Hebrew Lesson 02 - Vowels [Nikkud Vocalization]

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shabbat shalom everyone read let's get started with a word of Prayer a vinum alkane to our Father in our King we thank you this day as you give us this wonderful gift of Shabbat in this wonderful Hebrew class to learn Lashon ha'qodesh the language would be great each student the blessing to understand and to receive this this language that you've given us you gave us the tour of the province in the writing to reveal the words to be show it to us in our hearts and we thank you for the enablement of the Holy Spirit today the raka kodesh Isham you show up and you knew she was name I mean all right we're going to learn about the vowels today turning your Hebrew focus to the second page and basically we're looking at the AEI oh and you will learn the pronunciation of these vowels and exactly how they're pronounced are not pronounced with American vowels but they're pronounced with the Mediterranean Spanish vowels so our a would only be an ah sound would evening and then we have e oh and then we have o and then we have a boo okay so we're going to learn the vowels and I'm going to be writing from right to left so what you see on the right side will usually be the longest form of the vowel to medium to short what your book calls long a short and reduced type a long medium short okay so we're just basically going from the three lengths of vowels okay so when we talk about vowels we know that each consonant of the 22 Hebrew letters has a vowel company okay so let's go to our alphabet real quick remember five letters at a time hopefully you've been practicing so every five take a quick breath and we'll do look up 25 until we get to the last two and just say less to himself okay one two three uh-huh great Emma Dalek hey o Zion head head you'd cough lammott ma'am Saamy I am hey saga cooporation Jean Tom we were taking a little break in between every five okay so we know that each continent can have a vowel next to it and we always relate it to Hawaiian because they're very demonstrative on how they pronounce their their words just like Honolulu would be pono Lulu so each consonant gets its own vowel to sound it as short syllables and that's the way Hebrew works when you say shallow zip floom it's Shalom Shalom each syllable or each consonant gets an accent or vowel to make syllable and one of the syllables will be stronger than the other usually and that's where the accent will be learning the vowels and the length of the vowels will teach you how to pronounce the words to teach you which syllable gets the accent the longer syllables obviously get more stress and get more accent okay so let's start with our longest eval we're going to start with camonte looks like a tea underneath the letters remember these are all underneath the letter or to the left of the letter so underneath or to the left is where we look for our vowel so it can be any letter but with this underneath the letter it will be a long I sound so let me hear you say ah the next one would be called the top and that is a medium link and that is ah ah one more time ah okay so we have aa and then we have a shorter form we use a Siobhan next to it looks like a : two dots um up and down next to it and so this is shortening this sound to be a short sound and that would be ah so we have ah ah ah ah and ah okay so these are a vowel so we would basically say anything with lines will usually be an awesome an AVO anything with lines is usually an awesome there is one exception we'll learn that but most of the time you see lines underneath the word you can almost guess it's an avowal okay the next one we'll learn is the will learn the the eval which is a and the longest possible one in this in this case happens to be two dots side by side underneath the later these dots are called savory so you see two dot side by side that's the longest valve possible so it's the first one in your II type of owl notice that two dots underneath this olive right here and those two dots underneath they're equal an S sound the next one this is a long s it would be a and then the medium one will be a with one more done and the dots will be in the form of a downward triangle okay so three dots is an egg okay and then we're going to have the same three dots with this say right at with assuming with the Shabak added remember how we had a schwa Shabat added here the shorten it we're going to do the same thing the three dots in a triangle down right to the right of it we're going to have a Shabbat all that does is shorten it one more time okay so we have a push in the egg we have and we have a okay now there's one more short SM it's almost null and void it's the Shiva by itself the Shiva happens to be the last vowel on your page take a look the last vowel on your page it's called it's Shiva he's a Shiva in fact it requires a Shiva to say Shabbat notice between the SH and the V there's almost no vowel at all and you notice that in the Shiva you have a Shiva underneath the lettering if you see the Hebrew letters here Sheen Bob Mollica okay and the Sheen has a schwa underneath it so you actually have to use a schwa to say schwa okay so a lot of time you'll see me spell it like this so that you don't confuse it with the number 7 which is Sheva okay number seven is Sheva number seven but this is schwa schwa as Shiva is a is the little : light symbol we will learn specifically how to work that based upon usage of words that we'll look at in the next few weeks