HEATED Debate: Is Andrew Tate Good For Society?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2023 🗫︎ replies

She’s just another feminist pretending to be Christian. If she actually read the Bible she’d be at home serving her husband and raising her children. Not doing a world tour promoting her book like a 304. See thru the hypocrisy

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Bitter-Fun-8774 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2023 🗫︎ replies

There is no difference between these tradcons and feminist / soyboys. There is no world where I will listen to these kind of people.

Never listen to weak people.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Emergency-Talk6517 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2023 🗫︎ replies
list you went after Tristan Tate August 8th a month ago two months ago he said the following Liz wheeler claims Tristan Tate teaching young men how to deceive women and take their virginity a conservative political commentator this girl named Liz will right Liz I think you would like this lady and podcast hosts recently criticized Tristan Tate brother of Andrew Tate allegedly promoting deceptive tactics towards women wheeler shared a video where Tate discussed dating and said Tristan Tay teaches young men how to lie to innocent woman to take their virginity I'll do two or three virgins per year I'll Teach You How Jordan Peterson even responded and supported you saying for advocating family values and discipline join the criticism by sharing Wheeler's tweet and warning about the potential consequences of weak men influenced by Tate's advice Peterson wrote If you think strong men are dangerous wait until you see what weak men are capable of sincerely someone a while ago if you want to play the clip I don't know if you have the video or not or is it just a tweet no I put the video on the Tweet okay so go back to that tweet and see if it Go Go click on there you go yeah listen to this all right let's watch this and then let's get your take and then we'll give our feedback here in like me and meet the women who I meet and roll in the circles I meet you meet beautiful virgins sometimes me I'll do two or three virgins a year now how do you date a virgin when you're a when you're an ice cold player there is a tactic which I'm going to share with you on how to date a virgin and how to take a girl's virginity Now the recipe hasn't changed but the tactics and the implementation has certainly changed be their boyfriend for three months and be in a nice relationship with them that is the recipe I'm sorry guys you want to run into a virgin and [ __ ] her the next day don't ask me how I don't know I don't think anyone knows I don't even think it's possible you have to be their boyfriend for an extended period of time you then have to take your virginity on the second month anniversary or something along those lines and I'm going to teach you how to do it while still being you can find a place you can pause it here so you it's a two minute video commentary thoughts on this why you have a problem with this well I mean the words that he used make it pretty clear he said I'm going to teach you a strategy I'm going to teach you a tactic how to manipulate a girl into sleeping with her to deceive her into thinking that she is loved by me in order to exploit her objectify her and have sex with her that's pretty disgusting I think by anybody's standards Adam I think one more comment I will make the reason that I criticize him specifically or that I have criticized Andrew Tate is because at one point Andrew Tate was the most Googled man in the world he's incredibly influential among young men and the reason it's very interesting why he's influential because he accurately diagnoses a serious cultural problem in the west he accurately notes that masculinity is under assault that men are told that they're toxic and bad and he actually to his credit has the courage to say I'm going to push back against this I'm going to tell men to be men the problem is that once he accurately diagnoses the problem his antidote what he prescribed is self-destructive he doesn't actually teach young men how to be good strong men he instead leads them towards pornography and materialism and exploitation of Women In Worship of self so I think that makes him more dangerous because he does accurately diagnose a problem but then his prescription for it is to lead young men astray so is your biggest issue with Andrew and Tristan that Virgin video or sort of sort of a symptom of a larger problem that you that you have with them overall I mean that video is an example of the point that I make when people say that Andrew and Tristan Tater are good role models for young men I don't think that's a good role model for young men to learn how to manipulate and lie and deceive women into having sex I actually want to address that but I just actually want to understand your perspective genuinely do you think that the Tate Brothers for men specifically are a positive net value positive net role model or negative negative I think they leave young men towards self-destruction okay so you think that the words that they're saying not the little Clips but their overall message is bad for men not good yes because what are they telling men they're telling men you're attacked you're a victim and that resonates with men because that is a valid grievance especially in especially in American culture that's why they've become so popular here they were popular in Europe and in Britain but they're so popular here the last couple of years because there is a war on masculinity so young men are feminized and it's a powerful thing when you take a valid grievance and then tell someone that the solution to that grievance is something that actually harms them so I actually think they're more self-destructive than some people on