Heaven Come 2018 Session 7 Worship with Jonathan David & Melissa Helser June 02, 2018

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why don't you stand your feet welcome back to the final morning of heaven come 2018 God is near I know oh but but what's really good is God is nearest not just a moment it's all the time right amen we want to welcome everyone that's joining us on Bethel TV as well did anyone have a God dream last night raise your hand if you had a God dream quite a few people around the room I love that did you know you know the story of Solomon King Solomon you know the most brilliant guy he had an encounter with God and God asked him what do you want and he said I want a discerning heart and God says I'm gonna give you all this stuff on top of that because you asked for wisdom I'm gonna give you that I'm gonna give you victory over all your enemies you're gonna have all this wealth and then it says then we miss this part and then Solomon woke up and he realized it was a dream did you know that encounter where he got that amazing wisdom from God came in a dream God can show up at any time in our life and he's going to show up you know just like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego we're in the fiery furnace they stood up for God in an adverse situation when they stood up God came near and guess what you can't be consumed by an earthly fire when you're consumed by the all-consuming fire and God's fire is about to be released this morning why don't you lift up your hands and give God praise and that's worship Him [Applause] good morning guys good morning now ready to worship Jesus I feel like we might should stretch a little we don't want to pull a muscle you don't I'm saying nobody wants to pull a muscle we're gonna go for it yeah are you awake [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're Tuesdays [Music] say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the miracle-working God [Music] a miracle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you a miracle working God miracle working you [Music] they're gonna see you [Music] miracle-working God you a miracle-working God you [Music] a miracle my miracle [Music] [Music] so guys we're gonna do a couple of new songs this morning very exciting and this is a new addition to the Bethel music family Emmy we're so happy to father here this morning so she's gonna intro this beautiful new song so I was gonna ask you guys who's first haven't come this is but then I realized it's everyone's and it's fine too so I'm glad that we get to share this together and I'm so happy to to be here with you guys so we're just gonna teach you this chorus it's really simple but I know your thoughts your plans from me are good I know you hope my future in Maho your promises never fail your promises never fail No your thoughts your plans for me are good no no you hope my future in my heart your promises never fail your promises never fail your promises never fail your promises never fade you guys got it [Applause] [Music] look instead you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your thoughts you plans from me are good I know you hold my future in my your promises never fear your promises never fade [Music] [Music] they [Music] never [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that was beautiful we're gonna do catch the wind I know right but I'm gonna tell the testimony cuz we overcome right so I I have a chronic illness of bone disease and about three years ago I woke up one morning and it was super heavy and I prayed that the moment I I opened my eyes and felt the hopelessness and the heaviness I said God I need you to lift this I need you to lift the hope Oh since I need you to lift the pain and the Lord spoke to me clear as day and he said Melissa I want you to sing your way out and I said I got I really don't want to do that I just want you to take it anybody ever been there I'm not trying to do nothing I just want you to take it right and I I got up and I started I just kept getting ready and I again God I need you to lift the heaviness I need you to lift the pain I need you to lift the hopelessness the second time the Lord said once I want you to sing your way out is it God I don't want to see my way out I just want you to take it and I literally kept getting ready the whole morning so heavy and I'm blow-drying my hair and I'm like God for serious anybody ever had it for serious moment I'm like God for serious I really need you to lift this thing and he said Melissa I want you to sing your way out because I'm teaching you something about the power of your voice and I'm teaching you something about what happens when you come into agreement with who I am inside of you that's actually what shifts heaven in earth sing your way out with the big Jesus smile so I'm literally blow-drying my hair I only do the motion so that you'll never forget I'm literally bent over and when you don't have full hair you have to bend over for more volume can I get an amen ladies so I'm I'm bent over I'm blow-drying my hair I'm like sing your way out seen your way out and literally this just came from the belly of of my soul and I said I am strong and to the sky I'm gonna catch the wind I'm gonna catch wind in my bathroom you never know what can happen right and literally the heaviness and the hopelessness lifted off of me and guys I want to tell you that the enemy is the most afraid of what happens when you come into agreement with Christ in you and he's terrified of what happens when you actually come into agreement with what Christ is thinking in you right so we're gonna have new thoughts this morning I still have a chronic illness and I literally sing this over myself all the time there's a confidence rising in your heart when I woke up this morning I sat up and the Lord spoke to me right when I opened my eyes he said today you are gonna hear the sound of overcomers are you ready you got to stand up straight and tall for this one even if you don't feel it we're gonna make the enemy pay this morning yeah alright let's do this [Music] I lived myself to us come on Akane [Music] I'm gonna catch the way I spread my wings [Music] like Annie [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a muscle sound of overcomers is the sound of overcomers is the sound of owner commerce is rising up from the deep deep deep places [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we overcome we are the old we are the overcomers say I am an overcomer I am an overcomer I am an overcomer I am an overcomer [Music] we look at fear we look at the sickness and disease and we say I am an overcomer [Music] I am an overcomer [Music] we are overcomers [Music] we are over we are we are I'm afraid we are confidence rising ramadhir do you [Music] confidence rising up from the DD phases [Music] overtaking your heart and mind confidence rising love from the DD places overtaking you heart we are the overcomers we are the overcomers we [Music] [Music] [Applause] so a couple days before last Christmas we started getting messages from our beloved friends Joel and Janie Taylor who the Bethel music that their little son Jackson was being airlifted to intensive care and as the days went on he was getting closer and closer to death and I've never seen anything quite like it where the whole world began to pray for this little boy and I know many of you guys put your prayers before the throne of grace as Jackson was between life and death and I've never seen our community out in North Carolina pray the way they pray I watched my community out in a red and begin to raise these prayers for Jackson and a couple weeks into the battle we got a text from Joel one night and it didn't look like Jackson was gonna make it through the night and you know those moments where you