Heavy Throttle Wheeling: Clash of the Clubs at SMORR

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um [Music] [Music] this is the sixth year for clash of the clubs traditionally it's been clubs that are in kind of a close proximity one another mainly the midwest and this was the very first year we've had five clubs participate normally it's only four right we had a midwest uh jeep thing from st louis we had midwest crawlers from kansas city we had lords of craw from texas make it or break it from texas red dirt from oklahoma s'more is a really nice park it's a home park for me and bill pretty much we've been coming down here for a lot of other events for a long time s'mores really nice because you've got cabins on site you know we've got the big pavilion that they let us use you've got plenty of electric camping you've got hotels on both ends of town and um like i said we've been coming down for years so brandon the owner down here was really accommodating when we reached out to him about doing the event here it worked out really good it's a great location for this event me and andy had picked out certain obstacles and we do not let the obstacles out until the day of and we get three drivers from each club they all draw straws that's the order that they go in and uh we literally just we do a driver's meeting and we head out and go the first obstacle yeah we don't want to pick like the hardest thing out there because we want the jeeps you know to be able to build a shot have a good shot at it yeah we want it to be kind of on an even kill with everybody so we went to larry's hill [Music] anybody knows larry's hill it's just a big hill and there's just lines all the way up through there we chose a middle line which is so so um they i mean they they were flying up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] and then we had to do a recovery on that tried a winch wench drive shaft broke on there yeah drive shaft and then it broke the fuel line so he couldn't start it couldn't do anything he had so-so brakes but we end up we got had to winch him down down the hill instead of up because we couldn't get him up over it i was trying to go for it and ended up that the new drive shaft i just had put in snapped an ear driveshaft spun around cut my fuel line and put me in that pickle and let everyone else wait behind me for a while [Music] i tried you know everybody i'll be honest i think everybody shot up at a lot faster than i thought they were going to i mean i thought i thought there was going to be a little more struggle on that than there was a lot some of those obstacles i couldn't quite see where they were actually finishing at but people blew through that one a lot faster um i thought the main thing i thought was going to be different here is i know a lot of those texas guys are used to slow technical crawling and you get over here and there's there's a lot of skinny pedal wheeling over here which was a definitely different style for them but you know everybody did really really good yeah which a lot of the guys they're not even used to the speed thing i was like i've never gone this fast before on the trail you know but they gave it their offer their clubs you know they did they really do they they pushed them [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah double whammy is starts at the far right hand side with a really really steep left with a really really steep ledge that kind of tapers off more level ground as you go off to the left you guys can go to the to the right of that tree or to the left of that tree and i will be standing up here at the top so sherry the first jeep on that obstacle that went for midwest jeep thing and sherry is a she is a send it gal i mean she she comes to party every time she wheels she comes to party [Music] [Music] i'm watching and i all i could see was a side view of it and i mean she was up there and i thought as soon as she landed the driveline was just going to explode i mean she just she stayed in it and i mean it launched up that hill she did that was a cool shot that was probably the neatest obstacle to watch everybody it was funny because a lot of people were coming up through there pretty easy yeah you know but then when they got to those second ledges up there there's a couple of them that were fighting it oh yeah and really we're gonna trying to get up there um [Music] how fast was it so double whammy is another obstacle that we chose mainly because some of the criteria we're looking for when choosing obstacles is we've got to make sure we've got room for spectators to be around we've got to make sure that you know it's nice it's open we can get everybody through it and mainly the other thing we look at is we got to make sure that if we have a break recovery it's it's a reasonable recovery and not something that's going to take half a day [Music] [Music] but once you get up those ledges because when you're looking at it it's just lines of you know shelves but then we had them go up a little bit further past it for the finish line which was some more shelves um some good ledges up there and uh as we we found out with one of the midwest deep thing guys whitey yeah midwest um they put on a show with a few jeeps um yeah that was that was chris white that came back down [Music] [Music] um i don't know how many times he rolled um when we re-watched the video i think it was four full rolls from the very top and i mean he was lucky because we thought it was going to come all the way back down to the beginning and if he would have came if he would have came down that last shelf that would so put this in perspective nobody can see where the finish line was barely you could just see it in the trees i'm the only one up there me and david and when he come up that top ledge he was on the gas and he stood it straight up and it just completely went over backwards [Music] luckily he's got a good