I don't have that though we see Zed's top I'll just go for a drag we already know col's low he's e is weird whenever it says it's about then it feels like you get another half a second to use it really there should have worn off I'm going to pull it out a little bit just so I have a place to escape too till should well she has low Mana hopefully K doesn't come this was wed they would know I saw the Junger top so I felt like this was a decent choice we'll be level six pr7 minute 30 very fast for Jungle most jungle characters can't even do that you got to be on a character who has got exceptional clears you got Rift grubs I got drag I'll play for soul so it's not a terrible trade for us we made this scaling choice we're healing just by being combat with monsters got the bump I don't know if if my teammate's going to come she didn't have her thing to stop her Dash St her out of it she was missing the ability she needed oh there it is cool get the assist I'll go bot Lan here I don't have enough Health do ideally need to back first pick up C [Music] fields is that better or worse 25 I feel like I get a lot more 80 this way cuz I was missing a few hundred gold for a pickaxe they're cheesing ideally I'd be there see o Zed chunk jerus is a hard character to gank once he six up it's a dangerous character I should say Zed took my blue what a rat he had no business doing that it's actually up C Z Farms really fast the thing Z ganks are not amazing power spikes also aren't particularly impressive red jungle item out blue Blue's the only jungle item that actually speeds up your clears in a funny way in a way Green Jungle item actually slows down your clears at least depending on what jungle character you're playing some characters get more damage the lower on health they are like Olaf more attack speed from passive or Trin more ad from his Q for example so just a thought it's not enough to be significant but kais is asking for help kais my man you're dead I'm going to ghost it keep up my Q Stacks get everything Q down she goes cost me a ghost it's worth though sometimes you gotta commit with Lucid our sums will be on a shorter cool down [Music] I'll help him push but I'm not going to like Ste the last hits or anything just set him up for it I got to leave I don't know where their jungler at this is kind of risky der should not have stayed Z's going to eat him alive Z does more damage on his I think his Auto attacks if you're below half Health something along those lines grab a control W I don't like control in Solo Q as a jungler if I'm not a full item yet cuz delaying full item purchase is a big deal such a big Power spike your oracles acts as a transportable control word that's free so oh now that I'm a full item I don't mind it Go W Max second let's get our Q up here we have to stay alive even though we're ahead and it feels like the game's over if I die once they get 600 gold they're back in the game is overly d atic as that sounds I don't have my e Pike do have q stack so nice we're just going to run with our Eon then we'll push her we might as well use the movement speed from it cuz unlike other speed UPS like Vol bear Q wait is it Vol bear Q yeah unlike other speed UPS like Vol be Q where he maintains the speed up portion even after landing the stun the heum speed up from his e disappears after he lands the knock portion on it he needed an army but then he would have still died I would have pulled out a turret range so yeah heum you immediately lose the movement speed after applying the knock portion let's just scan see what he's got he probably doesn't have anything here he's farming a lot like a lot a lot a lot I'm on Eclipse he's a full item but he doesn't have boots I do have R you can max range it the fear is a bit longer if you if you use it from farther away generally speaking though as long as you land the fear that's all that counts you don't typically concern yourself with o it's got to be max range no no no no it's like malfi R you just you use it when it's going to land that's what's most important same thing with blitz crank C good Blitz players almost never max range hook it's almost always just not they run you down knock you up they take a few steps back back while you're in mid air and then they hook you cuz there's no counter playay to that I got three Q Stacks here I got my R 's there's my phase Rush from just a W2 Q's I didn't have to actually stance little Auto oh I almost just died dude that was scary they ignited me for that I have to be really careful I'm going to go ahead and get a w down right here maybe I should have placed it right there because I'm already going to have vision of this area cuz I can just stand right here and have Vision anyways got him right on the tip of his Auto Range I suppose go ahead and hit our potion we got three Q Stacks ready to fight that shouldn't have okay he went drag we can take them all at the same time barely any faster CU they heal so much after you kill one of them it's a kill right nice yeah it's barely any faster it's kind of funny I'm going to hold on to Smite reach round finish off go for red buff that sounded weird I had only one Q stack there I think I already knew what he was doing there I don't want to die for this it's not worth he gets 750 gold he kills me I at