but just know for now this is a short or the shortest s sound possible and sometimes it's so short that it it's just it's known you don't even hear anything it's a glottal stop at certain times or you're not going to hear anything you're just going to basically have no vowel between two contents and usually you'll see a pasta fee to indicate a schwa so we would know if we're writing this out the schwa would look like this damn it put it in the wrong spot dinner I think it's a good yeah okay okay so we here we see this in a lot of three syllable words ha ha da you know any time that you have to shorten one of about so you get three syllables you can't pronounce them all the same length you got a short one so any three syllable word will usually use the Shiva but like silica which most Israelis remove the e all together just say Spica you'll hear people begging for money and in Israel especially in in old Jerusalem and you'll hear them things Vikas Vikas look up what they're saying is that we're it's Etica which we know is sadaqa when we have a sadhaka box where we're seeing the full word in an English pronunciation sadaqa like Neil Sedaka you know but what but what they're really saying is set set a table set a cup and there's Railly just takes the e out all together and says stick stick up that's added it's getting put together it's stick up okay so they'll run around sings the toss the god they want you to give money to them because they can't provide for themselves so that's how the poor asks for money so here is the Shiva it is used a lot in Hebrew it's kind of in its own category but we can include it in the S sound because sometimes underneath a letter it refers to a short a sound especially the first letter of a word if you see a Shiva underneath it it's it's a short sound as in this one schwa should well okay any questions so far so all we've covered is a and E valves or a and n in pronunciation now notice this we had all lines for the AH vowel we have all dots multiple dots for the evil so anytime you see multiple dots underneath the letter you can almost assume it's an eval pronounced a ohoo right so anything with multiple dots now let's move to a couple different things we have either the longest I vow as one dot followed by a you'd in the air or we have just one dot by itself so we have long or medium so we have E and think of this as an eye and a Y together so if I pronounced an eye as E and then I add a y yeah ii ii yeah so all it does is is extend the e sound longer with this you'd phone it's like i and wind together now we know we have AE I own you in English and sometimes Y so this Y is part of that vowel so whenever you see a youth following a dot whenever there's the nakute vocalization markings there you know it's just a part of the vowel how do you know it's a part of the viola not at natural consonant the letter Y there's no vowel under it if there's no foul under it then you it's part of the vowel but if there's a vowel under it say for instance then a Komatsu's underneath there you're going to have yeah as in you'd hey and we say halleloo you yeah okay sometimes it's written together in Hebrews and has perfect purposely separated halle-loo which means praise him and yeah which has been a shortened from the name of God hallelujah okay so we have the long e we have the short e so if there's just one dot underneath the letter by itself it's always an eval or assuming an i vow pronounced e so we have AA a.g so far okay so notice our only there's only two forms of the of the I vowel you don't have multiple forms you have two forms okay now let's go to the oh we have a oh and so usually what we're going to see it for an oval the longest oh wow a Holum is going to be using a valve with a dot in the air when the dog near the other the other way to make it about is just one dot in the air all by itself okay so dot in the air all by itself is a both of these are actually a long form so with as long as you see a dot in the air either over evolve or floating by itself it's a long bow sound now if we go to the medium o sound this is the exception of all lines being an off sometimes you will see this this is very strange but you will see a command with a schwa next to it which we know the Shabab reduces the sound so there are times where the Komets will be an O sound very rare Komatsu is actually the one without and then we have hotel comets for the one here so we have either the Komatsu with the Shabak oh we have actually let me do a different other way around here's the here's long and here's here's a long here's medium here's short what your book calls I'll be long we show it reduced okay so the reduced will always be the one with the Shiva added so we have the Shiva here on ah we have a shibai here in for a we should write here for o these you don't use too often one of the examples of using this would be in the word Cole which means we'll call commuting can mean voice spelled one way and then it's spelled another way it can mean all so it's going to look like call but instead it's cold okay it's two different ways okay don't want to get sidetracked in let's go back to this now let's take a look at the Bob the number one way to make it always by using a volve with a dot on top the way you're going to remember this is this little thing I always give you that it's kind of like looking at a bird in the air and going oh look at that bird in the air or that plane in the air or whatever you're looking at in the air if it's up high it's Oh any women have a purse