cage yeah and everything and he he was safe good when he had a little bump of bruise or something a little scratch on his head and a little scratch on his head i think and um his arm was swollen up a little bit yeah and i mean great response to that though um you know we had i think we had two rns yeah and a combat medic that i mean we're making him sure he was good mitch with the dirty life chief he had his um stationed up top so we can get a winch down to everybody hold on everything so mitch was very helpful [Music] there was one ledge it's pretty smooth ledge but it was wet and damp and people were getting hung up on that trying to just crawl right that and then you couldn't do it and of course they're once they come up that then they got those real big rock ledges yeah and there's no holds bar on those they were just i mean i've seen i don't know how many discs smoke those rocks and we were just they're breaking pieces of it off just aptly named double whammy i think and i think a lot of people always did that i know my first time here yeah you get up that first series of legends and you think that's the obstacle yeah and then you get up by where you had the finish line and you're going huh oh there's the double to the whammy yeah there's part two yeah there is part two [Music] [Music] mmm [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] so um wagoner hill had a lot of unique things going on and that was one that i mean we had to have all five clubs had to have their drivers in single file line because that is the one where we couldn't have spectators at the bottom it's a super tight left-hand turn you know we had to shuffle down there in order um and the other unique thing about that one is that's the only trail that you don't you didn't you didn't have the advantage of being able to see what the guy in front of you really did and pick a line and um so you know you've got to you've got to start from the bottom i mean and you've got a it doesn't look like a very big little ledge but you've got that first ledge as soon as you go in there and i think almost everybody did the same thing you know they hit thinking they were going to crawl it and then almost everybody had to back up and go okay oh you've got to hit it hit it it's kind of loose down there it's all loose super super loose gravel yeah you get back up just a little bit ways and as it starts to cut to the right you know you've got that second shelf where you can either cut to the far right and stay on that tree line or you can kind of more go up the middle and i think we had a good mix of people trying both things and i i don't think i don't feel like either one of them is any easier [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign is that far enough [Music] [Music] so yeah that's a struggle for two-door jeeps that's that's a wheelbase that is it is and that was like that's what i could see and that's where i lost over i'm at the top and the top is a big rock ledge and there's one good rock ledge that you really need to bump at it and get up and it's wet [Music] nope [Music] and of course all the spectators were piled on one side up there so it gave some room for everybody they couldn't see the rest but they seen the finish line to where they had all the rock that they had to bounce up so i would see him get about halfway and that's where i would catch him yeah and that's about where i lost him yeah and they were flying up through there and of course me i'm always rooting for everybody because i just want them to make it [Music] oh and the guys and the um the two-door jeep and i felt bad for them because they they shot up the whole first part of that obstacle they zoomed up it but by the time you had called down and tell time i think that last ledge that you have to hit to come exit out i think they i think they were struggling on that one for a good while with that short wheelbase yes they was there was one gentleman he he's uh he was beaten out and beaten on it and he wasn't going to give up he wasn't going to give up he just kept hitting it and hitting and hitting and i asked at one time i go do you want us to go ahead and win you and he's like no i want to make it i was like okay and everybody up there you get like almost lit everybody's going oh [Applause] they were digging on it because some of the guys were coming up to it and they were just going to give just a light bump they figured and uh they'd get like three quarters of the way up that little bump and slide back down and just and they were just digging it out even more and it was just tearing up making it muddier muddier and uh they were throwing rocks everywhere up there you got to commit to that ending that's got to be you got it all the skinny pedal to get out of that one yeah oh yeah definitely [Music] i would say ironically that third obstacle i would have labeled it probably technically the most challenging and it's the only trail we didn't have a break or any issues on everybody made it up and out under buying power right i always do one bonus line and it's for anybody here any anybody that's here can do the bonus line i don't care if you got a buggy whatever it may be if you want to try it this year we decided to do two we were going to do two bonus lines um so right behind larry's hill you have big smith right and when they were looking at it some of the guys were like i'm not gonna try this and corey buneman and the logo daddy buggy was the first one the guy said okay i'm gonna give it a shot and see what happens and i mean man he sailed up that yeah it was unreal [Music] and when somebody makes it they're like i can make this now so the bottom where we were starting them at um we started them on the hill a little bit lower um right by one of the trees that had a sign on it so everybody had an equal starting point and we wanted to start them back far enough so they could get some wheel speed because