the left because they're playing on a valid problem and prescribing something that's harmful to young man just to be clear what do you think that their prescription is for men pornography materialism exploitation of women and worship of self that's what you think their message is to men that is what they you can read all of their stuff listed all their stuff I've I've extensively listened to all of their advice for young men and they literally say if you are not extremely wealthy you are not a real men money is the most valuable thing like money's great we're all trying to make a living here we're all trying to make money but it is not the most valuable thing that is a that is a message of materialism they've run pornography business that's how they got rich that's how they got famous they pretend to back away from it now just to avoid criticism but it's really just because they don't need to do that anymore they they constantly are talking about how to be a top G and how to manipulate women I think that's an incredibly destructive message do you think that's positive for young men uh a lot of it I do and I'll tell you why that video do you think that video is no I'll address that video but what it was it interesting is he actually had a nuanced approach that you need to date them to three months how many women are gonna date a guy for three months that they are not interested in that is not there for them that is not providing for them that is not protecting from them that isn't there for them you don't just slip in and fall into a virgin I totally understand that is you actually need to date these women so at that point the it's the woman's decision so my question to you is how many men that's deceptive like he's deceiving him he doesn't actually care about them he's doing things that make them think that he cares about them you know what welcome to modern day dating baby like this is what happens out there men do this with women women do this with men and you don't think that's destructive I think it is what it is whether it's destructive or not is your opinion do you think it is I'm interested in your opinion do you think that that's a harmful dating Dynamic I don't think that that is my objective to dating going out there and taking virginities that's not my thing but going out and dating multiple women I've done that forever but do you think it's an honest but I think I don't want to focus on The Virginity I want to focus on the bigger messenger no you're missing the point Liz what percentage of men are millionaires in the world I don't think that's the point the point is what I'm asking you a question Miss Elizabeth because I respect your opinion you're beautiful you're smart you're educated what percentage of men are millionaires I don't know to guess you're smart I have no idea I'll Google it fine okay it's only the answer if you want the answer eight percent of men let's say what percentage of men are six foot with six packs we just did this earlier I mean I'm not six foot but what percentage all right I don't even know what while you're Googling this Millions millionaire ABS in shape actually a man who is good looking fit takes care of his person a man who can provide protect be present for his woman these to become the top G Liz what does g mean what does that mean to you a [ __ ] top gangster oh what does that mean a top like a Top Male a high value alpha male okay that's what you're saying what do you love about your husband go ahead I love that he is Godly I love that he is a man of virtue I love that he is strong I love that he is a man of integrity I love that how tall is your husband 510 he's five ten he probably served in the U.S Navy so he's border patrol provider I met your husband so let me get this straight he's a tall good looking studly man who's done well for himself yes okay don't you think it's incumbent on most men to try to accomplish that to be materially successful I didn't say that to be good looking successful leader in shape lead men don't you think that's important for men I think the number one most important thing for men to do is to try to be Godly that's your opinion it is yes okay that's your opinion I'm answering your question though you're asking my opinion if I think those things are important I think the most important thing for a man to do is to be Godly I think to provide in person priests don't get married okay well that's their bet but there are some pastors that do get married when you marry a pastor kids get pressure off the Altar Boys I feel like you're trying to see where you're going with this okay the point is this you're you're lambasting this man for accomplishing what very few men can accomplish the fact that he's made all this repeat to me what I said when you say I lambastian for what he's accomplished I don't care how much money he has what did I say my problem why are you focused on the money what did I say my problem was you're missing the entire point of my point tell me what your point is why do so many men so many men not just impressionable 13 year olds men grown ass [ __ ] men yeah 40 years old successful good values moral compass strong leaders why do those men find him fascinating and resonate with him answer me that yes why do grown ass men not teenagers actually love these guys let me tell you why yes and it's what I said before because they're all toxic masculinity do you I mean you live in the United States of America you understand that the most powerful politicians and the most powerful cultural influences James Cameron for goodness sake in Hollywood called testosterone a toxic men are told that if they so much as pursue a woman or ask her on a date that they are sexually harassing men right now aren't afforded due process of law when they face frivolous allegations of sexual misconduct that could be to the level of criminal conduct do you