on their side Mary Lou has a purse Center side so if there is a dot on the side of the valve it's like a purse where you go look at that purse women you'll remember this very easy man one hard time coming down but every man likes to see a beautiful woman with accessories I mean it's just a natural thing the middle I just gravitates to it so when you see the dot on the side think of it as an accessory to the woman where you say you look nice today then person side okay so here is evolved with the dot on top making an oh here's involved on the side making a new so whenever you see a bob in the middle of a word you can guess it's usually going to be a no or a you vowel and it's a guest you got to figure out which is which now let's take a word here that you will see all the time in Hebrew a little too high for your own sure no the other option if the dog was on the side to be shadow but you'll get used to sing this in Hebrew even without the points and you'll see that in is like a easily start standing it out sure oh that's either oh okay sure long probably not Shalom it's probably Shalom so if you see an Israeli newspaper it will be written like this um or you'll see it in the script like that that's handwriting okay so if you didn't see what the vowels would you know that was Shalom the top one probably the bottom we're not correct all right let's move on to the other forms of writing the the oval or the other form and you're going to find three dots underneath a letter and those three dots are usually written or yet written in a kind of 45-degree angle underneath the letter and that will be a blue sound and that one is a medium length of what your book calls short so here's the longest form or the shortest form or at least the medium form because there's no super short form of the you vowel it's either long or medium so when you sound the shofar the Comets say ray here you've got the here acute and then we have the whole um buff and then the and the last would be but down here should shoot the shoe which here it will be all along she bowels okay so then if you have these others next to it you know those are medium and then the last ones will be the shortest form possible okay so any questions so far I'm just about for this for most of you this is very new to you if you've never taken Hebrew and it's going to take a while you just get accustomed to looking for lines or looking for multiple dots or looking for one dot or looking for above and guessing which one it is those are the major things you guys look for okay I'm going to throw out some questions if I see multiple dots what vowel is it yeah let's just do American AE I own you okay so we're not confused with a ah sound on it so we're just to say it in English okay what multiple Docs is what okay um one doubt by itself all right very good see eventually you guys will answer that fast multiple lines say eh okay um evolve of the down on top oh oh very good don't feel a dot on the side of above ooh are you Val very good um all lines one dot let's get a stick with it the format the I vote you're seeing a bi oh and you okay right now no sounds just the name of the letter okay so multiple dots sorry you're guessing okay um valid the down on the side Oh down on the top above oh you got it Oh working multiple lions Hey very good um one dot very good very good you get these fuse between the pronunciation and the name of it right okay and say my skipping anything multiple tasks in e1 dot aha lines hey Bob on the downside down on top above oh oh multiple dots e1 dot ah binds hey very good okay you guys have just mastered the vowels you didn't realize that you smashed it now if you can make up two cards with these just by cutting out some paper or some cardstock and just writing them yourself you'll find pleasure in writing the vowels out and also just um you know having somebody into the flashcard thing with you you will practice as I will I'm gonna have to do how many do we have this was going to probably do at least 20 sets of cute card um flashcards for you just on your ear alphabet okay so I'm going to make those for you and actually it probably nice if I got a little donation for these hearts on across okay so if you like a set I'm just going to charge two bucks okay two bucks for a set of glass hearts and you come next with your two bucks you get a set of flashcards okay is that it's not a lot right always get free bumpers will sell new boxes yeah input you know to be honest every a book help a brother and sister okay alright well if we don't have any other questions um let's see if we can out questions for the e on those cards you're going to make are you going to actually have phonetic sounds so that we know exactly what to dots should sound like three dots and etcetera etcetera all the way to the where they long medium going to hear this you mean for the length the link the sound should be the same now let me give you one exception if we see two dots what's the sound it's an eval and we pronounce it M okay so this buddy here if it's followed by you'd in the air what is you usually first consonant why why how do you say that hey as in the hay which happens to be one of the letters this is the only way to get an American sounding a vowel is it hey hey you know New York a you know it's simple it's a way to get your attention ey will make the a sound so it's the same rate followed by a u you can also see it with the Segel but most the time you're going to see it like this in fact if you look at say rain which and the EE