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what's up guys welcome back to the gns trucking youtube channel let me get this headset off this big bulky blue parrot they're bulky but dagger on their good headsets so guys we're here at the uh gov planet auction in um lake butler florida um i just got done loading up so they would not let me video while we loaded um and you know they were told if they were called on camera any kind of videos that they would be fired on the spot they even tried you know went talk to their boss it's funny because the last two places i went for go planet they had no problem me videoing and those videos did great so but anyways we did just get loaded and this thing guys it's a monster it is an absolute humongous monster here she is look at that load guys so this truck weighs a little over 50 000 pounds it's 50 000 dry weight so i'm guessing with you know what it's got some foam and some water in it so i'm guessing about 55 000 so we are pretty heavy we're getting ready to go to the truck stop and weigh it but this is my first heavy equipment load with an rgn i've never loaded one ever i've always loaded double drops and stuff i've never had a detached trailer like this so this is my first one um i did get these chains and stuff for just for this trailer i bought them from the guy that i got the trailer from so we got some huge chains on this thing all around got my lights on um flagged up i did reset my air ride a little bit it was sitting a little low got my flags on it oversized banner this thing's huge eight axles or four axles eight wheels um i did go ahead and put two chains in the center one there one there and then i've got two chains back here uh pulling back two as well they're both crossways so four chains two pulling forward two pulling back two in the center that's plenty of chains so the way you got to do this is whatever the way you're what your hollering is you got to have half of it in uh pulling back half of it pulling forward so um i've got plenty of securement i'm hoping i did it right let me know what you guys think you know this is my first um fire truck now the boats they strap down a lot different than heavy equipment so you uh oversized guys let me know what you think did i do it right if i got it wrong what can i do to do better if so you know i'm not i'm not ever gonna say i don't wake up and learn something new every day because i usually do but she's loaded up this is my first time doing the detach this is a manual detach so i think i hooked it up right i've called my buddy 10 times and like hey did i get this right i get this right just because i am a little nervous with it so he's like man you're good so i'm getting ready to pull out i had to order my permits but body's been out rocking and rolling with me all morning come on bobo let's get out of here buddy you ready go you go bye-bye you ain't riding back there he wants to be a firefighter dog so um he's hanging out with a fire truck he wants to ride the fire truck but this thing is pretty tall it's 14 a little over 14 foot tall so we got to deal with that but i don't think we're having issues from here where we're going and i'm ready to rock and roll so if you guys want to roll with me we're going to go to the truck stop away this thing and i'll be putting my gopros on the truck here a little bit i got them charging right now guys and we'll do some uh we'll get some good shots some good angles and i'm excited you know new venture and new year first time getting into oversized hauling but you know what that's the way we do it around here we just go for it just go for it if we make mistakes then we fix them all right well we finally got some permits and i got on the road which uh we were trying down the road about 30 miles from the loves here in jasper florida this is the first truck stop you come to when you get into florida so we went too far into florida we come from uh texas so we come in on 10 and we're going out on 75 back through tennessee i'm gonna meet my wife in uh chattanooga and see her and probably let bodie go home just because he needs to be groomed and you know ain't gonna put him in a truck for a solid week his first time so we're gonna weigh this wagon and see what we weigh here i'm gonna guess 90 000 right at 90 000. come on baby get you up on the scale these are rocking so it means we're we're rocking baby we're rocking look at that glass builder i can't wait to get mine done [Music] first way 379. i got my florida apartment and i'm still waiting on my georgia so we're gonna have to uh parker here for a few minutes and wait on that permit to come in and they're usually pretty quick i just we're short in florida so i kind of put a rush on that deal i really need a spare tire for my trailer wheel and tire because i don't want to be stuck on the side of the road with this big old heavy weight [Music] i guess we'll park it for a few minutes oh look at that during this thing a spread actual huge snake i like that that's a nice setup right there there 450 big spread actual gooseneck that dude's just rocking he's a truck driver yeah boys that's a rig that is a good looking setup right there pj trailer heck