understand how vulnerable this makes young men yeah because I'm a man I understand what it is I know that's what I think the last thing why men resonate with him because of how powerfully men react to being attacked and then you have Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate coming in and saying I see you and that attack that's happening against You Is Wrong you've done don't have to face that I'm going to give you the secret to avoiding that into succeeding anyway when everything from the education system to our legal system to our culture is telling men that they are worthless that they are bad that they're inherently rapists I mean it's bad what's happening to men they come in and say I have a solution so that you don't have to live that that's more powerful than a drug Adam that's why men find attractive you bring up a good point but you've never been a man so you're arguing with me a grown-ass man and amongst other men what it's like to be a man and what we're feeling I can assure you this my lovely friend the number one thing that men are not taking from Andrew tata's the the matriarchy is coming against you and you can't go out and talk to women it's actually the exact opposite it's oh you want warm women in your life you want more success in your life you want better cars bigger things bigger dreams more beautiful in your life follow these steps not you're a victim I understand you I'll give you a hug let me show you how it's okay what's going on I've used one of Andrew Tate's words that he uses to describe the attack on masculinity about an hour ago on this show That's How Deeply Andrew Tate's message is in your own mind I'm observing it what's the word The Matrix okay he's the one that made that word aft long after the movie become a staple in every young man man's vocabulary The Matrix is after you here's how you avoid the Matrix here's how you're successful in spite of the Matrix I'm not telling you how to feel you don't feel however you want it what's your point what's your react because I said the word let's ask a different question here let me because I'm still trying to figure out where okay so Tom question for you that video right there with how to take three rivers virginities per year what do you think about as a father of two girls would you want your daughters to watch that video well I'll I'll speak as a person who once upon a time wasn't a father of two girls um I see what they're doing and they're they're providing a prescription for basically men that are under attack in modern society and I I think it's I think it's pretty horrifying however what's equally horrifying is there are you know this is not one-sided there are women that are living in this Fallen World who do not have Godly foundations who are playing into it as well so this is not this is not a zero game um but it's it's it's indicative of a fallen world that lives without Foundation that will be led to the most base of our animal instincts and I think they're providing a very you know intricate plan on how to play in roam and succeed in that construct that's the construct of life we have and you know what I it's not my construct and it's not a construct that I want my daughters to buy into or be a part of but it's a construct but there's women that are playing into that without Godly foundations as well and that's the game okay so let me give my feedback and then we can go to the next Story number one uh I I don't know why he makes that video I would never make a video like that to say how many virginities you take per year etc etc if you date you know and if you have a sister your Dynamics changes in the way you view the world you know because you're so protective of your sister so in your mind if you're afraid of God and you have the fear of God you fear what you do to girls one day is going to come back and someone's going to do to your sister or they're going to do to your kid so that fear of God is a very powerful thing to have I had that since I was a kid so it messed with me a lot because I had an older sister and I'm super protective now um for me my daughters are going to watch that video smart I'm going to have both of my girls watch that video when they get to an age and I'm gonna say hey check this out girls here's a guy named Tristan okay I've spent time with them I actually like this guy and by the way if you're also not too careful you will also like guys like this because they're out there because they're Charming they're sexy they're attractive but their outcomes are different outcomes so someone is going to try to take your virginity away from you okay you only get to say that once God willing it's your choice and it's somebody you love that maybe leads to you getting married or you save yourself that's a choice you got to make as an individual and as a parent you got to prepare them okay as a putting them in the right environment God all of those things you got to do yourself so one they're watching that video to know exactly what some of the tactics may be number two I think you know uh strategies out there most men have no clue on how to date a girl no clue on how to date a girl there are strategies on how to date a co-worker there are strategies on how to date you know areas What markets to Target heck there was a documentary Wedding Crashers where you can go you know and Target funerals if you remember Will Ferrell rocked the funerals right that was it I watched a documentary many times some lived it some watched it but to to you know Neil uh what's the guy's name Neil Strauss wrote the book the game that him and I were talking I'm at Harvard I'm talking to the guy in 2015 I said Neil I want to bring you on I'll never forget what he said he says Pat I don't want to talk about the book the game I said why he says because I'm actually married right now with kids my life change actually never