vowel say ray you actually have two dots followed by u so here's the name say Ray Assadi we have a Rach what can we use so what do we have here two dots all about you see this vowel here two dot followed by so you actually say say ray say ray you say ray which is the name of the sound when you pronounce the letter spelled out savory savory so we see that the youth falling makes it the ey sound for an American a any other time the a is always going to be ah or the E is going to be a right say right that's it great okay six a right all right so um these are the vowels this is what you're going to be really using um in in Hebrew when you're trying to pronounce the vowels now let's take a second to see if we can unlock the code on how to pronounce words okay let's take Shalom again and we have Shalom and I'm going to put the vowel point now first of all tell me are the vowels long or short long now pink was an instrument here at every single Park or sing okay okay instrumental but know everyone that doesn't sing lose your hands or just plain instrument all right or doesn't play an entry in one of those categories so you're not musically inclined at all okay most of you are kind of familiar with music you know it music you can have a whole note half note quarter note well think of that and the same way you think of this I think of whole notes think of half notes in coordinate because it's all about timing right so if I have a whole note how long will I hold out sound somebody huh Mia a whole note for beads okay so hum it out for me take take so that's a long vowel you have no so that's a medium give me a quarter note now can you get shorter than that can give you an eighth note like when you into something you know okay so we see that that would be the Shiva the eighth note so you got whole note half note quarter note hey it's all timing so think about the same way it gives you the accented and music and in the melody when you're doing the the notes and music the same way when you sound out a word this is a long medium or short long long lead in short no no right here Shalom equal time be Shalom Shalom it's not Shalom and it's not Shalom it's Shalom equal timing Shalom Shalom Shalom shadow yeah it's funny when you I was traveling to Italy one time in and there was some Germans on there and they just said hello and they kind of give me the wave hello I never heard hello said like that before so I went home to my one hello she's just cracking up but this thing that we shall own so long so you say Shalom it's equal beat Shalom because anything else would make it Shalom or Shalom Shalom now maybe if you you know from the hood you wanna say Shalom is where you say but you said Shalom is equal equal sound beat if basically you could maybe consider it maybe two half notes Shalom okay so if we were to have a word um oh let's do another word how about this word in Hebrew what is that all right Torah long a short palm long a short mom so they get equal time Cobra tore up shuttle it's not Torah it's not Torah now if you're from the east coast you're gonna hear the Torah the Torah and we're studying the Torah the Torah today in Anatolia that's the way oceanology Jews with the hint of the it is pronounced in the Torah and some people over pronounce the Torah is it well you know I was studying the Torah but it's really the Quran Torah Shalom same beat - boom boom right it's just the same timing um think of another word and we could do let's do sadaqa and we were talking about Saudi solid ooh hey so calm said that it's actually sad it snuck up the shortened right and this is long say that's real short sit sit deaf cop sit said a cop again there's readies we shortened this so much they'll just lose it all together and it comes step step step hop step hop the gods to the ha ha ha I thought they're saying it sounds like they're saying some gut stuff right stuck-up scat stuff but it's actually say the cop say it to the cops okay and so that's how you're going to know the timing of words because you're going to look at the vowels okay any other questions I think we did it guys we actually complete it on time alright so we're going to leave this lesson short because next week I'm going to work on actually learn how to write the letters so I'm going to give you guys writing pages with little dotted graph paper that's going to allow you to write in a box and you're gonna learn how to box letters basically we're going to learn how to write and then in these imaginary boxes and for an outlet and we look something like this okay yeah very good yeah yeah I'm gonna actually probably give you the one in blue for Christian which gives you an altogether that's very good than the ancient Hebrew it okay so olive will fit in the box like that alright this closing prayer how about we thank you this morning or God for teaching us the vowels of a breech we pray Lord that we would practice not only our consonant letters all xxii but learn these vowels so that we can learn how to read in Hebrew and write next week in Hebrew and eventually be able to study in Hebrew and communicate the gospel in Hebrew we thank you for this wisdom you get from heaven your shoes namely prey fish in Yeshua I mean god bless you guys good job
Channel: Dan BenYa'akov
Views: 23,924
Rating: 4.837472 out of 5
Keywords: Niqqud, Hebrew Language (Human Language), Vowel (Literature Subject), L-vocalization, Religion (TV Genre)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 09 2014
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