yeah dude you got a nice setup for sure i'm a little jealous crazy thing is he's probably making as much money as i am right now just kidding this kid and this low payment pretty good is gonna help put some fuel in the truck and maybe get a polish job and that guy's sitting there taking a leak in the parking lot ain't that real nice yep let's uh let's go ahead and oh yeah at least he ain't crapping like most of them man that is just man that's what's up right there just piss in the parking lot why not we ain't all got to be in it and that's just disrespectful as hell makes me mad big pain bale florida it's been so nice i tell you what the weather is actually pretty nice down here i do have the air conditioner on right now but it's not like uh it's not like western hot it's probably in the 60 65 degrees range and i absolutely love it guys i am definitely enjoying pulling the oversized stuff again um so excited to be back in here on the road and actually getting to do some stuff and not just work at the shop and in the office we've had so much business stuff going on lately with the new business and all that so gentry and sun's trucking is a legit 1 000 legal trucking company now and we're going to use rje as a brokerage company so everything i've always dreamed of happening is hatman we are rolling into georgia with an oversized with a sweet rgn so uh i think you're really getting better right now oh man guys we made it to tennessee i am body uh my wife met me i'm wearing my house slippers so my wife met me here right outside of chattanooga and she's going to take beauty home he got to go get groomed um i feel like three days is enough for him the truck for the first trip out he's just seven months old we go home mama you go home mommy you go mommy all right come on come on good boy that's a good boy good job buddy i love you buddy you're so beautiful all right then she's off oh man it's so hard so you guys know i've not been in the truck a whole lot in the last six months or so so um other than just a little overnight trips even if that well chains ain't even i'm bad boys so that's grade 100 chains right there these things are bad to the bone the only other thing i'm having a problem with is my air ride i mean it's it's up like i can crawl under it i can adjust the air ride valve on it and it'll air up because he is there everybody's got air in them but for some reason i don't know if it's the positioning of the air valve or what but it's made it this far like it is i'm gonna keep rolling check all my tires here i'll get over here check all my chains so we loaded this morning at 12 o'clock and uh here it is i think it's about 10 30. um and i've been with my wife for the probably the last 45 minutes to an hour we went and got some dinner and all that stuff and i'm in tennessee so we got a long way to go i'm shooting i've got a pretty hefty goal this week on uh when i'm gonna be back in florida you gotta get that light fix there's a few things on the truck guys that's i'm having issues with one of them is this caps going off this light chrome cap my halos are going in and out i know it's just the wiring and these this sounds good it's just that side right there so the halo is completely out on this one so and the mirror that uh half of that mirror is missing so a few things that i've got to fix and i know a lot of you guys are going to say where's your tag at guys i'm running on a temporary cab card right now just because you know tennessee's behind so um it's been taken three to four weeks to get a tag when we order a tag so you run a temp tag until you get that tag and you're completely legal and uh these are the new stickers we got on the truck i've got to toss my tank where the old stickers were i kind of like them here thinking about putting them on the door though i don't really like them on the paint but it is what it is it's just a truck i gotta understand that it's just a truck changer's still tight back here so i think we're ready to rumble oh yeah we're good this thing ain't budged ain't lost any of my flags or my plaques so guys we're going to get out of here um we're we we weigh right at 90 000 pounds right now i'm down to half tank of fuel so i'm guessing about 89 thousands or down to an old truck they really don't even know this weight's behind it [Music] he's still hooked up check her straps still getting tight so let's get out of here guys i mean i hate pulling out of this place i absolutely hate pulling out here look how these guys park they pull in this parking lot and it's just crazy how they park in here [Music] that guy has got to move that is a bad spot dude that is a bad bad spot bro sorry there's a classic man i love seeing classics buddy you are in a bad bad bad spot oh dude don't even don't even oh sorry about that guys i got into a little uh little road rage right there um that guy come flying up the hill seen me coming out he could have waited but instead he wanted to come on in and put us both in a pond that's a steep hill coming up out of there this is a steep deal right here oh man so it's showing i'm going to get there 12 16 tomorrow night and i won't i need to be there wednesday morning it's monday night