just feel the negativity and you feel the lives like a horde of army come in and there was all these offerings to believe the worst about God and I could fill it and it felt like Jackson was gonna die and God wasn't hearing our prayers and right in the middle of all these lies just crashing down on my heart and me and Melissa's heart there was so many tears in our house as we were fighting for this little boy out of my gut she's spending some time with Lord and out of a deep place in my heart this melody came out hallelujah in the presence of [Music] [Music] louder than the unbelief and like Jehoshaphat army begin to sing and the enemies begin to flee this song began to come out of our heart and our community picked up this song like a weapon and we just sang it one night over Jackson for about an hour there is a hallelujah my weapon is a melody Sarris a hallelujah heaven comes to fight for me so we texted the song to Joel and Janie and and so many songs so many prayers were being prayed ours was just one note and the Symphony of Prayer rising up and they played it over Jackson and you guys know the good news Jackson is alive and I believe that the enemy is going to regret the day he ever pointed his sword at Jackson's life just like Goliath regretted the day he ever pointed his sword at the little boy David the sword that Goliath pointed at David became the sword that cut the Giants head off and I watched this miracle of Jackson being raised up and it was like this giant of unbelief this giant that's been lying to us it says God doesn't do miracles anymore I saw his head being cut off by the prayers of the sons and daughters rising so we're gonna sing this song this morning we've never sung it before we didn't even plan on it really becoming a song it was just a prayer for Jackson and now we're standing on the other side of the Red Sea and we've seen the victory so we invite you to raise your voice like they did when they watch God come and fight for them baby will you teach them the course of the song so when we get to it and just get see them better I'm gonna see in the middle of the stone [Music] is defeated a king [Applause] [Music] in the presence of mine [Music] aha [Music] to fight for me [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sing a little [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the middle of the store [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a kid [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] my oh my see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're gonna sing that again but but we're gonna do a couple of things three or four years ago Johnny and Melissa came to worship you and the night before worship you started I didn't know Johnny and Melissa were leading and didn't know they're gonna sing that song but the night before I had a dream and I've shared this all over the world and people have got incredible breakthroughs but I had this dream in which there was a giant swimming pool in front of me and God was standing at the other end of the swimming pool and I saw these five angelic beings standing on the edge of the swimming pool and they were playing a game with God see who could swim across the pool of God's presence the fastest and the first four went and and I really I don't remember what those guys look like but I know what the last one looked like he looked like this giant samurai in the old like samurai armor and he's standing there with his sword just like that and he's standing there at the edge of the pool and instead of diving in like all the rest of them did he just went like this and he dove in holding his sword and and in a instant like I could barely blink my eyes he was launching up on the other side of the swimming pool and you knew instantly he had won and the moment he got over there three flaming doorways opened up in front of him and he went through the flaming doorways and I knew instantly that these flaming doorways were the darkest places in hell and he went in through there and and their worst words written on the wall in the darkest place in hell and it said this freedom for fear [Music] and this is what happened this this samurai this angelic being looks at these words because inhale fear has freedom to run our lives but he looks at this and this this this terrible flash in his eyes and I knew he got the words I just never saw him move the sword and I'm like whoa what was that and then all the sudden the words began to crumble and they changed and instead of saying freedom for fear it said freedom from fear and that morning people got free and from that time on people have gotten free from seasons of fear lifetime of fear if we can get the lights up just a little bit this is what's gonna happen see it's the zeal of the Lord he actually sent that angelic being to defeat fear in your life there's nothing that you have to do he's actually gonna cut that out of your life if that you're in this room and you've been in a season of fear you've been crippled by fear or you've been in a lifetime of fear and you can't get out of it I want you to raise your hand because God has sent help this morning and you're gonna get breakthrough and freedom from fear fear is no longer the ruler or master of your life you are stepping into a new season a new season of breakthrough if you're around one of these with their hands up and there's so many people here with their hands up lay your hand on them if you have to lay your hand on each other there's an there's a moment that's gonna happen some things I some of you are gonna physically feel something to leave your body it's gonna lift off of you that demonic influence that have crippled youth as hooks of trauma that had caused you to live in fear even those things that happen in childhood that you can't get rid of there go right now in Jesus name God we release freedom from fear God would you send that angelic samurai right now to cut that thing out and if you're next to one of these just lift that off their shoulders some of them have hooks of trauma in their back just pull those out prophetically pull those out and we release the sholom of having the chaos destroying piece of heaven into their life in Jesus name we declare a new season a new way of seeing things a new way of doing things this is your season of freedom this is your season to break through this is your season of bravery courage this is your season where hope is fulfilled where dreams do come true you are a new man you are a new woman in Christ Jesus all things have passed away behold all things become new in this moment freedom from fear in Jesus name in Jesus name go ahead and say Amen okay here's what's gonna happen a bunch of you you're gonna walk out of this place and you're gonna realize oh my goodness something that was always on me something that I always lived with is no longer there I feel lighter I feel new I feel fresh it's a spring season something's different I'm changing and that place is where we see we're no longer slaves to fear but we are child of God you're stepping into your new identity let's sing that with all of our heart [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that feels good oh you know what just ran out of the room beer ran out of the room because when your true identity runs into the room there's no room for any other identity you are a child of God and this is your season a breakthrough amen we love you it's only gonna get better this is a great spot to be at 4:00 this morning why don't you give it up for the worship team one more time
Channel: Sean JohnBull
Views: 64,761
Rating: 4.8562875 out of 5
Id: DL18QJ0Nzxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 34sec (3574 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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