best get 300 if I kill him I just got his r as well so we should consider that a net positive situation his R is on cool down and mine's not heal up this Blue's coming up my bot's resetting so I can't go for that as much as I'd like to I'm getting really close to finishing jungle item here I don't think Leona gets this does she oh she does I'm going to ghost for this max range R just my phas Rush get her with smik that's a nimus speed up can't do it she's too fast we play by the kais that was huge don't know where zis I'm just going to go back to farming yeah he's there I'm missing too much health I don't have r both midlaners are somewhat non-important people pulling the most wait the next five minutes most likely going to be me and Zed honestly maybe toia she's got decent CS this is bad yeah I can't do anything till is going to be fine there she can clear the wave she's a big boy she can handle it they're going to take caral I'm sitting on pretty much a full item so I'm going to back like I said zekes I don't think anyone on my team's going to necessarily carry us after casting your ultimate summons the storm around you which deals damage slows enemies by 30% we'll just go for the cleaver we'll decide what to go next I'm thinking STS are the dragon Spear of the Dragon Spear of shoin oh or ster or even suned I wouldn't mind suned he it be good against that random fight I can't really follow that up I do want to get into their jungle if that's happening got blue jungle item uh okay there was a nice little move kill still on my part I felt left out Zed's Dead that means I should go for a Herald let's see it so got three Q Stacks dude it is storming outside thought that was a firework they've been selling fireworks for darn near two weeks Fourth of July isn't for about another week it's the only time in the US where people really do fireworks is Fourth of July and New Year's then I suppose there's other people who do it quite a bit more than that but most people in America it's pretty much just twice a year all right got that let's hit the bush I don't have R but I'm on the triple Q stack pushing both into it let's go Devastation drag up in 17 I'm on two full items if someone is not two items I can mow them down it's the beautiful thing about heum is he's a stat check character just like Garen you simply run at someone with your Q's triple stack to be fair then you fight them assuming you have more gold spent or more health or whatever that is kind of how he works call one item here blue jungle let him speed up got to get to her one way or another oh this Pike is brutal absolutely brutal oh I don't like this oh he hit it yeah three of them like that is really dangerous that's a lot of damage pouring in and all at once probably going to lose drag off that I don't think it's even worth fighting for they're going to take it so freaking fast and I don't even have Mana as a sucky thing getting 20 back per second WQ Smite there's an instant phase rush there's Leonia art not bad baited a little bit out of her yeah she's a she don't got the stuff I don't like this at all I'm kind of just low Mana no Q Stacks cool team's doing stuff I press e i touch Bush I should have pushed botle in there that would have been the correct protocol since they're multiple dead they're all mid this is a lesser of the two choices not sure what's happening on that front this SM I guess we'll do a test here I want to see how far the Smite AOE damage so it doesn't go that far doesn't reach from there to there once your smites finish it's an AOE experience very short though I'll help myself to some of this Trinity Force isn't bad on hackr it's just expensive is the thing nice me get my Q Stacks up Z's probably coming he doesn't have blue jungle lies I should be able to get away from whatever he's cooking up he's two full item plus two full item imp partials I'm only two full item gold spent right now that kind of stinks Z's just that fad with six kills I Eid way too early here or did I why is a k trying to burst me I have my W on I'll ghost in for this get on the yoso down he goes all right Bud he dropped his passive there too let's back up there it is Quadra for kaisa 17 kills the enemies give up I don't blame him to round off the build we would have looked for Shogun ster those types of items so look got the graphs looking at damage do s Champions were're pretty middle-ish of the pack damage taken most on our team and technically the most in the game self minated most on our team and for runes high value all all heam is a huge snowballer he's always good because of his snowballing fast stat check type of nature uh as for Lane characters who are stat Checkers if they're not currently meta viable and pumped up through Buffs or item Buffs you can't play them they're bad but with junglers who are stat Checkers all you need is one good gank one successful gank and also now you have gold spent Advantage it's that simple if you guys enjoyed this heum video let me know what Champion you want to see next my name is King sticks thank you for watching I'll catch you guys next time
Channel: KingStix
Views: 10,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A6Bo6kNjg0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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