right now so i really need to get there get there wednesday morning get this thing off um do what i got to do on my video and reload and get back to florida for another video there he goes soul chuckle talk to you guys he's telling you a story right now listen to it i missed the gear i forgot where i was at come on anyway so that right there guys is about 50 pounds of boost she got maxed out bouncing so that's probably 50 55 pounds of boost i'd say and she's a good healthy truck that's for sure 70 pounds of oil pressure i gotta get that live fix too that's another thing on the list that water temp though look at that water temp the one thing we used to have a problem with with this truck is like major major like you would overheat all the time by the time it got up there where the fan would kick on which i would usually kick it on manually but it would get up over 200 so quick you didn't have time to pull itself back off it's a big old motor and i've argued with another youtuber a couple times about the thermostat thing um yeah you could tell me all day long this truck had a like a 210 thermostat in it or something like that 195 or 210. one of the two either way it was a high up their thermostat all right and they say these cat guys and you know cat engineers blah blah blah blah guys that's been working at cat we'll argue with you so you're they're blue in the face that these trucks you have to run those thermostats or you know you're not going to get fuel mileage or the motor is not going to last long guys my whole temperature stays at the perfect oil tip all right when this thing gets going down the road in a good bullet runs 180 190 which keeps your oil good and warm and any kind of talk and you know toxins and that the heat takes out of it is going to do just fine with the truck running at 180 190. i haven't kicked the fan on all day coming from florida even though it's like 65 degrees down there today the fan never not one time came on so i feel like the motor is gonna be just fine the egt's are cooler the engine runs cooler i have more oil pressure because the wool is not so hot you know the wool stays right at what the temperature of the motor is usually about 190 200 so yeah the thermostats i put in this truck really really helped out we're pulling we're 90 000 pounds right now um running a consistent 10 15 pounds of boost and before this thing would have been buried 210 to 15 fan on uh now the fan name because i don't think i've turned the fan on since i've been in the truck on this whole entire trip so anyways guys i'm gonna run along and call my wife make sure she gets home safe and we'll see you in a little bit all right here we go we're getting ready to hit him on eagle mountain let's build a load let's see what this truck's made of i really ever worked it this hard we pull a lot of big boats and stuff but the weights never you know i mean ninety thousand pounds guys that's a pretty good load so we're gonna see if it'll handle the mountain oh i get a little nervous every time i do this butterflies in my stomach it's like an adrenaline rush just like when i go racing just because i mean you're really working your motor big time right here just kind of weight going up this big of a hill my belly's getting all jiggly guys getting the butterflies it's like going on my first date every time i call my mouth i don't know why but i love it i freaking love it so if this be all right hot strip can you put that thing in here i didn't even know it's in here and somehow i plugged it up on accident i guess i hit it and i kind of like it lights the truck up pretty good so i got red lights up here too in these all right so when i hit a mountain i go ahead no matter what at the bottom i kick the fan on i'm gonna kill us live until we get to the top i gotta take it easy this truck is like full of foam so it's like pulling a tanker all right let's go ahead and start getting her down so one thing about driving a horse fire truck anything with a decent amount of power all right you're gonna grab higher egts it's exhaust gas temperatures which right now i'm running about 750 800 um i've got this set on so i've got a pdi box in this truck i've got it set on like level five or six i think it's uh 600 650 um maybe even 700 i've never downloaded it so i'm not really sure but should be the 700 horsepower program you can see she's holding pretty steady right there but i'm not going to run it like this all the way to the top that's holding 50 mile an hour with that big old load on the back you see my egts are about 800. 