i would say probably within 20 or 30 yards of the starting point was the gatekeeper that was the first big ledge and that first big rock face they had to get up there's no way anybody's crawling it that's when you've got it yeah you know you got to get a front tire to it and then it is hammered down and you're you're either go you're going to bounce up it or you're not just the only two things that are going to happen right i mean there was there was nobody there it was bashful yeah they were getting it so i could see them just come up over the rock face from the bottom and i'm up a ways trying to hide behind trees to save myself because when they would come up and pass me they had to make a turn so when they made a turner's another rock ledge and they were slinging the rocks i mean slinging them and i mean i got hit i don't know how many times up there [Music] [Music] i've been hit by 18 rocks well not 19 19 rocks my legs are a little bit up on the backside but i'm okay [Music] that one got me in there never got my mouth [Music] um [Music] standing there when you get up on that thing and you're coming towards me it's it's all rutted out so half the time the guys are carrying the tire up there i mean they're well i mean the tires in the air and they're on the gas going from one side to the other and i'm like trying to figure out am i going to get ran over what's going to happen here you know which way they're going to shoot and david the timekeeper he's he's sitting over there hiding behind the tree branches and stuff he's like nervous and and i mean but those guys flew up through there and uh every one of them gave it their all [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we got a broken shaft we only had one i guess probably we only had one break on that one i think one guy broke broke he broke a stub shaft he yeah he broke the shaft and uh luckily it was at the end [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ready set go old copperhead copperhead oh ever most the locals down here know copperhead yeah and it's always wet always wet and if you don't hit the line just right you're not gonna make it yeah that's just i mean just tire placement on that thing an inch or two the wrong way just makes it have you ever made up it i got the no last time i tried to go up at my we were still mid-arm suspension in the back my rear control arms always got hung up on it i i went up it two years ago and i've never tried it since because i'm always so nervous [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but there was a ton of people down there yeah i mean they were just piled in there everybody's got their lawn chairs out and everything and man i think every club bought a good gang of people yeah i mean even the people coming from all the way from texas there was a ton of spectators from texas we had uh lords of crawl yep and we had make it or break it yeah they drove from texas and uh they i mean they put on a show um [Music] um [Applause] so [Music] i'm too far down come back he's not i'm gonna do it she's hot [Music] [Music] [Applause] cory won that didn't he yep corey did win that one it's funny jason prophet he uh he says man i beat on this thing the other day and i couldn't make it he went over there and just one shot [Applause] for him and i think it was close between him and corey time wise yeah it was really cool yeah yeah man right [Music] so after we finish that last bonus obstacle we get everybody back up here under the pavilion travis holmeir which is part of lake ozark jeep club spring bills bought his big toe behind grill down here and um you know they did with a couple hundred hamburgers couple hundred hot dogs part of this event wasn't to be like oh who's the best club or anything like that it's an event for everybody to have fun and wheel together with different clubs and get to hang out and meet other clubs everybody's on the internet you know and stuff like that but it's it's nice to see that all the clubs come together and hang out and you know laugh and crack jokes at each other or whatever but get to hang out with each other this club might be based out of somewhere you know it's just a few towns away right and everybody knew each other everybody talked to each other but until that event they never wheeled together never got out on the trails again i always build the trophy and uh of course i got a ton of broken parts laying around and so i i sit there and piece and stitch pieces of metal together gears or whatever and i mean this year i had transfer case parts and yeah and stuff like that one little one little pinion in there but uh it's always i don't know it's just it's better than getting a trophy from the store i feel it's a little bit more uh midwest sheep thing won it again yeah they took the trophy yeah i wan i want to thank all the clubs that that showed up a lot of them drove a long way i love that i want to thank every one of the clubs that that came up and participated and i want to thank brandon at s'more for letting us do the event here again this year and again huge thank you to all the sponsors that came through and really delivered for this event [Music] [Music] yeah bill
Channel: RockstarGarage
Views: 45,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clash of the clubs, offroad, truck, jeep, car, camp, SMORR, larry's hill, copperhead, big smith, double whammy, roll, rollover, wreck, flip, wheelie, horsepower, v8, mickey thompson, scosche, rock jock, powertank, raffle, competition, trophy, jump, maxxis, nitto, dirty life, factor55, winch, recovery, repair, rescue, save, helmet, safety, tutorial, how to, adventure, overland, drift, roost, desert, mountain, forest, waterfall, river, creek, nature, build, cage, weld, radio, paul, armor, totalled, hobby, beadlock, baja pro x, king, track
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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