wanted them now I'm embarrassed of writing that book somewhere to you right so but but here's the point the point is he may be going through that face one day and he may say good for him for us to expect and look at Tristan and Andrew as their Jesus and they walk on water that's not my standard of anybody I learned a long time ago if you have that standard of anybody you'll be disappointed very quickly but the amount of influence that they're having out there boys and what they're doing if there isn't a father figure that's teaching those things kids are going to gravitate to somebody like that like that that's going to inspire them I think they're doing more good for society than bad if you ask me I think they're fighting the fight and unfortunately sometimes the people that we want to fight to fight will never meet a hundred percent of everybody's criterias never the people who have the courage to go up against the biggest bullies of all time were never people you would have said I like a hundred things out of a hundred things that this guy stands for no they're typically very very complicated human beings that have lived a very weird lives that have been tough lives that they have some scars they have some Vengeance in them but they're fearless and to get that kind of fearlessness requires a pretty shitty life to live to get to a point like that some people that have lived a very proper life mom and dad would marry the entire time they were together they were not grown in the streets my parents got two divorces from each other for 20 years certain lives are creating different kinds of human beings I don't sit there and say that is the gold standard on every single thing you should do with your life I say yeah you know that's a pretty crazy video to make you know what if I was friends with you at that time I would tell you what are you doing making this video just take this thing down this is an isolated so here's what I hear that you're saying you can correct me if I'm wrong I hear you saying that the type of behavior that he was encouraging and training young men in and this is the type of stuff that's behind their paywall if you join their Hustler University or whatever they call it so you're saying that you would view that as a threat to your daughters because you're going to show them show this video to your daughters in order to warn them about young men who would take advantage of them sexually by deceiving them into thinking that they're cared about I'm surrounded by players I mean you view that as a threat to your own children which means that you don't view what Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate are bringing to young men as something positive because what they're doing is they're training other young men to behave like that yeah they do have an incredible opportunity I I acknowledge what you're saying they came from a hard background and they've been financially successful I would argue that they were financially or financially successful for immoral reasons I mean they ran a pornography business that's not really something to be proud of it's not something that you want to inspire in other young men is to run only fans accounts not give the girls the passwords manipulate them into staying in the house I mean that's not really a positive thing but if they if they if this is what they're teaching to young men then the next generation of young men who may not be as wise as you are and saying I don't put anybody on a pedestal I don't view anyone as a savior they do view these guys as a savior because it's the only people it's the only people that are telling them like yes you have a valid grievance with your masculinity being attacked we're gonna have a we're gonna have a culture of young men in 10 years who are objectifying women using them and modifying their bodies that's good if I have a binary choice between the current educational system that's getting people to go from traditional this point eight percent than being part of the lgbtq party uh the community who can say party or really party or church whatever you want to call it it's a party and you got Boomers is what two percent then you got you know Millennials is whatever then next one is when then gens these are 21 yeah if that indoctrine is turning one out of five people kids to be part of lgbtq and these guys are not I would much rather have them listen to this guy just to be fair with you can I make one quick Point yeah so you've got 20 seconds everything's about you got 20 seconds because we got to move on I got 15 minutes evolving and getting better I would argue that that video was done many many years ago and I think they have about their defense okay so you read the game I read the game most guys will want to read something like that to get more women at some point you're going to evolve I'll give one last thing I started reading pbd's book over the week choose your enemies wisely okay they have chosen their enemies very wisely and in many any cases the enemies have chosen them but Pat in the beginning of the book talks about logic versus emotion what is not the good emotions is actually what these guys talk about and it's the foundation of stoicism what is not good emotion is being sensitive illogical weak-minded impulsive irrational and just being a [ __ ] but what is good emotion is having passion stoicism being hyper obsessed with what you want to accomplish being relentless being powerful and having purpose and I would argue that the Tates try to bring out those types of emotions the good emotions in men so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 894,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment, andrew tate, liz wheeler, pbd, pbd podcast, patrick bet-david, tristan tate
Id: tgNGrT3B1ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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