850 somewhere in there if you run it like this i tell you you know burn the motor up pretty quick my water temperature stays down since i did the thermostat job on this truck but just uh that's a lot of egts you know to run at a long period of time they say a thousand eleven hundred on a truck it's pretty safe but i mean you think about it that's that's pretty hot we're gaining speed going up this hill i'm in and out of the throttle so the truck's got the power you can push it all the way up to the top if you want to no telling how fast you can get it up to but uh there's just no point running it like that still pass all the other trucks like we're 90 000 pounds and we're passing all these other trucks right my eyes now sweet so let's go ahead and take her down another gear get the rpms up to about 1600 1700 sucks not having an rp on gage live definitely going to get that fixed tomorrow there you go you can kind of see it now but um around the pedaling actually that's pretty impressive that is pretty impressive guys 65 70 pounds of low pressure you can watch as the water temperature comes up the oil pressure will get a little less because it heats the oil up more at that right there our egts are at 650. so that's a pretty safe right here it's really safe common right here now i'm going to go ahead and get around this truck um that's about 45 pounds of boost 45 to 48 pounds of boost up there i probably i mean literally eighth of a petal of throttle right now got this big old mountain at the water temperature it ain't even probably [Music] 175 sorry guys excuse me all right let's get on around this truck get up ahead of him back over there all right so pushing her out there um pgt's got up to about 800 i think so like i said there's no point in pushing your motor that way let's get the boost down to about 20 25 pounds i mean that's 50 mile an hour and i'm telling you i feel like i could get it up to 70 going up this hill if it was straight i really wanted to push it and we are grossed out at 90 000 pounds how many trucks you know a little climb like this 90 000 pounds i'm getting bought passed by volvo though like i don't like my att sooner though around 800. i think that's 800 degrees coming out of the motor and we're coming out of the turbo my att gauge is right there at the turbo water temperature's still about 170 75 oh shoot i'm right by this guy all right let's go ahead and just kick her down a notch just let her climb i can hold it right here i guess that's not really getting too out of hand on eggs so that water temperature stays down we're good to go climb like this all day long that's my eagle mountain going up and it's a pretty steep mountain now we gotta go down the mountain let them jake break stop just a little bit so with a good set of jakes you should never really even have to touch your brakes going down the mountain so the speed limit is 45 on this mountain and it should hold it right there about 40-45 so she's talking to this guys look at that water timber like 160 degrees of now you've got the fedex church flying out there like i said you should never even have to touch your brakes if you got a good set of jakes your tanks can hold your truck back figure out your gearing you know first off a couple times you go down the mountain you're gonna figure out where your truck likes to be where it likes to hold back this thing here we can roll on down this mountain pretty fast and uh it's got the braking power it's got the weight and it's got the tanks to hold it back i don't you wouldn't really have no problem but there's always that woody up breaking her on up it'll hold it back still and i'll probably take it on up to 45 or 50 but it'll hold it right there i don't know uh you guys followed along with that whole accident thing where the guy ran off the mountain and killed them people and uh i mean it was a bad deal it was it was a real bad deal and if he would have knew what he was doing just like this right here you know he should have had this kind of training like he should have known how to hold that truck back and not having trailer brakes or whatever great quality brakes uh that truck had a three-stage jig on it had a detroit in it so it should have had no problem holding that thing back so um usually detours got pretty good strong jags and maybe he had jake issues i don't know but either way if he had the proper training he could have come off that mountain pretty safely and not killed all the people now that i'm getting older guys i don't i just don't fly down these mountains anymore used to uh i took pride on being able to fly down this mountain being the first one to the bottom all it takes is that one time and your truck gets away from you and it's over you're gonna kill somebody or kill yourself somebody's gonna get hurt so the situation out here guys is there is no such thing as big rig parking anymore so some genius and it sucks i mean it costs you money but if you pay to park in here more than likely you are going to um keep the place clean there's not going to be crap everywhere like i guarantee you go over to loves right now there's piss bottles everywhere there's nowhere to park people's getting backed into i mean even the loves is using this parking lot over here now when you park their own trucks in their own parking lot so guys this the parking's out of control anymore it's ridiculous there's nowhere to park people's park alongside the roads you can't turn around you can't get bomb so [Music] it's getting crazy i don't know how bad it's going to get before it gets any better [Music] but we're going to just go ahead and pay to park for the night i wanted to get on through nashville but i'm wore out that's a good camera right there bam look at that sexy man right there look at that man tim your sexy mofo look at you look at you what the