Heaton Mersey Sidings. Cheshire Lines. 1960s

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a black 5 double for double 6 3 runs past Heaton Mersey said the shet had opened in January 1889 by the Cheshire Lions committee and was eventually shared by the Midland and the Great Central Railways each company having four roads in the 8th Road shed British Railways shed classification coated it in nine now by the Col stage 8 F 4 8 3 double 2 is having its smoke box cleaned of charm shed closed a steam on the 4th of May 1968 and on this day it was visited by conference 9f9 to double 1:8 she comes on shed after working a train of coal empties to godly we are on the coal stage at Heaton Mersey this was built as a double-sided stage but since about 1960 only the original LMS site reviews and other side had served PLN er wagons of coal with propelled up to the stage and the coal shall we go into curbs normally half a dozen tubs would be sufficient to top-up a partially full tender the final tab is loaded into the tender of nine - double 1:8 consisting of some really large lumps some of which we need the attention of the firemen's pole thing for eight three five six and four eight three one nine both engines with a couple of months life in them join 92118 for the journey to Newton he shed choir stop the activity of Dale and guide bridge the line caster shed is now under the m63 motorway in november 1967 for eight six one eight passes towards Eaton Mersey west junction signal box and the bridge that carried the new line to numerous a junction across this exerc line for eight w15 moves off towards to the Adele she would have four dubious honor of working even mercies last wastrel steam turn to proudly on the afternoon of the second of May 1968 then two months work at roasters shed before scrapping and potty cakes of Newport South Wales
Channel: Brinksway Moran
Views: 24,202
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Id: NbEA3sqziRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 17 2015
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