heck ah you know i accept my card come on dog this is pure 100 american debit card come on baby come on bam there we go grab your ticket thank you bam bam that is awesome so it is nineteen dollars to park here uh i need to live here by 12 p.m tomorrow so that's pretty cool i gotta say it sucks you gotta pay 20 bucks apart but hey i ain't worried about my truck getting backed in too it's clean um it is what it is guys i mean it's pretty smart honestly look this is nice they got uh trash you got trash can you use you've got i mean this is uh the way to go plus i'm pulling an oversize i mean heck this is pretty badass there's some nice trucks in here too man i've been seeing so many classics now that i own one like every time i see some classic but i love them there's my baby right there she's red just like mine i can't wait to get it done guys i really do like this whole parking situation uh thing here and this is right in uh um was it christiana tennessee right before you get to nashville where am i gonna park yet there's so many choices so it'll be so hard to make up my mind here i am i sweat trying to figure out a darn place to park because if you are uh if you're running at night and you gotta park before 5 am good luck find your spot it ain't happening let's park on the side of the road that's a good looking line [Music] so i met this guy today he's having the same problem i'm having uh like three or four weeks ago he ordered a mirror for his truck and still hadn't got it it's a little bit of irritating in your mirrors i mean i'm just gonna have to take my moto matics off of it i'm guessing just i know i got no choice i gotta have my bottom mirror and drive me nuts i think i'll park right yeah no i think i parked over here thank you so much to choose never had this problem before never had the problem where i had to choose which spot i wanted to park in but i definitely like this problem dang i kind of want to park over there now i'd rather just blindside in a little bit i like blindsiding it's it's what's up and look all them guys are parked along the streets and all that stuff all right it literally says no parking period right there all right you got a truck sitting there you got two or three sitting all up through there all they had to do is pay 19 bucks have been over here with us guys on where the grass is greener they got sod we got a sod on this side boys i'm just kidding guys i know not everybody's got 20 bucks to buy a parking spot it sucks you know it's just the industry you know you got companies that should be taking care of their drivers they shouldn't have to be you know watching guys like me over here parking a nice fancy parking spot and they have to park over there on the side of the road give them 20 bucks to park their truck come on come on swifty give your jobs some money to park if you don't i will i'll hire your every one of your drivers i'll put a big old mega fleet on cab overs 359s and cab overs 379's that's my dream guys a hunt like i want a hundred trucks 100 that's the 1-0 i want 100 trucks of badass like i mean uh wouldn't that be cool to see a fleet of trucks that you would see in the 90s on the road today a hundred of them big old fleet [Music] i think it would be pretty cool that's the only way i'm gonna have it just there's no way i can afford it you can't even back his dang fire truck you know what's going on with me now [Music] i think i got her where i want her now [Music] i don't think i'm going to worry about somebody going up in here working beside me oh baby easy bam got the lights turned off anyways guys that is that is pretty cool i gotta say this is a pretty nice little parking area they're here in tennessee and it's a great idea now i think i'm gonna have to buy me another 100 acres and build a freaking parking lot like this this is just genius and trust me there ain't no parking near sweet waters trucks always parked alongside the road that's gonna do it for today's video we still got a long way to go we still got 1600 miles to go we knocked quite a bit out today considering we loaded this thing at 12 o'clock today i left there about two o'clock we're sitting in pretty much nashville right now i went all the way over to charleston met my wife um cooked boaty to her and all that stuff so i think it's pretty good running today i really do i'm glad you guys are right here along with me and we're going to finish this thing out we got a freaking this is the other end of this trip is going to be pretty awesome you guys are going to you're not going to be able to believe it so let's get her done guys
Channel: Gentry & Sons Trucking
Views: 287,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: truck, trucking, truck driver, driver, driving, day cab, sleeper truck, cummins, detroit, cat, caterpillar, peterbuilt, kenworth, freightliner, international, 2 stroke, 18 wheeler, eighteen wheeler, cargo, flatbed, step deck, cummings, 18 speed, 15 speed, 13 speed, 10 speed, 9 speed, 24.5s, smoke, black smoke, diesel smoke, diesel engine, engine, rescue, mission, repair, rebuilding
Id: FzIu1bIMim4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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